Extreme Demon

Chapter 360 Important People 7

A few days later.

The approximate scope of the inner space of Black Seal Temple was also figured out by everyone.

There are three areas here, Folun Temple Area, Foyin Temple Area, and Foguang Temple Area. The three major areas form a defensive force surrounding the central Buddha.

The middle area between the three major areas and the central Buddha statue is a large area of ​​deserted and scattered buildings. Most of these places are scattered small Buddhist temples and small Buddhist halls.

After Lu Sheng had a thorough understanding, he led a group of people around the Fulun Temple area. There are mainly three types of monsters encountered.

A monk with his eyes closed, a black wall with black hands sprouting from it, and a small Buddhist temple that hides the Buddhist teachings of monsters.

Among them, the consecrated wall will keep moving, and sometimes it will flow to the public areas between the three major areas. Those were the monsters Lu Sheng and the others encountered when they first entered. Those who can escape are just ordinary minor characters.

In the Fulun Temple area, there is far more power than this. Among these three categories, the category of monks with closed eyes includes the following categories: Vajra with closed eyes, Dharma king with closed eyes, and Arhat with closed eyes.

At this time, on the left side of the Fulun Temple area, there is a back garden.

Bang! !

A tall, dark, golden figure with six arms fell hard into the dry pond in the garden.

Gong Chi gasped violently, his face turned dark red, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes. Although it is healing, it can also be seen that her eyeball has been injured before.

There were several people beside her, including Xie Yuqiong and another handsome man with long light blue hair, each injured and guarding her.

Senior Sister Gong, it should be done this time, right? That man was Xuan Zhu, the strongest person among the group of people they rescued later. After learning that the leaders were Gong Chi and Lu Sheng, they also took the initiative to join the others.

Lu Sheng didn't care about this either. He came here to find someone, but that was already his original purpose. Now, after he successfully understood the spiritual limit, the Eight Demonic Paths were improving crazily every moment. The physical body seems to have no limit, evolving towards an incomprehensible level.

In fact, after he understood the slate, he no longer cared about finding anyone. Now, what I want more is to leave here as soon as possible, return to the secret realm, and find the beetles.

He needs a clearer positioning and understanding of the demon lord level. After all, he had just broken through and was completely unfamiliar with this area.

However, he was also a little tempted because if he could earn this so-called first place, he would get a chance to face the war master.

The level of the Weapon Master is higher than that of the Demon Lord. It is the level where one can completely master the divine weapon and the demon blade. Lu Sheng couldn't imagine what it was like to be at that level. So he wanted to get in touch with him personally.

But in that case, when the other party's attitude is unknown, it is not what a wise man does to face an existence whose strength absolutely crushes him. It's better to improve your ranking, so you don't have to face the leader of the army, but you can still get the next best reward.

After all, even for second place, the reward he received was far beyond Lu Sheng's imagination. Two hundred thousand magic gold, plus a second-level magic weapon specially designed to increase the strength of the physical body.

Such a reward, if it can be thoroughly digested, is enough to instantly elevate a mediocre disciple to a terrifying height, a military commander, or even higher. After all, the three sects have perverted treasures like the True Spirit Tower.

So, with this thought in mind, he simply spent his time here. He also led everyone around to hunt the inner monsters here. In addition to eliminating opponents, getting enough hunting points here is also a way to get a higher ranking.

King-eyes Vajra is not that easy to solve. Gong Chi shook his head slightly. He glanced at Xie Yuqiong's almost broken neck and the penetrating wound on Xuanzhu's lower abdomen. Then look around at the many disciples lying on the ground in a mess, with only five or six disciples left after being eliminated in the chaos. She sighed inwardly.

‘Just a closed-eyed Vajra and three closed-eyed monks are too difficult for so many of us to deal with. You can imagine what kind of terrifying situation Brother Lu will encounter in the Buddhist temple. ’


A purple-black arm slowly pulled out from the chest of the two-meter-tall Dharma King with closed eyes. Lu Sheng stood in the Buddhist hall with a calm expression, and withdrew his hand. Thirteen Vajra heads with closed eyes fell radioactively next to him.

And the closed-eyed Dharma King in front of him is the strongest monster in this temple here, equivalent to a powerful opponent at the third level in the earth.

Of course this is powerful for other people.

The King with Closed Eyes is completely invulnerable. Without the power of the peak of Seven Marks, he cannot even penetrate his skin, let alone kill him. In addition, its movements are as fast as the wind and its strength is astonishing. Without the strength of the Earth, it would be difficult for it to even escape.

“In the face of fear and destruction, we should not panic or go crazy.

Give your hands to the light and tell your heart to the Buddha. Give the future to destiny.

Give your strength to death.

A calm and solemn voice slowly came from the back of the Buddhist hall.

Lu Sheng raised his eyes and saw a dark golden Dharma King with closed eyes, wearing a red cassock, slowly stepping out from behind the Buddha statue.

This Dharma King is very old. Although his whole body is filled with the unique dark golden light of Dharma King, his skin is full of wrinkles and his body is so skinny that he looks like he is just a clothes hanger wearing a cassock.

