Extreme Demon

Chapter 369 General Trend 2 (Thanks to the leader of Luobo Geng01 for the reward~)

That's good.

The real difference between us and the soldiers is the soul. If we say that the soul of the weapon wielder is weaker than the magic weapon and magic blade.

Then the soul of our Holy Lord is on the same level as the Divine Weapon and Demonic Blade. Speaking of which, in ancient times, there were legends that the original magic weapon, the Demon Blade, was actually the soul of a Holy Lord-level creature.

Of course, this legend is also well-founded. But I have never seen anything like this. Just listen to it as a joke.

Su Hongfei gently placed the book in his hand on the stone table and sighed softly.

The greatest power of the Holy Lord is that it can fully exert the full power of the divine weapon and the devil's sword. All its power. I don't know what kind of divine weapon you have, but how to apply the divine soul to your own divine weapon? This is something you need to figure out for yourself. And in our realm, whether it’s a divine weapon or us, there can only be one divine soul in charge. Do you understand what I mean?”

Erase the consciousness of the divine weapon? Lu Sheng was stunned.

I should say fusion. Su Fengfei smiled, So I have two names. One is Qiangfei, which is the name of the magic blade I fused with, and my real name is Su Fengfei.

Disciple has been taught a lesson. Lu Sheng's heart trembled. He didn't have any magical weapons at all. It seemed that he would have to find one for cover in the future.

In this world where the mainstream is magic weapons and magic blades, if you don't hide it more, an alien like yourself who doesn't need magic weapons at all will probably not end well once he is exposed.

We, the Holy Lord, will have to look at the level and power of the divine weapon and demonic blade you hold to determine the Holy Lord's own strength.

There are three levels of divine weapons: gold leaves, jade stars, and divine wisdom. This third level is stronger than the first level, and there is also a second level magic weapon, but it is usually broken and repaired, and its power is greatly reduced. Compared with the previous three levels, it can be ignored.

Here I will mainly talk about these three levels for you.

There are the most magic weapons and magic swords at the gold leaf level, and several are lost from that world every year.

The Jade Star level is much rarer. As I believe, the top ten heroes from the three sects are all at this level.

As for the divine weapon and demon blade at the level of Shenhui, it has only appeared three times in Dayin over the years, and twice in other places.

Shenhui. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

Demon Emperor, the Four Pillars, are powers that can only be resisted by the Divine Wisdom level. Unfortunately, that level is rare to encounter in a thousand years. Even if you encounter it, it is... Su Mengfei seemed to have thought of something, but did not say the next words.

These are the approximate positions of our Holy Lord in the eyes of the world. Just understand it in your heart. The third level of the Divine Weapon and Demonic Blade is the third level that measures the power level of our Holy Lord.

The realm of the Holy Lord is determined by the fused divine weapons, so whatever level your divine weapons are, you will always be at this level. This cannot be changed. Su Fengfei continued.

Is this the so-called talent that determines everything? Lu Sheng frowned.

Otherwise, why do you think our Great Yin has remained standing for thousands of years? The most powerful divine weapons and demonic blades produce the most powerful holy masters. This is a natural bloodline, a born divine and wise holy master! Su Fei said calmly.

Teacher, your rank must be the legendary divine wisdom rank, right? Lu Sheng asked cautiously in a low voice.

For the Holy Master, the rank of the divine weapon is the biggest secret. Don't ask this question in the future. Su Fei said calmly with a cold look on his face. Even the people closest to you, don't let anyone know about your core abilities as a divine weapon and your own rank. This is good for you.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded.

Next, let me introduce to you how Holy Masters get along with each other. Su Fei stood up, walked to the cave stone wall, and knocked lightly three times.

Suddenly, a black earthworm-like insect covered in mud emerged from under the stone wall, like a fish emerging from the water. It opened a palm-sized yellow eye and looked at Su Fei.

Burn incense.


Suddenly, wisps of white smoke spewed out from under the insect's eyes.

Like a living thing, this white smoke rolled several times in front of Su Fei and Lu Sheng, and finally spread out, forming a gray-white vast map, suspended in the air and condensing.

Su Fei then pointed at the map.

Now in Dayin, I don't know exactly how many demon lords and holy masters there are, but there are probably ten or twenty of them, but most of them are fighting against the demon world. Apart from the necessary exchange of resources between the holy masters, The most common thing is to build their own caves and exchange their sons and nephews for training.

There are laws in the Great Yin. Once the Holy Lord achieves success, he will naturally have the qualifications to open a cave and establish a mansion. In addition, the training of sons and nephews is exchanged because even if the bloodline radiated from the same kind of divine weapon, the descendants will have different qualifications in the end. Some will also mutate, producing new bloodlines that are stronger and thicker, but not suitable.

So basically the Holy Lord will have many friends and companions to socialize with. In addition, we have a long lifespan, and there is no problem in living for thousands of years. This kind of exchange of connections is even more terrifying.

In other words, in order to further consolidate our own strength, we will try our best to cultivate more strong players of our own lineage? Lu Sheng nodded.

You are not training for your own power, but to fight against the demon world. Su Fei shook his head and said slowly, So, once you expose your strength, you will first get close to many holy masters of Qianyang Sect. Of course, the review will be Indispensable. But as long as this level is passed, everything else is easy to talk about. Holy Lords rarely form mortal enemies with each other, and they will find ways to resolve those that can be resolved.

