Extreme Demon

Chapter 363 Huge Profits 2

You!! Why!! The man was shocked and angry. He quickly backed away and looked at the other people around him. He was shocked to see that everyone else, including his sister, stood still.

When he moved again, a cold wind suddenly blew through, and more than ten people present fell to the ground and quickly faded away.

Why on earth are you doing this!? The man backed away repeatedly, his eyes scanning the Thousand Suns Sect logo on Lu Sheng's chest, showing a look of disbelief.

I have no choice. I can't offend your elder Yuan Chengdao, so I can only take it out on you. Lu Sheng smiled brightly. They want to play slowly with me. Of course I, Lu, don't dare to disobey. Of course I have to play slowly.


He suddenly drew a strange arc with the blade and easily penetrated the man's neck. A large amount of true energy surged into the opponent's body, destroying everything in the opponent's body.

You and me. The man didn't understand until his death that a disciple of Qianyang Sect could be so strong that he couldn't resist. They didn't even realize what was going on before they were kicked out by Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng's speed was too fast. After raising the Star Shifting Saber to the terrifying level of one hundred and eighty-ninth level in one breath, the special effects in it were also increased to one hundred and eighty-nine levels.

Even if the speed of an ordinary person is increased by 189 levels, it can reach the point of abnormality. What's more, a strong man like Lu Sheng with terrifying physical strength.

He tried his best to suppress his speed, but still, the group of fourth and fifth-level Spirit-Binding Sect disciples had no reaction and were completely annihilated.

Pulling out the knife, he looked at the handsome man lying softly on the ground, still smiling.

The outer layer of Black Seal Temple.

Snapped! !

The copper ball in Yuan Chengdao's hand accidentally fell to the ground, causing scratches on the patterns on it.

He was motionless at this time, not even looking at the copper ball he loved to play with most on weekdays. Instead, his face turned blue and his eyes were fixed on the scene above his head.

Lu Sheng inside, with a sarcastic smile on his face, felled six disciples of the Spirit Binding Sect for the third time under his sword.

If the first time was accidental, then the second and third times were targeted.

The Elder Yuan he spoke of? Could it be that he is Elder Yuan Chengdao of our Spirit Binding Sect?

Is it possible that there is someone with the same name? I don't know where he provoked this killing star. I counted, and in his hands, we saw that nearly thirty people were killed. In total, the whole sect only invested one person. Less than a hundred people”

Yuan Chengdao listened to the chatter around him, but he didn't know that this was said to him on purpose. He stared at Lu Sheng in the picture. He originally planned to keep him alive and play with it slowly, but now, he wanted to kill Lu Sheng immediately!

Elder Yuan, is what Qianyang Sect's Lu Sheng said true? An elder whose disciple had been eliminated approached and asked in a deep voice with an ugly face.

Not only him, but other palace masters and elders who had eliminated their nephews and disciples also looked at him with unkind expressions.

Yuan Chengdao's face gradually became extremely ugly, and his hands kept clenching and unclenching, clenching and loosening again. I didn't expect that he would grow up so fast. He found that his voice was so dry for the first time.


Suddenly, everyone in the three sects exclaimed in surprise.

It seems that he saw something amazing.

Yuan Chengdao quickly raised his head and looked back, only to see the screen flicker again and move away, instead turning to a dark muddy ground.

There are three spire pagodas on the ground, one after another, with as many as ten floors. The surface of the golden pagoda is stained with some gray and black dirt, but it cannot cover up the magnificent appearance of the pagoda.

But what really amazed everyone in the three sects was not these dead objects, but the three people facing each other in the middle of the pagoda. They were amazed that these three people were able to confront each other so quickly.

The three people in the picture, two men and one woman, are respectively wearing the symbols of the three sects of the Spirit Binding Sect, the Youin Indium Sect, and the Qianyang Sect.

And the identities of these three people are also the three strongest inner court disciples of the three sects of Mo Ling Mansion.

Sun Rongji of Fu Ling Sect, Li Mai of You Indium Sect, and Sun Lan, the eldest son of Qianyang Sect.

Sun Rongji had a calm aura, wearing tight-fitting brown leather armor and carrying a blue-black Fangtian painted halberd on his back. He has thick eyebrows and sharp eyes, a face with a Chinese character, and a body of bronzed and strong muscles. At first glance, he feels a bit difficult to get along with. At this time, he was indeed staring closely at the gloomy man standing opposite. He didn't pay much attention to the woman on the other side.

Li Mai, how about giving me the first place this time and in exchange for helping you solve the problem? Sun Rongji looked calm and spoke with strong confidence.

That gloomy man was the strongest in the inner courtyard of Youyi Sect, Li Mai. This person is wearing a black tights, a silver-blue belt around his waist, and a white waistband on the side. His long hair is tied into a ponytail, and his legs are also wearing black leggings. There is also a pure white dagger stuck in his back, and he Dressed in black, the look contrasts sharply.

No need, there are three of us here with the golden key. I'm afraid no one will let it go. If you want it, use your real power. Li Mai's words were full of coldness. The first place in Mo Ling Mansion this time can go out and fight with Communicating with disciples in other districts was secondary. What he valued more was the wealth of one hundred thousand magic gold. He was not like the Qianyang Sect. The disciples of the Youyi Sect were already poor. No one could tell what kind of terrifying effect one hundred thousand magic gold could have in their hands.

