Extreme Demon

Chapter 335 Forgetting 4 (Thanks to the leader of Fuli Original Heavenly Lord for the reward~)

Lu Sheng frowned and suddenly crossed the distance and appeared where the child was standing. He looked down at the ground.

Sure enough, there are no footprints and my senses don't sense any breath approaching. He vaguely felt that something was wrong.

This place Lu Sheng licked his lips, then suddenly stepped on his right foot, and his whole body flew into the air lightly.

The buildings around him quickly became smaller and lower, and in a blink of an eye he was hundreds of meters in the air, looking down at the entire Fei Mansion.

Eh?? Seeing this, Lu Sheng suddenly became more confused.

He had only jumped so high, but the Fei Mansion below was completely covered in a thick layer of gray fog, making it impossible for him to see anything clearly.

Lu Sheng gently allowed gravity to take him down, the whistling sound of wind blew past his ears. As the height dropped rapidly, he could gradually see some of the subtle architectural outlines of the Fei family. But it's still not clear.

It wasn't until we dropped to a height of only seven or eight meters that the surrounding scenery of the Fei family became completely clear. However, the only thing that could be seen from the height of seven or eight meters was only a small area around it.

After gently falling back to the original place, Lu Sheng looked at the swing behind him again. There was also a garden exit behind the swing, and he didn't know where it led.

He paused and walked straight towards the exit.

Sima Xiu supported Fei Bailing, who was all weak, and quickly returned to a bedroom where he had been hiding.

Fei Bailing was panting heavily and was stunned as soon as she entered the door.

There was a person standing in the corner of the bedroom, with his back to them, seeming to be eating something quietly, making slight chewing sounds from time to time.

Who is he? She trembled, looked at the man and asked softly.

As if he noticed her gaze, the man's shoulders suddenly stopped.

Shhh!! Sima Xiu quickly covered her eyes. Don't look at him. As long as you don't look at him, he will ignore us! His voice was very low, and there was a hint of weakness in his tone.

Fei Bailing's heart skipped a beat and she quickly closed her eyes, not daring to look any further.

Don't be afraid. I have figured out the pattern. As long as you don't look at him, he will ignore us. Just pretend that he doesn't exist. After speaking, Sima Xiu coughed a few times and quickly covered his mouth with his sleeve. When the sleeve was removed, there was already some blood on it.

Fei Bailing tried her best not to look at that person, but followed Sima Xiu into the bed where she ordered.

The bedroom was very large, divided into two parts with a screen in the middle. One part held the bed and wardrobe, and the other part held the desk, dresser, etc.

The weird guy was standing in the corner next to the dressing table, with his back to them.

The two of them walked behind the screen, feeling something blocking their view, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Why don't we find an empty room? Do we have to come here? Fei Bailing couldn't help but ask in a low voice, Also, Inspector Sima, when did you come in? Did you find my sister and my parents? She wanted answers to all her questions. Now she finally met a normal person, and the doubts in her heart suddenly emerged like a flash flood.

Sima Xiu smiled bitterly and waved his hand.

As soon as I received your blood letter, I rushed over immediately.

A blood book?? What blood book? Unexpectedly, it started. He was interrupted by Fei Bailing. The girl stared at him in astonishment.

When did I write a letter in blood? As she spoke, her eyes kept moving around, her pupils focusing everywhere, but not on Sima Xiu in front of her.

Moreover, her two eyes did not move together, but to the left and right, up and down. The speed is rapid, as if extremely restless.

This kind of action is simply not something humans can do.

Your eyes. Sima Xiu felt a chill in her heart and stepped back slightly.

What eyes? Fei Bailing seemed unaware. Inspector, I have never written any blood letter at all?

Really? Sima Xiu blinked, his eyes blurred, and Fei Bailing in front of him returned to the weak and beautiful appearance before. It seemed that he was just dazzled just now.

It's nothing. Sima Xiu took a deep breath.

