Extreme Demon

Chapter 378 Tragedy 1

Let's drink together, don't be restrained. Qionghuan is here this time to give the most precious blessings to all the warriors.

Tianxing prays for blessings, and all virtues pay attention. Although the demon world is strong, my Da Yin cannot be suppressed by just a few demon armies. Prince Qionghuan said loudly while standing among the crowd holding a drink.

Your Highness is absolutely right. We have been favored by the Emperor, guarding the border and enjoying the glory. We have nothing to repay. Now that the demon army is strong, it is the day for us to serve the imperial court.

Mr. Chen is right. We don't have many members of the Youyi Sect, but the ones who are not afraid of death are the most numerous!

We, the Spirit Binding Sect, have already prepared provisions and weapons. We are just waiting for His Highness to open the jade mouth in person.

Two old men with white hair and beards pinched their beards and whispered softly. Although their voices were soft, they were deliberately spread throughout the hall.

Master Yuan Zheng of Qianyang Sect had a flash of displeasure in his eyes, lowered his head and whispered a few words to the people around him. Jiuwei Cave Master didn't arrive at all, and only a few hall masters came from Youyi Sect. At a night banquet, only Qianyang Sect came to the most.

After the prince chatted with a few familiar elders for a while, he became increasingly cold-hearted. He was with Xini, but he didn't expect that the other party was also with Xini just like him.

In order to brighten the atmosphere, a senior member of the Spirit Binding Sect smiled and joked with the prince, but he accidentally made him unable to get up and down, and almost failed to get off the stage.

About half an hour later.

It's getting late. Your Highness, have you ever considered... An old man who cooperated with the conversation bowed to Qionghuan and was about to reveal the true purpose of this trip.


A loud sound of glass shattering suddenly spread from inside and outside the Meizhu Courtyard where the night banquet was held.

The guests who had planned to evacuate and did not want to get involved in the internal affairs of the royal family changed their expressions when they heard this loud noise.

Qiong Huan was halfway through speaking when suddenly a loud noise interrupted his arrangements below. A hurried young man approached him quickly and whispered something affectionately into his ear.

Seriously!? Qiong Huandang raised his voice by eight tunes, regardless of everyone's gaze.

If Master Yuan Zheng hadn't left early, and there were only the second-in-commands of the three sects present, Qiong Huan's behavior would have been able to scare many people.

Seriously! The man nodded affirmatively.

Cheng Xiu, one of the deputy sect leaders of the Qianyang Sect, Situ Jin, one of the deputy sect leaders of the Binding Ling Sect, and An He, one of the deputy sect leaders of the Youyi Sect, all looked at each other in confusion, none of them knowing what was going on.

Prince Qionghuan sighed, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Three sect masters, can you come with me and take a look in person? This was originally an internal scandal in my imperial court, but I didn't want that evil brother to go anywhere, so he insisted on following me. Now he is even more irregular. , was discovered by the master next to me.

I originally thought that he would become a little more sensible after being excused by his father, but I didn’t expect... Qionghuan sighed seriously.

Of course we dare not refuse His Highness's invitation. Brother Situ? Brother An? Let's go and see it together? Cheng Xiu, as the host, had no choice but to speak out. It's just that he already had bad associations in his mind at this time.

The group of people all said yes.

The senior officials of the three sects surrounded Prince Qionghuan and walked out of the hall, heading towards the direction where the sound came from.

The location where the sound came from was on the left side outside the hall, in front of a pond.

In the gray-white open space, a handsome young man with a stunned and confused face was standing. The young man's appearance is similar to that of Qiong Huan, plus he has the unique prince's robe and the number twenty-seven embroidered on his collar.

Everyone still doesn't understand that this person is the 27th Highness of the Great Yin Imperial Court, Prince Qiongzhang.

Prince Qiongzhang is the most special one among the entire Dayin Imperial Court royal family. He does not have a strong family background with a large number of people, nor does he have extremely powerful qualifications and talents. Instead, he has extremely outstanding musical skills and is extremely emotional.

It's just that he was standing in the open space with a confused look on his face, one hand was held by someone, and he couldn't leave or not.

Next to him is a noble girl who is weak in appearance but very similar to him. The girl was wearing a pink tight skirt. The hem of the skirt was tightly covered by her hands. From the edge, it could be seen that the entire skirt was torn and divided into two rags from the sides. As long as she stood up, the girl's thighs and buttocks It will be all exposed at once.

Xiao Erqi Qiong Huan's face suddenly turned extremely ugly when he saw the posture in front of him.

Brother! You have to make the decision for your sister!! As soon as the noble girl covering her skirt saw Qiong Huan, she screamed loudly, and her previous weakness suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Yunmei, you, you are twenty-seven's biological sister. He... Qionghuan looked shocked, staring at the girl and being speechless.

With tears in her eyes, the girl bowed her head heavily and cried. Her attire at this time, coupled with her desperate cries. What exactly happened is no longer clear.