Because at our level, the soul is so powerful that even if the physical body dies, it can still find a new physical body and come back again without anyone noticing. It is extremely difficult to eliminate all enemies. In this case, it is understandable that no one wants to completely form a deadly feud.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded. Naturally, he would not accept the other party's remarks easily, but this did not mean that Su Fei's statement was not helpful.

Su Mengfei suddenly thought of something and felt a little embarrassed, but still smiled and said: Also, I don't know how you broke through the realm, but if you can condense the soul crystal, it means that the realm is stable in golden leaves.

She pointed at the map in front of her.

Now that you have become the Holy Lord, you can go anywhere in the Great Yin. Let me point out some places for you, which can be considered troublesome places for us.

Yes, thank you teacher for your guidance. Lu Sheng nodded.

Su Fengfei began to point out to Lu Sheng one by one the forbidden and dangerous places in Da Yin. Lu Sheng also memorized it carefully. For a moment, it seemed that the master and brother were harmonious and harmonious.

But after pointing out the forbidden area, Su Feifei did not give him any relevant real skills, nor did he point out that she had drawn the clay tablet casually. Instead, she just dropped some instructions and planned to leave alone.

I still have some unfinished business. If you have nothing to do, you'd better go back quickly and fight for the general pulse immediately. No matter you break through or not, it's best to participate. Of course, the best way is to get out as soon as possible and leave if you find someone. Delay, before at the level of military commander, I could barely get by, but now that we are in this situation, the people above are not fools. Su Fei shook his head.

Disciple understands. Lu Sheng nodded.

That's all, I'll go first. You can turn around when you've had enough. Su Fangfei turned around, jumped towards the stone wall, hit the cave wall lightly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng's originally squinted eyes suddenly froze. Seeing this kind of movement, he seemed to have thought of something.

Is this a method? Every magic weapon has its own core natural ability. This ability is the real strongest point. Everything else is a derivative of this innate ability.

So far, the only magic weapon Lu Sheng has seen is the Shangyang family's Mushan pen. But he heard someone from the Shangyang family say that the core ability of Mu Shanbi was said to be keeping books.

It's just that the power left behind by writing a copybook is several percent more than that of other magic weapons. Based on this alone, the Shangyang family relied on it to create many holy weapons. This is the advantage.

But now, it seems that Su Fei's innate magical weapon ability seems to be even weirder.

It allows her to penetrate the stone wall and leave as easily as a ghost.

Lu Sheng slowly sat down on Su Fei's seat, leaned forward, stared at the stone wall where she left, and unconsciously crossed his fingers together, lost in thought.


Dayin, two boundary gorges.

Gray-black demonic energy was steaming throughout the air, and bursts of weird roars could be heard faintly from the depths of the canyon, occasionally mixed with screams and cries similar to human voices.

The fog completely obscured the scenery deep in the canyon, and it was only gray from a distance.

Above the canyon, black chains as thick as arms pulled the suspension bridges, and elite veterans wearing dark gray military uniforms walked on the bridges from time to time.

On one of the suspension bridges, several young ladies in rather luxurious attire and wearing light red half-armor were happily exploring the wonderful scenery around them.

Is this the legendary Two Realms Gorge that leads directly to the Demon Realm? It really is a rare sight. One of the young masters asked curiously. It is said that the demonic army swarms up from this abyss, all flying out, and often defeats me in the human world?

Yes, that's right.

Our Great Yin has a total of thirteen Two Realm Gorges, but the one with the strongest military strength is the Qiluo Two Realm Gorge. That side is facing the main force of the demon world, and this side is just a show-off. There haven't been any monsters for many years, so now of course. Another woman with a frosty face said calmly.

Suddenly, before she could finish her words, she suddenly stopped and looked down at the bottom of the canyon.

Everyone's delicate leather boots were also slightly unsteady, and their feet began to sway and tremble.

what happened?!

“The bridge is shaking!!?”

On the frozen suspension bridge, the thick layer of ice that had been trampled hard began to melt rapidly.

The woman suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and her expression suddenly changed.

She raised her hand fiercely, and three red fireballs appeared on her wrist, spinning rapidly, about to fly towards the Wolf Smoke Brazier on the top of the guard tower in the distance.

Buzz.! ! !

In an instant, a tremor from the depths of the soul suddenly spread throughout the hearts of everyone present.

A black shadow gradually emerged at the bottom of the abyss.

Boom! ! !

The black shadow burst out of the gray fog, rushed out of the abyss, and hit the suspension bridge.

The bridge deck was like broken chopsticks, which were easily broken with a click. The people on it were scattered in all directions. Before they could make a sound, they were submerged by the gray mist and evil energy that swept in, and no one could be seen.

The black shadow rose into the sky, higher than the ice peaks on both sides, higher than the majestic fortresses garrisoning the two realms, and suddenly broke through the clouds.


On both sides of the black shadow, a pair of thousands of meters long dark dragon wings slowly unfolded, covering the sky and the sun.

Roar! ! !

This black shadow turned out to be a giant black dragon with a body length of more than a thousand meters. It looked up to the sky and roared in the direction of the Great Yin Imperial Court, emitting countless black smoke.

In the middle of the four pairs of horns on its dragon head, a majestic figure wearing purple armor stood quietly.

The cloak behind him is composed of flowing burning purple flames.

Keep insisting on reaching 10,000 points every week ~ Luobo Geng 01, you can do it ~ ('?')

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