Extreme Demon

Chapter 349 Mo Ling 2

Pass on the secret realm.

Among the vast sea of ​​dark green trees, a light yellow stone pillar rises into the sky, standing quietly among the large ancient trees. The stone pillar is slightly tilted, like a huge finger, with its thousand-meter-long trunk piercing the ground of the sea of ​​trees.

Su Fengfei, wearing a long purple robe, gently landed on the top of the stone pillar and stood still. Her eyes were cold and stern, and she walked towards the tombstone in the center of the stone pillar with a very familiar look.

As the sun sets, the light divides the tombstone into two pieces, one up and one down, one bright and one dark.

Su Fei stood in front of the tombstone and stared at the inscription above. There were only a few characters written on the white stone tablet that was as tall as one person.

Su Xiaoxiao informed me that something was discovered over the Kongyan Mountains. It seems that the prophecy may be true. She murmured in a low voice. Yun Suixian of Ding Shenhai will not let this opportunity go easily.

She was silent for a moment, as if waiting for the stone tablet to answer.

But the stone tablet is just a stone tablet after all, and there is naturally no echo.

After a while, Su Fei closed his eyes.

Do you want me to kill her? Or let her go?

Hong Fei, do you have to take action? Yun Suixian is his daughter after all. A line of light suddenly fell and also landed on the top of the stone pillar, not far from Su Feng Fei. He is a young man with a pure temperament, wearing a white gauze.

There is a green mark between the man's eyebrows, and four translucent cicada wings faintly appear on his back.

You come here to see him every year, why do you have to force yourself to make this decision? the man said softly. He was extremely handsome, and his face and eyes were not masculine at all, but were as soft and delicate as water.

I love him, but I also hate him. Su Fei opened his eyes calmly. When people do something wrong, they must be punished. Mingshan, you know my temper.

There was a hint of helplessness in the gentle man's eyes.

The sky gradually darkened, and he looked up at the sky. At this time, stars were already appearing in the sky.

Do you still remember the agreement we made together at that time?

Under the grape trellis, the sun was very beautiful that day. He gave you the Zi Yan ring set with purple rhinestones. I didn't know how to make ambrosia at that time, just the crudest fruit wine, and we all drank it happily.

Su Hongfei remained silent.

The man sighed.

It shouldn't happen, it shouldn't happen. This relationship between them should never have happened. Now I got the news that her sister is out of trouble.

Su Hongfei's pupils suddenly shrank.

What do you think she will do once she gets the news? the man whispered. He said no more, walked to the stone monument, bowed and gently placed a bouquet of flowers with translucent petals in front of the stone monument.


Lu Sheng and Elder Zhang Shilong quickly crossed the Black Bell Mountains without any further delay and headed towards Fucheng at full speed.

Behind the Black Bell Mountains is a large river called Hongsha. There is a big demon lurking in the river and controlling it. He is a demon official who has been canonized by the Great Yin. He has set up a huge formation and does not allow anyone who has opened his spiritual wisdom to fly over the Hongsha River.

Zhang Shilong and Lu Sheng were in Hongsha Town by the river, and were about to hire a large boat to go to the other side. But they happened to meet a group of wealthy businessmen who were also preparing to cross the river.

This group of wealthy businessmen recognized Zhang Shilong as a friend he had made with Zhang Shilong in his disguised identity as a wealthy businessman. They happened to be going to Moling City, so the group also enthusiastically invited the two of them to board the ship.

Zhang Shilong and Lu Sheng simply merged with them and went on the road together.

Outside the ship's side, the water waves kept hitting and making crisp sounds.

Lu Sheng and Zhang Shilong stood on the deck, looking at the scenery on the river.

Across this river is Mo Lingfu City, which is different from ours. Zhang Shilong looked at the river bank getting closer and closer from a distance and said with a smile. If it were you, you would probably like that atmosphere very much.

Oh? What's the atmosphere? Lu Sheng was slightly curious.

In a free atmosphere, you have almost no personal leisure time except for practicing, going out to experience, eating and daily necessary activities. If you don't have fun, don't like gambling, don't like lust, don't like drinking, don't like making friends, you don't want to do anything but practice. Not good. Zhang Shilong commented on Lu Sheng in others' eyes.

