Extreme Demon

Chapter 365 Making Money Properly 2

Of course, go out! Sun Rongji said helplessly, Go out and use the True Spirit Pagoda to adjust and recuperate for a while, recover from your injuries before going back to work.

Weren't you crazy just now? Changsun Lan looked at Sun Rongji with a sneer, You also said that you would eliminate me first so as not to interfere with your duel. What's the result? I was beaten to pieces by my senior brother.

Kang, that is confidence in one's own strength. Kuang is not arrogance, but absolute confidence in oneself. Sun Rongji said seriously.

Then can you beat my senior brother? Changsun Lantao approached quite quickly. Although she was paid 50,000 magic gold, she was in an unprecedented good mood. A mere 50,000 magic gold, although it is not a small amount of money, but in exchange for a top three ranking, it is perfect.

Moreover, he could still see Sun Rongji and Li Mei being injured without any injuries.

Sun Rongji paused for a moment, then laughed and said: I can't beat him, but if I can't beat him now, that doesn't mean he will be beaten in the future.

I won't be able to beat him in the future. Lu Sheng interjected from the side.

Changsun Lan suddenly laughed out loud.

Senior brother, Sun Rongji looked at Lu Sheng helplessly.

Fighting comes after fighting, but after getting along with each other, it can be seen that the origin and closeness between the three sects are obvious.

Lu Sheng looked at them and felt as if he had returned to the time when he was still in the Yuan Mo Sect. At that time, he had some power and strength, but he was not as deep and cruel as he is now.

In the blink of an eye, it had been almost several years since he first entered Yuan Mo Sect. It was only such a short time, but it felt like a long, long time had passed.

Senior brother, you are ruthless enough to take away all the pocket money that I have accumulated for many years in one breath. Sun Rongji also admired Lu Sheng extremely. I'm afraid that in the entire Mo Ling Mansion now, senior brother is definitely the number one in the inner courtyard. He was a man of grandeur and had cool eyes. He was not at all jealous or depressed because Lu Sheng defeated him.

At this point, even Changsun Lan on the side couldn't help but look sideways, a glimmer of brilliance flashing in his beautiful eyes.

I'm short of money recently. Lu Sheng shook his head, Just don't blame me when you go out. He looked strange,

What? Before Sun Rongji had time to react, three rays of white light flew out from the white vortex, fell on the three of them, enveloped the three of them, and then flew into the white vortex and disappeared.


Chi! Tsk!

Liang Xu Three white lights flew out from the transparent door, fell gently to the ground at the door, and turned into three figures.

They are Lu Sheng, Sun Rongji, and Changsun Lan.

As soon as the three people showed up, countless eyes on the campus focused on the three people like spotlights.

Especially Lu Sheng, when he appeared, the injured people in many corners of the school field shot a look of awe and anger. Especially the Spirit Binding Sect.

Fortunately, everyone was fighting fair, and no one had any complaints when Lu Sheng defeated them face to face. It's just that their senior brothers and sisters are somewhat curious about Lu Sheng.

But this kind of curiosity soon attracted him to look away and continue to look at the scene in the huge mirror above his head. Next comes the fight for the silver key.

Rongji, come here. The Jiuwei Cave Master of Binding Spirit Sect said calmly.

Sun Rongji looked solemn and jumped towards the direction of the Soul Binding Sect. He soon stood in front of Jiuwei Cave Master, lowered his head and clasped his fists to report the situation.

Needless to say, I have seen it. That person is indeed far stronger than you. Jiuwei Cave Master did not mean to blame Sun Rongji, and he had always admired his nephew's upright and upright style. So although it is completely different from the Spirit Binding Sect's style. He didn't get the first place this time, but he was very satisfied.

In fact, he didn't expect Sun Rongji to get first place this time.

Lan Lan. Master Yuan Zheng also waved to Changsun Lan.

Changsun Lan cupped his fists towards Lu Sheng.

Senior Brother Lu, I'll go over first. Strength comes first, so although she entered the door much earlier than Lu Sheng, she still called Lu Sheng her senior brother.

Go. Lu Sheng nodded and was about to leave the gate and go down to rest.

Theoretically, it was just a temporary break now, and they should go to the rest point arranged by the three sects to wait for arrangements. It's just that Changsun Lan and Sun Rongji have special status, so there are exceptions.

Lu Sheng, surrounded by several nursing staff from the three sects, put on a resting robe to cover up some of his torn clothes, then left the school grounds, walked through several streets, and walked towards a place where layers of light curtains were arranged. The spacious house is equipped with food and drink supplies, as well as various elixirs, powders, potions, etc. specially prepared by the three sects. Lu Sheng was about to step in.


Suddenly a voice called him from behind.

Lu Sheng looked around. But when he saw Yuan Chengdao from the Spirit Binding Sect, he jumped down lightly and landed not far away from him, staring closely at him.

Elder Yuan? What advice do you have? Lu Sheng asked with a raised brow. It seems that he has nothing to do with Yuan Chengdao, he is just an ordinary stranger.

It's a good thing you did with only ten people from the Soul-Binding Sect qualifying! Yuan Chengdao said with a cold tone, staring at him with a hint of awe.

Then what does Elder Yuan want to do? Fight with me? Teach me a lesson? Lu Sheng showed a strange smile.

Why not? Yuan Chengdao sneered. Do you think you must be the first? So you are confident? Or do you think I don't dare to kill you?