After I came in, I looked for you everywhere, but I soon discovered that the place was too big, with many twists and turns, and I almost got lost. Later, by chance, I met that person. He pointed in the direction of the corner. After that, I had a safe hiding place, and then I encountered some accidents. I found the terrain map and followed the map.

Really? Fei Bailing still looked at him expectantly. Have you met my sister? And my parents?

Unfortunately, no.

Really? Really?? You haven't met him either, Fei Bailing lowered her head and murmured. Then where did they go?

Sima Xiu let out a breath, feeling that he was really injured and exhausted, and actually had hallucinations.

By the way, how do you eat these days? There are no normal people in this house, right?

Eating? Food? Fei Bailing was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head, Yeah. What did I eat? What did I eat?

Sima Xiu frowned, knowing that the girl in front of her had most likely been in this fearful environment for a long time and had developed some kind of weird neurotic disorder.

Forget it, let's not talk about this first. Let's find a way to get out of here first. This house is very weird. I came in last night. I tried to exit twice during this period, but I couldn't find the door to leave.

Fei Bailing's eyes suddenly shrank and then returned to normal. I know where to leave. She looked up. Besides the main entrance, there are two other places where you can leave the house.

Take me there. We must leave here immediately! Sima Xiu perked up.

Okay Fei Bailing nodded. She raised her head and rubbed her eyes tiredly, and suddenly she seemed to catch something wrong from the corner of her eye.

Look sideways.

ah! !

She screamed violently.

On the screen to her right, there was a human face protruding from the cloth screen.

It's the man in the corner! He was staring at the two of them through the screen. His whole face was pressed against the screen, as if he wanted to burst the only partition.

Let's go! Sima Xiu made a quick decision, picked up Fei Bailing and ran away. The two of them walked around the screen and rushed out of the room.


Just after rushing out of the room and walking into the corridor, the two of them were shocked to find that there were large black clouds in the sky at some point. The black clouds blocked the light. The sky quickly became dark, and the darkness spread bit by bit from the corridor behind them. come over.

The originally bright corridor quickly turned dark. As if blackened by ink, he quickly chased closer.

Let's go! Sima Xiu looked at this celestial phenomenon that was obviously not in line with the laws of nature, quickly picked up Fei Bailing and ran away.


Lightning flashed. In the darkness of the corridor, a petite girl wearing a white dress with disheveled hair watched the two people escape from a distance.

She walked forward step by step, and everywhere she went, everything was dyed black.

The dark clouds in the sky also followed her footsteps, covering up all the light in front of her.


Another bolt of lightning flashed across.

Fei Bailing was carried on Sima Xiu's back, and the two of them ran wildly, with little bits of blood constantly spilled underneath them. That was the wound on Sima Xiu's waist that had opened again.

Are you injured!? Are you bleeding!? Fei Bailing couldn't help exclaiming.

It's okay, I'm okay, we have to leave here right away. Sima Xiu endured the severe pain without changing his expression. Except for his face being a little pale, he was almost like a normal person who was not injured.

It's safe. There's nothing catching up behind us. Fei Bailing looked back and saw nothing behind him.

They didn't know when they had arrived at the door of a banquet hall. The door to the hall was half open, and gusts of cold wind came out, which was biting.

Really? Sima Xiu also breathed a sigh of relief and gently put Fei Bailing down.

This is where my father and the others have their meeting. After Fei Bailing stood firm, she stared blankly at the dilapidated furnishings in the hall.

Just through the half-open doorway, she could see the wine glasses scattered on the floor, the overturned low table, the moldy carpet and the dirty walls.

Let's find an exit first! Sima Xiu urged.

There seems to be a secret passage here, Fei Bailing said hesitantly and slowly walked into the hall.

The hall was in a mess, with cobwebs, dust, broken glass lamps, and the walls were spattered with unknown black stains.

