Extreme Demon

Chapter 352 Fucheng Qianyang Sect 1

Is the teacher sitting in class? Zhang Shilong stepped forward and asked the boy softly.

Yes, yes, senior brother Zhang hasn't been here for a long time, so he's a rare visitor. The waiter looked up and saw that it was him, and smiled familiarly. He dropped the rag and led the two of them into the inner room of the shop.

In the inner room, an old man with almost only skin and bones was lying on the bed, holding a cigarette in his hand and smoking lazily.

When the old man saw that it was Zhang Shilong who came in, he lay down again in the position where he was about to stand up.

It's Xiaolong, I thought it was he muttered, not knowing what to say.

The teacher thought it was those money-chasing people who came here again. The waiter on the side said helplessly.

Zhang Shilong was speechless.

Disciple Zhang Shilong, pay homage to the teacher. He knelt down and bowed formally to the old man.

It's okay, Xiaolong. I'm a little short of money lately. If it's convenient for you, the old man hesitated and didn't finish what he said.

Sure enough, Zhang Shilong said quickly: The disciple also brought some magic gold tickets with him, but not many. He quickly took out a handful of magic gold tickets from his arms, stood up and handed them over.

The favor is a bit small. The old man took the golden ticket and was a little dissatisfied. Tell me, what's the matter with you?

He also looked at Lu Sheng behind Zhang Shilong at this time, and seemed to have only now noticed the young man who had followed him in.

That's right. Zhang Shilong compiled his words, I, a junior, accidentally provoked the Yuan family in Fucheng and killed Yuan Yinxiao, the deputy leader of the Tiger Gang.

Yuan Yinxiao? The Tiger Gang? The old man pondered, Normally if you are in trouble, you won't come to me for any reason. In this way, I will ask you later. There is some trouble in the Yuan family. There is Yuan Chengdao who became the Spirit Binding Sect. Elder of the mansion, what is the relationship between the Yuan Yinxiao you killed and him?

It's his brother.

. The old man stopped smoking in his hand, put down the cigarette rod and took a deep look at the two people in front of him.

This issue.

Teacher, think of a way! Zhang Shilong bowed to the ground. I am the disciple chosen by the legendary sect senior. He has a bright future and cannot be dragged here.

You guys go back first, let me think of a solution. This matter is very difficult. I saw Yuan Chengdao from a distance once before when I was drinking, but I couldn't see through it. The old man shook his head and frowned. Xiaolong, please don't worry about this matter for now. Just stay with me for a while and let your junior report his identity. Let's see how the other party reacts first.

When Zhang Shilong heard this, he was immediately stunned. The meaning of the teacher's words was very obvious. There was nothing he could do. It would be great if he could save him, but Lu Sheng couldn't even think about it.

And he also heard from the teacher's words that he was afraid that Yuan Chengdao would take revenge and even he would be in danger.

That's fine. Lu Sheng laughed. Knowing that the old man had issued an order to expel guests, he didn't waste any time and clasped his fists, Mr. Zhang, I'll take care of you.

He was already impatient with Zhang Shilong's handling of the situation, but it was just out of affection that he kept restraining himself. Otherwise, with his temper, would he still need to be wary of this or that?

As long as you understand. The old man nodded and looked at Lu Sheng with a slightly improved look.

Then, Mr. Zhang, senior, I'd like to say goodbye. Lu Sheng clasped his fists and saluted again. Without waiting for Zhang Shilong's reaction, he turned around and left the inner room, gathering his true energy in a few steps and storming out of the shop.

It was obvious that the person he killed had a strong political background, and even Elder Zhang Shilong's teacher was in a difficult position. Since they had no intention of helping, he didn't bother to go over and ask for help.

After leaving the store, Lu Sheng sped up and strolled around the street. He quickly returned to the place where he came in and found several Qianyang Sect disciples on guard. After asking for the reported location of the Qinshi Hall, we went straight to our destination.

The Qinshi Hall is located in the middle area of ​​Qianyang Town. It is a U-shaped courtyard. When Lu Sheng arrived, there were many people at the door of the Qinshi Hall. They were dressed in various styles. It was obvious that they were not local disciples. It is estimated that most of them are like him, branch disciples who came from other places to join the sect.

Lu Sheng glanced around and immediately saw a small group of people in the crowd. They were dressed similar to those in Qiuyue County. Knowing that they came from the same place, he simply moved towards that group of people.

You just came? A thin young man greeted Lu Sheng with a smile.

We just arrived today. Lu Sheng nodded. What are you doing? Are you all gathering outside the Qinshi Hall?

Test the qualifications. Go in five by five and submit tasks. Are you from Yegen County? the man guessed.

No, I'm from Qiuyue County. Lu Sheng shook his head.

Has Qiu Yue's arrived yet? the man said with a smile, Let me introduce you to me. My name is Chen Jintian, and I am named Qiujiu. But I am not a newcomer anymore. Brother, you have just arrived here, are you still confused about everything? Do you want to be a tour guide? There is no matter in the Qianyang Sect that I am not familiar with. He chuckled and skillfully took out something like a map from his sleeve.

This is a service map. It marks all the places that need attention in this city. Which places are safe for our activities, which places may encounter trouble and conflicts, and which places are dangerous areas. It is all above, how about it? Do you want a copy? ? Just one magic gold.

Lu Sheng immediately understood, and he said what the person was doing when he came over to say hello. It turned out to be an intermediary business.

