Extreme Demon

Chapter 359 Important People 6

This is Buddhism. It is the legendary Buddhist saying that cannot be understood and understood. Gong Chi could tell the origin of this monster at a glance.

This kind of monster is fast and has a hard shell. The most troublesome thing is that it is immune to many basic low-level secret magic patterns. It is the nemesis of pure formation flags and pure formation talisman disciples. Gong Chi explained.

Lu Sheng nodded noncommittally. Compared with these, he was more concerned about when he would get the list and information.

Gong Chi glanced at him and seemed to know what he was thinking. We can only wait until this battle is over. The information list is all out there.

In the original world? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.


It doesn't matter. Lu Sheng actually didn't give up on his previous idea. He wouldn't put his eggs in one basket.

He quickly glanced at the people fighting the monsters and found that there was no face among them, so he lowered his head slightly. Continue to think about the previous understanding of the clay tablet.

Senior Brother Lu, do you want to help? Xie Yuqiong asked in a low voice from behind.

Lu Sheng looked up and found that everyone, including Gong Chi, was looking at him.

If you want to go, go by yourself. He said weirdly, As long as you don't save the Spirit Binding Sect.

Gong Chi nodded and slightly glanced at the people behind him.

Immediately, several disciples of Youyi Sect leaped out and rushed straight towards the still entangled Buddhist monster. Gong Chi, Xie Yuqiong and others were outside to raid the formation for them.

Lu Sheng found a place on the stone steps and sat down, but his mind was still full of the clay principles he had realized before.

He had a hunch that maybe he could understand what was on the clay tablet while searching for someone this time.

Everything can be used as a sword, and the same principle can be applied to knives. The knife marks on the clay tablets may seem messy, but if you arrange them in a certain order, you can get a completely different understanding. Lu Sheng closed his eyes. , simulating the formation process of knife marks on the clay tablets over and over again in my mind.

The sounds of people fighting and fighting outside were originally a bit harsh, but now they were gradually moving away from him, getting softer and softer, and becoming less and less audible.

Dark blue.

Lu Sheng silently recited the modifier in his mind.

With a snap, a light blue box quickly appeared in front of his eyes. Lu Sheng glanced down and immediately found what he wanted.

‘Unknown knife marks: not yet started, special effects: unknown. ’

If this knife mark tells the numerology of all things, then what the knife moves above may hide is the mystery of the order of all things.

From the depth of all the knife marks, Lu Sheng seemed to see a group of wonderful knife moves that seemed ordinary but actually contained great truth.

If this set of sword moves is performed in sequence, the effect will be that no matter what material the surface is, it will leave exactly the same knife marks. Lu Sheng's heart became calmer and longer.

He stared at the box on the modifier, and sure enough, under his inspiration, the box about the knife marks on the clay tablet finally changed, from unknown knife marks to gradually transforming into new content.

‘Unknown sword technique: first level. Special effects: Haste level one. ’

Is the special effect just an ordinary level one quickness? It seems that I haven't grasped the essence yet. Lu Sheng looked indifferent.

Since the teacher gave me this knife mark, there must be some kind of special opportunity to break through the demon lord hidden in it. Now it's just an ordinary special effect. Obviously I didn't understand something deeper.

His heart moved slightly, he concentrated decisively, and clicked the modify button under the modifier. Suddenly the whole dark blue trembled slightly, and then returned to stability.

He pressed the deduction promotion button behind the unknown sword technique box again.

‘Are there any martial arts deductions? ’ A new dialog box suddenly popped up.

Yes. Lu Sheng quickly confirmed his choice.


In an instant, the box blurred, and so did the entire dark blue.

Lu Sheng felt that countless contents about sword skills in his mind came alive quickly. A large amount of knowledge about sword skills, speed, and soul collided and rubbed with each other, and countless inspiration points burst out in an instant.

After just a few seconds.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes again and slowly opened them again. A solemn and heavy feeling slowly dissipated from his body.

This is... it turns out to be this. Sometimes he was suddenly enlightened and sometimes he frowned, seeming to understand a lot of things that he couldn't understand before.

And the content in the box finally became clear and turned into a different scene.

‘Shifting Star Saber: Second level. Special effects, level two of rapidity, level two of forging god. ’

Shifting Star Sword Art, I didn't expect it to be such an ordinary basic sword technique. Qianyang Sect is known to have thousands of sword techniques, among which there are said to be 365 sets of basic sword techniques that can train the soul. Coinciding with the number of days, the Moving Star Sword Technique ranks tenth among them. I didn't expect that the secret of the breakthrough would be hidden here. Lu Sheng probably understood what Teacher Qian Yi was hinting at him.

Although I haven't been able to see the opportunity to break through the Demon Lord from this, I have already seen through the secret hidden in the knife marks. Lu Sheng calmly stared at the box in front of him.

