Extreme Demon

Chapter 370 Divine Weapon 1

The Two Realms Gorge was broken through by the demonic army, and by the time the news reached the Great Yin Imperial Court, it was already the afternoon of the second day. A total of three Liangjie Gorges were breached, and more than 100,000 garrison troops were killed or injured overnight. The whereabouts of the three generals and the Holy Lord are unknown.

By the time the traces of the demon army were discovered, more than a dozen cities had been demonized, and nearly a million people had been sacrificed to form the Gate of Flesh.

Fortunately, the three major sects issued demon extermination orders in time and mobilized experts to snipe the demon army and generals, giving the imperial court a chance to buffer.

The Great Yin Imperial Court hurriedly recalled the 300,000 mountain troops sent to the outside world and other entrances to the demon world, as well as more than a dozen masters of the Ming Xiang Pavilion. Led by Prince Gui, he went to suppress the evil disaster.

The war became intense as soon as it began. The Great Yin Imperial Court was already fighting head-on with Demon Emperor Vera, but they didn't expect another demon army to appear from behind and attack the rear. With enemies on both sides, the situation became increasingly tense.

All states were urgently requested to increase the strangulation of monsters in the demon world and deploy more manpower.

Dozens of princes and princesses from Dayin were also sent to the Thirteen Prefectures to urgently urge the local army to leave.

Jiu Ming Prefecture, Mo Ling Mansion, Linghuan Tower.

The war situation is changing outside. As the largest auction house in Mo Ling Mansion, the Spirit Ring Building is still bustling with activity, not affected by the invasion of the demon world and the coming of the disaster.

Dayin is so powerful that all the nobles and all the strong men have full confidence in the imperial court and the three major sects.

With all the military leaders suppressing it, no matter how bad the situation is, no one will worry about Dayin's defeat.

The sounds of hawking and bidding could be heard in the Linghuan Building. In the three-story building, Lu Sheng walked slowly along the corridor. From time to time, he could hear bidding sounds coming from the ajar doors on both sides of the corridor.

In halls of different sizes, various auctions are being held.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Sheng looked at the beautiful woman leading the way. The woman had a slim waist and curved hips. She was wearing a long vermilion skirt. Behind her slender and round legs, at key parts, there was indeed a ball of fluffy snow-white rabbit tails. As the woman followed, His steps swayed and twisted slightly.

Soon the woman led Lu Sheng through several corridors, came to a medium-sized small hall, and pushed the door open.

There were already more than a dozen people inside, and on the auction stage, a fat auctioneer with a big smile was shouting out the bidding price at this time.

An ice machine jade talisman knife, one hundred thousand magic gold! One hundred thousand magic gold! Who else offers a higher price? One hundred thousand magic gold once! One hundred thousand magic gold twice!!

The fat man screamed at the top of his lungs, waving his hands in front of a dark golden box behind him.

A three-star magic weapon assembled by Master Zhu Zixuan himself! It only costs 100,000 magic gold!!

Lu Sheng's face wrinkled, and under the guidance of the rabbit-tailed woman, he found a seat in the corner and sat down.

Where did the inferior magic weapon get its star rating? he asked doubtfully.

The rabbit-tailed woman smiled sweetly and said: Dear guest, you don't know. The unspoken rules of our auction industry are to divide the divine weapons into nine-star levels according to the completeness of their assembly power, from one to nine, corresponding to each other. The completeness of the power of the lesser divine weapons.

After all, you also know that these magic weapons and magic blades are actually broken, so the more complete the fragments, the smaller the degree of incompleteness, and the higher the power.

The highest nine-star magic weapon can even be extremely close to the golden leaf level perfect magic weapon.

Oh? Lu Sheng said in surprise, The price must be extremely high, right?

That's natural. But now that the war has broken out and the demonic army has invaded, powerful masters like our guests must also know that such war supplies will soon be tightened and the purchase channels will become narrower. Even if they don't use it themselves, the sub-god For powerful weapons like soldiers, it would be a good idea for customers to buy some and stockpile them until the price increases. The rabbit-tailed woman said softly.

Lu Sheng nodded casually and looked up at the magic sword that the fat man was shouting at.

When he came out of Qianyang Sect, he immediately found the largest auction in Mo Lingfu City. He entered it to choose and buy a second-class magic weapon that met his expectations.

Real magic weapons were extremely expensive, and there was no market for them. He didn't think about it, but it was possible to buy inferior magic weapons. He planned to buy one to disguise himself.

Moreover, after learning about the legend of the divine weapon from Su Fei, he also had a plan to test whether the divine weapon was the condensation of the divine soul.

And because he has the modifier Deep Blue, he can absorb the Deep Blue with divine power. Therefore, no matter whether the divine weapon is a condensed divine soul or not, it is very likely that there is divine power above, and he will not lose.

The spiritual power is similar to the spirit, the long-term condensation of soul power and essence, and it is related to this aspect. And almost every magic weapon has a long history.

Even if it is a second-class divine weapon that has been reassembled from many fragments of the divine weapon, it is the same. The magic weapon has been broken, but all the experiences he has experienced are still remembered by the broken pieces. Among so many fragments, there may eventually be a being with divine power.

After sitting down, Lu Sheng signaled to the rabbit-tailed woman that she could leave. From behind the seat in front of him, he pulled out a cardboard introducing the contents of the auction hall.

