Extreme Demon

Chapter 371 Divine Weapon 2

Lu Sheng glanced at the two of them and smiled politely at Zhou Yongtan, which was a kind response to his reminder just now. Then he focused his attention on the auction stage.

The fat man on the stage was already auctioning the fourth magic weapon.

It is an hourglass, with fine dark red sand slowly dripping down in it, but it seems that it will never end. There is always a lot of sand on the top, but it is always empty below.

The Hourglass of Equality, this is the magic weapon that suffered the most at our auction house this time. Its ability is to pull an opponent who has less than twice the total amount of infuriating energy of one's own to the same level as one's own. Duration Three full breaths.

This magic weapon is a treasure we found from the outside world. We also lost a lot of precious materials and experts for this. It finally took more than three years to repair it. The starting price is 390,000 magic gold! The fat man on the stage shouted loudly.

Excuse me, should there be an upper limit to the restrictions of this equality hourglass? Is it possible that it is also effective for adults in charge of soldiers? A thin woman stood up and asked.

The power of the inferior magic weapons is far weaker than that of the real magic weapons. Even if they fully exert their power, they are far less powerful than the lowest gold leaf level weapon masters.

So as soon as the woman asked this question, the people below immediately burst into laughter.

The fat man on the stage wasn't worried, he just covered his mouth and smiled exaggeratedly.

This distinguished guest is right. I just missed this point. This equal hourglass can limit the maximum number of seven-stripe masters. And as long as the true energy is enough, there is no upper limit for the number.

Before Fatty finished speaking, the voices of bids rang out loudly.

Four hundred thousand!

Four hundred and fifty thousand!

Half a million!

Six hundred thousand!

Seventy! Son of the Huang family, how dare you fight with me??!

The old immortal really thinks he is someone? Nine hundred thousand!

The exaggerated prices rushed to the point where even Lu Sheng was dumbfounded. He almost watched as most of the people present turned red-eyed, as if they were willing to spend all their wealth to win the Hourglass of Equality.

They are all prepared for my children and nephews. If used in battles with the demon army, this magic weapon will be of great value. Zhou Yongtan sighed at the side.

Lu Sheng understood immediately.

On the battlefield of the demon world, apart from the battles at the level of commanders, there are actually more fights between small soldiers and prisoners. Once the hourglass of equality is used well, an elite hunting team can be carefully cultivated to target the elites of the demon army.

It can also be used in large-scale crossbow secret attacks, almost regardless of quantity, which means it can be used one-to-many.

This magic weapon can play many roles on the battlefield.

Finally, after a stick of incense, a fat man wearing a veil stood up and left happily. He spent a million magic gold and finally won this magic weapon.

This also allowed Lu Sheng to see the strong financial resources of the real wealthy people in Mo Ling Mansion.

That's the head of the Zhong family. As expected, the Zhong family has an independent small outside world. Its financial resources are so amazing that ordinary people can't even imagine it. Zhou Yongtan shook his head and sighed.

Instead of being envious, why not apply to explore the outside world yourself? If you want to do it, go for it. The fat woman spoke again.

Isn't this nonsense? If I can have one more soldier in my family to make my ancestor sit in charge, why should I envy him? Zhou Yongtan said angrily.

At this time, the atmosphere of the auction house was also heightened to the highest level. Then one piece of magic weapon passed by, and very few failed to be auctioned, but they were all bought at a slightly higher price. Soon we arrived at the Weihe Sword that Lu Sheng valued.

There were only one or two people competing with him, but because the previous bidding cost too much, they kept silent after raising the price to 200,000.

Lu Sheng only paid a little higher than the auction price to get the Weihe Sword.

His total net worth is only 700,000 magic gold, which may be an astronomical figure in the eyes of ordinary people. But in the eyes of a real big family, it is just ordinary.

After actually taking a picture of the Weihe Sword, Lu Sheng was slightly relieved. The purpose of this trip was finally achieved. He didn't want to read the rest. One of the magic weapons was enough, and he couldn't use more.

After getting up and taking the special nameplate from the auctioneer Fatty, Lu Sheng said hello to Zhou Yongtan, then left the auction hall and went to the special armory to receive the Weihe Sword.

Soon, after successfully paying the golden ticket, Lu Sheng got a long purple brocade box. He opened the brocade box in front of the auction house staff, and inside lay a slender white sword.

In the center of the scabbard, the word Weihe is engraved. The sword tassel is also pure white, and the patterns on it are also pure white. There is no trace of color on the whole body, and it looks very good.

Lu Sheng closed the brocade box and quickly left the auction house. As he walked out of the door, he happened to see from a distance that Zhou Yongtan, who had just spoken to him, also came out and was standing in a corner beside the door, talking to him. A handsome young man was talking.

The two seemed to be very familiar with each other. Zhou Yongtan stood beside the young man and talked eloquently, with exaggerated gestures and expressions from time to time. He had good looks and a rather elegant figure. He was holding a black short knife in his hand and was talking happily.

The young man was very silent, with an air of nobility that could not be concealed, and his face was a little blurry, obviously covered up.

