Extreme Demon

Chapter 347 Mission 4

call! call! call! ! !

In the black light, a silver disc was flying at high speed. Wang Yunlong supported the disc with his hands, his whole body was dripping with sweat, his pupils were dilated, and he was breathing heavily.

Your Highness, this time it's an old man who came to the rescue. I thought you wouldn't encounter any threats inside. Sitting on the circular magic weapon was another solemn old man with curly hair and beard.

The old man was as skinny as a stick and wore a dark green robe. He seemed to have great respect for Wang Yunlong.

No, I don't blame you. Wang Yunlong wiped away his sweat, propped up his body and sat down. The aura of that man was so terrifying. How could he have such a terrifying aura that shocked the mind? I felt like my body and mind were frozen in front of him, unable to move.

Your Highness's feeling is correct. Although when the old man passed by, the man only showed Earth Yuan level strength, there was still an extremely dangerous aura about him, so the old man did not dare to delay at all, inspired the royal family to wear the divine rope, and took His Highness with him. Let's go. The old man nodded solemnly.

The facts prove that you are right. Wang Yunlong nodded, and his whole body tensed up in response to the loud noise that was just a little bit behind him. It was just a tiny bit. As long as the old man's movements were a little slower, he might have been killed. Yu Na punched him. That kind of abnormal boxing technique that compresses most of the power into one place, even if it just touches the side, the flesh and blood of the body may burst and the blood vessels may be damaged.

Your Highness, let's go back to the Demon Realm. I'm afraid your identity will be exposed a lot just now. It's not safe to stay here anymore. The old man was also worried at this time.

No, that person wouldn't tell my details rashly, and I didn't show my demonic aura in front of him. I just exposed Mo Ling. There are not many host spirits like Mo Ling in the human world. Wang Yunlong gritted his teeth. , continued, Besides, that person also hides his identity like me, and he will never reveal my details casually. As long as I don't tell, we will probably hide each other.

This is too dangerous. The old man said helplessly. The punch just now made even an expert at his level feel horrified. Not to mention Wang Yunlong's level.

It doesn't matter, I will test it first. Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will be careful. Wang Yunlong said seriously.

I hope so. Mr. Wang recalled all the signs from Lu Sheng before, and his eyes slowly became solemn again. If possible, Your Highness would be best not to have contact with that person again.

Oh? Why? Although Wang Yunlong didn't want to contact that person, he was more curious about why Mr. Wang said that.

Because, when I was peeking aside, I noticed that the way the man looked at you didn't change at all before or after you revealed your strength. Mr. Wang shook his head slightly and looked at Wang Yunlong solemnly, Both... It’s like looking at a dead person.”

. Wang Yunlong felt an inexplicable chill all over his body, In other words, he doesn't care at all, doesn't care if I have any problems, or if I am a fellow disciple. As long as he wants to kill, he will kill him. Right? Mr. Wang Is this what you want to say?

Mr. Wang did not answer.

But such acquiescence and affirmation made Wang Yunlong feel even colder.

Don't have contact with that person in the future. Mr. Wang said solemnly.

I understand. Wang Yunlong nodded deeply.


Red light soared into the sky, fleeting like a shooting star. But no one in Zixue Garden missed it.

Everyone rushed madly towards the direction of the red light.

Lu Sheng pulled out his sword and slowly walked in that direction.

Crossing the stone bridge and crossing a withered medicine garden, two martial arts masters who were fighting fiercely rushed out in front of them.

One of the two men used a knife and the other a gun. They fought to the death and refused to give in. They beat the surrounding garden rockery into a mess.

After looking at the fight between the two men, Lu Sheng watched with mild interest for a while before slowly moving on.

After passing the medicine garden, there was a yellow camp with more than ten people stationed in front. Everyone in the camp was wearing yellow uniforms and had two daggers tied around their waists. It seemed that they all belonged to the same sect.

The group of people saw Lu Sheng walking out of the darkness, and then looked at the sword he was holding. The dried blood stains on the sword were particularly dazzling under the reflection of the bonfire.

Someone in the camp stood up and seemed to want to get closer, but was stopped by the leader, a middle-aged man with a long beard, who raised his hand.

The man cupped his hands toward Lu Sheng and sat down without saying a word.

Lu Sheng smiled back. As he passed the camp, he glanced at the man who was about to get up just now. He was a young man with only green lips. His eyes were filled with eagerness to try.

Where did this kid come from! How dare you join in the fun of the world's best magic weapon?! A sinister voice echoed in the surrounding sky, and a slight chill focused on Lu Sheng. Someone was clearly targeting him.

You can't run out of the garden anyway. Instead of dying in the fight, it's better for me to drink some blood for you! As soon as he finished speaking, a burly figure jumped out from the left, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder with his palms.

Young hero, be careful! the middle-aged man with a long beard said hurriedly.

Bang! !

But it was obviously too late to remind him. The palms of the burly figure had already slapped Lu Sheng's chest, and a steady stream of cold palm power surged out.

