Extreme Demon

Chapter 367 The Truth 2

There is only one exit to the statue, and standing at the gate are Chang Sun Lan and another middle-aged woman. The two of them were standing chatting about something. When they saw them coming out on the road, Changsunlan looked happy and took the initiative to greet them.

Senior Brother Lu is out?

Junior sister Lan, who is this? Lu Sheng looked at the other woman in confusion.

I'm Yun Qingnu. The woman's face is charming, somewhat similar to Yun Wanfei from Qiuyue County. Apparently he is also from the Yun family. Brother Lu must have met my niece Feifei? I am her second sister. Just call me Yun Er.

It turns out to be Miss Yun Er. Lu Sheng said, cupping his fists.

Yun Qingnu couldn't help but chuckle. Not only her, but also Changsun Lan also laughed.

Brother Lu has such a sweet mouth. The slave family is already over two hundred and thirty years old. They can still be called girls there. You should call me the head of the Yun family. I also have a lot of business in Mo Ling Mansion. Over here I am also taking care of the family business.”

Lu Sheng looked a little weird. This was the first time in his life that someone said he had a sweet mouth.

That's fine.

I came to see Lan'er for something, but I happened to meet such a hero as Brother Lu. You and Feifei are also old acquaintances. We should get closer and closer in the future. Yun Qingnu chuckled.

That's what it should be. Lu Sheng said politely.

Yun Qingnu said a few more words to Changsun Lan, then turned and left.

Let's go, you haven't entered the True Spirit Pagoda yet, I'll take you to try it. Changsun Lan said enthusiastically, My grandfather has given instructions to take you to have a good rest.

No need, I can go by myself. Lu Sheng shook his head.

That's okay, senior brother, don't forget the time. Changsun Lan didn't force it. This trip to Lu Sheng could be regarded as a favor to the Qianyang Sect and her grandfather, and she had to go back to her brothers to preach.

Watched Chang Sun Lan leave.

Lu Sheng stood at the foot of the statue for a while, trying to figure out the direction. Then he paused and jumped towards the direction of the True Spirit Tower.

After leaving the square, passing through several nursing pens for feeding beasts and mounts, and then crossing an underground river with rapid water and poisonous smoke, we finally arrived at one of the most important buildings and facilities in the entire Qianyang Sect, the True Spirit Pagoda.

The True Spirit Tower is not high, with only eight floors. It is dark red like an ordinary spire tower, and there are many decorative jade beads, bells and the like hanging on the outside. When the wind blows, there is a sudden sound of music.

The only difference from other towers is that the eaves of each floor of the True Spirit Tower are engraved with dense dark golden rune patterns similar to the Bagua array. All these rune patterns are slowly rotating all the time, surrounding the tower. The entire True Spirit Tower rotates.

A spacious square wall was built under the tower to surround the place. At regular intervals above the wall, formation flags more than one meter long were placed, emitting a soft blue light.

All the formation flags unite to form four giant blue light curtains that completely envelop the True Spirit Tower.

The only entrances and exits to the light curtain were the three round holes of different sizes directly in front of Lu Sheng.

People could be seen coming in and out of the round hole from time to time. Most of them are inner court disciples, and occasionally one or two elders come out with tired faces.

Lu Sheng walked forward quickly. There was no gatekeeper at the door, but when entering the round hole, he would pass through a flashing blue light door.

Passing through the light door, he strode across the courtyard and walked into the first floor of the True Spirit Tower.

The inside of the tower is just like an ordinary hall, with many people sitting sparsely on the earthy yellow ground. Lu Sheng's entry did not attract anyone's attention. Entering the True Spirit Tower requires expensive expenses, and no one wants to waste any time here.

Lu Sheng glanced at the large characters carved on the wall at the end of the hall: one to two.

This should mean one day outside and two days here.

He also felt keenly that his body seemed to feel a huge centrifugal force moving to the left, but this force was so weak that he could not feel it.

You can continue going up. Lu Sheng walked up the small stairs on the left steadily step by step. Passing through a light blue light curtain again, he came to the second floor.

Like the first floor, the second hall is entirely light yellow, with more than a dozen people sitting sparsely on the ground in the middle, closing their eyes and meditating to comprehend something. Engraved on the wall at the end: One to four.

The burden on the body has increased, but it is still very weak, almost negligible. Lu Sheng felt nothing. He glanced at the people sitting on this floor. Their faces were all red, and they seemed to be quite supported. difficult. Even if there are one or two people who look relaxed, they are far less casual and natural than him.

This heavy burden can be used to build physical strength. With this thought in mind, Lu Sheng continued walking towards the third floor.

The third layer still feels nothing, then the fourth layer, the fifth layer, the sixth layer, and the seventh layer.

Until the eighth floor.

Lu Sheng could barely feel that the load on his body could really be considered a load by him.

There were only two people sitting cross-legged on the ground on the eighth floor. One of them had the head of a bear and the other had the head of an eagle. They were not human beings, but monsters.

Hearing the sound of someone going upstairs, the two of them slowly opened their eyes and glanced curiously towards the stairs.

Are you...? the hawk-headed man asked curiously. His voice was stiff and dry. He hadn't spoken for an unknown amount of time.

Junior Lu Sheng, a new disciple of Qianyang Sect. Lu Sheng also saw how extraordinary these two demon clans were. With the strength of his body, he could feel the pressure here, and these two could actually stay here for who knows how long. It is conceivable that he must be a very physically powerful person.

