Extreme Demon

Chapter 358 Important People 5

In the courtyard.

Lu Sheng stood alone.

People from the Binding Ling Sect stood aside, while Xie Yusheng, Xie Yuqiong, siblings, and people from the Youyi Sect stood alone in the third place.

The three parts are clearly separated, and no one is close to the other.

Several people from Youyi Sect stared at Lu Sheng like a bullfight, completely confused as to what he wanted to do.

Lu Sheng simply sat on the edge of the steps with his big horse and Jin Dao, his eyes locked on the Youyi Sect and Fuling Sect and others.

He would really attack anyone who dared to leave, and everyone present could see this in his eyes.

Senior Brother Lu. I've heard Zhang Songhui mentioned your name before. I hope you don't mind calling you that. Xie Yuqiong pondered for a moment and then took the initiative to speak.

If she didn't speak up, she was afraid that the situation would become even more difficult to end.

It can be seen that this senior brother Lu Sheng is amazingly powerful. Although he is not as strong as senior sister Changsun Lan, it is not easy for Qianyang Sect to have such a strong opponent. The Qianyang Sect has the rules and principles of the Qianyang Sect. By doing this, he is breaking everyone's unspoken rules.

You tell me. Lu Sheng still had a gentler attitude toward a member of his sect.

Xie Yuqiong collected her thoughts and said solemnly: Senior Brother Lu is looking for someone? But because he only knows the face, not the name, nor the identity or other characteristics, he plans to use this method to investigate, right?

Not bad. Lu Sheng nodded.

In this case, you don't have to go to such trouble and offend almost everyone else in the three sects.

Although you may not be able to care about these things due to your strength, being able to avoid offending is ultimately a good thing, don’t you think? Xie Yuqiong continued.

Do you have any idea? Lu Sheng suddenly became interested. Looking at Xie Yuqiong carefully, she saw that this young woman seemed to be very independent, her eyes were calm with a hint of stability, and she seemed to have an aura of stability that could remain motionless no matter where she stood.

There is indeed a way. Xie Yuqiong smiled, Speaking of which, we have to start with our own Qianyang Sect. Does Senior Brother Lu know that within Qianyang Sect, there is a private organization formed by all the fellow disciples? Is it called Qianjunhui?

I don't know. Lu Sheng had only joined for such a short time, so how could he possibly know these secrets?

Xie Yuqiong glanced at his younger brother, who was already a little stunned, and the Youyi Sect and others, and continued: The Qianjun Association is known as the intelligence center, and it is also connected with the senior leaders of the sect. Although the founder is a member of my Qianyang Sect, the branch It exists in both the Spirit Binding Sect and the Youyi Sect. It is said that as long as you have money, you can buy all the information you want.

Lu Sheng understood immediately.

So, you are suggesting that I go directly to someone from the Qianjun Association to buy information?

That's right. Xie Yuqiong nodded, They have close relations with the senior management, and are even very likely to be members of the senior leadership. They will definitely be able to get the list of all the disciples participating in this battle. In this way, it is absolutely impossible to miss anyone.

Brother Lu, think about it, if you rush around in this battle, no matter how powerful you are, you will eventually miss some people who are eliminated early. What if the person you are looking for is among this group of people?

Lu Sheng suddenly began to ponder.

It must be said that Xie Yuqiong's words reminded him that violence can indeed solve problems, but it is not necessarily the most appropriate and concise method.

Does he feel that his usual style is a bit too rough?

Touching his chin, Lu Sheng suddenly thought of a question and raised his head.

But I have no money.

Uh Xie Yuqiong was stunned.

The other two groups of people were also stunned.

People in the Qianyang Sect have no money. If this was spread, no one would believe it. But Xie Yuqiong judged from Lu Sheng's expression that this senior brother Lu really had no money.

Then, junior sister, I can give you some support here. Xie Yuqiong gritted her teeth and promised. Although my Xie family is not very rich, we can still afford thousands or tens of thousands of magic gold.

Sister! Xie Yusheng tugged at the corner of her clothes with some dissatisfaction. You! This is none of their business, so why bother to come forward? Xie Yusheng couldn't understand her sister's behavior at all.

How much does it cost to buy information? Lu Sheng asked again.

This. You can ask

Just ask me. On the roof of the temple in the distance, a gray figure like smoke floated over, landed lightly on the courtyard wall, and appeared.

Senior Sister Gong!

Sister Gongchi is here!!

You are finally here!! Several people from the Youyi Sect were as excited as if they had seen a savior. In fact, it was Lu Sheng sitting aside who put too much pressure on people.

Gong Chi was wearing a very simple, close-fitting gray clothes, and carried a dark red spear on his back, with a faint silver light glowing from the tip of the spear.

This is a young woman who looks very taciturn. Her appearance can only be considered above average, her figure is slender and well-proportioned, and her chest seems to be wrapped with a cloth, so there is no big fluctuation.

There was nothing else on this man except a spear.

Lu Sheng's attention shifted to Gong Chi.

Who are you from Qianjunhui? He slowly stood up.

Not bad. Gong Chi nodded.

I want a list of all the people participating in the battle this time. If you can see their faces, how much is the price? Lu Sheng asked directly.

