Extreme Demon

Chapter 372 Assassination 1

The true energy was slowly injected into the sword body. Slowly, Lu Sheng could already see more obvious translucent water patterns rippling on the surface of the sword blade.

His Qi comes from the Qianyang Sect's Qiang Zong Qi, which is extremely pure in texture and bright, with a hint of grandeur and heat.

This is also the essence of Qi after Qianyang Sect’s Great Sun Mingguang Gong is completed.

His current Great Sun Light Skill has reached the sixth level, and the subsequent three levels require special circumstances to break through. But the rest of Lingkong Dao and Fusion Core Earth Heart Art have been practiced to the highest level.

At this time, it started to move slowly. These three strands of true energy, which he had only cultivated after coming to the Great Yin, were mixed into one, and slowly condensed into a light yellow red gold true qi with fine golden sand.

Chi! !

In an instant, the Weihe Sword suddenly bloomed with layers of blue halo rippling through the water.

The blue light is soft and bright, making the entire room look blue.


Suddenly, in the blue light on the wall, a huge and slender black shadow swam past, accompanied by a low roar, like a snake or a cow.

Lu Sheng also saw the figure swimming by, with antlers, two wings, slender, and three claws.


To be precise, it's Ni Xing. Weihe Jian replied in a low voice. Because your true energy is too pure, I didn't expect that it actually inspired Weihe Nixing.

What is that? Lu Sheng asked in surprise. After the dragon shadow swam past just now, he looked for it again, but couldn't find anything.

He is the real Weihe Water God in ancient times. I hadn't lived in the Weihe River at that time. When I later fell out of the world of pain and fell into the Weihe River, the place had been abandoned for a long time. The Weihe Water God Xing was also very early Then he disappeared. Weihe Jian replied in a low voice. Unlike the true will of a divine weapon, he has almost no airs. He must also know that he is still far away from a true divine weapon.

In ancient times, was this villain Xing Qiang? Lu Sheng asked suddenly.

It's very strong. According to legend, Nie Xing is a divine dragon with only shadows. As far as I know, its body was born from the shadow projected from the Wei River to the bottom of the river. Ordinary people can't even touch it, let alone fight. But But it can hunt the shadows of living creatures at will. If a living creature is deprived of its shadow once, its lifespan will be reduced by half. So Niexing is also enshrined as the god of lifespan in many places. Weihe Jian explained and answered.

The injection of zhenqi was completed soon, and there was no trouble this time. Lu Sheng's zhenqi cultivation was at the peak of the seven lines. Because of the modifier, both the texture and the foundation were extremely pure. Therefore, half of the true energy made Weihe Jian extremely comfortable, and he finally truly experienced the normal worship process.

Lu Sheng slowly retracted his hand and stopped his Qi output. At this moment, he looked at the Weihe Sword. The sword was much brighter and dazzling than before, and the blue light and water patterns rippling around it became clearer.

The third one is the divine sacrifice.

He carefully raised the Weihe Sword and stood it in front of him.


In an instant, he held the sword with both hands and stabbed the ground. The sword blade inserted into the ground easily, standing straight in front of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took a step back, clasped his hands together, and gently touched the sword blade forward, pressing his fingertips on the end of the sword hilt.

Let's get started. Gather your soul and will, and feel my presence and my instinct with all your strength. Weihe Jian said in a low voice.

With your soul, it's possible. It's absolutely possible. Although he couldn't feel Lu Sheng's depth, he could tell just from his appearance that Lu Sheng's energy and energy were far superior to those of ordinary masters. Weihe Sword has seen countless masters, and even more before it was completely broken. But none of them had such a strong and unique temperament as Lu Sheng.

Only when you feel the instinctive magic can you truly and thoroughly exert the strongest power of the divine weapon. Instead of being like a reckless man who wields me as a secret weapon.

Lu Sheng listened to the sound of the Weihe Sword. His spirit had penetrated deeply into the Weihe Sword. Countless colorful pictures and sounds passed by him, flowing at high speed, like oil slurry composed of countless pigments.

Lu Sheng, however, instinctively moved deeper forward. Soon, a colorful cylindrical passage formed in front of him.

At the end of the passage is a light blue black wall with dragon patterns. Inlaid on the wall is a sword, a light blue long sword that is very similar to the Weihe Sword, but more gorgeous and exquisite.

There is an extra blue line on the edge of the sword's blade, and the sword's hilt guards are two weird beast heads that are eager to devour.

This is the inherent skill of Weihe Sword: Facing the Moon. The old voice of Weihe Sword came faintly, as if it was very far away from here. Go up and hold it, and you will be able to master the true complete body sword moves of the Instinct Method.

After hearing this, Lu Sheng walked forward slowly, stretched out his hand and gently grasped the hilt of the sword, and took it off the wall.

In an instant, as he grasped the hilt of the sword, a large number of instinctive skills and techniques for using Chao Yue poured into his mind.

Countless images and sounds were all thrown at him.

If it were a different seven-stripe peak, maybe he would be injured on the spot and fall to the ground. If you don't cultivate for several days to repair your soul, you can't even think about standing up and moving normally.

But Lu Sheng had the spiritual foundation of the Holy Lord and could easily swallow up and digest this memory.

