Extreme Demon

Chapter 353 Fucheng Qianyang Sect 2

Directly opposite the entrance of the main hall, there are five room doors, with five large characters engraved on each door.

‘Heaven, earth, humans, ghosts, gods. ’

The five gates are blue, yellow, white, black and gold.

The man in yellow robe walked over with the filled-in form in hand and casually looked at the contents.

The mission is not completed, right? Don't forget to activate the Qi when you enter the White Gate. After the Qi is used up, exit by yourself. Don't hold on, it's useless. It has no meaning other than lowering your evaluation.

Understood. Several people nodded.

Lu Sheng was the only one who remained silent, a little confused.

If you understand, then go in. The man in yellow robe pointed at the white door in the middle and said impatiently.

The four of them then walked towards the herringbone door one after another.

Lu Sheng was still waiting for his arrangement, but after waiting for a long time, the man made no move, and just looked here lazily with his hands folded.

Brother Lu? Chen Jintian walked halfway and realized that Lu Sheng had not followed. He immediately turned around in confusion and asked, What's wrong?

What about those who have completed their mission? Which door should you enter? Lu Sheng turned around and asked in confusion.

The man in yellow robe was stunned. There is actually someone who can get the token and complete the mission?

He was also surprised. Generally speaking, branch geniuses who can obtain tokens and complete tasks are brought directly to another person in charge by branch elders to receive them. He only receives ordinary branch disciples here. Especially those who cannot pass external tasks and are unwilling to return to their hometowns, we can recruit high prices for them.

If he was really an elite disciple who had completed his mission, what was he doing here? Where is the leader of their branch?

The man stared at Lu Sheng in surprise for a few times, then took out the filled-in form and looked at it. It took him a while to react.

You take out the token and enter the underground door. If you have enough qualifications and so on, you will come out from the corresponding door!

I understand. Lu Sheng understood what he meant instantly.

After completing the task, you will get a prefecture-level evaluation, but after entering, if you fail the qualification test, you will probably be downgraded to a human-level evaluation and come out through the human door. If the qualifications are also very good, it is possible to be promoted to Tianmen.

As for the two schools of ghosts and gods, I don’t know what the evaluation is.

He raised his feet and walked towards the ground door. Chen Jintian in front of the door stared at him in astonishment, as if he didn't expect that the random person he was talking to could actually have such abilities.

Wait, take the magic gold ticket. Suddenly the man in yellow robe waved his hand gently, and the golden ticket given by Lu Sheng suddenly flew out and floated in front of Lu Sheng.

This is it? Lu Sheng looked at him doubtfully and took the golden ticket.

If you got the token and completed the mission, you don't need to accept it. The man smiled kindly at him.

Nodding, Lu Sheng took out the crimson dragon mark and strode in through the door.

Behind the ground door is a deep purple light, and in the halo, there is a vague and attractive figure approaching slowly.


The door behind Lu Sheng closed automatically.

Several pairs of smooth and tender hands quickly stretched out from the halo and began to touch Lu Sheng's body. Touch from forehead to neck, then chest, waist, and lower abdomen.

Every time he touched a place, he would rub or pinch it with his little hands, and warm breath would seep out from his fingertips and penetrate into Lu Sheng's body.

This aura was also strange. It disappeared instantly after entering the body and was directly digested by Lu Sheng's body.

The little hands didn't take it seriously and continued to touch.

Soon a pair of small hands touched Lu Sheng's lower body.


Lu Sheng expressionlessly tore off one of his hands and threw them aside.

Change it.

There was silence in the halo, and the hand slowly retracted.


A pink tongue suddenly flew out and pounced on Lu Sheng.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng grabbed the tongue with one hand and tore it apart violently. It broke into several sections and fell to the ground, melting and disappearing.

Can you feel normal? He felt that his forehead was a little congested. What kind of test is this? All of them are this kind of thing.

No, no need. A soft girl's voice came from the halo. Timid and seemingly scared.

Please go out, your test is completed. The girl's voice sounded frightened.

She was originally a fantasy witch who was captured from the demon world. She had the talent of consuming people's energy and seducing them to inspire male desire. However, she didn't expect that facing Lu Sheng, her aphrodisiac talent was completely useless and actually hurt her. Reach the origin of your own talent.

Shouldn't ordinary people feel numb all over and lose their strength as soon as they are touched by her? Even Earth Yuan masters are no exception. But the road in front of me wins.

Then I'm leaving? Lu Sheng asked back.


Turning around and opening the door to walk out, Lu Sheng looked up and saw the astonished look in the yellow-robed man's eyes.

Can I leave? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

Okay. Go to the Diling District, and the test results will be sent directly. The man in yellow robe responded, nodded, and his smile became softer. Afterwards, someone will take you to receive your waist badge, and then enter the inner courtyard to choose the person you want to be your mentor. Of course, if you already have a lineage mentor and don't want to change, you don't need to.


Brother Lu, next time you come to test your qualifications, don't make a mistake. This is only the side entrance, and the testing area at the main entrance is in the opposite location. The man in yellow robe explained. This is the reporting place for people who can't pass the mission. What you want to go to is the Golden Immortal Palace where people who have passed the mission go.

Lu Sheng left the reporting office with the man almost sending him out of the door.

As soon as he walked out of the gate and turned a street, a young woman with two swords hanging from her waist stepped in front of him.

