Extreme Demon

Chapter 373 Assassination 2

It's no problem. Get ready and we'll set off immediately. Master Yuan Zheng nodded and urged with some relief.

Then what do you want to sacrifice? Lu Sheng communicated with Weihe Jian secretly. What did you use to make sacrifices before?

Slaves, criminals, wild beasts, livestock. I don't have a big appetite, just twenty people a year. Weihe Jian said helplessly in a low voice. Can you stop being so violent? Why does it hurt so much when you pinch me? Where do you get such strength?

Can't it be replaced by something else? Lu Sheng asked again, ignoring his other questions.

You can go to the battlefield. The essence and blood of monsters are better. I only need three or five to meet your needs. Weihe Jian added.

Once a year?

once three years.

That's good. Lu Sheng nodded. The demand was very small, and he didn't have to look for sacrificial objects everywhere.

After the instructions from Master Yuan Zheng and Master Jiuwei, the next step was for other senior officials to check for abnormalities and cheating on the three of them one by one.

After that, some small things like the necessary processes and phenomena of the battle, and what to do after the end are given.

After some preparation, everyone stopped talking and waited quietly.

Time passed slowly, and not long after, a red light fell from the sky, forming a straight red light pillar, and landed on the black light ball condensed by the Master of Jiuwei Cave and Master Yuan Zheng.

Come in! Master Yuan Zheng shouted suddenly.

Changsun Lan was the first to leap forward and shoot into the black ball of light. Sun Rongji was the second one, and Lu Sheng followed the example of the two others and was the last one to jump into the black ball of light.


The outside world·unknown territory.

In a huge cave full of dead branches, thunder and lightning flashed from time to time in the dark and dark clouds outside the cave.

Blue-white electric light occasionally illuminated the three people lying on the dead branches and leaves in the cave.


Outside the huge cave entrance, which was more than thirty meters high, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky like a deer's antlers, and immediately after, large raindrops grew from small to large, and quickly became denser. It turned into a downpour in an instant.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

A black eagle, whose body was half larger than the entrance of the cave, was flapping its heavy wings and gliding past the cave with a huge gust of wind.

The whistling sound of the wind was the loud sound of the black shadow's wings flapping the airflow again and again.


Lu Sheng stood up slowly, opened his eyes and scanned his environment. He was awake a long time ago, and he woke up immediately after being delivered. To be precise, he was not unconscious at all.

Just to prevent someone from spying on me, I deliberately pretended to be unconscious. But now it seems that there is no problem.

He looked at his feet. They were all wet black dead branches and leaves. They were soft, wet and cold when he stepped on them.

Well, where is this? Sun Rongji also rubbed his temples to wake up. Seeing Lu Sheng stand up, he asked casually.

I don't know. According to the regulations stated by Master Yuan Zheng, we should be dragged to the extremely distant outside world to fight for the main line. Lu Sheng replied, Generally, the outside world has strong disciples from various prefectures and states. It has no testing effect. This must be a specially selected special outside world.

Chang Sun Lan, who was lying on his side, also woke up, slowly sat up, gently pulled out a stick-like object from the outside of his thigh, and thrust it into the ground.


With that thing as the core, a circle of transparent invisible ripples suddenly spread out in all directions. Soon it passed Sun Rongji and Lu Sheng and spread outside the cave.

This is the landmark array, which can identify hundreds of known outside place names. We just need to wait. Changsun Lanrou Judo, it seems that because of this delivery, her spirit has been greatly shaken, and she has not yet recovered. Reply back.

The three of them waited for a while, and soon, another circle of transparent ripples spread out around the stick, centered on the stick.

This is it. Changsun Lan seemed to have received some feedback, his face suddenly turned pale, and his delicate body was trembling.

It's actually the demon world!!

Demon Realm!!?? Sun Rongji was also stunned.

Lu Sheng was also surprised.

What is the concept of the Demon Realm? The Four Pillar Demon Emperors rule the vast territory of the Demon Realm, but this does not mean that they rule the entire Demon Realm.

The demon world is an extremely huge outside world. The Four Demon Emperors are like the leaders of the ethnic groups who were born and raised here. After their strength reached an extremely terrifying height, they began to establish their own power and kingdom.

But their territory is only a small part of the entire demon world, and until now, Da Yin has not figured out how big the demon world is.

This question is just like how many magic weapons and magic blades there are in the painful world. There is no answer at all.

And once you enter the demon world, no one can tell how much danger you will encounter.

How could we??! What's going on!? What on earth is going on? Sun Rongji is different from others. He has personally experienced and fought against monsters, and he also knows how powerful monsters are. Being transported into the demon world without any preparation is tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth and seeking death.

I don't know. I don't know!! Changsun Lan shook his head, his pretty face getting paler.