I thought I wanted it, but I was short of money. He smiled.

That's okay. Chen Jintian waved his hand, We and other prefecture-level sect disciples are all elites. They come from all over the country to study, and none of them is the best in the local area. It's no problem to earn some magic gold.

That's true. Lu Sheng nodded.

Speaking of which, among the branch disciples this time, there are not many who have the potential to rush forward, only a few. Not as good as the previous group. Chen Jintian said with emotion.

Lu Sheng glanced forward and saw that there were ten fewer people in the queue, so he moved forward. Brother Chen has good cultivation, why would he be willing to make a special trip to do this kind of business? He asked puzzledly.

Chen Jintian also smiled bitterly when he heard this. Brother, you don't know how much money our Qianyang Sect in Mo Ling Mansion spends. Let's not talk about the True Spirit Pagoda, which is a big spender, and then the Spirit Training Field, the Secret Art Museum, and the Tianxing Jiulong Pavilion are all asking for money. . No amount of magic gold is too much here.

Don't you just need to practice hard and that's all? Lu Sheng was stunned. The life of this government-level disciple must be too miserable.

It's okay to practice, but you need to equip weapons or not, so going to Tianxing Jiulong Pavilion is indispensable. The life-preserving secrets will be updated from time to time. The secrets you learn must be paid attention to the new secrets at any time, in case you find that there are special research methods. Do you want to learn the secret technique of restraining yourself and decipher how to deal with it?”

Chen Jintian looked helpless when he talked about this.

Then the spirit training field simulates various new types of monsters from outside the demon army. If you don't adapt to it, if you encounter new weapons and new varieties developed by the demon world and you are suddenly killed by evil spirits, then you can only be blamed for your poor life. short.

You have to know that a weapon like the Demonic Shadow Knife, which ignores physical defense and can only rely on Qi to resist, if you encounter it and don’t know how to deal with it, first use all the Qi-enhanced equipment to prepare to block it, but the Demon Shadow When the knife strikes, there is no Qi in your body to block it. Well, don’t blame yourself for dying unjustly.”

Chen Jintian had a lot of complaints.

In this world, just practicing behind closed doors is not enough. In fact, our Qianyang Sect is much better. We have money and rely on good equipment and magic weapons to resist. A bunch of barbarians like the Youyi Sect can only do it every day. He vomited blood and tried his best. If he couldn't fight, he would die. The casualty rate could even reach 50%!

It's not like us, with a 99% survival rate. When entering the battle, throw down a set of instant talismans, then place the formation flag, take out the explosive magic weapon and defense magic weapon to hold it up, and then use it to summon the servants. If nothing happens, throw in some amplification secrets. If something goes wrong with this, then you are very unlucky. , encountering perverts who are several levels above themselves.

Lu Sheng was also a little stunned when he heard this. The Qianyang Sect at the prefectural level and the previous branches were completely different in style.

I saw all kinds of laziness when I came here, to the lazy posture of Teacher Zhang Shilong I saw in the store, and then to the scene described by Chen Jintian in front of me.

This Qianyang Sect is basically a big money-burning family, and the sect is the first choice for rich and handsome people.

While the two were chatting, it was finally Chen Jintian and Lu Sheng's turn to sit in a row of five people.

Lu Sheng walked into the palace gate side by side. Inside was a fairly spacious small hall.

A young man wearing a yellow robe and a gold crown was sitting behind a long white jade table with an impatient face, tapping his fingers on the table impatiently.

Lu Xiang, Chen Jintian, Yue Qingpeng, Yue Qingying, Lu Sheng. The man in yellow robe registered the names of the five people one by one.

Write down your place of origin, cultivation level, completion of external tasks, age, and specialties here. The man handed out a piece of paper and a pen to each of them and motioned for the five people to fill it out.

In addition, each person will pay one thousand magic gold as the sect's sponsorship fee.


Several people were stunned.

Didn't we just pay the infrastructure fee a few days ago??! Chen Jintian shouted.

You said it was a few days ago, today is today, now is now. Do you still want to test? Do you want to hurry up? The man in yellow robe said impatiently.

Lu Sheng frowned. Before he entered the door, he could see that the Qianyang Sect here seemed to be extremely corrupt. It's not as formal as the one in Qiuyue County.

Okay. Chen Jintian was helpless. He was under the eaves and had to pay. He could only follow the rules and fumble for a long time before taking out a magic gold ticket with a face value of one thousand.

Looking at the pained expression on his face, you can tell how much money this is to him.

Lu Sheng also paid a thousand magic gold honestly. Fortunately, he borrowed some money from Mr. Zhang, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to pay the fee now.

The other three people also paid the money reluctantly.

One thousand magic gold is not a small amount, it is enough to buy the worst magic weapon fragments. Although those who can come to the prefecture-level Qianyang Sect are top disciples from all over the country, no matter how rich they are, they cannot afford such consumption.

After the five people paid the money, the man's attitude became much gentler.

Don't blame the sect for wanting money. There is nothing we can do. How did our Qianyang Sect's 99% survival rate in the demon world come from? We don't rely on the Qianyang Black Sun Formation, but this formation can last for a day. How many resources will it consume? The more you pay now, the safer it will be in the future.

Naturally, the five of them were not easily fooled, so they didn't take it seriously. They filled out the form, paid the money, and were all arranged to go into the main hall.

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