Extreme Demon

Chapter 336 Forgetting 5

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three bright red sword lights suddenly lit up and then slowly went out.

The figures of the children were broken into several pieces one after another, and silently scattered into white ash.

The darkness was suddenly illuminated by a sudden red light.

Although it was only the red light of the tattoo on the person's body and the sword light used, it was also particularly eye-catching in this dark and ink-like environment.

Fei Bailing was also startled, her chest thumped wildly, and she couldn't calm down even after a while.

Her eyes wandered from side to side, and she saw the dark shadows of the children who were beside her just a moment ago suddenly disappearing one by one. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.


She took a sharp breath and lowered her head with sweat on her face.

Almost. Almost. She was really caught by these children's figures. Fortunately, this inexplicable figure smashed the wall and rushed in.

Thank you for your help. Fei Bailing raised her head and tried to stand up, but until now her legs were weak and she could only sit on the ground.

Are you from this house? Lu Sheng looked around, and there was a faint smell of weirdness in the air.

It wasn't Yin Qi, ghost energy, or demonic energy, but another kind of abnormal aura that he couldn't sense.

I Fei Bailing felt weak all over, but she also knew that the person in front of her was most likely her last savior. At that moment, she quickly told Lu Sheng everything she knew.

In other words, the Fei family has been experiencing various abnormalities since a while ago? Lu Sheng frowned.

It's me. I have a friend who is also inside, can you? Fei Bailing thought of Inspector Sima Xiu who was still inside.

What are you talking about? Lu Sheng interrupted her casually. He was very interested in the Fei family now and had no intention of leaving until he figured out what was going on.

In this ordinary county, this kind of trouble can actually occur, and it is trouble that he has never encountered before. This makes it very interesting.

If you want to go out, you can go out by yourself. I plan to take a stroll. Lu Sheng held up his sword and looked around. Where were those dark shadows just now?

He simply ignored Fei Bailing, walked to where the children were standing, and felt them carefully.

Walking around again?? Fei Bailing felt choked in her heart and almost choked. The current Fei Mansion is dangerous and weird, and there are still people who are interested and insist on seeking death by getting inside.

I advise you not to stay here for a long time. I am the third lady of Fei Mansion. If you don't really have no way to stay here, I Shhh

Suddenly, Lu Sheng stretched out his finger and put it in front of his mouth, making a silent sound.

Fei Bailing was stunned and looked around, but didn't find any problem.



In an instant, a red light exploded, and more than ten red streams of light separated from her eyes and flew towards different corners of the garden.

But Lu Sheng in front of her took a step forward and slashed diagonally towards her head with the sword in both hands like lightning.

laugh! !

ah! !

Fei Bailing couldn't help but scream and closed her eyes. But after a while, she didn't feel any pain. Open your eyes and take a look.

At some point, a pair of pale arms were raised on both sides of her neck.

The arms seemed to want to hug her, but they could no longer do so at this time. Red blood stains are becoming more and more clearly visible on his wrists.

Lu Sheng's sword was placed across the left side of her neck, cutting straight through her pale arm. There was still a trace of light red blood on the blade.

Fei Bailing panted violently, her whole body soaked in cold sweat. She sat stiffly on the spot, not daring to move.

Until Lu Sheng slowly pulled the sword out from the side of her head.


The arms on both sides of her neck suddenly turned into a large amount of white ash, which spread all over her.

call! call! call!

Only then did Fei Bailing start to gasp hard, exhaling heavily. She leaned down absentmindedly, supporting her body with both hands. She felt weak all over and even had difficulty breathing.

Have you never seen this thing before? This kind of species. Lu Sheng knelt down and carefully fiddled with the white dust on the ground.

So this is where the white ash comes from. A look of understanding appeared on his face.


Suddenly there was the sound of subtle footsteps coming from a distance.

Lu Sheng raised his head and suddenly saw a long-haired figure standing vaguely in the darkness of the corridor, seeming to be staring at him quietly through the darkness.

Kill me if you can, little guy. Lu Sheng raised his hand and lightly scratched his neck, revealing a ferocious smile.

In the dark corridor, the long-haired figure slowly dissipated and disappeared.

Lu Sheng stood up with his sword in hand and looked at Fei Bailing.

Do you want to come with me or go alone?

I'll come with you! Fei Bailing finally realized that he was saving her just now.

Lu Sheng didn't bother to pay attention. Feeling the traces of spiritual power that just poured into his body, he instantly knew that he had come to the right place.

Although this place stinks a bit, it is definitely a treasure trove for him.

Those hands suddenly appeared behind Fei Bailing. There was only one pair of hands and nothing else. So he drew out his sword and easily cut off both hands.

Unexpectedly, more than ten units received supernatural powers inexplicably.

Originally, he just planned to come over to check and deal with the odor, but once it came to conferring divine power, Lu Sheng was immediately tempted. It seems that this place has not been discovered by the county and has not been solved yet, so it is just a good place for him to gain some spiritual power points.


Lightning flashed across, and the entire garden was illuminated pale.

