Extreme Demon

Chapter 345 Mission 2

Ming Dynasty, Xuanyuan Mansion, and restaurants.

Zhao Chengxuan hugged the beautiful maid, and while eating the peeled pear and stuffing it into his mouth, he rubbed his hands dishonestly on the maid's body. He is a standard second generation ancestor and son of aristocratic family.

My father is the commander-in-chief of the Xuanyuan Fucheng army, and he is considered the number one person in charge of the army in the entire Fucheng. My mother is the beloved daughter of a well-known waterway boss in the three nearby provinces, and she is unscrupulous in both black and white.

I have an elder brother who was one of the top martial artists of the Ming Dynasty last year. Now he is working in another place. He has extraordinary skills and strong martial arts skills.

There is also a sister who studied under Zhong Yunshan Fengmingguan Sanxiaozhenren. She is elusive and has a well-known name in the world.

Among the three children, he is the only one who spends his time hanging out among flowers, brothels, brothels, and the Red Boat Band. Wherever there are beauties, he can be found everywhere.

Fortunately, he is a low-key person. Apart from this aspect, he is inconspicuous. He has no special skills, no talents and skills. He has accomplished nothing when he is twenty-six. He relies on his family background to spend all day and night.

Among the bunch of dudes in Xuanyuan Mansion, because of his own incompetence and extremely bad temper, he has little reputation in the circle and cannot be ranked high.

But at this moment, Zhao Chengxuan was sitting in the box, holding the girl's key parts in his hands and rubbing them gently, but his thoughts were not here.

If anyone could observe his eyes carefully at this time, they could tell that Zhao Chengxuan was listening intently to the slight bragging sound coming from the lobby outside.

At this time, Zhao Chengxuan's mind was no longer on the girl in his arms, but he was listening intently to the chat outside.

Senior Shen, the Moon Sword King, is said to have arrived, but I don't know where the wizard is. Last time I peeked from a distance, I could only see the name of Tang Fei, the Flying Mantis of the Purple Flag Sect.

The birth of the Crimson Dragon Mark has attracted many heroes and hermit masters. Purple Snow Garden is such a small place, it is definitely not enough to deal with. If so many powerful masters and seniors spread to the city, what will be done?

With Senior Sword King Shen and Chief Zhu Da of the Shenlong Gang here, it shouldn't be too much, right?

Who knows, that was the number one magic weapon a hundred years ago. It is said that whoever gets it can win the world. Even Mr. Shen and Gang Leader Zhu Da may not be tempted by it.

Voices kept coming into Zhao Chengxuan's ears one after another, making him feel even weirder.

Although he was uneducated and unskilled, because of his mother's relationship, he often heard several uncles mention the names of these world-famous top players.

Now, for the sake of such a magical weapon, so many masters have gathered together. This is a bit heart-warming.

This status is quite good. It's a prominent position, and I can get both black and white information. Zhao Chengxuan, or now Lu Sheng, had thoughts in his mind. The sect's methods are really amazing. It allows me to perfectly assume the identity of Zhao Chengxuan. Everything about my memory and identity can fit in perfectly.

The inner part of his body now is his original body, not Zhao Chengxuan, who just changed the outer skin such as appearance and height. The memory and other things could be completely inherited, which made Lu Sheng feel a little heavy.

Nothing else, but it reminded him of the time when he had just traveled through time. Wasn't he exactly the same at that time as he is now?

Such a technique, since Dayin can do it, it is very likely that other forces can also do it. It seems that we need to study the Tao of Formation Talisman carefully. Such technology definitely relies on the Tao of Formation Talisman. Through the Tao of Formation Talisman, it may be possible Find out the reason why I traveled through time in the first place. Lu Sheng made up his mind and then came back to his senses.

Master? The maid in her arms was still calling softly.

Let's go back. Lu Sheng turned around, let go of the girl, stood up, and strode out of the room.

The few experts guarding the door of the box looked at each other and followed each other. The girl also quickly straightened her clothes and followed.

The group, led by Lu Sheng, slowly walked out of the building under the warm greetings of the restaurant owner. There were already guards preparing the carriage outside the door.

Lu Sheng opened the curtain and got into the car. He was silent all the way and soon arrived at the Zhao Mansion.

After getting out of the car, straightening his clothes, Lu Sheng slowly walked into the house with his usual smile on his face.

Behind the door is a spacious school ground. In the corner is a woman in white with a white sword on her back. She is letting two maids hold a long piece of paper and write something on it with a pen.

Lu Sheng walked to the woman's side and just looked at her quietly without speaking.

After waiting for a while, the woman finished writing the last word, then threw away the brush and glanced at Lu Sheng beside her. The woman's eyes were very peaceful, but they revealed the deepest indifference.

came back?

Yes. Lu Sheng replied in his usual tone.

Brother has just arrived. The situation in the city has been very bad recently. Please stay away from home. The woman ordered.

Yes, I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

This woman has an ordinary appearance, but her eyes are sharp, revealing a kind of paranoia about who else she is. It is Zhao Chengxuan's sister, Zhao Chengye, who studied under Sanxiaozhenren and has not had a deep relationship with Zhao Chengxuan since she was a child.

After finishing writing, Zhao Chengye asked someone to put it away and gave an address to send it over. She turned around and left the courtyard without looking at Lu Sheng, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Lu Sheng stood there, thinking about how to get a better evaluation. In this test, there will eventually be an evaluation standard for how good or bad the evaluation is.

