Extreme Demon

Chapter 377 Feast 4


In the room, Lu Sheng flicked his Xiu Ming Dao with a flick of his finger.

He had already done all the three sacrificial steps. Unlike the Weihe Sword, his blood and Xiu Ming Dao were actually absorbed completely without any ripples. This made Lu Sheng more confident in this magical weapon. .

Blood sacrifice, worship sacrifice, divine sacrifice.

He only used his true energy to worship, and the rest of his power was not used at all. The divine sacrifice only used one-tenth of the normal standard. In fact, the three sacrifices were not completed, but this was Lu Sheng's purpose. The unknown magic weapon was given to him by Su Fei Fei with malicious intentions, and he didn't dare to accept it completely. At this level, if something really goes wrong, it will only be a minor injury and it will take half a month to recover.

Perhaps the Divine Sacrifice is too shallow. Apart from mastering one more sword move, there is nothing else. Xiu Ming Dao, Xiu Ming Dao actually has a divine weapon without the consciousness of a divine weapon? Lu Sheng frowned and stroked the cloud pattern on the long sword. , looking at it from a close distance, the cloud patterns on the silver blade look more like handprints in different shapes and postures.

The ability of the knife is bright light. It releases a light called bright light. Everyone who sees the bright light will fall into a brief blank of consciousness. They can be used as human beings.

His abilities are quite domineering, and he lives up to his reputation as a gold-leaf-level person. It's just... Lu Sheng recalled the look in Su Fei's eyes when he gave him the knife. There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his eyes. If Lu Sheng hadn't had extremely sharp five senses, he wouldn't have been able to detect it.

There must be something wrong with this knife. Lu Sheng inserted the knife back into the ground and stood aside, watching it quietly. According to the classics we have learned before, it is impossible for there to be unconscious divine weapons in the world. According to the records of the Yuan Mo Sect's classics, the ancestors' research found that any ability of the divine weapons and magic blades is actually a divine weapon. Mapping of consciousness.

In other words, since Xiu Ming Dao's bright light ability exists, it means that this magic weapon definitely has consciousness.

Lu Sheng, where did you get this magic weapon? Suddenly, a solemn voice came from the Weihe Sword hanging on the wall.

What? There's something wrong with this knife? Lu Sheng then remembered that there was an old immortal soldier in his room who had lived for thousands of years.

There is a problem, and it is very serious! Weihe Jian said in a solemn tone. There is a faint hint of evil in the aura. This sword is not a magic blade, nor is it a magic weapon. It is most likely an evil weapon!

Evil soldiers? Lu Sheng was stunned. what is that?

A powerful weapon that has the ability to bring disaster to all living beings and cannot be tolerated in this world. Weihe Jian explained. If it is not necessary, I suggest you sell it as soon as possible. Every evil weapon will be accompanied by all kinds of unusual troubles. Although it is indeed very powerful.

Unfortunately, if I were truly perfect, the contract I made with you would prevent you from making contracts with other divine weapons. It’s just that my body is broken now.”

In fact, the contract between Weihe Sword and Lu Sheng was just a sub-magical weapon contract. Such a contract was actually no different from the weapon embedded with fragments of the divine weapon that Lu Sheng had obtained. It's just a little more powerful, that's all.

But the Xiu Ming Sword is a truly complete divine weapon. After entering the Three Sacrifice, Lu Sheng has already been accepted as his current sword master.

Forget it, I can't tell what's wrong with this sword for the moment. Let's use it first. Lu Sheng has never been a person who thinks about things before and after. There is no evil weapon or evil weapon. In his opinion, there is no right or wrong in power, just use it. How are the people.

The key point now is that, taking advantage of this little free time, he plans to take a closer look at how much divine power there is in the Weihe Sword and this Xiu Ming Dao.

He hasn't forgotten that this is one of the key reasons why he actually bought the magic weapon.

Take the Weihe Sword out of the wall. Lu Sheng began to reach out and gently touch the scabbard inch by inch. At the same time, the consciousness suppresses the power of the magic weapon that naturally emanates from the sword.

After the power of the divine weapon faded, sure enough, the strange power on the scabbard was naturally revealed.

Sure enough! Fortunately, I guessed correctly! Lu Sheng was overjoyed. Slowly close your eyes and absorb the strange power with all your strength.


Wisps of divine power flowed silently along the Weihe Sword and poured into Lu Sheng's body.

It happened that he had consumed all his spiritual power not long ago. At this time, the power in the sword was like water flowing into a dry desert, and was quickly absorbed and stored by Lu Sheng's body.

The Weihe Sword felt a little hairy when his body was touched so affectionately, but he noticed that the blade of the sword seemed to have changed slightly. He also knew that Lu Sheng would not do useless things. This extremely mysterious contractor was much better than he was before. The other contractors he met were all mysterious and powerful, so he simply shrunk and simply hid in the deepest part of the sword and went to sleep.

Lu Sheng absorbed the divine power for more than an hour. By the time he woke up, it was almost dark outside.

Deep Blue. Without any delay, he directly called out the modifier in his mind to see how much spiritual power he had absorbed.

The light blue square suddenly popped up and floated in the center of the field of vision. Lu Sheng raised his eyes and looked into each square. Within a square box, there are buttons everywhere that can be modified and deduced.

He roughly calculated the current total amount of spiritual power based on the real power techniques that he had deduced before, as well as the consumption level of the eight magic spells and other magic skills.

At least there are more than three hundred units. The water flows down slowly, and the harvest is pretty good. It's not as much as expected, but it's still a lot, and Lu Sheng is satisfied. He gently raised the Weihe Sword and put it behind his back, then looked at the Xiu Ming Dao stuck on the ground.

