Extreme Demon

Chapter 354 Important People 1

The group of people walked underground along the passage, from the downward slope at the beginning to the nearly 70-degree angle at the back.

After walking for a full stick of incense, he turned a corner and finally saw a ray of white light in front of the passage. After walking for more than ten breaths facing the white light, Zhang Songhui suddenly stopped.

Everyone, wait a moment. He raised his hand, We are about to see the gatekeeper beast, please don't panic.


The woman in the red dress sneered for no reason, whether she was laughing at Zhang Songhui's fuss or something else.

Zhang Songhui didn't take it seriously. As if he didn't hear anything, he raised his hand and lightly made a few simple seals in the air in front of him.


Amidst a slight vibration, a semicircular black hole with a diameter of more than ten meters slowly rose up in front of the passage.

A little gold suddenly lit up in the middle of the black hole, which was a golden flame the size of a fist.

The golden flame gradually expanded, grew larger, became wider and longer, and finally exploded with a bang, forming a square golden door.

The door is inlaid with countless broken diamonds and gems, and the seven-colored gems in the center form a huge face, staring quietly at the people in front of the door.


At the top of the Golden Gate, from the golden flames, along the door, slowly crawled down a white-gold python with a human head. The human head of the python was a beautiful woman with long platinum hair. She opened a pair of golden eyes. He quietly glanced at Zhang Songhui and the others.

Go in. The giant human-headed python spoke slowly. The sound was accompanied by metallic clashing sounds, which was very harsh.

Thank you, sir. Zhang Songhui bowed his head respectfully and saluted, and the rest of the people saluted one after another, including the man and woman who had yelled at him before about how rich he was. Judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they all knew the details of the person in front of them.

Lu Sheng glanced at the human-headed python with interest before bowing his head and saluting.


The door slowly opened to reveal a golden vortex inside.

Just imagine yourself walking in. He ordered in a low voice.

Several people understood it and took a step forward one after another. His chi chi chi turned into a golden stream of light and shot into the vortex inside the door.


When he opened his eyes again, Lu Sheng found himself standing in a small room covered with light blue wall coverings.

Also standing next to him were the other people who came in together.

Zhang Songhui was standing at the front, looking back.

When you regain your senses, please come out so as not to block other people from entering later. He smiled and said.

Only then did a few people react and walked out of the cubicle.

Lu Sheng glanced back and saw that the cubicle entering the door was like a fitting room, with more than ten people in a row. The cubicles are located in a larger platinum-colored small hall. There is a round arched door in the small hall, and the other three walls are full of such compartments.

They only walked out of one of them, and people occasionally came in and out of the other compartments.

Now let's take everyone to take a look around. There is a topographic map here on the central crystal. You can check where you want to go. And... Before Zhang Songhui could finish, he was interrupted by the woman in red dress.

Okay, okay, I have someone to pick me up, let's go first. After she said that, she walked out of the small hall.

The other people also said their goodbyes, saying that they were picked up by someone.

Soon only Lu Sheng and Zhang Songhui were left.

Zhang Songhui shrugged helplessly and looked at Lu Sheng.

Don't look at me, I'm not picked up. Lu Sheng smiled.

That's okay. I've taken on the task of picking up people in the inner courtyard more than ten times, and there aren't many people who can let me finish what I said. Zhang Songhui also smiled.

You have just arrived in the inner courtyard. I will take you to arrange accommodation first. You can stay for free for a month. After one month, you have to pay. I want to give you a piece of advice. Here in the inner courtyard, magic gold is the first. Everything else comes second. want.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded. How many people can there be in this inner courtyard?

I don't know, and I haven't counted it. There must be thousands of people. Zhang Songhui thought for a moment. Because there are people being eliminated and leaving every moment, and there are people who are constantly joining. No one can tell the exact number of people.

Then all prefecture-level Qianyang Sects ask for money like this? Lu Sheng couldn't help but asked this question.

Others are fine and require money, but not as serious as our Mo Ling Mansion. The atmosphere is much better. Zhang Songhui said helplessly, Don't be resentful about this. Now that you have entered Qianyang Sect, you should understand that in the beginning, , the founding patriarch of Qianyang Sect was a merchant, so it is natural for him to have such a situation.

Okay. Lu Sheng was speechless.

Let's go, I'll take you to register and assign a residence.

Zhang Songhui led Lu out of the small hall.

Outside the door is a white space, like standing in a huge white church magnified hundreds of times. Above the head is a white hemisphere, with a golden ball of light inlaid in the center, emitting soft and bright light.

Below is a dense collection of uneven white buildings, occasionally mixed with a few pale golden houses.

The two of them left the small hall and came to a square. They walked directly to a six-pointed star transparent crystal in the center of the square.

The crystal is more than ten meters in diameter and lies flat on the ground. Its interior shines with a faint golden color, and runes flash across its six corners from time to time.

