Extreme Demon

Chapter 348 Mo Ling 1

In the Purple Snow Garden, the atmosphere around the stone monument was a bit stagnant.

Teams of experts from all walks of life were all staring at the young man beside the stone monument. There were stumps of limbs and broken arms everywhere on the ground in the surrounding pavilions, and many people were still struggling and wailing on the ground. The shallower areas were filled with blood, which looked scarlet from a distance, which was very visually impactful.

Bai Luying felt that he had made a miscalculation. If he had promised to cooperate with those people and besiege Lu Sheng because he was tempted and unwilling to accept this person, then he completely regretted it now.

Just by staring, she could feel a slight pain on her skin, like a needle pricking with the tip of a knife. Based on this alone, she knew that the opponent's strength was far beyond her imagination.

Bai Luying glanced at the crowd at the side from the corner of his eyes. The few collaborators who were still there before could not be identified at this time. Not to mention finding them among the crowd, it was impossible to judge whether the people were still there.

Master Lu, you win. She sighed helplessly. Seeing that the sword in Lu Sheng's hand had been raised more than half, and he was ready to take action at any time, she finally gave up.

Lu Sheng was about to urge the sword to be transported when he heard Bai Luying say this and was a little surprised. It seemed that it shouldn't be a coincidence that the other party met him, but in the end, he took the initiative to give in. In fact, he didn't want to kill the opponent. If there were other masters hiding among so many people, then he would definitely not be able to kill the disciples of the alliance sect.

Lu Sheng glanced at the entire audience, his gaze passing over the so-called martial arts masters of the local forces.

Since everyone has no objections, why are you still here? He began to drive people away politely.

The people around him were silent for a while, and then someone immediately shouted out unceremoniously.

There are so many of us, so many experts, and Senior Shen and Gang Leader Zhu are here. Are we still afraid that he can't do it alone?

Yes, I'm waiting for so many strong opponents here. Even if this person was strong before, after killing so many comrades, he must be weak! Now is the opportunity for me to go up! Huangjiazhuang's sky-blue iron spear is best for frontal attacks, why not invite him? Zhuangzhuang Huang is testing one or two.

Wu Laosan, what you said is very smooth, why don't you do it yourself? Zhuangzhu Huang obviously refused.

Just looking at at least twenty pairs of bloody hands and feet on the ground here, you can tell how fierce this young man with the sword is.

Even Senior Shen didn't say a word, and the leader of the Shenlong Gang was also watching the changes. Naturally, they would not be the first to show off.

The rest of the masters remained silent. The ones who were really clamoring were the weaker gangs in the green forest and underworld who were not afraid of death.

The wind got stronger and stronger, and more and more people gathered around. At first, there were hundreds of people, but later on, the crowd gradually became thicker and thicker.

From where Lu Sheng was standing, he looked around and saw that all he could see were human heads. The faces of the people he could see either looked cruel or had ulterior motives.

Lu Sheng looked in the direction of King Shen Jian. The old man looked solemn and silent, as if he was in trance. From the slight movement of his nose and the twitching of his eyelids, you knew that he must have noticed that an expert was looking at him. But even so, he remained silent.

Lu Sheng found it a bit funny. The martial arts in this small world were extremely weak. At the top, they were only at the Tianyuan level like this old man. Not to mention compared with him, even compared with Bai Luying and others, they were far inferior.

This group of people gathered here, surrounding him, and it felt like a group of chickens surrounding an adult. They had no idea that they could kill more than 90% of everyone present with just one sword.

Zhao Chengxuan?! Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of the identity of his body, the so-called Zhao Chengxuan, and then he looked in the direction of the sound.

Behind the crowd, a group of sergeants in armor surrounded the three people, looking towards the place.

Those three people were clearly Zhao Chengye, Zhao Chengfeng, and their second uncle Zhong Yuangui.

This Zhong Yuangui is the sworn brother of the three brothers and sisters' father. The ability to dismount a horse and use a heavy spear with one hand is superb, with great skill but clumsiness. Whether in the military or in the arena, he has quite a reputation.

Chengxuan, why are you running there? Why don't you come over here!? Zhong Yuangui's expression changed and he shouted sternly.

After all, he is his eldest brother's son. If anything goes wrong, he won't be able to explain to his eldest brother.

Lu Sheng smiled and didn't answer. He leaned against the stone tablet with his sword in hand and began to wait quietly for the opportunity to arrive.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Zhong Yuangui and the others were a little confused, thinking they had mistakenly admitted the person. There was no sound for the moment.

The situation was so deadlocked.

King Shen Jian and Zhu Side of the Shenlong Gang began to rescue the wounded, and soon evacuated all the disabled people around the stone monument. Only puddles of blood and dark red ground were left.

The sky is getting grayer and grayer, and it's almost dawn.

There is no way that the divine weapon will be active at dawn, so this means that it may be born soon. As the time got closer, Lu Sheng gradually increased his vigilance, not to guard against people, but to arrange for the magic soldiers to escape.


Suddenly a crisp sound spread from the stone tablet.

Lu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and reached out to grab the stone tablet.

Bang! !

Before he could catch it, the stone tablet exploded and shattered into pieces. A blazing red light shot out from the center, rising into the sky and trying to fly towards the west.