Many organizations have intelligence statistics. If you just want faces and simple information, a few dozen magic gold is enough. However, there are many participants with mysterious identities and even mysterious faces, so the price may fluctuate greatly. . Gong Chi answered seriously.

You are honest. Lu Sheng smiled.

That's because I can't beat you, and I don't want to be removed from the list, so choosing other ways to negotiate is the only way. Gong Chi answered seriously.

Lu Sheng was suddenly stunned.

Not only him, but also Xie Yuqiong, Youyi Zong and others looked stunned. They didn't expect that Gong Chi would feel inferior even before the fight started.

You must know that Gong Chi is already the third strongest person in the entire Youyi Sect, and the third giant among all the disciples in the inner courtyard.

The ranking of Youyi Sect is far more valuable than the other two sects. Gong Chi once set a glorious record of single-handedly challenging the second and third place in the Spirit Binding Sect, and once forced more than ten people from the Qianyang Sect to pay for their results.

His blood pool marksmanship was superb and extremely domineering. At this time, he actually said that he was no match for Lu Sheng.

Gong Chi didn't take it seriously and said calmly.

Actually, Gong thinks that there are not many people in the entire Mo Ling Mansion who can beat Senior Brother Lu.

Really? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. He stood up and walked slowly to the Spirit Binding Sect and others.


The sword light flashed past.

The members of the Spirit Binding Sect suddenly became stiff and motionless. After a moment, blood holes the size of eggs exploded on their foreheads, and their bodies slowly faded and disappeared.

They were all stabbed to death by Lu Sheng's sword.

Senior Brother Lu??! What is this!? Xie Yuqiong was startled and couldn't help but ask.

While you're in a good mood, kill the people from the Spirit Binding Sect first so as not to affect your mood. Lu Sheng replied with a smile.

Xie Yuqiong and others were immediately speechless.

Even if you are in a good mood and kill someone, although it is not really killing, after you die here, you will have to rest for a long time before you can fully recover. This is not an injury to the body, but an injury to the soul. In addition to time to warm up, It is extremely difficult to find another way.

This Senior Brother Lu's temperament is really cruel and unpredictable.



The dagger in Wang Yunlong's hand fell to the ground weakly, making a crisp sound when it hit the stone slab.

He stared at the black-robed woman in front of him with an ugly expression. With his current skills, he was not even a single enemy of her.

Although I know that there will definitely be some incredible monsters mixed into the battle, isn't this guy who mixed in too perverted? ?

You're here, what are you looking at? The woman's hair was covered in a black hood, with some white hair peeking out from both sides of her shoulders.

Her eyes were a deep purple as pure as gems, and they looked extremely beautiful. The face is also extremely delicate, with perfect proportions like a doll.

But a woman's voice can make people listen to it without any thoughts of desire.

It was like a man and a woman speaking indifferently at the same time. The two voices were intertwined, indifferent, cold and ruthless, with almost no ups and downs in the tone, as if there was some kind of inhuman monster hidden in this exquisite body.

Wang Yunlong forced a smile on his face.

Senior Sister Sima He, I have never seen the person you are looking for, but if you can find someone from Qianjunhui, maybe you can achieve your goal.

Qianjunhui? Sima He stared at Wang Yunlong for a while with pure and empty eyes, I understand.

That's it. As long as you find Qianjunhui, they must have a list of all the participants in the battle. If they search one by one according to the list. Wang Yunlong suddenly raised his head, only to find that there was no one in front of him.

call! !

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked around at the ground. More than a dozen corpses of disciples from the three sects were slowly fading away and disappearing.

Wang Yunlong wiped away his sweat and bent down with a wry smile.

When did the level of Earth Yuan become enough to save one's life in front of that person?

However, Wang Yunlong became confused when he thought of Senior Sister Sima He who suddenly appeared.

It seems that Senior Sister Sima He came here specifically to find talents to participate in this competition. Although he only participated in this competition for other purposes, not to get the quota recommended by the military leader, but people like Sima He actually It also has another purpose.

Wang Yunlong suddenly thought of the Lu Sheng he had met in the outside world before. He was equally unreasonably strong and had the same mysterious origin.


After Lu Sheng and Gong Chi reached an agreement, they agreed not to take the initiative to attack Gong Chi, the scene and others as long as there were no special circumstances.

At this point, Xie Yuqiong and her brother followed behind Lu Sheng, while Youyi Sect and others followed Gong Chi. The two groups rushed towards the resting point one after the other.

The resting point of the three sects was far away from the central sculpture. As they rushed down, they were attacked several times by little giants transformed into monks with their eyes closed.

But in front of Lu Sheng, these monsters just appeared and were eliminated instantly. Soon, when the two groups passed by a deep bamboo forest, they encountered someone fighting in front of them again.

More than a dozen people surrounded a huge, masked white monster and kept dodging and jumping. Sometimes they would step forward to chop and stab a few times, and then immediately retreat and jump away.

The white monster has a triangular head, no facial features, and only a large black character on its face: Buddha.

The monster is more than four meters tall, with slender limbs, and its arms and legs are equipped with barbs and sharp sickle-like blades. Its movements are extremely agile.

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