Extreme Demon

Chapter 366 The Truth 1

In an instant, Yuan Chengdao's eyes turned red. Qi and blood were rolling wildly, and he suddenly raised his hand.

Death!! Huangquan Liejiang!!

In an instant, more than a dozen rays of dim yellow energy condensed into more than a dozen sharp spears and shot out around Lu Sheng.

Yuan Chengdao kicked his feet, mustered up all his energy, and struck out with all his strength.

Chi! !

A large amount of yellow smoke lingered in the red-yellow palm, bypassing the middle-aged man named Qingyang, and suddenly hit Lu Sheng's heart.

At this moment, Yuan Chengdao almost tried his best. He knew that with Lu Sheng's qualifications, if he couldn't kill the opponent now, he would never have another chance in the future.

First among the three sects, what level is that? !

That means that in the next few decades, Lu Sheng will improve horribly at an unimaginable speed. Eventually it will reach a point that is far beyond his reach.

Until then.

The last chance is also the only chance.!! Yuan Chengdao looked at Lu Sheng's astonished expression, and suddenly felt no sadness or joy in his heart. His son was gone, his brother was gone, and his relatives were gone. As long as he could take revenge, what else would it matter? significance? Yes or no, there is no difference.


Suddenly Yuan Chengdao paused for an instant.

He lowered his head and looked at his heart, where a hand was slowly withdrawing. Astonishingly, it was Qingyang's hand.

And the person in front of him was Qingyang instead of Lu Sheng.

Obviously. Obviously I just... All the strength in his body was taken away, and he fell to the ground as if he was lost. Then the whole body slowly turned black and scattered into black ash.

At that moment, he was already determined to kill Lu Sheng without dodging. Lu Sheng only created a little illusion, and with his demon lord level spirit, no one present could notice it.

Suddenly the target that Yuan Chengdao rushed towards became Qingyang.

Qingyang's identity is Master Yuan Zheng's legitimate son. Therefore, the outcome was doomed from the beginning.

Facing the full-strength attacks from experts at the same level, Qingyang was a little flustered, and Lu Sheng slightly guided his attack strength.

Thus, a nearly perfect murder slowly came to an end. Until his death, Yuan Chengdao did not understand how he died.

The surrounding senior officials who noticed the situation stood up in astonishment and were in an uproar.

Although there were a lot of troubles among the three sects, conflicts at the elder level were very rare and resulted in death. But he didn't expect to see an elder of the Spirit Binding Sect being killed in public in an attempt to avenge himself.

This is great fun.

But this is also Lu Sheng's purpose.

With just a little use of the Demon Lord's spiritual influence, plus some verbal stimulation, a dignified elder was killed so easily, and it was not his own doing.

Although he was just a weak little guy, since he made him unhappy, Lu Sheng had no choice but to fulfill his promise as soon as possible and let Yuan Chengdao reunite with his brother.

Changsun Qingyang!! A palace master from the Binding Spirit Sect suddenly stood up and roared.

I Changsun Qingyang was also a little confused. He himself didn't know why the other party rushed towards him just now, and then he subconsciously tried to resist. But unexpectedly, Yuan Chengdao's resistance was extremely weak. All at once

He was stunned at that time.

Qingyang. Master Yuan Zheng also looked ugly. Although he was just an ordinary elder at the government level, there were casualties among the three sects. The Qianyang Sect's camp relationship was gradually shifting towards the Youin Sect. This is not what their top brass want to see.

He has reached the highest point of his potential, and he has reached the end of his path further. His bloodline and soul are only enough to support him to this level. The future will also depend on the development of the younger generations, and the development of the younger generations cannot be separated from a large amount of resources and money. Now that the relationship with the Spirit Binding Sect has changed, I am afraid it will have a bad impact on other businesses.

Lu Sheng stood behind with an innocent look on his face. While his eldest son Qingyang was being questioned by several elders from the Qian Yang Sect, he looked in the direction of Master Yuan Zheng. This person seemed to be the Qian of the Mo Ling Mansion. The core figure of Yang Zong.

Master Yuan Zheng seemed to sense his sight and turned to him and nodded.

You don't have anything to do here. Go back and find a place to rest. Next, we will represent our Mo Ling Mansion in competing for other districts. Don't let me down.

Yes. Lu Sheng lowered his head and responded.

Senior Brother Lu, let's go first. Brother Qingyang will be punished at most and nothing will happen. Changsun Lan jumped up and landed lightly beside Lu Sheng.

She was extremely curious about this powerful newcomer, especially after getting information about Lu Sheng from her grandfather.

Don't worry, you are that disciple. Even if something happens, it won't be related to you. Seeing that Lu Sheng was still a little worried, Changsun Lan comforted him with a smile.

With my grandpa here, everything is no problem.

I hope that nothing will happen to Senior Qingyang, right? After all, this matter was caused by me. If Senior Qingyang is severely criticized because of me, I will feel ashamed and sad. Therefore, I hope that Senior will accept compensation from Junior afterward.

Speaking of this. Changsun Lan looked at Lu Sheng with a strange look. This time you blackmailed ten disciples of the Spirit Binding Sect, eight of the Youin Indium Sect, and twelve of our Qianyang Sect. There are thirty people in total, and each of them has twenty thousand magic gold. Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's really... She didn't either I don't know how to describe what Lu Sheng did this time. Although it's understandable, I just can't get over this hurdle.