But he and Sun Rongji were about the same, he was just a little stronger. If it's one-on-one, it's okay, there is some chance of winning, and he will win after two hundred moves, but there is also Chang Sun Lan at this time, which is very likely to affect the outcome.

Changsun Lan bit her lower lip and held two water-splitting thorns tightly in her hands. Although she had a low chance of winning this time, she would never give up.

Lan'er, stop fooling around. You should understand what this golden key means to me and Brother Li. Sun Rongji's eyes were focused on Changsun Lan. Of the three, she is the weakest. If she could be eliminated first, then he and Li Mai would be able to decide the outcome without being affected.

Changsun Lan remained silent and just stood there without moving.

She didn't know that she was the weakest among the three sects, but that didn't mean that she had no chance to get the golden key.

Brother Sun, do you think you've got me? Li Mai had never been a good person, and there was a hint of coldness on his face.

Brother Li seems to be very confident. Sun Rongji smiled, In that case, why don't we ask Lan'er to be eliminated first, and then we can have a fair one-on-one battle to decide who owns the golden key.

Li Mei glanced at Chang Sun Lan coldly. This woman was indeed pretty and had a good figure, but he and Sun Rongji present were never people who would make someone stupid just for the sake of beauty.


As soon as these words came out, Changsun Lan's heart suddenly trembled.

How can I, my little sister, be worthy of Brother Sun and Brother Li joining forces? She took a step back slightly, her face becoming more alert.

Sun Rongji smiled, did not speak or take action, but looked at Li Mai, who also looked at him, obviously not intending to take action.

These two people actually only talk about it, but if they really want to take action, no one wants to be the first. I'm afraid that if a flaw is exposed during the action, the other party will take advantage of it.

The scene was at a stalemate.

In any case, neither of them actually paid much attention to the Qianyang Sect. In their eyes, Changsun Lan, the strongest, was just a vase that could be solved with a dozen moves. The real rivals have always been each other in their eyes.

Changsun Lan actually knew this, but she was just insisting. If the Qianyang Sect loses her, it will really lose even its last fig leaf. Her grandfather, Master Yuan Zheng, will also be completely disgraced. So no matter what others think, she has tried her best to stand here, alongside the other two, even though she knows they look down on her, but this is her responsibility.

Just like the two people in front of them, they didn't even look at themselves. In his speech and attitude, he basically regarded himself as a foil.

Li Mai, if only you were as sensible as the previous junior brothers and sisters, and knew how to protect yourself wisely. Sun Rongji sighed.

Mingzhe protects himself? You mean like those rubbish who only know how to throw away money? Li Mai sneered.

You!! Changsun Lan suddenly pulled out the water-splitting thorn, his beautiful eyes were cold.

What? Qianyang also wants to take a share of the pie? Li Mai stared at Changsun Lan suddenly, with a trace of violent killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Changsun Lan's breath was obviously stagnant, he gritted his teeth and did not dare to make any more noise.

Li Mai sneered and was about to speak when suddenly his expression changed and he suddenly retreated backwards.

Not only him, but Sun Rongji also retreated quickly, even faster than him.

boom! ! ! !

In an instant, there was a loud noise, and a huge boulder with a diameter of seven or eight meters rolled and smashed into the wall on the right side. It roared past the three people and hit the temple gate hard.

Bang! !

The boulders were blown to pieces, most of the gates collapsed, and most of the temples also collapsed.

Amidst the smoke and dust along the way, a tall, strong and slender figure slowly walked into the courtyard holding a knife.

Oh, it seems like I used too much force.

As soon as this figure came closer, it faintly exuded a strong and frightening sense of oppression. Especially the knife he was holding, the blade was always twisted and surrounded by hot air currents. Together with the surrounding air, it tumbles and changes like water.

Who are you? Sun Rongji glanced at the place where the boulder hit. The smile on his face gradually disappeared and turned into a calm look at the person coming.

Fifty thousand magic gold each. If you lose one point, you all should stay away. Lu Sheng grinned. Of course you can try to escape, but I promise, you will die faster that way.

Sun Rongji wanted to show a smile, but found that he couldn't smile no matter what.

Li Mei's previous coldness also disappeared, and she stared at the man with extreme solemnity. The higher her cultivation level, the more terrifying and powerful she could feel the man in front of her.

Changsun Lan was confused at this time. She felt as if her eyes were hallucinating, so much so that she could even misread the other party's sect logo.

She looked at it several times until she was sure that she was not hallucinating, and then she took a deep breath.

Qianyang. Are you also from Qianyang? She finally couldn't help but ask.

Don't think that if you get close to me, I will give you a discount. The man sneered. Give me money or die!

As soon as these words came out, even Sun Rongji couldn't help but twitch his face, glanced at the Qianyang Sect logo on the man's chest, and couldn't help but look at Changsun Lan rather strangely.

Are you from the same sect?

Li Mai also had a strange look on his face, and finally understood what it means to deny your relatives for the sake of money.

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