Extreme Demon

Chapter 355 Important People 2

Lu Sheng's eyes began to search quickly in the upper box. Soon, he actually found the description of the clay tablet in a box at the end.

‘Unknown knife marks: not yet started, special effects: unknown. ’

Everything is unknown. Lu Sheng was helpless. The modifier can only modify the internal skills that have already been introduced, and the external skills can only be directly improved after the subsequent realm and practice methods are understood.

But there is nothing else on this clay tablet except a few knife marks.

He simply stood up and imagined holding a knife in his hand to simulate how the knife marks on the clay were made.

But no matter how much he imagined, he didn't realize there was anything magical about these sword moves.

Lu Sheng absorbed the essence while simulating sword moves, and soon two hours passed.

After exiting the Secret Realm, he rested for another night. On the second day, he started walking around in the inner courtyard, and continued to comprehend the clay tablets in the Secret Realm at night. Gradually, he discovered that the knife marks on the clay tablet were all cut from an angle. Regardless of depth or angle, all knife marks are made in one place.

And there is no real energy, demonic energy, inner energy or other atmosphere on it. It is more like a pure knife mark made with an ordinary long knife.

Time passed day by day, and more than ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Several more people came to live in the yard. Two of them were clearly the girl in the red dress and the scholar in the black jade pendant who had entered the inner courtyard with him before.

The two of them greeted Lu Sheng briefly and then moved into their rooms.

The woman in the red dress was named Shan Junya. She didn't say hello to Lu Sheng much, but she seemed to be familiar with the scholar. The two of them didn't wear Qianyang Sect robes and ran out all day long.

The scholar's name was Chen Daoning, and his attitude was quite peaceful. He would occasionally talk to Lu Sheng, but not much. It's basically just introducing each other's names.

A few days later, after more than ten days of getting to know each other and having many contacts with Zhang Songhui before, Lu Sheng roughly understood the rules of the inner courtyard.

A courtyard can accommodate a total of ten people. Once the courtyard where these ten people are located is full, a daily teacher will be fixed according to the allocation above. If you have any problems that need advice, you can go to the fixed teacher of the courtyard.

Of course, regular teachers will also deduct some from the home fees as their own fixed expenses.

There are ninety-nine residences in total, but not all of them are occupied.

There are not many people in the Qianyang Sect's inner courtyard, and it is considered deserted. Except for the entrance, exit, and cafeteria, where many people can be seen, there is often no one in other places.

Lu Sheng also devoted himself to understanding the clay tablet. From the beginning, he joined the Qianyang Sect in order to break through the Demon Lord. Now as long as he can break through, it doesn't matter whether he is in the Qianyang Sect or not.

But after more than ten consecutive days of enlightenment, he still found nothing about the clay tablet. Su Feifei has never come back, and he doesn't know where he went.

Since he really couldn't afford it, and he had to pay for a place to live, Lu Sheng also planned to try the effect of the True Spirit Tower. This also requires magic gold.

He also began to think about where to go to earn magic gold.

At this moment, Su Yufei came back unexpectedly.

Legend of the secret realm, in the underground cave.

Do you still remember what you promised me back then? Su Fei sat on an amethyst stone throne, resting his head on his hands, seeming a little tired.

Remember. Lu Sheng sat cross-legged not far in front of her, sitting on the ground and looking at the clay tablet carefully. When he heard her question, Lu Sheng responded without raising his head.

I want you to participate in a battle. It will start in five days. Almost all elite disciples will participate. Three of the three sects will decide to enter the Shinto Palace and get the spot for the military master's face-to-face teachings. I have already recommended you to sign up. You go in , find me a girl who looks similar to me.

The other party may have a disguised appearance, and it's all up to you to resolve this. I just want results. Su Fei said in a deep voice. After the matter is completed, I will explain to you the method of understanding the clay tablets.

If I know the clay tablet comprehension method, what are the chances of a breakthrough? Lu Sheng frowned and asked.