Aren't you feeling uncomfortable? Another bear-headed man also looked surprised.

It's very uncomfortable. Lu Sheng nodded, But this junior is born with the ability to stay awake and normal before falling down, no matter how uncomfortable it is. He started to tell lies again with his eyes open.

Although the eighth level is very stressful, for him, staying there for ten days and a half is nothing.

Just like now, this junior might make a fool of himself if he stays for a little longer at most. Lu Sheng said seriously.

The eagle-headed man and the bear-headed man looked at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

Your physical body is very strong. Even so, you are very powerful, the bear-headed man continued. Even he himself could only use his true power at full strength to survive here, let alone the eagle-headed man who was worse than him in physical form. .

Every time they come here, they can only exercise here for an hour, and then they have to go down quickly to practice and regulate their breath, otherwise it will not be exercise, but suicide.

Who is your teacher? the hawk-headed man asked in a low voice.

Senior, it's Su Fengfei. Lu Sheng replied respectfully.

Holy Lord Eternal Sleep?? The two demon clans were stunned for a moment.

Exactly. Lu Sheng nodded.

No wonder. You must be heading to Zongmai soon. With such qualifications, Mo Ling Mansion is not your stage after all. The hawk-headed man said solemnly, We and the other two are not from Qianyang Sect, they are just here to borrow temporarily. This is the True Spirit Pagoda. My name is Tong Ying, and his name is Bai Zheng. We are the elders of the Bear Clan and the Eagle Clan, respectively, from the Mo Ling Mansion. The little brother is heroic and has a promising future. I wonder what his name is?

Junior Lu Sheng, my surname is Lu, a famous place. Lu Sheng quickly reported his name.

Good name.

The two monsters chatted with Lu Sheng for a while about the current situation in the Great Yin. As time passed, the three of them gradually shifted the topic to Lu Sheng's cheap teacher Su Fei.

Speaking of which, Brother Lu, your physical body is so strong, it must be because the Holy Lord Eternal Sleep once got that clay tablet, right? Bai Zheng, the bear-headed man, asked casually.

The clay tablet? You mean the one with the beheading marks on it? Lu Sheng suddenly became interested and asked. These two people are not weak in cultivation, and they are also at the level of weapon masters, but they are able to put down their identities and chat with him as a 'genius disciple' for so long. It can be seen that their natures are extremely friendly, so they have become closer while chatting. many. Lu Sheng directly called Bai Zheng Brother Bai, and the eagle-headed man also directly called him Brother Tong.

Exactly. That was actually part of the supreme body-forging holy skill of our demon tribe. Unfortunately, it was later divided into five parts. One part was lost in exile, one part was in the hands of your master, the Holy Lord Yongmian, and the other part was in the Great Yin. The imperial court is holding the rest, but the rest is still in the hands of our clan. Bai Zheng, the bear-headed man, said regretfully.

So it's the holy skill of the demon clan? Body forging? That clay tablet has the effect of body forging? Why didn't I notice? Lu Sheng was also a little surprised. The clay tablets he saw only had a set of Star Shifting Saber Techniques. How could he drill out a body forging?

Of course there is, but it's very hidden. You may have seen the clay tablets, but you haven't delved into the true meaning. Bai Zheng shook his head.

Then, Brother Bai, haven't you ever thought about taking back the clay tablet? Lu Sheng asked again.

That one was given away by us. What should we take back? Bai Zheng laughed. The Bronze Eagle on the side also laughed.

Lu Sheng probably also understood that the demon clan in Dayin could have a good relationship with the imperial court and the three sects, but it must have paid a heavy price. This clay tablet should also be one of them.

We have exchanged a total of seventy-nine different kinds of true powers with your three sects, and thirty-six kinds of true powers with the imperial court, and this Holy Sword Clay Tablet is also one of them. Tong Ying explained with a smile.

Holy Sword Clay Tablet? Lu Sheng was stunned. The carvings on it are obviously knife marks, right?

Knife marks? Are you mistaken? The marks on the clay tablet are not knife marks, but sword marks. I once got a clay tablet and after thirty years of reflection, I will never admit my mistake? Bai Zheng waved his hand and said, You If you don’t believe it, go back and ask your teacher to take it out and observe it carefully, then you will know.”

Brother Bai, are you sure? Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged, but his heart slowly sank.

Of course I'm sure. Bai Zheng said slightly dissatisfied, All the clay tablets are the same, they are all sword marks. Where did the sword marks come from?

Lu Sheng closed his eyes. Bai Zheng and Tong Ying continued to talk, but he couldn't listen anymore.

He now has a strong urge to rush into the Secret Realm as soon as possible.

Questioned Su Fei and gave him a fake slate?

Or demand compensation for it?

Or re-negotiate the conditions? Sign a new agreement?


He decided that if Su Fei couldn't give a good explanation, don't blame him for being cruel. He can't beat the opponent now, but in the future, he will settle the score slowly.

Misdirecting the skills is tantamount to murder and annihilation of the family. Once he actually practices the skills wrongly, the possible consequences are simply unimaginable. If he goes crazy and his body is half disabled, it is still a small thing. It is common for people to self-destruct and die, and to go crazy.

Unknowingly, the killing intent deep in Lu Sheng's eyes became deeper and deeper.

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