Six hundred thousand magic gold, plus your 100,000, is 700,000, but you can only get a small part, most of it is just collateral. Lu Sheng shook his head and said modestly.

That's awesome. In many places, this amount of money is enough to buy a small city. Changsun Lan said speechlessly. Next, let's go back to the True Spirit Tower to rest for a while. The True Spirit Tower can be used for free during the competition.

Really? Lu Sheng nodded.

Perhaps you can stay here and watch other contenders take action. Changsun Lan introduced, There will be a nearby Feiling Mansion strongest competition in the afternoon. If you are interested, you can come and take a look.

Okay. Lu Sheng didn't have any interest. The purpose of participating in the competition was achieved. He didn't even want to participate in subsequent competitions. It's nothing more than bullying children. I originally planned to make money from the top ranking, but now that I have a way to earn so much magic gold, I will not be short of money for a while, and I am not in a hurry.

Under the leadership of Chang Sun Lan, Lu Sheng quietly left the scene, left Black Seal Temple from a teleport point set up in a small Buddhist hall, and returned to a teleport point room in Qianyang Sect.

As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation point room, Lu Sheng saw Wang Yunlong waiting in front of the door. Not only him, but also Zhang Shilong who came from Qiuyue County together, and several other unfamiliar men and women from the Qianyang Sect were all there.

Zhang Shilong looked helpless and looked at himself with a hint of embarrassment, while the others had warm eyes with a hint of admiration.

Senior Brother Lu Wang Yunlong stepped forward and greeted. Seeing you show off your power in the battle, we people in Qiuyue County also feel the same way. We, the people from Qiuyue County, finally

He rambled on a lot, and his final words were that he wanted to invite Lu Sheng to have a banquet with him.

It's too early now. I still have to participate in the next follow-up battle. After that, after I participate in the competition, I will celebrate with Mr. Zhang and everyone. Lu Sheng knew what they meant, but what he wanted to do most now was Yes, it is better to go to the teacher first to understand what is needed.

Of course, of course! Zhang Shilong nodded repeatedly. He didn't do things well on the previous trip. Although his teacher kept him from getting close to Lu Sheng, this kind of thing would have shaken him if he hadn't. After all, no one can hold it back.

In addition, there is news from our Qiuyue County that a similar selection competition will be held soon. I hope you, Lu Sheng, will be the spectators when the time comes. A beautiful elder next to Zhang Shilong said softly.

Guan Mu? Lu Sheng was also a little surprised. Guan Mu is actually the judge in this world. In the competition, there are review judges who are dedicated to giving advice and scoring, and determine the final score of the contestants. Unexpectedly, Qiuyue County actually raised him to this level.

That's right. This is what Sect Master Yun has decided. Before, you were able to participate in the battle like the inner court, which already alarmed the Sect Master and them. Now they are also watching the battle here from a distance. Zhang Shilong said with a smile.

Okay, since the sect leader said it, this junior will definitely be there. Lu Sheng nodded. Qiuyue County will have to recruit people from Yuan Mo Sect in the future, and the foundation of the relationship must be laid. Otherwise, he wouldn't have left Duanmu Wan there vacant at all. You must know that Duanmuwan, the daughter of the Demon King, is very good at building relationships through various means of communication. It is a pity that she is left on such a small platform in Qiuyue County.

For people with outstanding communication skills, as long as they have enough background and stage, they can leverage extremely powerful forces.

After Lu Sheng, Zhang Shilong and others agreed on a time, they prepared to leave.

By the way, Senior Brother Lu, I met a very strange woman during the battle. Senior brother, please be careful. I suspect that there may be an inside story in this battle. Wang Yunlong suddenly sent a message to remind him.

Oh? Lu Sheng paused.

That woman has long silver-white hair and is extremely powerful. Her voice is like a man and a woman speaking at the same time. I can only protect myself in front of her. Wang Yunlong smiled and transmitted the message.

He was determined to get close to Lu Sheng. As the prince of the demon world, how much success he could achieve in the human world depended entirely on how many information channels he could make friends with here.

And for those with potential, they never skimp on resource investment. Although Lu Sheng almost killed him before, it was just a normal competitive match and was nothing in Wang Yunlong's eyes.

There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests.

This sentence is applicable to both the demon world and the human world.

Lu Sheng also felt Wang Yunlong's attitude, which contained a hint of intimacy in his kindness. He is not someone who has to turn his friends into enemies.

Thank you, junior brother. Let's get closer and closer in the future. After all, we are junior brothers who came out of Qiuyue County together, and we also participated in the battle for Mo Ling Mansion together. Such an encounter is a rare fate, and it would be nice to get closer together.

Wang Yunlong felt happy and nodded quickly. That's as it should be.

The two exchanged each other's addresses, and Lu Sheng slowly left.

After leaving the teleportation point room, there was a square in front of them. The huge hexagonal crystal in the middle of the square was flashing with a faint white light. It was the central square where they entered the Black Seal Temple.

Lu Sheng turned around and looked behind him. The place where he came out was at the foot of a statue of a slender young man holding a bow and arrow and looking into the distance.

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