Extreme Demon

Chapter 361 Important People 8

Thanks to what Junior Sister said, Gong has also considered it. We can definitely do this. Gong Chi paused.

Okay. Lu Sheng interrupted her. Let's wait until we meet, if they can survive until then.

As soon as these words came out, several people in Youyi Sect were extremely dissatisfied. This obviously devalued everyone in the Youyi Sect.

They do not deny that Lu Sheng is very strong, but the Li Mai brothers and sisters of the Youyi Sect are also the top powerhouses that dominate the generation, especially Senior Brother Li Mai, and even proud people like Sun Rongji of the Binding Ling Sect, I had to bow my head and praise him for his extraordinary bravery.

Gong Chi's expression also changed slightly.

Don't think about running away. I'm still waiting for you to buy information after you go out with me. If you run away, I will kill everyone in the Youin Sect participating in the competition. Lu Sheng glanced at Gong Chi to break her fantasy.

Senior Brother Lu can definitely find another person from Qianjun Guild to discuss the purchase, right? Gong Chi said with a change of expression.

Why should I go find another one when you have it ready? Lu Sheng asked, What's more, I don't want to pay.

. Lu Sheng is probably the only person in the entire Qianyang Sect who can say this so confidently.

Gong Chi, Xie Yuqiong and her brother, as well as the remaining members of the Youyi Sect, were completely speechless.

Lu Sheng is a man who is said to be a heroic person, who will do whatever it takes, as long as he can achieve his goal. To put it bluntly, he is called a rogue, and he is also an extremely powerful rogue.

By the way, you said you would lend me 20,000 magic gold before, are you still willing to lend me 20,000 magic gold? Suddenly Lu Sheng turned around to look at Xie Yuqiong again.

Xie Yuqiong looked stunned at first, and then her face suddenly turned the color of pig liver.

Senior Brother Lu, I said eight thousand to ten thousand. Not twenty thousand?!

I clearly heard that it was twenty thousand magic gold. Lu Sheng showed a subtle look and stared at Xie Yuqiong.

The Xie family siblings clearly felt a hint of danger, and they all became a little nervous. Especially Xie Yusheng, who had always been protected by her sister, was already lacking in courage and strength, and was almost scared to death at this time.

Twenty thousand is too much. Xie Yuqiong argued hard under the pressure of Lu Sheng's aura.

Not much. It's not much to buy the two of you. Lu Sheng said meaningfully, This is the internal price of friendship.

Xie Yuqiong immediately understood the meaning. Twenty thousand magic gold at one time was indeed not a small sum for her and her family. Since their siblings entered Qianyang Sect, they still have some qualifications and achievements, so they have been receiving high praise. Full support from the family. After all, even if you spend money, if you can do well in the three major industries, you will have a qualifications and background that can open up many new businesses.

And if you can get a better ranking in the inner court competition, you will not only get better three rewards, but also get more attention from the top. These are invisible resources that money cannot buy.

Thinking of this, Xie Yuqiong nodded immediately.

I understand, twenty thousand magic gold is indeed not expensive.

Sister! Xie Yusheng hadn't reacted yet and looked at her in astonishment.

In addition, in return, I can help you recruit other disciples. How about 30,000 magic gold per person? Xie Yuqiong is also a ruthless person, and he is ready to sell the others in the blink of an eye.

How much? Lu Sheng asked back.

“For some extremely rich people, it’s not much, but for most people, it’s just a pain in the ass.” Xie Yuqiong replied.

That's it. Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction. This was also the way he thought of making money. It just so happens that he is seriously short of money now. The Qianyang Sect's people don't have much else, they just have a lot of money. If they don't take the opportunity to make some money, how can they live up to their good reputation outside.

You...! Gong Chi was stunned at the side. Shouldn't it be natural to lead the disciples of our sect? Why did Lu Sheng look like this when he arrived here?

What do you think, Junior Sister Gong? Lu Sheng looked at Gong Chi.

Gong Chi couldn't suppress the surprise on his face, but then his expression quickly changed.

It seems that Senior Brother Lu is planning to clean us out finally? What if I don't pay the money?

Lu Sheng immediately sighed: Since you know it, why do you say it?

In that case, please ask Senior Brother Lu to kill me out now, or else please let me go. Gong Chi quickly calmed down.

Lu Sheng also didn't expect that Gong Chi would have such determination. He looked at her carefully again. Anyway, he no longer cared about finding anyone, and he had already understood the clay tablet given by Teacher Su Feifei. The only thing he still lacks is the specific understanding and communication of the demon lord level.

Okay, you can take the others with you. I've taken care of you enough along the way. He finally nodded.

Farewell! Gong Chi finally understood that he and others were members of the Youyi Sect, not the Qianyang Sect, and they couldn't afford so much money. Thirty thousand magic gold could buy even some of the best divine weapon fragments. Unless they are bankrupt, who among the three sects who have spent years and months on True Spirit Tower and other facilities will have so much spare money to buy rankings?

A group of masters from the Youyi Sect quickly left with a sense of resentment.

Do these people really think they are so great? If it hadn't been for Senior Brother Lu to lead them, they wouldn't have been able to get here. At this time, Xie Yusheng also understood that his siblings had gotten a big deal, but instead he was disdainful of You Indium Sect and others. Looking back, I thought they were getting an advantage and didn't respect Senior Brother Lu enough.