I don't know, but generally when a soldier reaches his limit, there is at least a 30% chance of understanding this clay tablet. Su Feifei said lightly.

30%. Deal. This probability is not low. Lu Sheng nodded and stood up.

Breaking through the Holy Lord and the Demon Lord is not that easy. The reason why Su Fei Fei could give him the 30% answer was based on her lack of understanding of him. If she could know that Lu Sheng's modifier was there, she would probably have to give him the 30% answer again. A lot of improvement.

As long as there is a method to follow, no matter what the chance is, Lu Sheng can use the modifier to change it to 100%.

The battle involves full projection. The so-called projection relies on the ability to intercept part of the soul and body, put it into an area, re-amplify it, and restore it to its original state for people to use. The body will be stored in a fixed area for protection. . Su Feifei explained, The disciples participating this time are all members of the three sects. Except for the three names, the other rankings will also have rewards. If you find the girl, bring her out, and you will deal with all those who stand in the way. .Remember to bring her here.”

I understand. Lu Sheng didn't bother to ask what the relationship between Su Fei and that girl was. This is not what he should know.

Soon the two hours came and Lu Sheng slowly withdrew and left the Secret Realm.

Five days later, early in the morning, he took his things out and went straight to the hexagonal crystal at the entrance.

There were already many people standing beside the crystal in the square. To Lu Sheng's surprise, he actually saw Wang Yunlong beside the crystal. Apparently people from Qiuyue County had also entered the inner courtyard.

In fact, this person has good qualifications and strength, but his luck is a bit poor, and his identity is mysterious, so it is normal for him to spend some money to come to the outer courtyard.

However, it was not him that Lu Sheng was looking for, but Zhang Songhui, who had gradually become familiar with him before.

Soon he saw Zhang Songhui chatting with someone next to one of the corners of the hexagonal crystal.

Senior Brother Zhang. Lu Sheng hurried over. Glancing at the two people chatting next to him, he saw a long-haired woman in a green shirt who looked a little mature and steady, and a slightly childish man in white standing beside the woman.

Junior Brother Lu, I'm waiting for you! Zhang Songhui also led two people to greet him. These two are Xie Yusheng and Xie Yuqiong, and they happen to be participating in the battle.

Junior Brother Lu, are you sure you want to participate in the battle? Zhang Songhui asked solemnly again. You may not know that although the battle is carried out in a special way and you do not enter it in person, once an accident occurs inside, it will also cause serious physical injuries. If it is an injury to the soul, it will also be fed back to the body, no It’s not dangerous as you think.”

I know. Lu Sheng nodded. I also asked Senior Brother Zhang to sign up for me. The process is a little complicated. How much does it cost?

Ten magic golds. The three of you are all the same. I will help you complete all five processes. Just accept the guidance of the projection. The location is here, and there will be talismans distributed in the square in a while. Zhang Songhui nodded. road. The location is outside, and some indigenous people will be involved. You should be careful.

After discussing the price, Lu Sheng and the two men stood together, waiting for the projection of the upcoming battle.

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer people in the square. Slowly, the remaining dozens of people seemed to be waiting for the winning talisman to be distributed in the battle.

After Zhang Songhui completed the procedures for the three of them at the crystal edge, he quickly left to register the three of them elsewhere.

About half an hour later, Zhang Songhui came back and brought specific news.

In another half hour, at noon, someone will pick up all the participants and go to the outside world to participate in the battle.

Half an hour. Did you enter from the outside world? The woman Xie Yuqiong asked in a low voice.

Yes, we entered from a place you should be familiar with, Black Seal Temple. Zhang Songhui nodded.

Black Seal Temple Lu Sheng suddenly felt that someone was looking at him secretly. He raised his eyes and scanned the direction of his vision, but only saw a group of strangers he had never seen before turning away.

