Extreme Demon

Chapter 362 Huge Profits 1

Master Yuan Zheng knew that someone was deliberately casting a spell to cause mischief, so he quickly changed the scene.

The next few scene monitoring scenes made him collapse even more. Several disciples from the Qianyang Sect cried bitterly and knelt on the ground, taking out the magic gold tickets to buy their own lives. Their opponents were several masters from the Spirit Binding Sect. They They were also confused, obviously they had already said that they would definitely not let these people go.

But the purpose of these Qianyang Sect people to take out the golden tickets is just to make them move faster and minimize the pain. They are afraid of pain.

Disciples of this generation, disciples of this generation Master Yuan Zheng was so angry that his white beard blew wildly. He stared fiercely at the other elders and the palace master.

Look at what kind of ethos you bring!!? Money, money, money! All you know is money! When we get to the Demon Army and Demon Realm, are you going to have face-to-face discussions with the Demon General about money!?

Everyone in the world is interested in profit. Why should Elder Yuan Zheng be angry? Even the demon world only conflicts with our human world for profit. If we can really satisfy their interests and achieve a mutually beneficial symbiosis, even if Even the demon army and the demon generals may not be able to win peace. Master Hunxiang Hall, who ranked first among the nine hall masters, retorted lazily.

Yes, I also agree with what Master Hunxiang Hall said.

What the master of the hall said is absolutely true. Why fight to the death if there is no bloodshed? War force is not a necessary means, but should be a deterrent, a deterrent developed for the sake of peace.

The Great Elder is too radical, which is not conducive to peace and harmony.

The elders and masters of the Qianyang Sect all echoed in agreement.

Master Yuan Zheng's complexion is getting darker and darker. This is the trend of the entire Qianyang Sect. The master of Hunxiang Palace also serves as the deputy sect leader of the sect, and the tendencies of the sect leader who can appoint him as the deputy sect leader can be clearly seen.

Chi Chi Chi! !

He quickly switched the screen, but as long as Qian Yang Sect disciples appeared, they all looked like they were spending money to buy lives and rankings. Master Yuan Zheng became even more angry.

If his formation hadn't been sponsored and supported by Qianyang Sect itself, people from the other two sects would have protested in various ways.

Soon the screen flickered again and switched to the position of Master Song Quan. At this time, he was discussing the price with several masters from Youyi Sect.

In my eyes, there is nothing that money can't solve. If there is, then it's not enough money. Mr. Song Quan is considered a leading figure among this generation of disciples. Not only is he cultivated, but also he has formed A small organization called Shenxiang Eight Heroes. He is the first of the eight heroes.

Mr. Song, 20,000, 20,000, we will help you deal with the two black walls. You can deal with the rest by yourself. The master of You Indium Sect countered.

Twenty thousand must be all, otherwise we might as well do it ourselves. Song Quan waved his hand.

Thirty thousand in total!

Twenty thousand!

Twenty-eight thousand!

Twenty-five thousand!

Change!! Master Yuan Zheng was so angry that he clapped the formation flag in his hand.

The screen flashed suddenly, showing three Qianyang Sect and several unknown Xiaosong disciples standing together on the edge of a small lake. One of the men stood at the front, strong and holding a machete.

There are only two types of people who can stand in front of me. The man said calmly, The first is the rich.

Master Yuan Zheng felt a tightness in his chest again and was about to change.

Second, it's dead people.

Huh? ?

Master Yuan Zheng suddenly paused. Not only him, but also the other three high-level officials on the campus all let out soft sighs.

All eyes were focused on the tall man in the picture. The Qianyang Sect's symbol on his body was extremely obvious.

Which palace does this person belong to? Master Yuan Zheng glanced at the other palace masters and elders, but they all looked confused.

Master Yuan Zheng fine-tuned the screen to reveal part of the area in front of the man.

oh! !

Suddenly, the entire campus was boiling.

In front of the man, by the small lake, in the open space, no less than 20 people were lying dead. All of these people were wearing the symbols of the Youyi Sect and the Soul Binding Sect. Blood continued to flow out of the corpses, gathering into a small river and pouring into the lake.

If you don't have money to buy your life, then just die. The man put away his knife and turned around to leave.

Domineering! !

Master Yuan Zheng suddenly became excited. This is the ideal Qianyang Sect member in his mind! ! In an instant, the way he looked at this man changed. This is his most ideal disciple! !

The top leaders of the other three sects were also excited. Is this from the Qianyang Sect? The Youyi Sect isn't that domineering, right?

Okay!! Master Yuan Zheng shouted suddenly. Even Changsun Lan had never treated him like this before!

This is the appearance of a truly proud son of our Qianyang Sect! He stood up and said loudly.

The other hall masters, especially the master of Huxiang Hall, frowned and stared at the man in the picture carefully, then turned their heads and whispered something to an elder beside him.

Many of the elders of the Qianyang Sect don't look very good-looking. The Qianyang Sect does not need such arrogant and domineering people. Harmony brings wealth. Only harmony can mediate between the major forces and obtain more benefits. Although a disciple like this feels happy for a while, it will be difficult to deal with the relationship later.