The items for auction are clearly written on the cardboard. This is a special auction for magic weapons. We only auction magic weapons and magic blades, and we will not accept any other auction items.

Lu Sheng flipped through it and saw that there were dozens of detailed writings on the cardboard. Only after looking at it did he understand why the Laoshizi auction house divided many inferior divine weapons into nine stars.

It turns out that many of the inferior divine weapons above are embedded with other materials. Some have only one-fifth of the divine weapon fragments, some have slightly more than one-third, and the least is only one-ninth. This is the so-called one-star magic weapon.

After twitching his lips, Lu Sheng began to read the introduction carefully. He now urgently needs a magic weapon to disguise his apparent abilities.

His abilities and talents are extremely strong physically and powerfully, so he should look for divine weapons in this area.

Soon, Lu Sheng found a magic weapon and magic blade on the back of the cardboard that perfectly suited his needs.

‘Wei (wei) River Sword: It once shot out of the bottom of the Wei River in the land east of the Great Yin Pole. The light of the divine sword shines for hundreds of miles, causing the water of the Wei River to rise into the sky and spread in all directions.

Core Ability: Heavy Pressure - A single swing of the sword is powerful enough to bring the weight of the entire Wei River to crush the enemy.

Bloodline: Strength increases, strengthens the physical body.

Attributes: water, power.

Star rating: seven stars.

Price: starting price of 190,000 magic gold. ’

Lu Sheng looked through the other magic weapons. There were very few that could increase strength and strengthen the body. Apart from this one, there were only three. But among those three, two were female accessories and one was a huge metal similar to a tower shield. He has learned many skills regarding shields, but he is not interested in martial arts such as shield striking.

For Lu Sheng, defense is meaningless, and he never needs defensive skills. The best defense, besides offense, is a strong enough body.

If the opponent can't even break your skin, what else do you need to do with defensive skills?

After confirming this, Lu Sheng casually looked at the other magic weapons.

‘Jiuxiang World Wheel: The special envoy weapon collected by the strong men in the imperial court from the outside world. It has the special ability to connect to a mysterious and unknown space. The connected space is named Jiuxiang. Any living creature that is ingested by Jiuxiang will turn into pus and die in just three moments.

Core ability: Swallowing - can absorb all the weak and weak people in sight into Jiuxiang. As long as one's own Qi is enough, it can absorb up to a thousand living creatures.

Bloodline: The power to draw Jiuxiang.

Attribute: Qi.

Star rating: nine stars.

Price: Starting price is 90,000 magic gold. ’

Seeing this, Lu Sheng was also slightly moved.

Brother, don't be fooled by this explanation. A middle-aged man on the side couldn't help but speak. I also bought a Jiuxiang Boundary Wheel before, but it turned out to be completely useless.

Oh? Why is that? Lu Sheng raised his head and glanced at the man who made the noise. The man was sitting on his right, three seats away.

The man wore a black shirt embroidered with golden fragrant flowers, and tight-fitting blue-black leg armor. He looked like he had just come off the battlefield and had not had time to change out of the armor.

Lu Sheng's eyes involuntarily glanced at the delicate short knife on the man's waist. The gray-brown scabbard has a tattoo of a male lion with countless wings densely spread on its back.

Brother, don't be surprised. In the next week, Yongtan still has some savings at home, and he is not very satisfied with his own bloodline, so he often comes to this auction to buy some practical and suitable magic weapons to see if he can use his original bloodline to Go up and strengthen your own bloodline. I just happened to have my eye on a Jiuxiang World Wheel before. I ended up buying it back.

Lu Sheng was intrigued by him and immediately sat up straight to ask. But what are the drawbacks?

It's not a disadvantage, it's a consumption. Zhou Yongtan shook his head and said helplessly, Absorbing a living creature, if it is based on the five-mark standard, will consume nearly half of the infuriating energy of an ordinary five-marked body. And it can only absorb larger than himself. A much weaker living creature.”

Lu Sheng was also shocked. Half of the Qi in the body of the five-marked master? Release so much zhenqi just to absorb an opponent who is much weaker than yourself?

There is so much infuriating energy, so why use magic weapons? Isn't it faster to just do it yourself, and it may not necessarily consume so much infuriating energy.

It's a pity to abandon it, it's useless to leave it alone. Thinking of this, Lu Sheng also shook his head.

Who says it's not? Zhou Yongtan agreed. What pisses me off the most is that after they tricked me, this damn place actually dared to openly take out a second and third one and continue to sell them.

Zhou Laosan, you can help people promote it for free. When someone is interested in Jiuxiang Jielun, he quickly comes over to remind you. Are you tired? The auction industry warned you back then, and you didn't work hard. You have to buy it. A fat woman sitting next to him sneered.

There were only a dozen people present. Anyone who could come to bid for the magic weapon in this small hall must not be a wealthy person. There were not many such people in the entire Mo Ling Mansion, and everyone got to know each other a lot from going back and forth.

This little brother is new to me, aren't I afraid that he will suffer a loss? Zhou Yongtan said with an embarrassed smile.

Your old Zhou family's business has almost gone to the outside world, why do you still care about such a small amount of money? Even the elders of the three sects rely on your Zhou family for their livelihood. Is it interesting to force a small auction house like this? the fat woman mocked. .

Small auction house? Tsk tsk? Zhou Yongtan smacked his lips a few times and said no more. How small is the auction house that dares to auction magic weapons? This joke is not funny at all.

The fat woman also shut up and became silent.

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