Extreme Demon

Chapter 374 Feast 1

It's Yunying! Changsun Lan suddenly changed his color and shouted.

Let's go! Lu Sheng suddenly started to run forward. With the help of a short section of cliff in front of the cave entrance, he rushed forward quickly, stepped on the end of the cliff, and jumped into the air, leaping towards Cloud Eagle.

Lu Sheng's whole body formed into a large figure and he rushed toward Yunying. His eyes, which were facing away from the two of them, slowly lit up dark red.


The Weihe sword suddenly came out of its sheath.

Countless silver-blue waves suddenly appeared behind Lu Sheng, like blue waves like the sea.

In an instant, his whole body seemed to turn into a full moon on the sea, falling heavily on Yunying's back.

Cloud Eagle, who was about to get angry, suddenly had a flash of fear in his eyes, and finally let Lu Sheng fall on its back.

The full moon dispersed, causing Yun Ying to sink hard, but he did not dare to resist at all. Lu Sheng then stood up, patted the Weihe Sword hard, and said with a smile: As expected of my divine weapon, Yunying can easily suppress it.

Sun Rongji and Sun Rongji were also startled at this time, and quickly jumped down. After aligning their direction, Yunying took care of the two of them for a while, and then managed to land on their backs.

It's really amazing! Even Yunying, who was born with Earth Element, can easily suppress it. It's amazing!! Sun Rongji stood up and praised with wide eyes.

It's strange, it was clearly not me who took action just now. Weihe Jian just wanted to say something.


A crisp sound came from the hilt of the sword held by Lu Sheng, and the sound of Weihe Sword suddenly stopped.

Lu Sheng smiled and said, It's not bad. I've been practicing for many years to become one with the sword. At this level, it's not much different after all.

Brother Lu, since you have such a powerful magic weapon, why didn't you use it before? Sun Rongji asked in surprise with a hint of envy.

To be honest, in fact, I don't draw my sword many times, just because I don't want to accidentally hurt my loved one. It's really because my sword is too powerful. If I'm not careful, not to mention the level, even the earth element will not be able to escape injury.

Weihe Sword: .

I see. I didn't expect that when Brother Lu took action before, he still tolerated me waiting. Sun Rongji smiled bitterly and shook his head, It's useless for me to be so pretentious that I think the Mo Ling Mansion is the best in the world.

Senior Brother Lu, I also have a secret treasure of yours here. If you encounter danger, try to get closer to me. Changsun Lan suddenly sent a message to Lu Sheng softly.

Lu Sheng was also stunned. He didn't expect that Master Yuan Zheng would even consider his share. A slight warmth rose in my heart.

Okay, be careful and pay attention to your surroundings. If I guess correctly, that starry sky noble is nearby, and it must be easy to spot. We should be able to distinguish it easily from high altitude. Be careful to take action when the time comes.



The three of them lay on Cloud Eagle's back and carefully looked at the ground through the steel-like feathers.

On the vast expanse of gray-black plains, strange-shaped trees blowing smoke are sparsely scattered everywhere. Between the big trees are winding lanes, like white lines on black cloth, which are unusually clear.

Lu Sheng looked forward along the driveway, and soon he saw a group of people holding bloody pennants not far ahead.

There were only seven or eight people in this team, but they were all wearing red and black armor, with thick lizard tails trailing behind their buttocks.

The person at the head was tall, and his right arm hung down by his side, like the claws of some beast. It was huge and thicker than his waist.

I heard that the starry sky nobles of the demon clan in the demon world all have special pennants with different symbols. It seems that our target should be that team? Sun Rongji also saw the team on the ground.

They are all demons. Kill them first. Lu Sheng said calmly, pressing his hand on Yunying.

But Cloudhawk refused to fly low, and instead whined and begged.

It doesn't dare to offend the starry sky nobles. Here, the starry sky nobles under the Demon Emperor should have a very high status. Sun Rongji shook his head.

Forget it, let's go down by ourselves. Lu Sheng didn't embarrass it and asked Cloud Eagle to lower its height and put the three people down on another flat ground.

The three of them jumped down and landed beside a big tree that was emitting black smoke, half-crouching on the ground.

Go. Lu Sheng said to the cloud eagle above his head, and his spirit no longer tried to suppress it.

Cloud Eagle let out a clear cry of gratitude, turned around hurriedly, flapped its wings, and flew away into the distance.

We should think about how to go back later. Sun Rongji said helplessly, The cave is very big and very high.

Climb the mountain. Lu Sheng said two words casually, Let's go. He took the lead and walked towards the starry sky nobles.

The two people behind him had no choice but to follow closely.

Passing through the dense black trees, the three of them soon stood on the white driveway, facing the demon army's team.

The demon at the head looked over from a distance, raised his hand, and signaled the team to stop.

Do it. Lu Sheng suddenly rushed forward. In just a few steps, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and slashed down on the demon with the Weihe Sword.


The demon roared, and a black steel claw popped out of its left arm, grabbing Lu Sheng head-on.

At this time, the other two people also arrived and started fighting with other demons around them.

Each of these demons were more than two meters tall. They looked bulky, but in fact they were very agile. They spread out and surrounded the three of Lu Sheng in the center.