It was getting late at this time, and the Xiu Ming blade inserted on the ground was glowing with a faint blue light, and the blade seemed to have a pale and cold feeling. It makes people feel uncomfortable just by looking at it.

Lu Sheng took a step closer and stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife. He could not feel the presence of any supernatural power at all.

He frowned and touched Youlan's blade again.

Still doesn't have any spiritual power at all.

It's impossible, how come there isn't one? Lu Sheng frowned, but he didn't have a clue for the time being. There were too many variables in the magic weapon and magic blade, and he didn't know much about this field.

He could only reach out and pull the knife out from the ground and put it back into the scabbard.

The Xiu Ming Dao blade was extremely soft, so Lu Sheng simply wrapped it around his waist like a belt.

Then he got up and changed his clothes, preparing to go to the inner courtyard venue to attend the night banquet hosted by Prince Da Yin Qiong Huan.

He agreed to Su Fengfei's matter, and since he had spoken, he would try to find out. Of course, he and Su Fengfei had their own evil intentions, and neither of them had good intentions. Naturally, Lu Sheng would not be willing to help him sincerely. He also decided that as long as there was nothing he could do, he would retreat immediately.

He changed into the Qianyang Sect's standard inner courtyard disciple uniform, which was a set of light yellow waist robes with a huge thousand characters embroidered on the back.

Complete with a headband, belt, and boots.

After everyone was dressed neatly, the subtle formation patterns on the edge of the robe slowly shimmered and disappeared in a flash. This means that the dust-cleaning array attached to the entire robe is working. As long as Lu Sheng continuously supplies infuriating energy, only a trace of infuriating energy can ensure the operation of the array, thereby eliminating most dust and dirt in the future.

But this does not mean that Qianyang Sect's inner court disciples do not need to take a shower. The dust from the outside world is isolated, but they still have to clean up the sweat on their own bodies.

After sorting everything out, Lu Sheng walked to the door and pushed it open.


Suddenly, he stopped and turned his head to look behind him. Just at that moment, he seemed to feel something furry, touching the side of his hand slightly.

Looking back, the room was quiet, there was nothing, and the shadow of the light was slowly moving along the ground.

Lu Sheng turned around, straightened his collar, and strode towards the courtyard door.

He had no idea that a girl in black with shoulder-length hair was clinging tightly to his back. The two of them were back to back, just moving together.

The girl was raising her head, leaning her long hair tightly against Lu Sheng's back, and humming a silent song softly.

As Lu Sheng continued to move forward, the girl's plump skin gradually shriveled up, and a large amount of blood flowed out from her hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Soon after a few breaths, she was left with only a thin piece of human skin hanging on the Lu Sheng's back.

Eventually even the human skin gradually faded and disappeared.


In the melodious music, Meiji danced like a colorful butterfly.

Wine and food were randomly placed on the long tables on both sides of the wall. In the center of the hall stood a copper wine pot as tall as one person, with strands of wine slowly flowing out from the mouth of the pot, dripping onto the circular table below. Inside the pool.

The turquoise and fruity wine filled the entire pool, rippling with light blue waves.

There were a lot of people in the hall, and most of the senior officials of the three sects had arrived and were chatting with Prince Qionghuan on the platform. The crowd burst into laughter from time to time.

The disciples were sitting below, in a row of disciples from Qianyang Sect. Lu Sheng, together with the other young disciples who were also wearing yellow robes, had drinks, fruits, vegetables, nuts and snacks in front of them.

A total of more than thirty people came to the Qianyang Sect's inner courtyard. Most of them were sitting upright in a row. Even if they chatted, their voices were very low and they seemed to be quite educated.

The Youyi Sect's disciples were different. The disciples were arming each other, eating and drinking, and were uninhibited and unrestrained.

The disciples of the Spirit Binding Sect were chatting everywhere with wine glasses in their hands, most of them with false smiles on their faces.

Lu Sheng sat in his seat, but his eyes couldn't help but scan around the place, looking for a woman who looked exactly like his teacher Su Fei.

Brother Lu, is it interesting to sit here in a polite manner? Come out for a walk? Sun Rongji, smelling of alcohol, approached Lu Sheng's table and said casually.

Okay. Lu Sheng also happened to want to get up and walk around more to see if he could find the woman Su Fei wanted. After all, I got a magic weapon. Although it is a somewhat evil weapon, the performance of the skill still has to be perfunctory.

He stood up and walked out of the hall with Sun Rongji, leaning against the white jade fence on the side terrace and looking out.

There were also many men and women standing on the open lawn outside the hall. The crowds dispersed in clusters, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Speaking of which, Brother Lu should have developed his skills before entering Qianyang Sect, right? Sun Rongji said casually with a smile.

Indeed. That was a long time ago. Lu Sheng nodded.

It's a coincidence. I just met a noble man. It is said that he is the same. Sun Rongji was still saying something. But Lu Sheng stopped listening.

His eyes suddenly fell on a woman who had just passed not far in front of him.

This woman looked like a frightened bunny, wearing a white skirt and a net hat made of white flowers on her head. She was carefully holding up her skirt and hurried towards the door of the hall.

The most important thing is that this woman's face is exactly the same as Su Fei's. If Su Fei was indifferent most of the time, then this woman was timid and weak.

Excuse me, I happened to meet an old friend. Lu Sheng interrupted Sun Rongji's eloquence and said with a smile on his face.

Sorry, I had to step away for a while. In the Youyi Sect team, a cold-faced silver-haired woman rudely interrupted the man in front of her.

Where is it? Senior Sister He, please do me a favor. Please do me a favor.

Sima He nodded lightly, turned around and followed the girl in the white dress out of the hall.

Thank you again for last week’s list of 10,000 points~


A certain taro

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Luobo Geng is actually still here...like it~(??????)??

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