Extreme Demon

Chapter 375 Feast 2

Changsun Lan was sweating profusely as he controlled the Smoke Crocodile to entangle other demons. However, the Smoke Crocodile was injured too many times and gradually became weaker and weaker.

She has entangled at least five Jing-level demons by herself, which is already an extraordinary performance.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng's side solved the problem. Seeing that their leader was dead, the other demons lost their morale and turned around to evacuate.

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the direction of Sun Rongji. Sun Rongji's situation was extremely miserable.

The demon he fought with was a one-horned demon with the face of a middle-aged man. This man had long purple hair and wore a jet black armor that was different from the other demons.

At this time, his fight with Sun Rongji seemed to be extremely laborious, but in fact, it gave Changsun Lan the feeling of his own grandfather fighting against him.

Sun Rongji seemed to have the upper hand, but it was as if he was being played, without any real progress.

This guy Changsun Lan narrowed his eyes, but suddenly saw the demon glance towards her with a smile.

Just one look made her whole body hairy and goosebumps appeared all over her body.

Okay. I originally planned to do it myself. I didn't expect you guys to really be able to kill Wei Naji. Suddenly the demon took a step back, blocked Sun Rongji's Fang Tian Huaji with one hand, and said calmly.

Lu Sheng slowly pulled out the sword from the corpse of a demon and looked at this man with a frown.

Sun Rongji's expression changed drastically, he took a few steps back, put away Fang Tian's painted halberd and did not dare to move again. He also understood at this time that the other party was using their hands to get rid of the demons in the team.

What do you mean? Sun Rongji narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Let me meet you, my name is Siren. I would also like to thank you for killing my weak brother. The demon smiled and bowed to Changsun Lan.

You guys should leave quickly. I just sent the blood signal, and the people from the Holy Demon Team will be here soon. If it's too late, you won't be able to leave.

Sun Rongji and Changsun Lan were both stunned, and then they realized that this guy turned out to be a traitor in the demon clan. He had obviously colluded with the human world in order to exclude dissidents. With such a person acting as internal support for them, it seems that this mission is not as difficult as imagined.

You three only need to return to the teleportation location and wait for another hour before you can go back. All other traces will be taken care of for you. Siren said politely.

Let's go. Lu Sheng said. He was the strongest here, so it was normal for him to give orders.

The three of them stared at Siren warily and quickly evacuated into the distance.

Let's go separately! Don't let him know our teleportation point. Lu Sheng whispered to the two of them. The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then they both came to their senses. Disperse quickly.

We will meet at the foot of the cave mountain in half an hour. Lu Sheng transmitted the message again.


Be careful!

The three people quickly dispersed and disappeared into the dark woods in an instant.

Siren didn't make any move, just stood there and watched the three of them with a smile on his face.

You have a good plan. On the other side of the forest, a demon woman with the same horn on her forehead slowly walked out.

There is no way. My brother is too stupid. I can't do it myself, otherwise I will be stained with blood sins. But just because I can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it. Siren said with a smile.

So you will cooperate with the human world? The demon woman sneered. Aren't you afraid that I will go back and tell the truth?

My dear cousin Alisa, I know you won't do this. After so many years, you also know how many despicable and disgusting things my brother has done. If you really want to report me, you won't show up so proactively. . Siren smiled and waved his hand.

Aren't you afraid of accidents? Alyssa said coldly. Just like

Just like me.

Suddenly a calm man's voice came from behind Siren.

The two one-horned demons were stunned, and then quickly turned to look in the direction of the sound.

A huge devil, three meters tall and wearing a horned helmet, slowly walked out of the forest with heavy steps.

Xirion, Alyssa. You really disappoint me. The demon said slowly and lowly.

The expressions of the two one-horned demons also changed.


No plan in this world is absolutely safe. Gene puffed out a puff of black smoke from his nostrils. Just like now. You think so? That guy over there. His fist-sized eyes were not staring at Siren and the two of them, but looking deep into the woods beside them.

Wherever he could see, a slender and strong human man slowly walked out of the tree trunk where he was hiding, holding a sword. It turned out to be Lu Sheng who was clearly far away before.

How did you discover me? Lu Sheng stared at Jean calmly with a hint of interest. I thought I hid it well.

Your magic weapon is very anxious. Jean said in a low voice, It is afraid.

. Lu Sheng lowered his head and glanced at Weihe Sword.

My old man is only over three thousand years old this year, and he hasn't lived long enough yet. I think it's better for us to go back to the teleportation point and wait, Weihe Jian whispered.

Lu Sheng was also speechless. When he came back, he originally planned to kill a few demons to sacrifice to the Weihe Sword. At the same time, his eight-headed demonic path also needed pure demonic energy to improve itself. When he left just now, he smelled the pure demons approaching rapidly. Yuan Qi couldn't help but turn around and hide aside to wait.

He thought he hid it well, but he didn't expect that someone would find a flaw in the Weihe Sword.

Human, what are you doing back here? This is the demon world, not the human world where you can do whatever you want. Gene said coldly.

What a pure breath of demonic energy. Lu Sheng closed his eyes and took a deep breath in intoxication. The air around me seems to be filled with fragrance, all of which is the purity emanating from you.