I want to run! Lu Sheng jumped up and shot out like arrows.

Bai Luying and several people in the crowd also rose into the sky and followed closely behind.

The few people moved so fast that even Shen Jianwang and Zhu Side only had time to pull out their weapons and run two steps before watching in stunned silence as the few people chased the magic weapon and disappeared into the distance.

This, this, this!!

Zhu Side lowered his head and looked at the stone tablet, feeling that his life had been in vain these past few decades. All of these people who were blown up silently were so strong.

The rivers and lakes are really unfathomable. King Shen Jian came over, inserted the long sword back into his back, shook his head helplessly, turned around and left.

All the martial arts masters were frightened when they saw the scene just now, where a person could leap like a bird, and at such a fast speed.

Zhao Chengye swallowed his saliva and glanced at his eldest brother and second uncle who were also stunned.

That must not be the third child, it should just look similar.

I can't believe that there is someone so similar to Lao San in this world. Zhao Chengfeng said in surprise.

Let's withdraw. Since we can't fight and the magic soldiers have escaped, it's unlikely that chaos will break out in the city. Our goal has been achieved. Zhong Yuangui said in a deep voice.



The red light penetrated half of the sky, broke through the white clouds, and flew towards the distance.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind, and the invisible energy under his feet condensed to form a staircase for him to step on and gain strength. Every time he borrows strength, he can rush forward a lot.

Only when he got closer did he see clearly that what was wrapped in the red light was a palm-length scarlet spiked dart. An emerald green bead was inlaid on the dart, and indirect atmospheric curved runes were engraved around it.

Senior Brother Lu, why don't we cooperate? I'll go ahead and intercept him, and you'll drive him over from behind. Bai Luying said unwillingly from behind. Don't worry, the magic weapon is yours, we just want to get some good reviews.

Get lost! Lu Sheng didn't bother to pay attention to them. He didn't know what these people were thinking. What's so messy about cooperation is that it's not about getting a chance to share the pie.

Is Senior Brother Lu being too unkind? Bai Luying frowned.


Lu Sheng suddenly turned around and slashed at the people behind him with his sword.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! !

White air waves were cut into the air, and the air waves also condensed into the shape of a sword blade, hitting several people hard.

Everyone was caught off guard, and a black film appeared on their bodies to block the sword energy, but they were also blocked by this huge force, slowing down their speed and making it impossible to catch up.

Bailuying is even more of a priority.

She was in shock and avoided the sword energy. She finally managed to stabilize her dizzy body from being slashed, and looked at Lu Sheng who was rapidly shrinking from a distance.


If the alliance hadn't been allowed to attack each other, I would have torn him alive today!! a hot-tempered Spirit Binding Sect disciple said irritably.

Tear him alive? Just you!? Bai Luying glanced at the man angrily.

What? Do you have any objections? The man raised the knife in his hand.

Idiot. Bai Luying didn't even look at him, and instead flew towards the ground below. Relying on Zhen Qi to temporarily borrow strength will eventually consume a lot of energy and cannot last long.

You!!? The man wanted to catch up angrily.

puff! !

In an instant, a bloody hole opened in his chest, and blood sprayed out all over the sky. In the blink of an eye, his face turned pale.

The other people were all shocked and had no idea when Lu Sheng took action.

In a dark green valley in the distance.


Lu Sheng grabbed the crimson dragon mark with one hand and dragged it down to the ground regardless of the large amount of red light on its surface.

Complete the mission. He took out the silk cloth from his arms with his other hand and shook it forward softly.

With a snap, the silk cloth suddenly exploded and turned into a large white light spot, covering him.

Under the changing light and shadow in front of him, Lu Sheng returned to the stone house where he was before in a blink of an eye. He was holding a short red dart in his hand.

Is this done? Zhang Shilong noticed the movement and rushed into the room quickly, and immediately saw the red dart in Lu Sheng's hand.

Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. Lu Sheng gently let go of his hand, and his true energy had already wrapped the dart in layers, preventing it from escaping, and it was suspended in mid-air.

Zhang Shilong looked amazed.

This is the first time I have seen someone enter the outside world for the second time and grab the mission target. No need to read, your evaluation this time is definitely the highest. Even in the Shangzong, there are not many people who can compete with Compared to you.

Then we'll be on our way at full speed. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Of course. If everything goes well, we will be able to reach Fucheng Moling in ten days. Zhang Shilong was also in a good mood and said with a smile.

The two quickly packed up and set off. Zhang Shilong had caught two rabbits long ago. The gray rabbit, which was about half a man tall, was skinned, roasted into dried meat, and coated with salt, which became the most convenient dry food for the two of them.

Zhang Shilong thought that Lu Sheng was lucky enough to complete the task so quickly. Only Lu Sheng himself understood that the speed of the crimson dragon mark had reached the sixth-grain level, and even if he was at the sixth-grain level, he would not be able to catch this if he relied solely on the black membrane bonus without additional training to strengthen the speed. thing.

It was him, with the peak speed and strength of the Seven Marks, who easily caught up with the divine weapon, caught it and brought it back.

This magic weapon is actually just an ordinary dart inlaid with fragments of the magic blade, but in the outside world, it is considered a magic weapon.

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