Lu Sheng? The woman's voice was calm, holding the sword in her hand and staring at him closely.

It's me. Are you? Lu Sheng was a little confused. He had just arrived here and didn't know anyone.

Lu Sheng who killed Yuan Yinxiao? The woman shook her long clothes and her face became more solemn.

It's me. Lu Sheng nodded again, What? You want to avenge him? He carefully looked at the woman in front of him. She was neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short, neither beautiful nor ugly. She was an extremely mediocre and inconspicuous woman. If it weren't for the two long swords hanging at her waist, he might not have noticed her.

It's none of my business, this is the Qianyang Sect, but someone asked me to pass a message on my behalf. The woman looked at Lu Sheng, with a hint of pity in her eyes, and whispered, Don't leave Qianyang Town recently, be careful. .

Oh? Lu Sheng thought he was here to cause trouble, but he didn't expect that he was here to remind him. It seems that the only one who will remind him is Zhang Shilong.

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and left, seemingly in a hurry.

Lu Sheng stood there and pondered for a moment, then turned around and rushed towards the north area of ​​the small town. Along the way, he asked a few passers-by and found out more.

The True Spirit Pagoda is not here. You have to go through this city area and enter the innermost entrance of the inner courtyard. The True Spirit Pagoda, Spirit Training Field, Tianxing Jiulong Pavilion, etc. are all in the underground inner courtyard.

Entering the inner courtyard required time for review. Lu Sheng first arrived at the Golden Immortal Palace mentioned by the yellow-robed man. After explaining his purpose, someone immediately took him to a large courtyard to stay. On the second day, we waited for the qualifications to be reviewed and sent them to the inner courtyard together.

However, the number of people with Lu Sheng was very small, probably because they were scattered. Many people came here for testing in bits and pieces, and there was no fixed date and time.

The next day, a team of eight people including Lu Sheng set out for the entrance to the inner courtyard early in the morning. The team was led by a young senior brother named Zhang Songhui.

As usual, Lu Sheng collected clothes, magic swords, elixirs, waist badges, etc. At the entrance of the inner courtyard, he made all preparations. Finally, under the leadership of Zhang Songhui, he slowly walked into the tall cave-like courtyard. Courtyard gate.

From now on, the only one you can rely on is yourself. No one will control you after you go down. You can go to the Tutor Hall to check the price of the person you want to apprentice with.

You can also study hard training on your own and find paid guidance from senior brothers and sisters who are good at it. Zhang Songhui led several young people who were dressed in a noble manner and were dressed in all kinds of luxurious and sparkling clothes. They walked all the way in the dark passage while explaining the rules of the inner courtyard to a few people.

Remember, unlike the outer court, the inner court has its own decisions on everything.

Lu Sheng glanced at the people together. There were five people present. Except for him, who entered the inner court based on his qualifications and passed the review, the rest obviously relied on money.

The man on the left looks like he is just wearing a green shirt and a white square scarf, and is no different from an ordinary scholar. But in fact, a black jade pendant hanging around his waist is filled with dense runes as thin as gnats, which is obviously not ordinary. A magic weapon that can engrave so many runes on such a small area is definitely a price that most sect disciples would not even dare to think of.

Moreover, Lu Sheng could also feel that the fluctuations of this jade pendant were not weak. It is estimated to be at the Earth Yuan level.

The woman on the right is wearing a close-fitting red dress with a very short hem. She holds a red paper fan in her hand. Her whole body, including her hair, wrists, and ankles, is hung with special magic weapon bells inlaid with runes. .

The fluctuations emitted by all the more than ten bells are vaguely consistent, and they are obviously a complete set. It is inevitable that such a set of magical instruments is powerful, and it is also inevitable that it is expensive.

The rest of them are similar, and one can tell at a glance that their family backgrounds are unusual. Only Lu Sheng was truly simple. On the contrary, he stood out among a few people.

In our Qianyang Sect, money does not necessarily mean everything, but without money, you must be incompetent. Zhang Songhui is a gentle monk wearing round-rimmed glasses, but his words have an unpleasant sound. Special ending sound.

Without money, you can't do anything. Even if you are one level higher than your peers, it's useless. An amplifying magic weapon can easily close the gap. Even if you have more practical experience than your peers? It's useless. A few Put down the formation flag and release a group of summoned servants. 10% of the true energy can be amplified into 100% of the power.

In the inner court, if you have money, then you will have everything going smoothly. Except for your qualifications and understanding, which you cannot buy, everything else is not a problem.

That's true. I don't have anything else but money!

Yes, yes, this girl is so poor that she only has money left.

It seemed that they were very satisfied with Zhang Songhui's words. The woman in the red dress and the other tall, fat man said very proudly.

That would be the best. Zhang Songhui smiled.

The other people looked at Lu Sheng involuntarily. He is the poorest dressed here. It seems that entry should be based on qualifications and grades.

Lu Sheng was speechless. The rules in the inner courtyard of Qianyang Zongfu were indeed simple and violent. However, this can also show how corrupt the Qianyang Sect of Mo Ling Mansion has become. The few so-called inner court disciples around him, apart from being rich, have fluctuating Qi cultivation levels. They probably don't even have the fourth pattern, and are extremely unstable.

You must know that even the disciples of the three sects who originally competed with him for the crimson dragon mark had at least four lines of fluctuation.

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