After waiting for a while, two dark blue figures flew over quickly and landed gently in the middle of the square. They were two Qianyang Sect elders with long beards and solemn faces. Both of them have waist badges and symbols representing elders.

Is everyone here? One of the elders stood up and raised his voice. Start breaking the boundary immediately. After passing by, the directors and elders of our three Mo Ling sects will be responsible for distributing rest point maps to everyone. During the battle, each sect will have an absolutely safe camp site where everyone can Recuperate.”

Activate the boundary-breaking stone immediately, covering the entire square. Disciples who do not participate in the battle are asked to leave immediately. Another elder said loudly.

I'm leaving first. You should be more careful. Zhang Songhui whispered, each took the money from the three people, turned around and left.

Start. Wait until everyone leaves.

The entire square suddenly lit up with a golden glow, and everyone was shrouded in golden light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Black Seal Temple.

There were already many people standing on the desolate ancient temple grounds. Three flags of different colors were planted in the three corners, dividing everyone into three parts. A large open space is specially left in the middle as a projection place.


Suddenly, bursts of golden light lit up in this dilapidated and broken open space.

It's from the Jinyang Sect.

It's Qianyang Sect.

How can the Qianyang Sect be as qualified as the Jinyang Sect? Everyone here is a big financial lord,

The people surrounding the Spirit Binding Sect laughed casually.

Several figures under the Qian Yang Sect quickly approached Jin Hui and stood at the edge, quietly waiting for the light to fade away and disappear.

The light dissipated, slowly revealing the people of the Qianyang Sect of the Mo Ling Mansion. There were about thirty people, most of them looked solemn, and some of them were nervous and excited.

More than thirty people formed a circle, and Lu Sheng stood at the back, observing the greatly changed environment around them.

Not far away, under the banner of the Spirit-Binding Sect, a group of people from the Spirit-Binding Sect who had also just broken through the boundary slowly gathered together.

As soon as Long Jiu came down, he looked in the direction of Youyi Sect, and his eyes instantly focused on one of the sharp women who had just entered the lower realm.

He slowly clenched the golden hammer in his hand, and his expression became a little ferocious.

As expected, those ladies have come down, Chen Yuedu. The revenge of last time's sword must be avenged this time!

There were also several disciples of the Soul Binding Sect with ugly expressions around him, all of whom were staring at the woman from the Youyi Sect.

Huh? Suddenly a disciple looked in the direction of Qianyang Sect in surprise. Senior Brother Long, that boy from the Qianyang Sect that the elder mentioned is actually here too.

Young man from Qianyang Sect? Long Jiu temporarily looked away and followed the direction of the junior brother beside him. I happened to see Lu Sheng walking slowly in the Qianyang Sect team.

Collect some interest for the elders first. He smiled, Or ask Song to increase the money. If you want us not to cause trouble to them, the previous price is not enough. He knew that the positions of the three sects of Mo Ling Mansion were all It is one place, and only after the strongest one is determined, they will go to other areas and continue to determine the stronger ones, until all the disciples of the three sects in Dayin have been screened, and only the last three are left.

Lu Sheng also sensed that someone was looking at him, so he raised his head and squinted in the direction of the Spirit Binding Sect.

He takes this teacher's mission very seriously. The soul is his shortcoming. If he can break through the Demon Lord through the clay tablet, he may be able to completely break through this shortcoming.

He had already made up his mind before coming. He must find the girl the teacher was looking for.

Since the teacher said that the opponent is in this game, then no matter what, we must find it.

Lu Sheng glanced around at the Spirit Binding Sect team.

To prevent her from missing, we must first find a place where everyone must pass by to intercept her.

To prevent her from disguising herself, it's best to cripple everyone she meets and then check slowly.

Lu Sheng frowned as it seemed that the workload was a bit overwhelming.

He took a final glance in the direction of the Spirit Binding Sect and decided to start directly from the resting point of the three sects.

Pray, pray that I find the person I'm looking for in advance.

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