Extreme Demon

Chapter 364: Making Money Properly 1


There was an uproar on the school grounds. Master Yuan Zheng of Qianyang Sect slapped the table and laughed violently.

The other elders and masters of the Qianyang Sect all looked ugly. The three masters had to pay for it. The three strongest inner court disciples of the Qianyang Sect, Mo Ling Mansion, were as strong as some weaker elders. Wow, this Lu Sheng actually dared to make trouble in front of the three of them?

Look! Look! This is the true nature of Qian Yang Sect! Master Yuan Zheng felt that the evil breath that had been suppressed for many years was finally released, no, it was sprayed out.

Feel proud!

The Qianyang Sect's Mo Ling Mansion has been criticized by people, secretly scolding them for being desperate for money, not very powerful, and good for nothing except making money.

What's the saying, 'Every disciple of Qianyang Sect must be the weakest among the three major sects'? Although they talk about being powerful and don't have enough money to attack them, if they really want to take action, most of them won't risk their lives. Bloody, that is, there are many ways to choose to spend money to make peace.

Such rumors have almost become a fixed image of Qianyang Sect in Mo Ling Mansion. It was also the most embarrassing thing for Master Yuan Zheng.

But now, finally, there is someone who can truly stand on an equal footing with the other two strongest disciples.

Such a good thing, such a happy event!! Master Yuan Zheng patted the table and laughed so hard that tears almost came out. Isn't this what I looked like back then? This boy really has a long face! He has such a long face!!

Sir, your granddaughter is still inside, a palace master beside him couldn't help but shook his head and reminded.

Well Master Yuan Zheng's smile suddenly stopped. Suddenly I remembered this bad situation and quickly looked at the screen. It’s a bit embarrassing to see that my granddaughter is also being blackmailed.

He didn't know for a moment whether it was better to laugh or be angry.


Which Qianyang lineage are you from? Changsun Lan stared at Lu Sheng with a strange expression in front of the pagoda.

There is no lineage. Lu Sheng responded casually. At this time, he also saw the Qianyang Sect symbol on Changsun Lan's body.

Why do you act like this? We, the Qianyang Sect, have always behaved openly, uprightly, and made money openly. If word and deeds like yours were to spread, Changsun Lan said solemnly.

I make money based on my own ability, why can't I be upright?? Lu Sheng looked confused.

Changsun Lan was immediately speechless.

You three, hurry up. And you, don't think that you are from the same sect as me. Don't blame me for being unkind if you don't pay. Lu Sheng sneered.

Sun Rongji remained silent. He slowly took off the Fangtian Painted Halberd from his back with his backhand and gently placed it on the ground beside him.

Li Mai also slowly grasped the dagger behind him.

It seems you are planning to take action. Lu Sheng grinned and raised the knife in his hand.

Since you dare to come alone and make such threats, you are obviously extremely confident in your own strength? Sun Rongji said slowly.

It's not confidence, but it's natural. Lu Sheng walked forward slowly.

Really? Sun Rongji suddenly opened his eyes and rose into the sky. Fang Tian's painted halberd brought out a black dragon-shaped infuriating energy.

The black dragon's zhenqi was twisting and turning, and in the blink of an eye, it shot towards Lu Sheng.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng moved his sword forward to block the black dragon. He raised his hand forward again and hit the scattered black dragon's true energy with his left elbow.

There was another loud bang.

Lu Sheng stayed still. Sun Rongji, covered by the black energy, held Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly with both hands. He took a few steps back with shock on his face. The blade of his Fang Tian painted halberd was fiercely struck just now. He cut Sheng's elbow in the middle and was forcefully pushed back.


At this moment, a figure on Lu Sheng's left side flashed away like smoke, and at the same time, a white mark appeared on Lu Sheng's left waist.

The wound only cut through the clothes, far from breaking Lu Sheng's skin.

Interesting. Lu Sheng glanced at the opening on his waist. At his current speed, although he has suppressed it to the same level as the third level of the Earth Yuan level, with the spiritual will of the Demon Lord level, his strength is enough to reach the Earth Yuan level. The highest level of the lower third level.

But in this state, Li Mai and Sun Rongji's combined yin and yang attack actually touched him.

Li Mai turned around, used Qingluo's body technique, and stabbed Lu Sheng hard in the back with another knife.


After the tip of the knife pierced the clothes, the sharp sword made a sound like gold and stone. And this time, the rebound from the sword will be a huge counterattack.

Li Mai was caught off guard and was violently thrust into his body. He rolled several times in mid-air before falling to the ground, his face flushed red.

Bang bang bang! !

Hit three times in a row.

Sun Rongji's Fangtian Painted Halberd once again attacked with all his strength. The Yuanhun Halberd technique was not hidden at all, and the strongest killing blow was used with all his strength.

Chaotic Divine Halberd·Xingyi Kill!!

A large amount of star-like blue energy emanated from his body. The moment Fang Tian waved his painted halberd, all the blue energy condensed into a ball, forming a little bit of dazzling blue stars.

A total of nineteen blue stars were connected to each other to form countless blue lines. Fang Tian's painted halberd broke through these lines at once, like breaking through crystal glass, and stabbed straight towards Lu Sheng.

