Extreme Demon

Chapter 346 Mission Three


The dagger in Lu Sheng's hand suddenly retracted and disappeared into his cuff.

He lowered one hand and looked at the attendant not far away.

Go and bring Bai Feng to me.

Yes, Master. A servant trotted to the stable to fetch his special mount.

Lu Sheng glanced at the dim night around him and got on his horse.

Master, are you planning to go to Baoqing Tower so late? I was with the Li family earlier. Oh, Master, please wait for me. Before the guard beside him, who was about to ride on horseback to follow, finished his words, he saw Lu Sheng With a shake of the reins, he jumped out suddenly. Zongma left here.

Several servants chased and shouted after him, but to no avail.

Lu Sheng's eyes were calm and he stared at the road ahead. The white horse was galloping in the night market. Under his guidance, it didn't hit anyone or any stall.

Gradually, the horse passed through the downtown area, and the surrounding area gradually became deserted, but there was something sharp and sharp hidden in the deserted place. It was obvious that there was some danger hidden in the darkness.

Directly in front of the roadside shop, in an open space, two groups of people, one red and one white, were fighting fiercely. Both sides were furious, and their swords were deadly and merciless.

Lu Sheng galloped past on his horse, picked up the sword from a corpse beside the wall, and held it in his hand. Then he quickly passed through the fighting scene and rushed towards Zixueyuan.

No one from the two groups even reacted, and they could no longer see his back.

In front of the Purple Snow Garden.

A large group of people were divided into several camps, each holding a corner. Everyone is warily staring at the opponents beside them. Tonight, no one is worthy of trust. As long as the magic weapon is not obtained or lost, anyone may become a competitor.

Lu Sheng quickly arrived at the gate on horseback. Before anyone could react, they saw him galloping into the gate.

You little brat that came out of nowhere!! A strong man with gold earrings jumped up and grabbed the back of Lu Sheng's neck with his hands like iron claws.

But the horse was faster, leaping forward, and dodged the strong man to take action. When he was about to take action, the white horse had already disappeared into the night. The strong man somehow covered his hands and screamed in pain, falling to the ground.

Chasing!! The crowd outside the door immediately exploded and rushed into Zixue Garden.

After everyone rushed into the garden in a chaotic manner, a few more people quickly arrived outside the gate of Zixue Garden.

Zhao Chengye followed closely behind his eldest brother Zhao Chengfeng. She was carrying a long sword, wearing a black phoenix feather helmet, covering her face, and wearing a plain black tights, looking heroic.

There was another person in front of the two brothers and sisters, a middle-aged man with shaggy beard and hair, eyes like copper bells. Behind the gray-black armor was a heavy black spear as thick as an arm.

This person, nicknamed Gee, is none other than Zhong Yuangui, the second uncle of the three Zhao brothers and sisters.

Is this here? Purple Snow Garden? Zhong Yuangui was covered in flesh, and he turned over and dismounted with a heavy gun in hand.

Exactly. Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, This is the place where the legendary Crimson Dragon Mark was born. In order to prevent the fight from causing unrest in the city, Senior Shen's people and the experts from the Dragon Gang stayed behind and set up three A line of defense.”

That's enough, let's go in and take a look. The real masters may have gone in long ago, and those just now were just a mob. After that, he strode into the garden.

Zhao Chengfeng and Zhao Chengye were following behind, with the powerful second uncle taking the lead. Even if this trip was a bit dangerous, there was always a backbone, and the two of them were not here to compete for the magic weapon, so they were not too concerned about their own safety. Worry.

Zhao Chengye walked behind and glanced at the elder brother in front of him.

I heard from my servant just now that the third brother ran out again. She whispered.

This kid didn't listen at all when I told him not to run around! Zhao Chengfeng frowned, I don't have time to pay attention to him now, let's get down to business first.

But. Zhao Chengye thought that he was his younger brother after all, and if he didn't care, Sanniang's side.

It's nothing but, if Sanniang asks, just say it was me and ask her to come to me. Zhao Chengfeng said impatiently.

Okay. Zhao Chengye could only nod. After all, Sanniang's family is a very powerful one in the underworld, and she doesn't want to face pressure for no reason.

The three of them walked into the Purple Snow Garden with the selected elite soldiers, and quickly rushed towards the direction where the sound of fighting came from.


Lu Sheng walked gently on his horse by the lake. The small lake in the Purple Snow Garden was covered with large pieces of duckweed, almost covering the entire lake.

The silver moonlight fell, and only a little sparkling light was faintly revealed among the emerald green duckweeds.

The horses' hooves trampled on the black soil by the lake, making a dull dull sound. On the contrary, it is not as loud as the people in the world who are fighting and roaring in the distance.

When he was about to cross the edge of the small lake, Lu Sheng stopped his horse and dismounted. He stuck his sword upside down on the dirt and waited quietly for the time to come.

After all, the birth of a divine weapon does not happen easily. It depends on the specific timing.

Time passed slowly, and Lu Sheng stood there like a sculpture, motionless. The horse also stood strangely frozen in place, also motionless.


Suddenly there was a slight sound of branches breaking in the darkness.

It turns out there are already people here.? A familiar voice came from the darkness.