Guli!! The old Dharma King walked out slowly, and suddenly a young novice jumped out from behind. The novice hugged the old Dharma King's thigh tightly.

Guli! Asharu! Asharu!! The child's eyes were also bleeding, but at this time, like a real little novice, he hugged the Dharma King and refused to let go.

The old Dharma King lowered his head and said a few words to the little novice monk with a stern expression, and then the latter slowly let go while sobbing. I made you laugh. The old Pharaoh raised his head and smiled at Lu Sheng. What he said was actually Da Yin Mandarin.

Lu Sheng's always cold and indifferent expression finally changed slightly at this time. He originally thought that the closed-eyed monks here were just monsters from the inner Black Seal Temple, but now it seems

Are you surprised? Old Pharaoh smiled and said, That's right. In order to learn the Demonic Language, the old monk spent one hundred and thirty-nine years studying hard. That is, ten years ago, he finally broke through the outer secret and learned the true language. The devil’s words.”

Tianmoyu?? Lu Sheng was startled, What do you mean?

The old Dharma King was also stunned for a moment. Yes, some of you come from a holy country called Dayin, and some of you come from a group called Red Demon. Maybe the names are different.

Lu Sheng fell silent. Suddenly, from the old Fa Wang's words, he had a guess that made his heart tremble.

You call us demons? He asked again.

Yes. You enslave living beings, massacre the lower realms, and perform bloody sacrifices. Isn't this the world that you have destroyed to this point? the old Fa Wang asked gently. Of course, what I see in your eyes is not violence or greed, but peace and indifference. This is why I am willing to truly communicate with you.

So now, what do you want to do? What do you want to tell me? Lu Sheng was silent for a while before slowly speaking.

Yes. What do I want to say? What do I want to do? The old Pharaoh's expression became slightly sad. He lowered his head and seemed to be staring at the little novice at his feet with his closed eyes.

Actually, we have been studying for so many years. I don't know what other people are thinking, but I personally, just myself, want to do. Just ask a question.

Lu Sheng also glanced at the little novice monk. This little guy looked to be no higher than his knees. He had a chubby pink jade head and a small bald head. If his eyes weren't closed and bleeding, he would probably be even taller. cute.

What do you want to ask? he said calmly.

The old Dharma King reached out and stroked the little novice's bald head, with a mixture of helplessness, pain, and compassion on his face.

I just wanted to ask why.


Lu Sheng repeated.

what why? Why should we ask why, why should we invade their world and destroy everything?

Lu Sheng heard many hidden things in the words of the old Fa Wang.

You he came back to his senses and looked at the old Dharma King again, but he already saw him standing like this, touching the little novice's bald head with his hand, leaning against the Buddha statue quietly and motionless, as if he was sleeping soundly.


A breeze blew by, and the body of the old Pharaoh and the little novice monk gradually turned into black ash and drifted away in the wind. The two of them actually passed away together.

Lu Sheng stood motionless, feeling as if he was getting closer to the truth of the world for the first time.

In the eyes of the old Pharaoh, they were actually demons. So what about the demon world in the demon disaster in their eyes? What is that?

Questions kept pouring into his mind, and he slowly walked out of the Buddhist hall. Outside, Gongchi and others had already resolved the battle, and the casualties were also huge. There were nearly twenty people before, but now there are less than ten people alive. .

Gongchi stepped forward. Senior Brother Lu. Is the situation resolved inside?

Well, let's continue. In the past few days, Mo Ling's house probably won't have many people left. Lu Sheng regained his mood and nodded in a low voice.

We can also recruit more people from Qian Yang Sect and You Indium Sect, so that everyone's overall score can go up, and our entire Mo Ling Mansion's ranking in the Great Yin can also rise a lot, and the general pulse rewards everyone can get will also be There will be a lot more. Gong Chi suggested carefully.

It's up to you. Besides, if you encounter people from the Soul-Binding Sect, don't waste time. Kill them all. Don't let me take action myself. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Unknowingly, he had gradually established strong enough authority among the disciples of the two sects.

For no other reason than because he faced the enemy head-on many times and killed more monsters by himself than the rest of them combined.

Gong Chi was very happy to target the Spirit Binding Sect. Apart from the involvement of the Qianyang Sect, the two sects were in obvious opposition and competition. Now that he has the support of Lu Sheng, the master of Qianyang Sect, he is even more confident.

In addition, Senior Brother Lu, we can also go to other districts to find Senior Sister Changsun Lan and Senior Brother Li Mai from Youzhong Sect. If we all work together, we may be able to clear all three districts and get higher scores. After that, we can tell the difference. Wouldn’t it be better to see who can be first?”

The idea is very good, but Senior Sister Gong, your Youyi Sect is already stronger than Qianyang, and you should also know our situation. Don't rely on your numbers to compete for the most powerful position in Mo Ling Mansion. If we are strong enough to help each other, then who will think about me, Senior Brother Lu and Senior Sister Changsun? Xie Yuqiong quickly retorted, although Gong Chi was much stronger than her, but now with Lu Sheng's support, Qianyang Sect is not afraid of anything else.

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