It's an understatement to say that you are an ascetic monk. Even ascetic monks sometimes make friends, but you don't care about anything.

When I was checking whether you were a spy from the demon world, I specially added points for this item. Even a spy from the demon world wouldn't want to make friends to get information. And you? Zhang Shilong shook his head speechlessly.

Lu Sheng laughed dumbly.

If you really think about it, it's true.

You are still young, only thirty years old. How can you do without some normal hobbies at this age? There are not many people in Qiuyue County who can interact with you on an equal footing. It is normal to have no friends, but don't do this anymore when you get here. . Zhang Shilong was also a little helpless. I don't want you to have trouble with stagnant cultivation due to mental problems.

Fortunately, this is definitely not the case. Lu Sheng smiled. Elder, you haven't said yet, what's the difference between crossing this river and Qiuyue County?

This. Zhang Shilong touched his chin beard, Our Qiuyue County is controlled from top to bottom in the hands of the three major sects and the imperial court. It is considered one of the safest areas in Great Yin. In fact, this is due to layers of protection. very small range.

In most areas, the situation is the same as in Mo Lingcheng. The three major sects and the imperial court cannot completely control every inch of land. Sects and gangs are rising together, and there are many aristocratic families. You must know that there are not only three major sects in the world, nor are there only three major families that are aristocratic families. There are many aristocratic families, gangs and sects. The place where they live is most of the areas outside Qiuyue County.

Lu Shengzhan understood. No wonder we didn't meet even a stronger beast and monster all the way here.

Because every once in a while, Yangming's army will clear out. Zhang Shilong said with a smile.

While the two were talking, another large boat sailed up the river on the left. Like them, it was also a tourist boat with a three-story loft.

There was a middle-aged man in a blue robe standing on the bow of the other party's boat. There is a white tiger head embroidered on the man's right shoulder. One hand is behind his back, and the other hand is holding a black hammer as long as his forearm.

Han Linjun! The man's face was gloomy, his eyes were like lightning, Get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame a certain subordinate for being ruthless!

His harsh voice came here from a distance of dozens of meters.

Not only that, but silhouettes of figures quickly jumped up from both sides of the ship where the man was, heading towards the ship.

The owner of the merchant ship was a fat man with a big belly. He was sweating profusely and rushed out of the cabin with several pale-faced guards. Seeing this scene, his legs almost gave out with fear.

If you have something to say! If you have something to say! Dear fellows, I'm Chen Guojun. This ship only carries some silk and wine for resale. There is no Han Linjun like you mentioned! In the hatch behind the fat man, there was still something faintly visible. He saw two girls hiding, they seemed to be his female relatives.

Soon the people who boarded the ship took control of the merchant ship and began to board the ship for inspection. Groups of people wearing white tiger head clothes boarded the ship, pulled out all the people in the cabin, and stood in several rows on the deck for inspection.

Did you see it? This is the difference. Zhang Shilong looked at this scene and sighed slightly. Qiuyue County is patrolled by the Yangming Army, so it's peaceful and healthy. But outside, killing people and destroying households is nothing more than a trivial matter. As long as it's not too serious, there won't be any problems.

Is this the difference you were talking about? Lu Sheng also understood. From his angle, he could just see the fat rich businessman negotiating with the people in white tiger-headed clothes who were boarding the boat. And the two girls hiding in the cabin behind him, one of them in a green dress, although her face was nervous and timid, what showed deep in her eyes was not timidity, but patience, pain, and depression.

This is the Jianghu, the Jianghu of Dayin. Zhang Shilong shook his head and said helplessly.

I'll give you dozens of warnings, and if you don't come out, I'll burn the boat. At this time, the clear voice of a middle-aged man came from far away on the ship opposite.

Lu Sheng obviously saw the girl in the green dress tighten her expression, and her hands holding the hem of the skirt became tighter and tighter. Although the girl in the white dress next to her was also scared, she constantly seemed to be comforting her.