Lu Sheng took Fei Bailing and slowly walked into the corridor. It was dark on both sides. There was only a single bedroom on the side, but the bedroom was also shrouded in dark fog.

Snap, snap, snap.

The footsteps of the two people echoed in the corridor without any cover.

How long did you stay here after what happened? Lu Sheng asked as he walked.

About ten days, Fei Bailing recalled, even she was a little surprised.

More than ten days? Then what are you eating and drinking here? Lu Sheng looked at her in surprise.

What? What did you just say? Fei Bailing looked at Lu Sheng in shock.

I said, what have you been eating and drinking these days. Lu Sheng repeated.

I hid in the bedroom and didn't dare to take a step out. Really, I didn't dare to take a step out. Fei Bailing answered the question incorrectly. By the way, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly.

Lu Sheng suddenly stopped. In the darkness, his eyes fell straight on Fei Bailing's face. He asked twice in a row just now. His voice was already loud, but the other party still looked like he didn't hear.

It's nothing. He said calmly, Can you tell me when the Fei family started to change like this?

When. Fei Bailing also fell into thinking. Yes, when did the atmosphere of the entire Fei family change? The clan members were nervous, checking carefully when entering and exiting, and regularly cleaning some knives that were not used at all.

The two of them continued to move forward.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Fei Bailing saw someone at the window of the side room.

The window of the room was open, and in the darkness, a smiling face of a middle-aged man appeared, a little pale, but still clean.

Uncle Zhao?! Why are you here?! Fei Bailing trembled all over.

Bai Ling, have you brought your friends to your home? the face said slowly.

Uncle Zhao. Fei Bailing took a step back. It was not normal to meet Uncle Fei Zhao under such circumstances. He had never come earlier or late before, so he had to show up at this time.

Bai Ling. Do you want to bring someone to sit with uncle?


A dazzling red light lit up in the darkness. The red light flashed past the middle-aged man, and then straightened the entire window wall into two parts from top to bottom.


A large pile of rubble collapsed, along with Uncle Zhao's body.


When Fei Bailing saw the truth clearly, she covered her mouth and stepped back a few steps, looking miserable.

There are a lot of tricks here. Lu Sheng came closer and looked down at Uncle Zhao, who was only half-body lying on the ground.

Uncle Zhao's upper body was sewn directly to the wall by the window with black silk thread. It almost blends in with the wall. The mouth was still opening and closing, making tiny clicking sounds from time to time.

The corpse was made into a doll. He casually recognized the origin of this thing.


When Fei Bailing heard this word, her heart suddenly sank. When he went to see Uncle Zhao again, the half of his body had quickly dispersed and turned into white ash.

This place Lu Sheng drew back his sword. It seemed that he only used his true energy to swing the sword, but in fact he used his demonic energy.

The yin fire of the eight divine beads spread over the moment the sword blade struck the opponent, quickly gaining a divine power.

His eight divine beads, Yin Fire, are truly the peak power of the Demon King. Even without the use of secret techniques, the power of pure Yin Fire is still at the level of an ordinary demon. It’s far more than the mess of weird things here can resist.

Let's go. Let's go to the core of this place. Without even looking at the white dust on the ground, he speeded up and walked to the end of the corridor.

The weird smell of essence in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

Although Lu Sheng could not find any clues, he would not go wrong if he followed the core of the essence.

Holding the sword, he quickly led Fei Bailing to a study room.

This is my father's study. Fei Bailing glanced around nervously, fearing that some danger might suddenly appear.

Do you have a key? Lu Sheng asked casually.

No. Fei Bailing shook her head.

While the two were talking, suddenly the study door opened from the inside.

In the darkness, Fei Bailing's father, Feishende, stood at the door with a smile.

Bai Ling, why are you here free?

Dad!! Fei Bailing was stunned, and then she was so happy that she rushed forward with tears in her eyes.

call! !

Unexpectedly, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed Feishende's head, and squeezed it gently.


Feishende's whole body actually twisted in the sound that sounded like rubbing paper.

Only then did Fei Bailing see clearly that the so-called father was nothing more than a lifelike full-body portrait.

‘Fishende’ was quickly crumpled into a ball and burned directly. Lu Sheng was standing by, not even looking at the screaming paper man on the ground. He strode into the room and looked around.

Soon he found a pamphlet lying on the desk. It's something similar to a notepad.

Opening it gently, a lot of real information was recorded on it.

‘.It failed. I didn’t expect it to fail in the end. What exactly went wrong? ’ Many pages were torn out of the notepad, and only the latest page had a line of small words written in a scrawl, obviously written in a hurry.

Lu Sheng casually threw the notebook to Fei Bailing behind him and began to wander around.

Rows of books on the bookshelf were covered with thick white dust. He randomly picked out one from them, with the cover printed: Thirty-Six Major Shipwrecks.

Lu Sheng frowned, changed another book and took it out.

Monsoons and Ocean Currents.

I read several books in succession, all related to ocean navigation.

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