I have only consumed two units of divine power before, and there are more than 500 units left. Let me see what is hidden in this sword art. His eyes narrowed, revealing a sharp look.

Lu Sheng concentrated his energy and pressed the deduction modification button again.

‘Are there any martial arts deductions? ’ A new dialog box pops up again.

He pressed yes without hesitation.

There are only two levels of the Moving Star Sword Technique in total. A previous deduction allowed him to successfully restore the knife marks used on the clay tablets. But now this deduction is the real peak state of the Star-Shifting Sword Jue, and the deduction continues upwards.

For a time, countless secrets of sword techniques collided and flowed in Lu Sheng's mind. After a few breaths, a brand new set of Star-Shifting Saber Techniques appeared in the box in front of him.

A large number of sword moves that were far more powerful than before were quickly mastered by him naturally. It's like practicing for decades.

The content of the box in front of him also changed again.

‘Shifting Star Saber: The third level (two levels in total), special effects: rapid level three, forging god level three. ’

If it's just like this, it's just an ordinary external skill sword move. Apart from the part of cultivating the spirit, even the content of practicing Qi is very superficial. I can't see where there is an opportunity to break through the Demon Lord. Continue.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he continued to deduce. I still only used two points to send my divine power.

More than half an hour later


Gong Chi stabbed the Buddha's monster's eye socket with precision with a sword. The tip of the sword penetrated from behind the triangular Buddha's head, bringing out blood as black as mud.


She whipped out her sword and took a few breaths. After a long period of fierce fighting, even she felt a little tired.

Almost. She glanced at the messy fighting scene around her. Except for the three people from Qianyang Sect, almost everyone else was injured.

It's finally over. Gong Chi shook off the blood from his sword blade, put it back into its scabbard, picked up the spear from the ground, put it on his back, and then slowly returned to Lu Sheng.

Senior Brother Lu, I've been waiting for a long time. She greeted in a low voice.

Lu Sheng, who was sitting where he was, remained motionless, as if he didn't hear her voice at all.

Senior Brother Lu? Gong Chi was a little confused and raised his voice again. The rest of the You Indium Sect slowly gathered and came closer.

Xie Yuqiong was meditating behind Lu Sheng. Hearing this, he raised his head in surprise and looked forward.

Senior Brother Lu, it's time to go? She also called out.


Lu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and for a moment, it seemed as if he saw something dark and deep, as vast as an abyss, flash past in his eyes.

Really? It's time to go. Lu Sheng let out a long sigh, as if a long time had passed.

So that's it. It turns out that this is the real opportunity. He lowered his head and seemed to be muttering something unconsciously.

On the dark blue modifier in front of him, in the bottom box, the new Star-Shifting Blade Art content was clearly shining.

‘Shifting Star Sword Technique: Level 189 (originally two levels in total), special effects: Level 189 of Rapidity, Level 189 of Forging God. ’

Other than that, there is no other special content.

But at this time, Lu Sheng had already dimly realized the limit reached by the combination of spirit and body.

He slowly raised his hand, and under the incomprehensible gaze of Gong Chi and others, he gently grabbed a stone in the distance.


The limit was broken, and the fist-sized stone suddenly shattered and turned into powder and scattered.

Senior Brother Lu? Gong Chi was a little confused and called again.

Lu Sheng stared at the stone calmly, remained silent for a while, and then suddenly smiled. Only he himself knows that he didn't use any power just now, not his true energy, inner energy, or demonic energy.

He just thought about it for a moment, imagining what the stone should look like.

Then, the stone naturally transformed into that powdery form.

It wasn't that he was exerting force, but that his spirit was passed on, making the stone think that it was no longer a stone, but stone powder.

I see. Lu Sheng put down his hand. There was no wind on his body, and a weak cold wind slowly spread around him. Countless black slender particles in the air gathered and floated, slowly condensing in the depths of his eyebrows, condensing into a dark red like a winged snake. triangle pattern.

That's it. The pupils in his eyes also naturally deformed, turning into a triangular pattern similar to the center of his eyebrows and slowly rotating.

I see. He raised his hand, and a cold smoke that was darker than the abyss swirled and twisted in his palm.


The dark black wind, centered on him, slowly spread in all directions.


Pass on the secret realm.

Huh? Su Fengfei looked at the clay tablet in his hand in confusion.

Hasn't this been given to that kid Lu Sheng? Why are you still here?

Lu Sheng? Is he another disciple you took in not long ago? There was another person sitting in the cave, a white-haired old man with a beard that reached to the instep of his feet.

Yes. He is different from the previous disciples. Su Fengfei shook his head slightly.

Did you give him that stone slab? The old man asked in surprise, Have I never seen you so generous before?

How is that possible? I just made a new one by doodling a few times. How could the Dead Silence Slate be given to someone casually?

What's on it?

I don't remember, it's just an ordinary sword move.

Then what do you want him to understand?? The old man was speechless.

Who knows. Su Hongfei looked cold.

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