Sister, Chusha is gone. The girl cried loudly.

Princess Chusha's chastity is not called chastity in the imperial court, but Chusha. And without the first sand, it represents this girl.

Everyone was shocked.

Especially the three deputy sect leaders of the three sects, this time they really understood why the sect leaders either didn't show up or ran away early. It turns out that now, I am actually involved in such dirty things.

Even if the Great Yin is extremely open-minded, it is impossible to tolerate a beast that attacks his direct blood sister!

As soon as the girl said these words, the twenty-seventh prince suddenly turned pale.

It's not that I didn't, he muttered, wanting to argue, but someone immediately came forward and began to point out the clues one by one. Even the dirt on the scene was pointed out.

The twenty-seventh prince, Qiong Zhan, was trembling and his face turned pale.

Twenty-seven, everyone in the world knows that you only betrayed military intelligence, but I, Qionghuan, have always thought you were a good person, but now. Now, Qionghuan said with tears in his eyes.

Qiong Bei was like a thunderbolt. He just heard the screams and came over to see what was going on. However, the imperial sister who had always been pleasant to him actually used the scent of medicine to seduce him in the corner and charmed him. When he realized When you don't know clearly, it's already too late

He felt numb in his heart, and he didn't know that it was his most beloved imperial brother who had set a trap.

Erba Huangmei is his biological sister from the same father and mother! **! Even if he were a prince, he would not be able to be pardoned for such crimes, and because he was from the royal family, he would be even more guilty.

Wait! Brother Qiong Zhang can't do that! It can't be him! There must be some misunderstanding! A delicate and frail girl's voice squeezed out from the crowd.

The girl who looked very much like Su Fei was panting and pushing her way through the crowd before jumping in front of Prince Qiong.

She looked around at the traces back and forth, and her eyes suddenly turned red. He grabbed Qiong Zhang's thin arm tightly and wouldn't let go.

It's you!! That spy from the demon world!!? Suddenly, the violated imperial sister saw the girl's face and screamed in horror.

There was a rapid sound of armor all around, and soon the Qianyang Sect's inner courtyard law enforcement team arrived, together with Prince Qionghuan's own escort team, hurriedly arrived.

boom! !

Suddenly, as if blowing air, the imperial sister's whole body expanded rapidly from the inside, and before she could scream, she exploded like a balloon.

Broken bones and flesh with a purple halo flew everywhere, causing at least a dozen guards in the surrounding area to die on the spot.

Protect His Highness!!

Assassin! There is an assassin!!

Royal sister!!!

The light in the entire banquet hall dimmed suddenly, and all the lights were extinguished at once, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

Before anyone could react and use any means of lighting, another explosion immediately sounded from the crowd.

boom! !

boom! ! ! boom! !

Continuous explosions continued to sound. Without the firelight, lavender light groups exploded one after another, and the top three sects also fell into chaos. Qionghuan fell backward on the spot and was blown unconscious.


A deep voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Qiong Zhan and the girl. The two of them didn't have time to think about it, so they got up and ran away.

In a dead end of an alley a few hundred meters away from the two of them, a portal to the distant outside world was slowly opening.

Lu Sheng mingled in the crowd and watched almost the whole process. Prince Qiongzhang was really unjust. The princess beside him did lose her virginity, but it was not with him, but with someone who had long ago ended up with someone else. , just taking the opportunity to frame him.

If he read it correctly, your so-called imperial sister has already had sex with countless men and is a virgin.

However, these were matters of the Dayin royal family and had nothing to do with him. His purpose was just to find out what the background of the woman who looked the same as Su Fei was.

And who is this play tonight for?

At this moment, seeing Qiong Zhang running away with the girl, his heart moved slightly, and he followed them quietly from the darkness.

Despite Su Fei's warning, he didn't want to wade into the muddy waters of the Dayin Royal Family yet. It's not that I'm afraid, but it's not necessary.

The struggle between royal families and princes naturally does not rise to the level of military masters, but there are too many taboos in it.

Qiong Zhang and the girl hurriedly ran along, following the shadows of the Qianyang Sect's inner courtyard, but no one noticed their traces for a while.

Unfortunately, when they ran to a huge lotus sculpture, a tall and generous figure blocked the two of them, and also blocked the only road leading to the delivery door.

His Royal Highness Twenty-seven, the fifth princess is your dearest sister. Forget about that little naughty thing just now, but the fifth princess loves you the most on weekdays. How could you do that? the figure's voice said It's so sad that it makes you cry when you smell it, and makes you sad when you see it.

At this time, Qiongzhang ran closer, and he saw clearly that the person was Liu Songbo, the minister of stargazing who had led him to escape from the palace and find Qionghuan as cover.

Fifth Sister!!? Fifth Sister, what's wrong with her??! Hearing Liu Songbu's cry, Qiong Zhang suddenly trembled and stood motionless, as if she was in a daze.

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