Here! Fei Bailing soon found an entrance and exit, right next to the ventilation pipe. After untying a stone brick on the wall, there was a secret way out.

But this place was more than two meters above the ground, so she used a stool to open the opening.

I'll go in first. Sima Xiu glanced inside the secret passage, but it was too dark to see anything clearly.

Okay! Fei Bailing nodded and stepped back.

Sima Xiu looked around the hall to make sure there was nothing wrong, then he suddenly jumped into the secret passage easily.

He quickly climbed in for a short distance and found that there was no dust and no danger inside, so he quickly retreated back to the entrance.

Come, let me pull you! He stuck his head out.


Fei Bailing also stepped on the stool and stretched out her hand.


Suddenly, the light in the entire hall quickly darkened. With just one breath, the hall was completely covered by black clouds and plunged into darkness.



Fei Bailing was startled, and accidentally fell to the ground.

Are you okay?? Sima Xiu quickly took out the fire stick from his body, but he couldn't ignite it.

It's okay. I stood up again. I reached out. Fei Bailing's voice came from the darkness.

Okay, come on, let me pull you! He quickly reached out and quickly grabbed a cold little hand, pulled hard, and pulled the person in.

It hurts. Fei Bailing rubbed her butt and sat up.

Are you okay? This secret passage is blocked in front. I didn't see clearly just now. We have to leave here immediately and find another exit. Sima Xiu's voice came from in front of her.

Okay! Fei Bailing stood up and nodded quickly when she saw a figure standing in front of her. I know a place to get out.

Really? Then let's go quickly. The figure grabbed her, walked out of the hall quickly, and hurried back along the corridor.

Huh? We seem to be heading in the wrong direction. Fei Bailing was surprised.

No, that's right. The figure replied.

This is the way back, the direction to go back! Fei Bailing felt something was wrong.

That's the direction to go back. The figure didn't look back, and his grip on her hand became stronger and tighter.

The two ran from room to room, out of corridors, and through small gardens.

Isn't this here! I don't want to go back!! Fei Bailing finally realized something was wrong, and she began to struggle crazily. But his hand was held tightly and he couldn't break free.

Hee hee hee..

In the darkness, you could vaguely see a few small figures standing sparsely in the garden, making children's laughter. These figures all looked towards her, as if they were all looking at her.

No, no...! Fei Bailing burst into tears. She was pulled towards the bedroom where she lived. The man holding her said nothing and just ran forward.

The two began to run along the garden wall, getting closer and closer to the child in front of them.

Hee hee hee

little girl

little girl

little girl

little girl

The children began to hurry towards her. Fei Bailing was trembling all over, her vest was cold, and she could only be pulled numbly, watching the black figures gradually approaching.

In the darkness, her whole body was cold, and even her breathing was almost stagnant. She could only stare blankly at the shadows of several children who were getting closer and closer.

A child at the front raised his hand and stretched it towards her.


Suddenly the person holding her in front of her disappeared. Fei Bailing followed the inertia and fell to the ground.

I happened to be surrounded by children.

Hee hee hee

A figure slowly walked towards her from all around. They all slowly stretched out their hands towards her.

little girl.

little girl.

little girl.

little girl.

Little girl.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly a loud bang exploded from the side wall. Countless pieces of gravel flew out like cannonballs and hit the door behind.

So, I hate mazes. A burly figure slowly walked into the gap in the wall with a sword emitting white smoke.

The figure's upper body was bare, and his muscles were like twisted thousand-year-old tree roots, intertwined and filled with a steel-like metallic sheen.

The most eye-catching thing is that this man has a large number of blood-red mesh patterns on his body. These patterns glow with a clear and bloody halo of cruelty in the darkness. Like climbing blood-sucking nematodes.

Everyone is optimistic that although I won’t add more updates, the word count for the alliance leader has still been increased ~ Don’t wrongly accuse good people! (* ̄rǒ ̄)pick your nose

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