With a blur in front of his eyes, Lu Sheng returned to his room again, and the blue light of the Weihe Sword slowly dissipated. The red gold energy in his body was constantly vibrating at a frequency that had never been seen before, and seemed to be transforming.

The sixth level breakthrough condition of the Great Illuminati Light Technique seems to require a blue light environment without heat. It seems that I hit the right one by mistake.

Lu Sheng felt the churning and changing red gold energy in his body, and his heart felt slightly certain.

Once he breaks through, his apparent true strength will reach the Earth Yuan realm, which is what the Song Dynasty calls the snake level.

Congratulations, you have completely mastered the instinct method. Weihe Jian's tone was complex, with a hint of inexplicable meaning.

Chaoyue is the strongest sword move of the Weihe Sword. After it is used, it can completely mobilize the water of the Weihe River to form heavy pressure, crushing the opponent with the weight of the entire Weihe River. It can also form a certain range of heavy pressure. environment.

This move is the strongest manifestation of the power of the Weihe Sword. You must use it properly, because the instinctive methods are extremely consuming. Often, with one move, most of the body's energy will be gone. Therefore, when fighting, it is best not to use instinctive methods completely unless absolutely necessary, just as a deterrent. Weihe Jian warned carefully. After finally finding a strong and potential holder, we can't let him be killed easily.

Although he didn't know why a master with great potential and strength like Lu Sheng would be willing to enter into a blood contract with his inferior weapon that was broken to the seven-star level, but since it was a foregone conclusion, nothing else mattered. .

The important thing is to take this opportunity to retrieve all the fragments quickly.

Understood. Lu Sheng pulled out the Weihe Sword and sheathed it again. Now that I have a disguised identity, it is considered appropriate.

Taking advantage of the fact that the red gold energy was transforming, he put his sword behind his back and walked out of the room quickly.

Are you going out again? Chen Daoning, a scholar wearing a black jade pendant from a courtyard, happened to be walking out of the room. He was holding a small box in his hand, which seemed to be a food box. He didn't know where he was going. Seeing Lu Sheng also going out, Chen Daoning smiled and said hello to him.

Well, are you planning to go? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Tianxing Jiulong Pavilion, Ya'er is still hanging out there. Chen Daoning did not participate in the battle, and he was not very clear about Lu Sheng's current reputation. Obviously, the results there have not been reported to him. Recently, a new set of Phantom Formation Disks has been released. It can simulate various opponents you encounter. It is perfect for observing weaknesses and flaws. Brother Lu, do you want to go and take a look together?

No need. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. He had the Weihe Sword, and other arrays, flags, talismans, talismans, etc. were useless to him. There was no need to waste the magic gold.

By the way, the 19th prince Qionghuan who came from the imperial court tonight will hold a battle banquet in the inner courtyard. If you are free, you can go and have a look. Chen Daoning reminded.

Well, thank you for reminding me. Lu Sheng nodded. Tonight he is going to participate in the battle for the general pulse. Naturally, there is no time to care about the prince.

Then I'll go first. Chen Daoning whispered.

Please. Lu Sheng followed him out of the courtyard, jumped up, and suddenly disappeared.

After passing through the streets, he soon came to the central square again, stood at the corner of the hexagonal crystal, stretched out his hand and pressed it upward.


A ray of white light shot out from the crystal, fell on Lu Sheng and disappeared in the blink of an eye. His body also gradually faded and became translucent. Until it disappears completely.


The outer layer of Black Seal Temple.

Changsun Lan, Lu Sheng, and Sun Rongji stood side by side on the school field. At this time, there were only a dozen or so sparse figures on the school field. All of them are senior elders of the three sects.

Master Yuan Zheng and Master Jiuwei Cave were also there. Since no disciples showed up, the leader of Youyi Sect would naturally not be present.

Master Yuan Zheng and Master Jiuwei Cave stood on both sides of the school ground, with their arms spread wide, and traces of dark golden Qi drifted out from their bodies, like smoke, condensing in front of Chang Sun Lan and the others. A black light ball as tall as a person.

This is the projection gate to the battlefield for the main pulse battle. Master Jiuwei Cave introduced calmly. After the three of you enter, immediately be wary of all living creatures around you. Rongji, don't show off. Just do your best. I don't want you to fall on your own territory before you enter the Two Realms Gorge.

Yes! Sun Rongji responded seriously.

Master Yuan Zheng looked at Lu Sheng kindly, then reached out and patted Chang Sun Lan on the shoulder with a somewhat incomprehensible look.

I have a total of fifty or sixty prefectures in Jiu Ming Prefecture. Just do your best. It would be best if you can keep the ranking in the previous battle. If you can't, don't force it. In addition, if you encounter trouble, don't be afraid or careless. Calm down. .is the only solution.”

Grandpa, we understand. Changsun Lan nodded.

Are the sacrificial materials ready? Master Yuan Zheng asked again.

It has been sacrificed and will not be needed for a short time. Changsun Lan replied quickly.

Master Yuan Zheng looked at Lu Sheng again.

Lu Sheng was a little confused. He had forgotten that the magic weapon needed to be sacrificed.

That's okay with me, he said hesitantly.

I think there's something wrong with me. Weihe Jian said coldly and faintly. But he was immediately pinched by Lu Sheng's hand, and his next words were retracted in pain.

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