The combination of the two is very strange. Obviously the young man looks younger and Zhou Yongtan is older, but the situation at this time looks more like Zhou Yongtan is the junior and the noble young man is the elder.

Lu Sheng glanced at the two of them, then quickly left with the sword box in hand.

Returning to the inner courtyard of Qianyang Sect, he closed the door. It was about to be time to participate in the general battle. He planned to try the Weihe Sword first. This kind of magic weapon born according to the name of the place that existed on the ground should be unable to condense. With such a small reputation, according to Lu Sheng's analysis, the possibility of having divine power is extremely high.

This was one of the key reasons why he chose Weihe Sword.

After closing the door, Lu Sheng looked around and released his true energy, completely covering the entire room. From time to time, he absorbed a trace of golden energy falling from above, giving the appearance of practicing.

After thoroughly checking that there was no abnormality in the room, he gently took out the Weihe Sword from the brocade box.

There is also a small piece of paper placed in the box, on which the method and process of inheriting the Weihe Sword are carefully written.

Lu Sheng picked up the piece of paper and looked at it.

‘Blood sacrifice, worship sacrifice, and divine sacrifice, there are three steps in total. After that, you can completely own this seven-star weapon. ’ The following are the three methods and processes of sacrifice.

Although the inferior divine weapons are not as domineering as the golden leaf divine weapons, the successors are still required to inject most of their spirit, blood, and true energy into the Weihe Sword, forming a special contractual relationship with the divine weapons as the mainstay.

‘The Divine Weapon has a spirit, because it was born from the Wei River and was bred in the river, so the nature of the Divine Weapon is changeable and extremely unstable. The successor needs to communicate with the magic weapon with an extremely stable will to gain recognition. ’

This is what's on the piece of paper.

Lu Sheng gently raised the Weihe Sword, grasped the hilt, and slowly drew it out.


The blade glowed with a cold silver light, and countless water-like ripples rippled on the metal surface. It seems a bit unreal and unreal.

Kill, kill, kill! Submerge everything! Destroy everything! Suffocate everything!!! A tyrannical idea suddenly spread and stirred up in the room.

It was as if a real roar was constantly echoing in Lu Sheng's ears. The air was like a tightened bag, almost evacuated into a vacuum.

A large amount of white water vapor evaporated from the Weihe Sword, slowly surrounding Lu Sheng. Forming a mist-like environment.

The cold light overflowed from the Weihe sword, as if the light on the sword was like water, flowing around.

I'm Weihe, farewell. Boy, do you want to borrow my power? This power is enough to transform you and free you from the fate that you were once unable to resist.

But this requires you to pay a lot of price.

I already understand the price. Lu Sheng replied, Follow the specific process. The first step is blood sacrifice. He seriously placed the Weihe Sword on his knees, then stretched out his index finger, controlled his body, and forced Give out a drop of blood.

Black and red blood drops fell on the center of the Weihe sword.

It seems that you have a good understanding, or Weihe's power has become incomplete. I need you to help me collect all the Weihe Sword fragments. In exchange, I only need half of your blood essence. Kazuma!!!! Damn you, this is blood!!!”

Lu Sheng looked at the Weihe Sword with white smoke rising from his knees with a look of astonishment on his face.


The drop of blood was like an octopus spreading its tentacles, making a corrosive sound like sucking on the sword crazily. Lu Sheng watched helplessly as the originally smooth surface of the sword blade was corroded by blood drops and became dented.

Help me!! Quick! Quick. Weihe Jian's voice was weakening at an extremely exaggerated speed. In just a few breaths, the voice of an old man who was full of vitality changed into the voice of a half-dead old man who might ascend to heaven at any time.

Lu Sheng quickly brushed off the drop of blood on the sword and allowed it to penetrate back into his skin and disappear. Then he frowned and stared at the small black pit in the middle of the Weihe Sword, dumbfounded.


The Weihe Sword trembled a few times, and the remaining blood stains quickly evaporated. Then it suddenly stood up and stopped moving. Then the old man gasped with relief.

Have I completed this blood sacrifice? Lu Sheng asked through his mind.

Weihe Jian was silent for a while.

Just think you're done. The old man's tone was full of helplessness. But how can a human being compare with a divine weapon? This may be because he is not used to the blood in this person's blood at first. It may be much better when the radiation slowly transforms him later.

The next step is to worship. You only need to inject your true energy into my sword body. Half of your true energy is enough. Weihe Jian reminded me.

Okay. Lu Sheng thought that he would finally get a magic weapon to disguise himself. This Weihe Sword seems to be very old and should have a lot of experience, and it can also be of great help to him. So he sincerely wanted to confirm the relationship between the two.

Anyway, he is now at the Holy Lord level, and he is at the same level as the Divine Weapon and Demonic Blade, and he is not afraid of the other party being dominant.

Lu Sheng held the hilt of the sword and slowly poured his own Qi into it. He was also very careful this time, for fear of accidentally breaking the Weihe Sword. After all, he spent 200,000 magic gold to buy it. If it breaks, he will suffer a huge loss.

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