Extreme Demon

Chapter 357 Important People 4

This hand. After careful observation this time, Lu Sheng realized that this black hand was not someone behind the wall at all, but grew out of the wall itself.

The gray-black rectangular wall looks very clean and has no scratches. There are no flaws at all. But in this environment, there is no flaw and it is extremely clean. This is something wrong in itself.

After realizing this, Lu Sheng began to move away from the wall and walked along the center of the street. This time there was no black hand attack.

He marched forward safely for two or three miles. Finally, he heard the faint sound of weapons clashing in front of him.

Lu Sheng quickened his pace, and after bypassing a two-story dome temple, he immediately saw the area where the fight was taking place.

Xie Yuqiong and her brother were fighting with two black iron giants more than two meters tall together with several people from the Youyi Sect.

Everyone slashed at the black iron giant with their swords, making a continuous sound of metal clashing. But every time they hit the black iron giant, their offensive could only leave a few shallow wounds.

Xie Yuqiong quickly held a series of hand spells, adjusting her energy from time to time, and throwing out one-time powerful talismans.

Pale white flames kept shooting out from in front of her, falling lightly on the black iron giant, burning shallow pits of different sizes.

Xie Yusheng was holding a long sword and sitting cross-legged on the ground. There were three small white flags around his body, which were constantly fluttering in the wind. A circle of faint white light centered on him and spread in all directions.

Lu Sheng looked at the black iron giant carefully. After a closer look, he realized that this was not an iron man at all, but the closed-eyed monk he had met at Black Seal Temple. However, he seemed to have some luck, and his whole body The skin swells and becomes as hard as iron. But his eyes were still bleeding continuously, and he could see this feature at a glance.


A woman from the Youyi Sect was punched in the right hand, and her arm snapped into a weird angle on the spot. She groaned and quickly pulled her arm back and fixed it. After a few breaths, her right arm was immediately usable.

It seems that there is no energy here that can restrain the resilience of the black film. The water mill alone can grind this thing to death. Lu Sheng understood.

This way, hurry up, hurry up!! Suddenly there were footsteps in the distance, and along with bursts of shouts, figures jumped off the roof and fell into the field.

These people all wore the symbols of the Soul-Binding Sect, and each of them looked gloomy, as if they had encountered something extremely troublesome.

One of them was clearly the Dragon Vulture. He was holding a bloody sword, carrying a long-handled golden hammer on his back, and his messy hair was blowing in the wind.

Let them block it first while we continue to retreat! he shouted loudly.

Before he finished speaking, the wall behind everyone exploded.

boom! !

Gravel splashed down. A silver-black monster with the lower body of a spider and the upper body of an ape rushed in.

hiss! !

The monster roared at everyone, its eyes instantly fixed on the Soul Binding Sect and others, and its three-meter-tall body continued to chase after Long Vulture and others.

Let's go! The dragon vulture's face was trembling from the roar of the monster. His eyes were solemn, and he turned around and was the first to fly away.

Stop! Suddenly, a tall figure appeared directly in front of the Spirit Binding Sect and others.

It was Lu Sheng, holding his sword to block everyone.

The women stay, the men get out!

The dragon vulture was startled and then became furious. Fuck you, you are crazy about women, why don't you die!?

Then you go die. Lu Shengqiang drew his sword with a loud sound, his true energy surged wildly, and a sword energy more than ten meters long fell down in front of him.

Chi! ! !

The white sword energy slashed straight towards the dragon vulture's head.

In desperation, Longjiu raised his hand and struck out with a sword. His energy drew two defensive runes beside the blade. The green runes disappeared in a flash, and the blade suddenly became thick and hard.

clang! ! !

In an instant, the sword energy fell and struck the broadsword hard.

The sound of huge concussions spread, and the surrounding Spirit Binding Sect members who were closer did not have time to react, and their eyes turned white from the shock, and they fell to the ground unable to do anything.

The ape and spider chasing after them were also shaken by the huge sound.

With a click, the sword in Longjiu's hand suddenly broke into several pieces and fell to the ground. A sword light suddenly descended and crossed his body.

Dragon Eagle suddenly froze and stood there. After a few breaths, a bloodstain slowly opened in the middle of his body. With a hiss, his whole body was divided into two halves, one on the left and the other on the right. Blood and internal organs were scattered all over the floor.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand and looked at the other Spirit Binding Sect members.

Senior Brother Long!! Several senior brothers who were close to Long Jiu became jealous and suddenly drew their swords towards Lu Sheng and slashed at him.

Various vague shadows appeared behind them at the same time, which seemed to be summoned ghosts similar to Yin Demon. These ghosts attached themselves to them, and as several people took out their swords, they flew out one after another and rushed towards Lu Sheng.

Suddenly, three or four streaks of black energy shot out from the courtyard, taking the shape of snakes, cows, and humans, and pounced on Lu Sheng.

The Wind of the Sun-Chasing Sword. Lu Sheng flashed his sword at random, and suddenly there were several sword lights spreading like a peacock's tail, dispersing all the black energy with ease and precision.

The few people who released the ghosts immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to wither.

You dare to participate in the battle with just four lines? I don't know. Lu Sheng glanced at the dragon vulture corpse and saw that it was quickly dissipating.