Go! Changsun Lanyang shook his hand, and more than a dozen white flames flew out, falling on the ground and turning into a low crocodile with all white bodies.

The crocodile was more than two meters long, swinging its huge tail and swooping towards other demons.

Sun Rongji pulled out Fang Tian's painted halberd from nowhere and fought with an extraordinary demon. The two were inextricably killed. Sun Rongji is faster and his moves are more consistent. The demon's armor was thick, and it didn't matter if he was hit occasionally. Although his overall strength was not as good as Sun Rongji's, he still held him back with all his might.

Changsun Lan stood there, controlling more than a dozen servant crocodiles to entangle the other demons.

Quick, my Smoke Crocodile can only last for thirty breaths! She shouted urgently to Lu Sheng and the others. The rest of the demons are all quick in movement, rough-skinned and thick-flesh, and their attacks from time to time are filled with strong demonic aura, corroding the smoke crocodile leather armor.

Changsun Lan also did not expect that all of these demons were at the four-grain level. Generally, the demon army did have a single-grain level. This was also the general range of strength of most demon armies.

But the four lines are a bit exaggerated. The Demon Clan is not like the Human Race. As far as Chang Sun Lan knows, the strength gap between the different races of the Demon Clan is extremely stable, and the strength of different ethnic groups and races is also determined from the beginning. It is difficult to cross this threshold by other means.

The three-marked people will become three-marked when they reach adulthood, and the five-marked people will become five-marked when they reach adulthood. Only a few can break through the limit and reach a higher level.

The demons who broke through like that were revered as demon generals. The Demon General has entered the so-called starry sky noble category, and all the descendants of the Demon General can inherit the position of the starry sky noble.

Compared to the first generation of Demon Generals, there are actually more successors.

At present, in this team, the other demons alone have the strength of the fourth line, and since the one in the head is a starry sky noble, he is most likely the first generation demon general. Breaking through the existence of levels.

Be careful! Thinking of this, Changsun Lan suddenly shouted in the direction of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng held his sword and fought with the demon like lightning, and the two of them had already reached the periphery, which was hundreds of meters away from where they were.

What Lu Sheng didn't expect was that this demon had the speed and strength at the top of the Seven Marks. Moreover, sometimes he relies on better tricks and cuts the opponent's armor, only to be slightly injured.

You must know that he uses the same peak speed and power of the seven lines. Moreover, the consciousness at the Holy Lord level is still controlling the battle.

This means that the seven patterns of the human race are no match for the demon race.

You guys actually dare to come here to assassinate me. You really don't know how to live or die! The demon sneered and even knew the Yin Mandarin.

His claws brought up waves of black wind, and the black wind was faintly mixed with a large amount of poisonous sand. If Lu Sheng hadn't been physically extremely strong, if he encountered an ordinary human race, the poisonous sand alone would have been enough for him to drink a pot.

Just like this, the black film in front of Lu Sheng was constantly rippling, being shaken by the arsenic sand and threatening to be broken at any time.

Simply using the power of the seven lines can only suppress the opponent. It is almost impossible to kill him. An old voice came from the Weihe Sword. Use the power of blood. This is the devil's world, and we must fight quickly.

Lu Sheng made a diagonal stab, and the sword blade turned into a horizontal slash, forcing the demon to take a step back.

The power of the bloodline is too little. Although I have been wearing the sword, the time is too short. The power of the bloodline that you have penetrated and fed back to me is too little.

It doesn't matter, I'll lend you my power. Weihe Jian said calmly. This blend of power is part of the contractual relationship.

Forget it. I'll do it myself. Lu Sheng gently twisted the Weihe Sword, and a faint aura suddenly filled his body.

The aura was invisible, but it put a thin layer of weight on everything around it.

The demon's whole body froze, and then he felt the influence. Although the load was small, only more than a hundred kilograms at most, the two were evenly matched, and Lu Sheng still had the advantage.

Even though their strengths were not much different, there was suddenly such a negative gravity field. Caught off guard, the demon's movements suddenly slowed down.

Chi! !

Lu Sheng took the opportunity to stab a bloody hole in the demon's left arm with his sword.

Despicable! The demon was furious and Heshen rushed towards Lu Sheng again. This time in his rage, he moved faster and stronger, but the weight suddenly disappeared.

Accidentally, the demon used too much force and lost his balance, and the claw that hit Lu Sheng actually missed its direction. Lu Sheng easily turned around and got out of the way, but instead struck him in the waist with a sword.

Chi! !

Another black blood flower scattered on the ground.

Ah!!! The demon roared wildly, and like a roaring giant elephant, it became more and more crazier, and began to exchange injuries with Lu Sheng without fear of death.

But that weight appeared from time to time, moving left to right, up and down, constantly changing direction, pulling on his every movement. Lu Sheng also wandered around from time to time, and occasionally a sword would definitely hit his vitals.

As this situation became more and more frequent, the demons gradually lost too much blood and their movements became slower and slower. With a final pop, he fell to his knees.

You humans are despicable!! The demon roared, panting and staring at Lu Sheng with a pair of blood-red eyes.

Just die, why are you talking so much nonsense? Lu Sheng pointed his sword straight and stabbed it into his eye socket.

Plasma slowly seeped out from the edge of the sword, and the demon fell backwards to the ground, twitched for a while, and then died.

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