Extreme Demon

Chapter 350: Grudge 1

Mr. Zhang, I'll do it. Lu Sheng took a step forward.


Zhang Shilong suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him.

It doesn't matter, I know who he is, I'll come. He raised his head and stared at Yuan Yinxiao.

Although he came and went to Mo Lingcheng a lot, there were not many people who could easily know his identity and call him by his name, plus his surname was Yuan. This further narrows the scope.

Since Gang Leader Yuan doesn't intend to give face to the old man, then please do so. He replied loudly. It seemed that he didn't intend to wade into this muddy water. He simply took Lu Sheng with him and walked aside to watch coldly.

Yuan Yinxiao smiled, hugged Zhang Shilong's fists, and began to have people examine and interrogate everyone on the ship one by one.

First the crew on the ship, then the steward, helmsman, lookout, etc. Finally, there are the captain and the wealthy businessman who chartered the ship.

Han Linjun hid behind his best friend's father, looking like a timid and well-behaved little girl. She felt more and more nervous as she listened to the inquiries coming closer and closer outside.

Don't be afraid... don't be afraid. My father will protect us, and the great elder of Qianyang Sect will not dare to act recklessly. Best friend Lin Rui did not know Han Linjun's identity. People never mention these aspects when making friends. She thought Han Linjun was just nervous because of fear.

It's okay. I'm fine, Han Linjun replied softly. She didn't dare to raise her head to look at her best friend, and the guilt in her heart penetrated deep into her body like a tree root.

If the magic weapon her father gave her before he died didn't work, then today would be the day she died, and not only would she die, but everyone on the entire ship would also die.

She lowered her head, and soon a female member of the Tiger Gang came forward, holding a short black stick in her hand, with a lifelike silver metal tiger head inlaid on the top of the stick.

She held the tiger head close to the two girls and tapped them.

No. The female gang member said calmly. Turned and left.

Thank God! The fat wealthy businessman breathed a sigh of relief, Daughter, Xiaolin, if you have nothing to do, go hide inside first and don't come out.

It's okay, Dad, we're right here, we're not going anywhere! Lin Rui said firmly.

Han Linjun didn't say anything, but just held his best friend's hand firmly. Her eyes quietly fell on Zhang Shilong standing on the deck not far away.

Time passed minute by minute, more than an hour passed. The Tiger Gang sifted through layers of people, but still found nothing.

Several leaders returned to Yuan Yinxiao and reported the results to him in a low voice.

Huh? Nothing gained? He looked ugly. His eyes began to scan the people on the boat.

He first glanced at the wealthy businessmen, who made everyone tremble with fear and sweat. Then he glanced at the female relatives next to him. Lin Rui and Han Linjun were just two of the female relatives on the boat. There were also wealthy businessmen. Their concubines, maids, maids, etc., more than ten people gathered together, like quails hugging each other, not daring to move under Yuan Yinxiao's gaze.

Zhang Shilong noticed that Yuan Yinxiao did not stop even when his eyes fell on the most beautiful girls among them. He was obviously a determined person.

After scanning them one by one, I found no problems at all.

Have you been interrogated? he asked solemnly.

A man wearing half silver armor came closer and nodded. After interrogation, there are no clues. This boat set out from Hongsha Town. Except for the two people from Qianyang Sect, the others on the boat were wealthy businessmen from nearby. The boat belonged to the White Flag Chamber of Commerce, and the people were from the Yinan Chamber of Commerce. Here are To discuss a business deal.”

Why do you bring your family to discuss business? Yuan Yinxiao said coldly.

It is said that two wealthy businessmen bought property in Fucheng and brought their wives here to settle down here. The subordinate replied in a low voice.

anything else?

No, the ingredients on the ship are not complicated. That's all I can ask. The subordinate replied calmly.

Yuan Yinxiao's expression became increasingly gloomy: Since we can't find Mr. Han Lin, let's look for that thing alone.

I've searched for it too, but the detection instruments didn't respond either.

Is there anything else missing on the ship?

This the subordinate man hesitated and looked at Zhang Shilong and the two men standing aside.

Yuan Yinxiao frowned, and his eyes moved slightly, falling on Zhang Shilong standing beside him.

Elder Zhang, don't blame me, Mr. Yuan, for not giving you face. It's really a very important matter this time, so please forgive me. He stretched out his hand, and two masked men in silver armor walked out from behind him, holding knives at their waists. Handle, walked towards Zhang Shilong.

Zhang Shilong looked stunned for a moment, then became furious and almost lost control of his desire to take action.

Lu Sheng, who was behind him, became increasingly impatient. He moved forward and wanted to take action, but Zhang Shilong stopped him firmly.

Don't be impulsive! I'll handle it. Zhang Shilong took a deep breath. As an elder of the Qianyang Sect, he hadn't encountered such humiliation in a long time.

What? You still want to search me??! He stared at Yuan Yinxiao with sharp eyes.

Yuan Yinxiao's face was expressionless. Elder Zhang's words are serious, but I have searched everywhere on this ship and still can't find anything. Now you are the only one who is missing.