It's not like I should be leading them. I should be grateful for being able to reach this point. On the contrary, I am angry at Senior Brother Lu. This kind of mentality is really unacceptable. Xie Yuqiong also nodded.

Lu Sheng smiled, but his mind was still thinking about the old Dharma King he had just met.

Let's go. The Fulun Temple area has basically been cleared. Let's go directly to other areas to find out if there are any brothers, sisters and sisters from my Qianyang Sect. He said solemnly. If I can save one more person now, it's all money. How else can you make money by buying a** like him?

Yes! Senior brother! Sister Xie Yuqiong responded quickly.

Well, I'm a lower class... Xuanzhu and others had been standing aside without saying anything, and now they finally had the chance to speak. These people all looked at Lu Sheng with some embarrassment.

We also know that Senior Brother Lu will not lead us for no reason. We are neither Qianyang Sect members nor have enough wealth to pay for rankings. It's just that we can exchange a piece of news we got before. See if we can Brother Yilu, please take us with you.

What news? Lu Sheng became interested. What news could be worth tens of thousands of magic gold?

It's about the Spirit Binding Sect. Everyone in the Spirit Binding Sect, led by their senior brother Sun Rongji, gathered at a place with three pagodas. It should be the same as what Senior Brother Lu planned. First of all Gather your own people, eliminate dissidents, and strive for a better ranking.

Then what sect are you from? Why do you want to tell us such important news? Xie Yuqiong couldn't help but ask.

We are just from the outer sect, Xuanzhu said with a bitter smile.

The so-called outer sects refer to some small and medium-sized sects that have good relations with the three sects. If they have extremely outstanding disciples or pay a sufficient price, they may also have the opportunity to join the battle.

This can be regarded as a little hope given by the Third President to other sects.

If the news is confirmed to be true, then I will consider taking you with me until the end. Lu Sheng glanced at the only three people left behind Xuanzhu and said softly.

Thank you, Senior Brother Lu!

Three people from Lu Sheng, plus four from Xuanzhu, a total of seven people, began to rush towards the huge Buddha statue in the center in the direction leaving the Fulun Temple area.

Along the way, Lu Sheng would kill people from the Spirit-Binding Sect whenever he saw them, and collect money from others he saw. If he could afford the golden ticket, he would take them with him. If he couldn't afford it, he would have no choice but to leave sadly.

As the advancing distance became farther and farther, more than a dozen small Buddhist temples, large and small, were pushed away by Lu Shengping. The more than twenty disciples of the Spirit Binding Sect he encountered were killed by him respectively, and they withdrew from the battle.

This also severely damaged the vitality of the team fighting for Mo Ling Mansion. Originally, as the three major sects, they were stronger than the Qianyang Sect and about the same as the Youin Sect. However, after Lu Sheng did this, their numbers suddenly dropped sharply.


The outer layer of Black Seal Temple and the school grounds.

The senior officials of the Mo Ling Mansion from Qianyang Sect, Binding Ling Sect, and Youyi Sect all gathered together and looked up to watch the battle in the inner Black Seal Temple broadcast live on a huge round mirror on the school grounds.

Among the elders of the Qianyang Sect, Master Yuan Zheng, who ranks first, is an old man with a white beard who is only about the waist of an ordinary person. He is currently controlling the Ning Kong Hui Yuan Formation Flag that is responsible for broadcasting the battle. Adjust image sharpness and brightness.

The screen now showed that several masters of the Soul-Binding Sect were methodically using the summoned Soul-Binding Ghosts to entangle a closed-eyed Vajra and slowly grind it to death.

Several Qianyang Sect disciples were waiting quietly on the side, sitting in a set of light golden formations, watching the Spirit Binding Sect and others fighting to the death with the Eye-Closed Vajra.

After a while, the eyes-closed Vajra was worn to death. People from the Qianyang Sect hurriedly stepped forward and handed over some golden tickets with a smile. The leader of the Spirit Binding Sect received them with a smile. The scene between the two parties looked extremely harmonious.

These brats! Master Yuan Zheng became furious when he saw this scene. Blatantly bribing contestants is simply a shame to Qian Yang Sect!

He quickly adjusted the scene again, and soon it was members of the Youyi Sect again, fighting one-on-one with several men and women in white with white feathers on their arms.

Each of these men and women wore silver masks and held white spears engraved with strange symbols. They were very powerful. When waving their spears, they could easily break through the black film protection. If their movements were not too slow and their reactions were not a little slow, the ghosts would The people of the Indium Sect had been defeated long ago, but now it was the You Indium Sect and others who had the upper hand.

People from the Qianyang Sect are also shown in the corner of the screen, making some gestures to the masters from the Youyi Sect from a distance, which seem to be numbers or something.

There was also one person from Youyi Sect, and they exchanged a few gestures with him despite his busy schedule.

Soon the two sides seemed to have reached a price.

Five thousand magic gold, share it with us. The Qianyang Sect man who bargained for the price said with a proud smile, Originally they asked for eight thousand, but they didn't even look at what my family does? I just lowered the price in a few rounds. Five thousand.”

His proud smile was instantly magnified on the entire mirror surface, and the man's face was clearly reflected on the mirror with a diameter of tens of meters.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from the senior officials on the entire campus.

As usual, thank you for last week’s list~ Friends who gave 10,000 points~

Immortal with big hands

Radish Geng 01

Comrade Lao Qin

Besides, everyone is still awesome as always, (?????)

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