However, when Master Yuan Zheng, the top elder, spoke, naturally no one dared to speak, not even the Master of Hunxiang Hall, who would have no objections. After all, Master Yuan Zheng is the oldest and most powerful person in the Qianyang Sect of the Mo Ling Mansion besides the sect leader.

What's more, the others just have different opinions, not a fundamental conflict of interest.

It's a pity that the edge is a bit too revealing, a deputy palace master couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Too revealing! Master Yuan Zheng was furious. We, the Qianyang Sect of Mo Ling Mansion, will be completely embarrassed by you! Looking at this kid in the picture, this is what our Qianyang Sect should look like!

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. The deputy palace master who was scolded turned red, but he did not dare to speak back.

The other three sects also continued to look at the mirror above their heads.


Lu Sheng shook off the blood on the knife. With his current spiritual state, he naturally noticed a lot of sights above his head. Among them, most of the eyes were curious and neutral.

After a slight change of thought, he knew that it should be the three high-level secret techniques used to monitor the situation.

He didn't care what this group of people thought of him. Anyway, he had to make enough money on this trip. After passing this village, he wouldn't have such a good opportunity. Moreover, Su Hongfei was behind him, and with his demon master cultivation, he had no scruples at all.

Returning to Xie Yuqiong and others, he looked at the houses and temples in the distance where black smoke was slowly rising, and frowned.

Is that the Foyin Temple area over there?

Yes, senior brother, we saw people from the Spirit Binding Sect passing here before, rushing in that direction. Xie Yuqiong whispered.

They ignored you? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. He had gone to a farther place just now. He wanted to make some income, but he didn't expect that the group of people didn't pay any attention to them. Instead, they started to do it without saying anything.

Such a blind thing would naturally be hacked to death with a few knives.

I really didn't pay attention to it. Instead, I looked like I was in a hurry. Maybe I received a secret letter from the Spirit Binding Sect. Xie Yuqiong frowned.

This woman was well-informed and very independent. Although she was not very strong, she was still capable of protecting herself and escaping. She gradually gained Lu Sheng's trust in this small group.

Let's go too. There are not many people now. Maybe it's the last moment. People from the Spirit Binding Sect will gather like this. It's very possible that they got some news. Lu Sheng said lightly.

Senior Brother Lu, do you want to eliminate some people?? Xie Yuqiong said clearly. Lu Sheng, in particular, has always been very ruthless to the people of the Spirit Binding Sect.

What is elimination? The competition for places is based on everyone's ability. Senior Brother Sun Rongji is rumored to be extremely powerful and is the number one person in the Spirit Binding Sect. I just want to see how powerful the rumored number one person is. Sheng Sui Dao.

But when he said this, no one around him believed it.

But now that Lu Sheng has decided, the others naturally have to follow his lead.

The group of people checked the surrounding area and found no other monsters, so they headed towards the Foyin Temple area.

Just when they ran out of this area and entered the gap between the three major areas, an old voice fell from the sky and penetrated into everyone's ears.

Go to the Three Buddha Pagodas of Foyin Temple and compete for the final key to unlock the qualifications to travel to other palaces. The three keys of gold, silver and bronze correspond to the first, second and third rankings respectively. The competition time limit is five hours.

The voice repeated three times, and after finishing speaking, it slowly calmed down. Lu Sheng also felt that the feeling of being watched slowly disappeared.

He looked up at the sky.

The voice just now was obviously a temporary decision after seeing his performance. Whether you want to join the final key or not is in the hands of the senior officials of the three sects.

Senior Brother Lu, there are three keys. Xie Yuqiong's eyes were filled with envy, but she also knew that these three keys were not something they could get their hands on.

If you want to go, you can go by yourself. Lu Sheng said casually.

Xie Yuqiong and her brother looked at each other, both smiling bitterly. Some of Xuanzhu and the others were moved, but they did not move in the end. My heart is beating, but if it is my turn to go into battle in person, no one will have the courage. With their strength, if they were to face other masters competing for each other, it would not be a matter of minutes before they were killed and escaped.

The group of people were on their way when suddenly a shout came from an alleyway on the left.

Those in front of you, do you know where the Foyin Temple area is? Don't worry, we won't let you wait to lead the way in vain.

Inside the door of a white domed temple, a group of young disciples bearing the symbol of the Spirit-Binding Sect slowly walked out. Among the two people in charge, one was a tall and handsome man with a beard, and the other was a young woman with a beautiful face and dark red shawl hair. Both of them wore fiery red full-body leather armor and carried two barbed whips on their backs.

Lu Sheng suddenly stopped and turned to look at the group of people.

From the Spirit Binding Sect? he asked.

That's right, we are Zhao from the Spirit Binding Sect. Before the man could finish his words, his expression suddenly changed and he backed away wildly.


A flash of sword light flashed past him. Lu Sheng unexpectedly flashed to his side at some point, and the sharp sword exploded from his hand, slashing not only at the handsome man, but also at the dozen or so Spirit-Binding Sect members present. The light of the sword disappeared in a flash.

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