Master Xuan, Miss Ye recently had a fight with a great swordsman in the world, and she is in a bad mood. I just wrote a battle note and sent it over. Don't take it to heart. A maid on the side stepped forward. She explained softly that she was Zhao Chengye’s personal maid Xiaoyu.

It's nothing, she's never been in a good mood towards me anyway. Lu Sheng laughed at himself, turned around and left the corner.

He suddenly understood something. Dayin is people-oriented. The fewer people it loses, the more smoothly it can complete the task, and the higher its evaluation should be. In this way, this small world can be easily included in the large formation for collecting essence.

Looking at it this way, it's no wonder that there is an identity infiltration arrangement. It turns out this is what it means. Lu Sheng instantly understood the intention above.

Then it's clear what to do. He turned around and ordered his personal bodyguard to buy some things, then pushed the maid away and walked into the small garden on the side alone.

When there was no one around him, Lu Sheng slowly took out something from his backpack. An emerald green, crystal clear dagger. A striking green dragon is embroidered on the blade of the dagger.

Go find Zixueyuan and find the place where the divine weapon Crimson Dragon Biao was born. Lu Sheng ordered in a low voice.

Puff, puff, puff, puff! !

Suddenly, a series of sounds broke through the air, and the dagger swayed, glowing with a faint green light. Then there seemed to be five vague and transparent invisible objects flying away, and the green light dimmed in an instant.

This is the Hidden Dragon Dagger that Lu Sheng bought for 800 magic gold. It can summon five groups of invisible imps to serve him. The invisible imps are very weak, with the same strength as a child, but they are faster and more powerful. It can become invisible and has good endurance, so although this Hidden Dragon Dagger is weak in actual combat, its price is not too low.

After doing this, Lu Sheng walked out of the garden as usual and went back to his courtyard room with the maid to joke and play as usual.

Several hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes. He had returned to the stone house. His eyes were completely dark, with only a hint of fish belly white showing through the cracks in the window.

I'm back. He breathed out, stood up and pushed the door open.

How is it? Elder Zhang Shilong was slowly practicing his boxing outside. When he saw him coming out, he slowly stopped his movements and turned around to ask.

It's a good start. Lu Sheng smiled.

Please tell me the specific content and I will give you some suggestions.


Lu Sheng carefully explained what happened after he entered, as well as the goal of the mission.

That's not right. Your time span is not like a single-person mission. There should be similar people involved. Be careful. Zhang Shilong frowned slightly after hearing this.

How do you say this? Lu Sheng asked strangely.

If you were the only one, according to the usual practice, you should be thrown directly into the first few hours of the battle. Instead of letting you go in and learn so many things quietly and peacefully. Zhang Shilong shook his head. According to the progress of your mission, you need at least the birth of a divine weapon to complete it, right? And the birth of a divine weapon will take at least several days. This is your time.

It makes sense. Lu Sheng nodded.

Observe carefully tonight and be careful not to miss clues. Zhang Shilong warned.

Don't worry. Lu Sheng smiled. If it weren't for better results, he would have already planned to go straight to Huanglong and kill everyone who wanted to fight for the treasure.

After a night's rest, the two of them had some breakfast and continued on their way. From the stone house to the second resting point, it took more than a day to ride the talisman horse.

Soon in the evening, Lu Sheng once again entered the outside world led by silk cloth.

Master, what did you just say? As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the beautiful girl with half-breasted breasts in his arms, looking up at him, as if asking something.

Nothing. He sorted out his memory. During the time he was away, Zhao Chengxuan was just like a program, following the arranged steps and personality, doing things that were completely consistent with his identity and personality.

It's nothing. Lu Sheng looked out the window and saw that the sky had completely darkened.

He looked at the calendar on the table again and determined that starting tonight would be the time range when the magic weapon would be born.

You stay at home, I'll go out for a while and visit the night market. Lu Sheng stood up and put on his clothes without saying a word, fastened his belt quickly, and pushed out the door.

As soon as he went out, he saw his cheap sister Zhao Chengye leaning in front of the fence and chatting with someone.

Zhao Chengye also saw her third brother walking out of the door. They were separated by more than half the corridor. She had nothing to say to this evil brother and was planning to continue chatting with others.

That's your brother, aren't you? Why don't you take care of him? Starting tonight, it will be a mess outside. The chatting partner raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Chengye thought about it and felt helpless. He really couldn't ignore such a younger brother.

She took a few steps at a time and chased after Zhao Chengxuan.

As soon as she chased him out of the Zhao Mansion, she saw her third brother leaning on the stone pillar in front of the door, his back to her, and wiping something in his hand.

Third brother, it's not safe tonight. You'd better stay in the house and don't go out. Don't distract me and my eldest brother. Zhao Chengye was a little impatient and stepped forward.

Well, I understand, second sister. Lu Sheng turned around with a smile. He had nothing in his hands, as if he was just rubbing his hands together.

Just understand. Zhao Chengye nodded and glanced at his hands with some suspicion. Finally, he turned around and entered the house.

Lu Sheng watched her go in and exposed a little of the dagger in his sleeve again. On the blade, there were five red dots moving rapidly, showing the location of the invisible slaves released previously.

To avoid causing too much damage, we have to use peaceful methods. Lu Sheng took out the dagger, waved it casually, and smiled, Then cut off all the hands and feet.

Anyway, as long as you live, you won't lose much energy.

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