Wang Yunlong? Lu Sheng turned around in surprise and looked into the darkness. A dark figure also walked out of the darkness.

It turns out to be Senior Brother Lu. Wang Yunlong walked out slowly with a fake smile, his hands inserted into each other's sleeves, as if he was not guarded at all.

I didn't expect that you would be on the same mission as me. Lu Sheng smiled. He smelled an inexplicable aura from this person, and it was obvious that the other person was also hiding his strength.

Isn't it the same with Senior Brother Lu? I never thought that I would be in a small world with Senior Brother. Wang Yunlong said with a smile.

Do you want the Crimson Dragon Mark? Lu Sheng asked bluntly.

The same goes for you? Wang Yunlong stared at Lu Sheng closely. It seems that he is trying to figure out what the motivation behind him is.

Are you going to argue with me? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

The smile on Wang Yunlong's face froze slightly. He slowly looked at the sword beside Lu Sheng and suddenly laughed again.

It seems that Senior Brother Lu is determined to win?

As long as you understand. Lu Sheng said bluntly.

But. I am also very confident in myself. Wang Yunlong did not flinch, but took a step forward.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes. “Having confidence is a good thing, but if it’s too much, it becomes overestimation of one’s capabilities.”

Senior Brother Lu really has good advice. Since you understand this truth, why don't you leave yet? Wang Yunlong held a black talisman in his hand at some point. The talisman paper moved automatically without wind, and in his hand it was like some kind of living thing, twisting and squirming like an insect.

Lu Sheng fell silent for a moment. It seems that I need to make you recognize the gap between us.

Chichichichi! !

With three crisp sounds in a row, three black thorns suddenly appeared behind Lu Sheng, stabbing three vital points on his vest with precision.

Then a black battle ax several meters long whirled and whirled at high speed, fell from the sky, and struck Lu Sheng's head with one blow.

Bang! ! !

Black film splashes.

Wang Yunlong shook his right hand, and the talisman exploded, turning into three giant black pythons, which shot out quickly, tying up Lu Sheng in circles.

Mo Ling, come on. Wang Yunlong took a step back and said calmly.

Good master. A sharp and evil female voice answered beside him.

A large amount of black smoke spread out in front of him, and quickly condensed into a woman covered in pitch black, with a large amount of black smoke floating at her feet.

Looking at the heavily restrained Lu Sheng, Mo Ling grinned and sneered. She suddenly rushed forward, with white formation symbols appearing on her back. With each formation symbol lighting up, her speed and strength increased.

Soon the fifth talisman lit up, and her speed and power had nearly doubled.

Die!! Mo Ling concentrated all his strength on his palms, clasped his hands together, and viciously smashed Lu Shengtian's spiritual cap.



Lu Sheng's black film was finally broken. A layer of light black film finally dissipated completely with a bang at the end of this blow.

It's done!!

A hint of joy flashed in Mo Ling's eyes, and he finally slashed Lu Sheng's forehead with his sword.


But just such a blow made Mo Ling's originally cold expression slowly change color.

Oh? Lu Sheng slowly stretched out his hand, ignoring the black python tied to his arm and the black thorn on his back, and calmly held Mo Ling's hand.

Is this what you rely on?

Wang Yunlong's originally confident face finally changed slightly.



There was a sudden sound of bone cracking from the Mo Ling palms in Lu Sheng's hands. The dark hands in his palms were like tofu, and he easily kneaded it into a ball of flesh and blood.

boom! ! !

Mo Ling's chest suddenly exploded, revealing a hole the size of a human head, which was punched through by Lu Sheng.

ah! ! ! !

She screamed violently, her whole body twisted and trembling. He arched his back and knelt down in front of Lu Sheng.

Earth-level power is indeed capable of arrogance. Lu Sheng pinched Mo Ling's neck with one hand and slowly walked towards Wang Yunlong while carrying her.

Mo Ling!! Wang Yunlong's expression finally changed completely. Mo Ling was his floating demon and was several times stronger than him. If even Mo Ling couldn't hurt the opponent, then he wouldn't have any hope!

As Lu Sheng approached, he involuntarily took two steps back, sweat slowly forming on his forehead.

Who are you?!? Wang Yunlong never expected that an opponent of this level would suddenly appear among Qian Yang Sect disciples at this level.

Me? Lu Sheng grinned, It's meaningless to ask this question now.

Of course not. Wang Yunlong followed Mo Ling's pain and seemed to be enduring great pain himself. He bit his lower lip tightly. We will meet again!

Chi! !

A black light flew towards Wang Yunlong at a speed that even Lu Sheng could not react. When it landed next to Wang Yunlong, the black light suddenly rolled up and wrapped it in, and then flew away from the place again in the blink of an eye.

And with only a few microseconds left, Lu Sheng's arm suddenly landed on Wang Yunlong's position.

Bang! ! !

The ground exploded, and large pieces of earth and rocks scattered like rain.

Lu Sheng glanced at the night sky in the distance with some surprise. The black light had disappeared. Even he could not match the speed.

It's interesting that a little guy from the Earth Element Realm has a speed that even I can't catch up with. He suddenly felt that the originally boring Qianyang Sect seemed to have a new way of playing.

He looked back and saw that Mo Ling, who had been severely injured, had also disappeared.

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