There was a crisp sound.

Lu Sheng held the knife in his hand casually. The tip and blade of the halberd were only one finger away from his forehead. But even with one finger at a distance, he couldn't press it down no matter what.

This move is good, 90% better than the previous one. Lu Sheng smiled and looked at Li Mai, who slowly appeared on the right.

This person holds a short knife firmly against his right waist. His whole body is slightly arched, and all the strength of his body is gathered to one point. A large number of black runes are constantly flowing on the surface of his exposed skin. It is obvious that he has also used secret techniques. .

Is this all your strength? Lu Sheng said softly.

You Li Mai took a deep breath. The black runes on his body were like insects, densely flowing through his skin and flowing towards the knife in his hand, increasing its power.

In an instant, Lu Sheng flicked the dagger away and stamped his chest with a palm. At the same time, he put aside Sun Rongji's halberd and hit his forehead with an elbow.

boom! ! !

The two of them flew out like cannonballs and were embedded in the wall and temple behind them.

There was no movement for a while.

Lu Sheng stood where he was, even his demeanor and position were the same as before. It was as if the whole person didn't do anything at all. Looking at the last Changsun Lan.

How about it? Pay the money? He showed what he thought was a gentle smile.

But in Changsun Lan's eyes, this is similar to the ferocious-looking Thorn Demon clan.

Fifty thousand magic gold, right? I'll give it to you when I get out. After seeing Lu Sheng's strength, she understood that this was not a level she could touch.

In fact, in the field, except for her who had just entered the lower third level of the Earth Yuan level, Sun Rongji and Li Mai were already second level masters among the lower third level.

But such a master couldn't take more than ten moves in Lu Sheng's hands.

Fifty thousand magic gold can buy a qualifying spot, which is a good deal. Changsun Lan thought of this, looked at Sun Rongji and Li Mai in the temple and the broken wall, and smiled bitterly.

Then let's do it. Lu Sheng stepped forward boredly and gently held the suspended golden key in his palm.

Wait!! I'll pay too! This is a token! Suddenly, Sun Rongji's coughing voice came from the temple.

A white object flew out and fell lightly towards Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to catch it, and suddenly discovered that it was a piece of gold paper coated with a layer of platinum. There is a line of words engraved on it: Tian Ning is vast, and life is long and prosperous.

This is the Earth Element Golden Needle Map. A formation map is worth 100,000 magic gold on the market. How about the depreciation of 50,000 yuan for you? Sun Rongji crawled out from the broken bricks in the ruins, panting violently.

His hair was disheveled, and there was a big gash on his forehead. As soon as the blood flowed out, it quickly got into his mouth like a living thing, without wasting any time.

Rich and wealthy. Changsun Lan shook his head and gave some items worth fifty thousand magic gold. Carrying so many good things with her, her status and background also made Lu Sheng look a little suspicious.

Accepting their money unceremoniously, Lu Sheng squeezed the golden key, closed his eyes and meditated silently.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three golden threads shot out from the golden key and gently connected to the three people.

The top three will be decided. The old voice from before sounded again.

The eyes of Lu Sheng and the others suddenly flashed. A huge, clear and heavy power suddenly enveloped the three of them. Their eyes were also like a rainbow streamer. After a burst of colorful lights, it took more than ten breaths to return to normal.

Lu Sheng's eyes cleared, and then he realized that the three of him were standing side by side in a white and empty room. On one side of the room, there was a huge white vortex of water embedded in the wall on the left. The vortex kept spinning, making no sound. No interest.

On the right side, there is a black water vortex, and the aura revealed in it is the familiar fluctuation inside the Black Seal Temple.

This is the transit place. The outer layer of Black Seal Temple is on the left, and the inner layer is on the right. Do you choose to go out and rest for a while, or continue to other areas? The old man's figure came again.

Only the first one is qualified to go to other prefectures. Is this useful for you to ask? Sun Rongji smiled bitterly. Ever since he was nearly knocked unconscious by Lu Sheng, he knew that there were people outside the world. He held a halberd in his hand and smiled bitterly. .

Of course, only the first person can participate in the cross-prefecture fight, but for the final general pulse selection, you can choose three people together. So you can choose the general pulse. The old man actually answered Sun Rongji.

In other words, I can go to other districts. This is my strongest qualification. In the end, each district can send three people to the central main line to participate in the general battle? Lu Sheng understood. .

Of course, that's why the Golden Key chose three people. The old man answered Lu Sheng with a rare hint of appreciation in his voice. They say one person, but that is the quota shared by the three sects, but this time you have defeated the Youyi Sect. But your skills are not as good as others, there is nothing you can do about it.

These are the three sects of Mo Ling Mansion.

Even the strongest of the three sects at the government level is not as strong as he is now. But Lu Sheng didn't look down on these people either. Among the three sects at the government level, the strongest ones were at least close to the Holy Lord's level as a demon king. That is to say, it is the pinnacle of the military commander level, almost the same as before. There are countless secret arts and techniques that such a great master can use, and there is no guarantee that there will be some who can see through his disguise.

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