At this time, Zhang Shilong's wealthy businessman friend ran over secretly.

Brother Shilong, think of a way, think of a way! This is the Tiger Gang! One of the four major gangs in Mo Ling Mansion! You are well-connected and well-informed. This trip depends entirely on you! This wealthy businessman's surname is Wang. Shi's chubby face was covered with dense beads of sweat. Obviously very anxious.

Don't worry, there is a way. Just leave it to me. Zhang Shilong didn't care and patted the wealthy businessman's hand easily, You go find other people first and don't let everyone get confused. It won't be good if anything happens. .

Brother Shilong, do you really have a way??

Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me. Zhang Shilong looked leisurely. As an elder of a large sect such as Qianyang Sect, even if he is a branch, he is not something that ordinary small gangs and sects can mess with.

At this time, the middle-aged man had already started counting.




Han Linjun was confused and her heartbeat was getting faster and faster. She lowered her face and clutched the hem of her skirt.

The Tiger Gang actually chased her here. It seemed that they must have known that she was the one who left with the things, otherwise they would not have risked being interrogated by the Mo Ling Mansion to stop the merchant ship at such a close place.

What should I do? How dare they really, really dare to attack so close!? Han Linjun lowered his head and listened to the constant counting sounds outside. The blood in his body seemed to be frozen, and his mind went blank.

Somehow, she suddenly recalled her father's words when he finally handed that thing to her.

We must not let the Tiger Gang get that! Once they collect all the pieces, the Tiger Gang will be out of control and truly threaten the entire Hedong!

Han Linjun smiled bitterly and looked at her best friend Lin Rui, who was constantly comforting her. She didn't want to hurt her friend, but now.





Lu Sheng gently held the hilt of the sword at his waist and was about to step forward. Zhang Shilong next to him stopped him.

Let me do it, you are too murderous. Zhang Shilong said with a bitter smile.

Lu Sheng let go and smiled.

Zhang Shilong took a step forward and said loudly: I'm Zhang Shilong from the Qianyang Sect. May I ask which member of the Tiger Gang is in front of me? Please give me some face and let the boat pass.

His voice was like thunder, rolling and shaking, causing everyone above the big ship to sway. Looking from a distance, many people were shaken to the point of losing their balance and falling to the ground.

As soon as the merchant ships here heard the words Qian Yang Sect, they immediately exclaimed. After the exclamation, they cheered. One of the three major sects of Dayin, this title is not just blown away. There is a senior official of Qian Yang Sect. With people here, the ship and people can be saved.

Especially the chubby rich businessman, whose face was crying and soaked with sweat just now. When he heard such a turn of events, his expression suddenly turned sharply, and he opened his mouth to laugh, but he still couldn't turn around and became extremely weird.

In the cabin behind him, Han Linjun and Lin Rui, who were standing there, also looked stunned, then cheered and breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I was dead before, but I didn't expect it to take a turn for the worse.

Han Linjun's heart suddenly relaxed, his head felt dizzy, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Lin Rui supported him.

Qianyang Sect?? At this time, the middle-aged man's expression on the big boat opposite did not change, and his eyes slowly moved to Zhang Shilong's side. It turns out to be Elder Zhang of the Qianyang Sect in Qiuyue County.

I am exactly the same. Dare I ask your name? Zhang Shilong said, cupping his fists.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at Zhang Shilong for a while.

I'm the deputy leader of the Tiger Gang, Yuan Yinxiao.

Please ask Gang Leader Yuan to let the boat go over for the sake of old age. Zhang Shilong said with a smile on his face.

Yuan Yinxiao's brows slowly opened and his eyes flashed. Elder Zhang's words are serious, but if you want to let the ship pass, you are not so proud.

Zhang Shilong originally thought that by lowering his profile, he would be able to easily expose and solve the problem, but at this time he did not expect that the other party would actually hit him back with a single word.

His expression suddenly froze, and he just stood there, not knowing how to react for a moment.

With his status, a deputy gang leader of the Tiger Gang actually dared not give him face in person?

Not only him, but also the rest of the people on the merchant ship were stunned.

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