Zhang Shilong was so angry that his chest kept rising and falling rapidly, just a Tiger Gang! For a moment, he really wanted to just do it, but when he thought of the power behind Yuan Yinxiao,

Okay, okay! I will let you search to see if the things are on me. Zhang Shilong suppressed his anger, opened his hands, and allowed the two people to come forward and search his pockets and backpack carefully.

Old Zhang. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and his expression became gloomy. He still wanted to speak, but he still stopped him.

It's okay, let them search. Zhang Shilong straightened his back. He already knew who was behind Yuan Yinxiao. He couldn't afford to offend him, and he couldn't hide from him. He had no choice but to endure it this time. Saying a few words to contradict him was the greatest resistance he could do. But Lu Sheng was different. He had a bright future and he couldn't offend that group of people here, otherwise it would have too much impact in the future. He is still young and cannot be ruined here just because of a moment of loyalty.

The two men stepped forward and searched Zhang Shilong for a moment, but still found nothing.

Is that okay? Zhang Shilong snorted coldly.

Elder Zhang is offended. Yuan Yinxiao frowned even deeper.

Can I go now? Zhang Shilong no longer wanted to waste time here in case something unexpected happened. Seeing that nothing was found, he immediately lowered his voice and said coldly.

Yuan Yinxiao was about to nod when he suddenly noticed the young man behind Zhang Shilong, who seemed to be his disciple or follower.

Wait a minute, is this Elder Zhang's disciple? His eyes fell on Lu Sheng. Has he been checked? He turned his head and asked the person next to him.

A masked man stepped forward and replied: Go back to the gang leader, not yet.

Then why are you still standing there? Yuan Yinxiao looked cold.

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened.

Zhang Shilong was about to get off the boat and leave with Lu Sheng who was about to lose control, but he didn't expect to hear this sentence suddenly.

He instantly saw Lu Sheng's eyes change. This man was originally very murderous. If he hadn't pulled him, he would have started to kill people. He thought he could finally leave safely, but he didn't expect this to happen at the last moment. .

Zhang Shilong rushed to pull Lu Sheng away, but no matter how hard he pulled at his clothes, Lu Sheng couldn't move. Instead, a strange smile slowly appeared on his face.

So, wouldn't it be over if you let me handle it from the beginning? Lu Sheng slowly pulled out his sword, and a black film outline appeared around him.

It has to come to this.

As he drew his sword, a large number of people on the boat suddenly seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest. They all drew their swords and pointed them at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng! Zhang Shilong grabbed Lu Sheng's sword-holding wrist. Do not impulse!

Everything I do is not impulsive. Just like everyone I kill. Lu Sheng broke away from Zhang Shilong's hand. Walk forward slowly.

Yuan Yinxiao also narrowed his eyes and stared at Lu Sheng who was slowly approaching.

what you up to?

What do you think? Lu Sheng raised his head and smiled.


His figure disappeared from the spot in an instant and appeared directly behind Yuan Yinxiao.

clang! !

Yuan Yinxiao's expression changed drastically. He pulled out a dagger with his backhand and accurately blocked the sword, but the huge power coming from the sword instantly changed his expression.

boom! ! !

The terrifying impact hit Yuan Yinxiao, sending him flying backwards like a cannonball and slamming into the hull of the big ship behind him.

Bang! ! !

A huge depression with a diameter of more than ten meters was made in the hull of the ship. Yuan Yinxiao's entire body was embedded in the center of the depression, surrounded by broken and bent iron-clad wood. Like a flying insect trapped in a spider's web.

He coughed loudly, and blood poured out from the corners of his mouth, soaking the clothes on his body.

The decks of the two search ships instantly fell silent, deathly silent.

Then suddenly.

Gang Leader!!! The members of the Tiger Gang roared wildly, and several masters leaped towards Yuan Yinxiao.

More than ten people flashed around, surrounding Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng glanced at the dozen or so masters surrounding him, and all of them actually used swords.

A trace of ferocity appeared on his face, The weak have no right to hold a sword.

Not to mention trash!

He struck forward with a sword and struck out with lightning.

Buzz! !

Under the violent surge of true energy, accompanied by the terrifying physical strength, the power of this sword made even Zhang Shilong on the side look dull and completely unimaginable.

The sword energy, which was more than ten meters long, quickly took shape and suddenly stood on the big boat of the Tiger Gang opposite.

Click! !

The entire ship was like a fragile wooden chopstick, easily cut in half.

The dozen or so people who surrounded Lu Sheng were stunned. Not to mention stepping forward to stop him, the two people who were knocked aside by the sword energy couldn't even resist. Half of their bodies were gone in an instant.

Infuriating energy is not scary, Lu Sheng's infuriating energy is only at the level of seven lines, but his physical strength is too terrifying. The two are superimposed and instantly reach the Earth Element level.

How could ordinary Tianyuan and Jing-level masters from these small sects and small sects resist this? Even Yuan Yinxiao, who was also a master of the Seven Marks, was knocked down by a sword without any resistance.


The big ship broke into two parts, tilted to both sides, and stirred up large waves. Then it slowly entered the water and sank.

The Tiger Gang masters beside Lu Sheng all had pale faces and were already a little at a loss. Yuan Yinxiao was overtaken and struck by the ship-cutting sword just now. It was probably more serious than bad at this time. Without the leader, ordinary experts like them would have no backbone.

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