Gene's expression became increasingly gloomy.

Human demon cultivator?? You are looking for death!!

Siren and Alyssa looked at Lu Sheng with strange expressions, and then looked at the huge and ugly Jean with strange expressions.

If the sentence just now was used to describe beauty, there might not be any problem, but if it is used to describe Jean, it would feel inconsistent.

Forget it, let's just treat it as an appetizer. Lu Sheng suddenly lowered his head and said.

What do you mean!!? Before Jean could finish his words, his pupils suddenly opened wide. His pupils reflected a mouth that was getting bigger and more ferocious, biting towards him overwhelmingly.


The entire forest suddenly dimmed, and then slowly lit up again.

The three demons, Jean, Siren, and Alyssa, had disappeared at this time. Five or six of the big black trees where they were were also disappeared.

Lu Sheng was the only one on the spot, gently wiping the corners of his mouth with a silk scarf.

It's really pure magic energy. I haven't felt so comfortable after eating for a long time.

Buzz buzz.

The Weihe sword on his waist could not help but tremble.

What's wrong with you? Lu Sheng put his hand on the sword.

It's nothing, I just can't help but want to shake myself off. Weihe Jian's voice was trembling.

It's time to go back. The Demon Realm is such a nice place. Lu Sheng was very satisfied with the harvest of this trip. The demon element of Jean was extremely pure. Although he was only at the third level of the Earth Element, what was hidden deep in his bloodline was A stream of pure ancient demonic essence, the type of this demonic essence was different from the taste he had eaten before, and it was very beneficial to his eight-headed demonic path.

The outer layer of Black Seal Temple.


Changsun Lan, Sun Rongji, and Lu Sheng walked out of the black ball of light. The senior officials of the three sects standing around breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that nothing happened. Master Yuan Zheng sighed happily. He looked at his granddaughter and Lu Sheng with soft eyes.

Rongji, just now it was just a test mission. After passing it, you can participate in the real decisive battle of the general line. This time is different from the past. The demon army broke through the two realms gorge and truly entered the land of Great Yin. All three of our sects were urgently mobilized to join the battle. . Therefore, you also have to participate in the war. And as the elite disciples of the three sects, you have to set an example for other disciples. Jiuwei Cave Master explained calmly.

After being broken through the Two Realms Gorge, the demon army spread out and invaded the country. One of them has threatened our side. It is only more than 900 miles away from our Mo Ling Mansion. So I hope you will go there overnight to hunt down the demon army and prevent their flesh and blood. Sacrifice and slaughter the living beings. Master Jiuwei Cave seemed to have full authority as the commander-in-chief of the military power of the three sects of Mo Ling Mansion. Directly give orders to the three of them.

A woman in a purple skirt on the side also spoke calmly. This battle is to see who kills the most demonic troops. It depends on merit. Although our Youyi Sect cannot enter the lineage decisive battle, we will still send troops to assist in the encirclement and suppression.

Mrs. Rong, you're welcome. Master Yuan Zheng nodded slightly to the woman. Near the Youyi Sect, our Qianyang Sect has dispatched twenty inner courtyard members and fifty outer courtyard members to go together. Lan'er will also be involved. Madam, please take care of me.

This is natural.

Lu Sheng. Master Yuan Zheng looked at Lu Sheng again, You have good strength, so you can go to the direction of Calabash Mountain and kill the demons over there. Remember, the demon army there is huge. If you lose, , send a signal in time, try to delay as much time as possible, and wait until your senior brothers, sisters or elders nearby come to rescue.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

In addition, you are leaving tomorrow. There is a banquet tonight, hosted by Prince Huangting Qionghuan, and you are also on the invitation list.

The disciples will definitely arrive. Lu Sheng was in a good mood. He went to the Demon Realm and caught some game. He felt that the Eight Demonic Paths were slightly loosened.

Now his soul has broken through to the Holy Lord realm, but his physical body is still stuck in place. If he could swallow another complete ancient demon, his body might be able to break through to a new level. He wondered when he could seize the opportunity to eat again.

But not too much, lest higher-level experts notice him.

This battle so far has actually been changed by the changes in the demon world. They and others are no longer the protagonists.

After Master Yuan Zheng arranged for the two of them, many palace masters immediately came forward to report the situation to him. The three sects actually temporarily regarded the Black Seal Temple as a place to deal with military affairs.

Master Yuan Zheng chatted quickly with Jiuwei Cave Master for a few more words, then turned and left together with several hall masters.

Changsun Lan also left with him. Before leaving, he glanced at Lu Sheng and said he would see you in the evening.

Sun Rongji casually threw a small jade pendant to Lu Sheng. It is used to communicate between two people, and a short-distance communication formation is engraved on it.

After this battle, the three of them had begun to feel like a small group among themselves.

This is also a scene that Jiuwei Cave Master wants to see. This dead man showed a rare smile to Lu Sheng and Changsun Lan, turned around and left with the people from the Spirit Binding Sect.

As for Lu Sheng's previous dismissal of the Spirit-Binding Sect's disciples, that had nothing to do with him. The people who were ripped off were the descendants of other elder hall masters.

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