Lu Sheng looked down at his chest, then stretched out his hand and pressed the face of the man in front of him like lightning.

Bang! !

The man's entire head exploded, and his headless body rolled backwards and fell to the ground.

You can't see the difference between yourself and others. You will meet such idiots no matter where you are. It's really boring. Lu Sheng retracted his hand, smiled gratefully at the long-bearded middle-aged man in the camp, and continued to move forward with his sword. forward.

The middle-aged man and several young people around him were trembling. Even if he personally took action against the Scarlet-blooded Wolf King just now, he could only maintain an undefeated situation at most. But he did not expect to face this strange young man. People were killed without even a chance to resist.

The best magic weapon in the world really provoked countless old monsters. The middle-aged man sighed and stood up. Let's go, we should go back. This is not the place we should come.


The silver sword light suddenly lit up and slowly disappeared.

A pair of opponents fell to the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground. The ground was full of people who came to compete for the magic weapon. Some of them were dead, and some were still alive and breathing, slowly crawling away.

Lu Sheng stood alone in front of a stone monument, surrounded by several empty pavilions and a circle of pink peach blossoms.

The martial arts masters in this place are at the Tianyuan level at best, far from even reaching the Jing level, let alone compete with Lu Sheng's current top seven lines.

However, now that his black membrane has been broken, he has not recovered yet, so he is actually only using his own body to take action.

The stone tablet next to Lu Sheng was as tall as a person, and it was densely covered with a lot of messy characters and symbols. There is a faint red light looming below.

The legendary three sword lights, the silent sword sound, and the red light filling the sky really exist. In the place covered with blood and water, a real old voice suddenly came from far away.

Senior Sword King, have you heard of this rumor? Another rough voice also came from the other direction. This time it sounded like a slightly younger, middle-aged man.

Of course I've heard of it. I didn't expect that even the master of Tianchi would be born in person. Sure enough, the rumors of the world's number one magic weapon are not wrong. The old voice sounded from far away, and soon his true body was revealed. He was a strong and gray-haired man. old man. The old man's back is straight, his body is slender, his shoulders are wide and his arms are above his knees. It is obvious at a glance that he must have been a handsome man in his youth.

King Shen Jian, long time no see.

In the darkness, a young man with a pale complexion slowly walked out from another place. The man held five black flying knives in his hand, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

Flying Mantis Tang Fei, are all the younger generations so rude now? A third person also came out. The leader of the Shenlong Gang, Zhu Side, was a burly man holding two swords. His skin was as dark as a date and his face was as red as a date.

Where's the Qing Palace Master? He's not here yet? Tang Fei ignored Zhu Side, the leader of the Shenlong Gang, and looked around as if he was looking for someone.

No need to look for it, Wushuang Palace is now represented by me. A soft and charming female voice came.

In the darkness, a group of pretty women in white dresses walked out, formed a formation, and slowly lifted out a white sedan behind them.

The sedan was put down and the bead curtain slowly opened, revealing a pretty and unfamiliar face.

Mr. Lu? I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you still remember the little girl Bai Luying? The girl wore a golden phoenix hairpin and a tight-fitting pink waist skirt. Her beautiful figure was highlighted, and she could faintly see that she was not wearing underwear underneath.

To everyone's expectation, after the representative of Wushuang Palace, the second largest force in the world, came forward, the first person he greeted was the strange sword-wielding man beside the stone monument.

Lu Sheng was closing his eyes to recuperate when he suddenly heard someone calling him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was the girl from the Spirit Binding Sect who had tested him that day.

He did not expect to meet people from outside the sect here. In other words, this outside world was most likely selected by the three sects together.

You are very unlucky. He said calmly.

Bai Luying smiled delicately.

That's not necessarily the case. With so many heroes present, could it be that Mr. Lu is planning to seize the magic weapon and ignore everyone in the world?

Her words put Lu Sheng on the fire. With so many people here, who knows what masters are hiding their identities inside. In this way, she pushed Lu Sheng to the front and faced everyone. .

Lu Sheng glanced at her lightly, drew an arc with the sword in his hand, slowly lowered it, and pointed diagonally at the ground.

You still have time to escape now.

Bai Luying still wanted to speak, but her face froze, and her hand slightly clenched the handle of the knife at her waist. Only when she truly faced Lu Sheng could she understand what those three people really felt that day.

The feeling of walking on a tightrope, with the soles of your feet being cut by a knife and dripping with blood, is impossible to understand unless you really face it.

I Bai Luying regretted a little. I regretted agreeing to that plan.


The sound of wind blew past like a sword being unsheathed. For a moment, Bai Luying bit her lower lip and stood frozen in place.

Continuing with last week’s reward list of 10,000 points~

Fuli original deity

The meandering water flows to the moon

The clouds gather and the mist gathers a cigarette

Radish Geng 01


daydreaming bookworm

Thank you all for your support~ I can only work hard to update to repay everyone's kindness~???

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