How can this junior have such thoughts. Lu Sheng spread his hands, Elder Yuan is very powerful, but the disciple has no choice but to accept his fate and dare not resist.

But everyone has a vengeful mentality. As I said before, if I can't defeat you, Elder Yuan, I can only take it out on those disciples. Isn't this also natural?

You!? Yuan Chengdao clenched his fists in anger and turned pale. Because of him alone, most of the disciples of the entire Mo Ling Mansion's Spirit Binding Sect failed to get a ranking. This was no longer a sin, but a disaster. What's more, with Lu Sheng constantly publicizing the hatred between the two, when the time comes that those fellow disciples of Qianyang Sect have nothing to do with Lu Sheng, they will put all the blame on him.

What a sharp tongue! It seems that your teacher didn't teach you etiquette properly! Yuan Chengdao suppressed his anger, Don't think that if you stay in the sect all the time, I can't do anything to you. I will take good care of you in the future. Let me teach you what rules and etiquette are!

I don't need to worry about how my teacher teaches me. To put it bluntly, just because you are an ordinary elder of the Spirit Binding Sect, you are not qualified to teach me. Lu Sheng said with a smile on his face. The words that came out made Yuan Chengdao even more angry.

Yuan Chengdao suppressed his anger, closed his eyes, turned around and opened them again.

I'll wait for you outside. He didn't know that Lu Sheng was now being paid attention to by the higher-ups, but so what, the hatred between brothers was irreconcilable. No one could say anything about the grudge between him and Lu Sheng. As long as he is killed in a duel in public, no one can say anything.

By the way, Elder Yuan's younger brother also talked to me in the same way at that time. So I killed him in front of everyone. Lu Sheng suddenly sent a message to Yuan Cheng.


Yuan Chengdao clenched his hands tightly and his whole body began to tremble.

Elder Yuan only has such a younger brother? What a pity. Is it possible that your Yuan family has almost been wiped out except for you? It seems that there is a big age difference between the two of you. In other words, he is not your brother at all, but...

You're looking for death!! Yuan Chengdao finally couldn't bear it any longer, turned around, filled with black smoke, stretched out his claws, and grabbed Lu Sheng on the head.

The black claws are getting closer and closer, faster and faster.


The knife on Lu Sheng's waist slowly opened a gap.



With a loud noise, a figure flew from the side and hit Yuan Chengdao hard on the hand. Knock this claw away.

The two of them passed by Lu Sheng and exchanged dozens of moves like lightning. Waves of golden light and black smoke exploded, and then they all jumped back and fell.

The difference was that after Yuan Chengdao landed, he stumbled back a few steps, his face turning blue and white, obviously suffering from a hidden loss. The other person stood firmly, showing no sign of weakness.

It's not your turn, Yuan Chengdao, to discipline me as a disciple of Qianyang Sect! The person who came was a middle-aged man whose appearance was vaguely similar to that of Master Yuan Zheng.


Elder Yuan.

The voices of Master Yuan Zheng of Qianyang Sect and Jiuwei Cave Master of Binding Spirit Sect came at the same time.

The Master of Jiuwei Cave was still on the school grounds and glanced at Master Yuan Zheng across from him. Continue to send messages to Yuan Chengdao.

You made the first move in this matter. Although the other party responded with harsh words, so be it.

Jiuwei is currently the strongest person in the Spirit-Binding Sect and is currently the deputy sect leader. As for the sect leader, he only gave it to his senior brother because he was impatient and disliked too many chores. In fact, he is the strongest person in the Spirit Binding Sect.

He and Master Yuan Zheng are also old rivals who have fought against each other for many years.

However, compared to Yuan Chengdao's small actions, he was more worried about the stance of the Qianyang Sect. This competition was just a trivial matter and would be held regularly after a cycle. However, the stance of the Qianyang Sect in the Mo Ling Mansion determined their spirit binding. Who has the upper hand between the Sect and the Youyi Sect?

Yuan Chengdao was so sad that he vomited blood, but he did not dare to disobey the deputy sect leader's order, so he could only stare at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng smiled at him, and behind the middle-aged man Qingyang, he made a slight gesture of wiping his neck with his hands.

I'll kill you, son. That's exactly what he said.

Yuan Chengdao was furious. In fact, the reason why he really valued his younger brother so much was because this younger brother was the child of his and his stepmother An Lun. Now that Lu Sheng had poked him in a sore spot, he felt even more resentful.

Little bastard! If someone hadn't stopped you, you would have died countless times! Yuan Chengdao said in a sinister voice.

Do you dare to take action? If you don't dare, don't find any random excuses. Lu Sheng smiled softly, which made Yuan Chengdao even more angry and almost rushed forward to start a fight.

Okay! Master Yuan Zheng directly transmitted the message, and Lu Sheng and Yuan Chengdao felt like a loud buzzing in their ears.

Lu Sheng was okay, but he felt that the voice was a bit loud. With his physical strength, not to mention this small voice, even Master Yuan Zheng roaring with all his strength would have little effect on him.

But Yuan Chengdao couldn't do it. After all, the opponent was the strongest person in the Qianyang Sect of Mo Ling Mansion, and he was an old monster who had been in charge of the army for more than a thousand years. Now his cultivation is even more unfathomable, and no one knows where he has reached.

Suddenly, he even felt that his whole body was shaking from the sound. He raised his head and opened his eyes, only to see Lu Sheng's sarcastic smile.

Trash. He saw Lu Sheng say two words silently.

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