Except for some people standing in front of the crystal, no one could be seen in the square. From time to time, you could vaguely see a stream of magic weapon flying into the sky, or some extremely fast shadows that would pass through the square and disappear in the blink of an eye. between buildings in the distance.

Zhang Songhui stood in front of the crystal, in front of a corner, writing directly on it, filling in Lu Sheng's information with a few clicks.

Okay, this is the address assigned by the above. Take it. He quickly put the palm-sized crystal ball he got into Lu Sheng's hand.

In the inner courtyard, this is how you live. Don't lose it.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

Well, if we have a chance to meet again, I'll leave first. Zhang Songhui turned around and left quickly without waiting for Lu Sheng to say more.

Lu Sheng watched him leave, holding the crystal ball in his hand, and then carefully observed how to use this thing.

He injected infuriating energy, and the crystal ball suddenly lit up slowly, with a worm-like golden thread suspended in it, pointing to the front and right.

He probably also understood what this thing was used for.

He walked across the square with the crystal ball and wandered on the deserted streets for a while.

This place is similar to the outer courtyard. There are not many people visible outside. Most of them are walking in a hurry, or they have anxious and impatient faces.

The layout of the place is similar to that of the outer courtyard on the ground. Except for the different colors of the buildings, the golden ball of light above the head is somewhat rare. The rest is similar to the daytime on the ground. Holding the crystal ball, Lu Sheng quickly found himself Allocated residence yard.

It was an extremely empty square courtyard, and his room was in the 67th courtyard. No one entertained me, and no one explained anything. It seemed like I had to figure it out on my own.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, the first thing Lu Sheng saw was a notice board opposite the courtyard gate.

It is densely covered with various black leaves, each leaf is as long as a forearm, and various promotional contents are written carefully on it.

Which elder will come out to give lectures, which day will there be a demonstration of new secret techniques in the secret arts hall, what new external creatures have been included in the spirit training field, and so on.

Lu Sheng reached out and picked a leaf and tried the material. The leaf actually kept bending and bending.

This place is interesting. He grinned and looked up at the golden ball of light above his head.

In his perception, the light ball was not actually a lighting ball at all, but a huge sperm ball.

The white essence flying all over the sky below rose up like threads, continuously penetrated into it, and then fed back a small amount of golden essence, scattering and falling.

What a powerful formation. Lu Sheng took a deep breath and felt that the essence filling the air was extremely pure. Although it was far less dense than the Secret Realm, it was purer, free of impurities, and absorbed faster.

And he also noticed that the golden essence dispersed by the light ball only corresponded to the residences of the buildings and would not fall to other places.

So it makes sense that you have to pay for accommodation. He suddenly understood.

Entering the courtyard, he took the crystal ball and followed the directions to find his assigned room. There is no key to the door. Just touch it with the crystal ball and it will open slowly with a click.

Lu Sheng didn't waste any time, locked the door after entering, closed the curtains, checked the corners of the room, and made sure there was no problem. He quickly sat cross-legged on the bed and began to silently recite the teacher's name and communicate the secret realm.



Opening his eyes, Lu Sheng looked at his surroundings. He still stayed where he was, in the underground cave of his teacher Su Fei.

Su Fengfei was not there. There was a black stone platform similar to an altar in the cave, and some things were placed on the stone platform.

Lu Sheng walked over and took a look. The thing was a light yellow stone slab with some knife marks scattered on it.

There is also a line of small words engraved next to the stone slab: 'Understanding the clay tablet, the Holy Lord has achieved great success. ’

Lu Sheng was suddenly surprised and knew that this was the advice Su Fei gave him to break through the demon lord.

What I lack now is spirit, the gap in will and soul. The teacher knows this, but she still left this clay tablet for me, which means that the things on it can improve my soul. He Understanding in his heart, he picked up the irregular-shaped clay tablet and looked up and down carefully.

But there wasn't even a single word or hint on the board. It was likely that the teacher Su Feifei was waiting for him to complete the task before giving any hints.

Putting down the clay tablet, Lu Sheng looked around at the surrounding cave environment. There are cave walls inlaid with green gemstones on all sides, and there is a large piece of crystal on the top of the head, which projects the golden sunlight from outside, forming beams of light.

He searched around and made sure he couldn't find the exit or any new clues. Then in desperation, he returned to the original place, sat down cross-legged, and thought carefully in front of the clay tablet.

Holy Demon Lord, this level is essentially close to the Divine Weapon and Demon Blade. It is the sublimation of the essence of one's life. To reach this level, my physical body is no problem. Although the soul is insufficient, if I can understand this A clay tablet.

Lu Sheng stared at the clay tablet. Carefully consider the knife marks on it. But after looking for a long time, he found nothing. These knife marks looked no different from ordinary knife marks. He even suspected that Su Fei had deliberately obtained the knife mark clay tablets for him to look at.

Dark Blue. He simply called out the modifier.

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