Among this group of Spirit Binding Sect members, this strong man was the only one with some foundation. The sword he made before taking action was almost at the level of six and seven lines. But that’s about it.

There are only three men and two women left in the Spirit Binding Sect.

The five people held the weapons in their hands, neither releasing nor wielding them. They could only stand there awkwardly.

Be careful! Suddenly Xie Yuqiong's voice came from not far away.

Roar! !

The ape spider suddenly swooped over from Lu Sheng's left side. The black iron giant pounced from the right.

The two actually surrounded each other and unanimously chose to kill Lu Sheng, the most threatening opponent first.

Seize the blade with bare hands! Lu Sheng shouted, and he suddenly stepped aside, just in time to avoid the black iron giant's attack, just when the black iron giant was about to overtake him. Lu Sheng struck out like lightning and held the black iron giant's right calf with his right hand.

The Sun Chaser Sword's Sunshine.


He suddenly grabbed the black iron giant like a giant sword and smashed it against the ape and spider.

boom! ! !

A shield condensed with green smoke had just appeared in front of Ape Spider. Before the shield was fully formed, he saw a black shadow towering over him, quickly covering his entire field of vision.

Large cracks opened up on the ground, and only half of the black iron giant's body was left in Lu Sheng's hand. The other half was completely mixed with the ape and spider, making it impossible to distinguish one from the other.

Lu Sheng nodded with slight satisfaction. The move just now was not a move in the Sun Chaser Sword, but something he realized while pondering the clay tablet.

It turns out that this is the sword that can be used by everything. It is really powerful. He recalled the moment when he used his hand before, and a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

Perhaps, I can already figure out some directions from the knife marks on the clay. Lu Sheng's thoughts suddenly started to spread, and all kinds of directions that he had never thought of before came out one after another. He even felt like giving up right away. Fighting for the battle, go back to retreat and realize the impulse of the clay tablet.

But this impulse was quickly suppressed by him.

When he came back to his senses, his eyes were a little dazed, and he looked at the Spirit Binding Sect members.

That's it. That's it. He seemed to understand something in a daze.

You can use a sword.

You can use a sword.

You can also use a sword.

He pointed at several people from the Spirit Binding Sect one by one, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind. His face became more and more joyless and sad.



The members of the Soul-Binding Sect were confused and felt like they had met a madman.

Xie Yuqiong's sister and brother, as well as several people from the Youyi Sect before, also looked at Lu Sheng cautiously, not knowing why he suddenly went crazy.

Lu Sheng quickly began to scan the remaining people present. Suddenly, his figure flashed, and with a few leaps, he landed in front of several people from the Spirit Binding Sect. He used his true energy to activate his sword energy and fired them one by one.

After several crisp clicks, before they could figure out what was going on, these people's legs and hands were cut off and they fell to the ground. Moreover, several strands of true energy were entrenched in the knees of several members of the Soul-Binding Sect, preventing them from healing again.

Xie Yuqiong and others' eyelids were twitching wildly. They originally planned to step forward to say hello to Lu Sheng. But when they saw this scene, their hearts tightened and they hesitated in their steps.

I didn't expect Lu Sheng to be so strong before, and I didn't see him coming over for the first time.

Now, because of Lu Sheng's inexplicable actions, the Spirit Binding Sect and others had given up resistance, but they still had their limbs crippled by him, and he used his true energy to condense them to prevent their limbs from regenerating.

This is a little weird.

Who is wearing a disguise mask? It's best to show your face, otherwise I won't mind being skinned. Lu Sheng glanced at the people in the Spirit Binding Sect, his eyes especially on the faces of the female disciples.

Senior brothers of Qianyang Sect can be killed but not humiliated. Just take out senior brother Longjiu. As for us, you can kill us if you want. Why humiliate us like this? One of the delicate-faced female disciples said coldly. .

I'm looking for someone. Besides, I see people from the Soul-Binding Sect in a bad mood.

Don't blame me. If you do, blame your parents for being ignorant. I can't move them, so I can't kill you? Lu Sheng's expression gradually calmed down, and there was an inexplicable sense of solemnity in his tone.

Killing an elder of the Spirit Binding Sect in public would have a big impact and would be difficult to deal with. It would be okay if he did it in the dark, but the situation at the time obviously did not allow him to attack Yuan Chengdao directly.

So when Lu Sheng came in, he was in a very unhappy mood.

Seeing the Spirit-Binding Sect's dragon vulture, he felt even more unhappy.

And you guys. Suddenly Lu Sheng raised his head and looked in the direction of You Indium Sect. The women will stay, and the men will have their limbs chopped off if they dare to run away.

Xie Yuqiong and others were stunned for a moment, and then their hearts became cold.

They also didn't expect that Lu Sheng would turn against them in the blink of an eye.

In particular, several people from Youyi Sect were all confused and had not yet realized what was going on.

Senior brother, what do you mean by this? A tall and thin man from the Youyi Sect stood up and said in a bad tone. Our senior sister Gongchi is also nearby, maybe we should convey your message to her.

Gong Chi? Lu Sheng stabbed the long sword into the ground beside him. No need, do you have a distress letter? Send it and ask her to come over.

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