Okay, so what about the Demon Realm? Can you tell us if we are still in the battle? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

This question immediately cheered up Sun Rongji and Changsun Lan.

Yes, if we are still in the battle, it means that this is also the result of the deliberate arrangement of the above three sects.

Changsun Lan immediately began to control the formation flag with his eyes closed.

After a long time, she opened her eyes with a complicated look on her face, took a long breath, and felt relieved.

This is also part of the battle. This is the Demon Realm's Antuorui District, and it is also the territory of the Red Demon Clan, the largest ethnic group under Demon Emperor Vera.

Our mission is to snipe and kill the starry sky noble Yavala who is heading to the Gorge of Two Realms from the Red Demon clan. In half an hour, his team will pass by the entrance of the cave. All we have to do is take action.

What about the danger? What about the intelligence on the military level? How strong is the guard force around this starry sky noble? We don't know anything! Sun Rongji frowned. What does it mean above, let us die?

I don't think so. I'm afraid this is really part of the battle for the main pulse. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly, stood up, and stepped lightly.

With a crash, the dead branches and leaves on the ground suddenly spread out, revealing the black mud below. A line of red writing was clearly carved on the dirt floor.

‘Complete the mission and return here to return to the Great Yin. ’

Then what if we can't complete the task? Sun Rongji said with an ugly expression.

None of the three spoke.

In fact, although the previous competition missions were also cruel, they were not as dangerous as this time. Even if they were all top geniuses in various provinces, it would be too much to plunge directly into the demon world.

Geniuses are hard to die and extremely resilient, but that is hard to die, not impossible.

Is it so urgent from above? Sun Rongji said in a low voice, clenching his palms.

Don't panic. Suddenly an old voice sounded in the ears of the three of them. It was the timbre of Jiuwei Cave Master.

The situation is very dangerous now. The higher-ups really can't find the strength to take action, so we can only leave it to us to send out troops on our own. Don't worry, the part you are responsible for will not exceed your limits.

Now it's not just you, we, and the other states and governments of the other three sects have begun to take action, using the excuse of the battle to cover up the fluctuations in the formation of the war.

Jiuwei Cave Master said calmly: This is an experience and an opportunity. Survive well and don't be careless.

The voice faded away, and it was obviously just a message.

None of the three people in the cave spoke first. There was silence for a long time.

Changsun Lan silently began to plant small flags with different beast patterns on the ground. Sun Rongji took out a pair of transparent strange gloves from his backpack and slowly put them on.

Lu Sheng took off the Weihe Sword from his back and tied it to his waist to make it easier to draw the sword faster.

Let's go. He looked at the sky outside. The heavy rain covered all the distant scenery with a layer of gauze. This should be the nest of some kind of creature. If we stay here for a long time, we may be in trouble.

Are you really planning to assassinate and complete the mission? Changsun Lan was startled, looked at Lu Sheng and said in astonishment.

Why not? Lu Sheng grinned, If we don't complete the mission, can we go back?

My father will never give up on me! Sun Rongji said in a low voice.

My grandfather is the same. Changsun Lan nodded.

Meaning? Lu Sheng said with a smile, Can they help you complete your mission? If I guess correctly, you all carry special and precious treasures that can be returned to the Great Yin, right? There are also life-saving things.

Sun Rongji and Changsun Lan also changed their expressions slightly, obviously they were both right.

I originally thought that this battle might be just a little more dangerous. Unexpectedly. Sun Rongji straightened his body and faintly regained some of his previous vigor.

Brother Lu is right. Such matters cannot be decisions made by my father and Master Yuan Zheng. They must be orders from above.

Me too. Changsun Lan smiled bitterly.

Then let's get going. We don't have much time. Lu Sheng interrupted the exchange between the two, and was the first to walk to the entrance of the cave and look out.

On the vast gray-black plain outside the cave, heavy gray rain washed away everything, covering most of the scenery.


In the thick gray clouds in the distance, beams of skylight shimmered through. The rain seems to be lighter than before.

Lu Sheng looked down to estimate the distance and was about to jump out. Suddenly he raised his head and looked into the distance.


In a small gap between the thick clouds, a huge gray-white snake body was passing quickly, accompanied by a thick and long beast's roar.

Lu Sheng could vaguely see the snake-like body twisting and turning, with large oval scales constantly crossing the gaps. Its entire body seemed to be flying towards the plain in the distance.

Click! !

Another flash of lightning flashed across, and there was nothing between the clouds.

Dragon? Lu Sheng licked his lips and tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand.

He lowered his head and looked down at the vast plain like a sand table.

grumble! !

A giant black eagle on the left flapped its wings and flew toward Lu Sheng and the others fiercely.

The wingspan of the giant eagle is thirty to forty meters. Looking from a distance, its tail is not an ordinary bird tail feather, but a large black sharp tree root with claws and teeth.

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