Extreme Demon

Chapter 337 Forgetting 6

A flash of thought flashed across Lu Sheng's face, and he put the book back to its place.

What's your name? He turned to look at Fei Bailing.

Fei Bailing. White is white, Lingluo is Ling. Fei Bailing answered honestly, picking up the notepad on the ground and checking the contents.

Your father Feishende likes to go to sea?

I've never heard of it. My father likes to collect calligraphy, paintings and antiques, and rarely travels far. Fei Bailing shook his head. Just when she opened the book and saw that line, her face turned pale.

What? What did you think of? Lu Sheng asked immediately.

I heard from my cousin that dad and the others got an ancient artifact by chance and are currently experimenting with the special abilities of that artifact, Fei Bailing said in a low voice. Could it be the influence of the ancient artifacts that made the home look like this?

I don't know. But it's possible. Lu Sheng nodded.

He walked around the room again, but still didn't find any useful clues, and then slowly walked out of the bedroom.

Take me to your father's collection room. Lu Sheng ordered.

Okay. Fei Bailing did not hesitate. She didn't know why this man came in, but he was her only hope to get out of here and rescue Inspector Sima Xiu, so she decided to fully cooperate with him.

The two continued walking along the corridor.

elder sister.

Suddenly, a little girl's cry came faintly from behind.

The voice was a little dull, with no ups and downs in tone, just like the voice that usually greets someone after encountering someone.

Fei Bailing looked happy and turned around suddenly.

Qingqing! Is that you Qingqing!!? She immediately saw the little girl in black skirt standing in the darkness of the corridor behind her. The other person's pale skin stood out in the darkness.

Sister, come back and stay with me. We don't need to worry about anything else. As long as we are together, the little girl whispered.

Do you want me to come with you? Lu Sheng came over to block the reunion of the two sisters. He held the sword, licked his lips, and slowly walked towards the little girl.

Sister, there is no use in escaping. This is our destiny. The girl whispered, ignoring Lu Sheng.

It's because of you that she can live here for so long, right? Lu Sheng walked closer and closer.

Once the gap opens, everything will rush out. We can't save it. Neither can the entire county. The little girl said calmly. While I can still maintain some sanity, sister, let's make a decision.


Lu Sheng had already walked up to the little girl and looked down at her.

The little girl had no expression on her face and said calmly: It's useless, you can't hurt me. No matter how strong you are in this world, to me, you are just... ugh!

Her neck was pinched hard by giant pincer-like hands, and her whole body was lifted up with one hand.

Tell me, where is the thing that caused you to become like this? Lu Sheng was very interested in this.

Sister, don't listen to her nonsense! That person is a fake. She just wants to trick you into coming there so that you will never get out of here! Suddenly, on the other side of Lu Sheng and the other two people, at the end of the corridor, a man in clothes walked out. Pale little girl in white dress.

The face of this little girl is exactly the same as the one in front. Just this makes me look a little anxious and worried. A little less calm and a little more real.

Fei Bailing looked at the front and then at the back, and her head suddenly felt heavy. The two sisters are actually exactly the same, even some minor physical signs are exactly the same.

Sister, listen to me and follow this person quickly!

Sister, don't go. You are different from others. If you leave here, you are really finished!

Sister, don't listen to her. What is escaping here is not something you can resist. The main thing is to evacuate quickly.

Sister, I am right. That guy is trying to kill you. Her purpose is to get you out of this house.

Sister, listen to me.

Sister, I'm right

I'm sorry! It's so noisy!! Boom! !

The wall of the side bedroom was blown away by Lu Sheng's slap on the spot, and a large amount of sand, stone and dust flew away, many of which were mixed with true energy and demonic energy.

Two little girls, Fei Qingqing, were hit by gravel, their figures quickly faded, and they soon disappeared.

Leader, go to the collection room. Lu Sheng looked at Fei Bailing impatiently.

Fei Bailing nodded quickly and fearfully.

Sister! You can't go!

Sister, you must go, that is the source of everything!!

She's lying. What's hidden there is beyond our reach!

She is lying!! It is best to leave the dangerous place as soon as possible

Bang! !

Lu Sheng smashed the head of one of the little girls with a slap.

Then his body was like lightning, and before the other little girl was ready, he struck a sword in the head.

Bang! ! !

The girl was hit by the huge force of the sword on the spot. She flew out and hit the side wall hard. It exploded on the spot and turned into a pool of blood and minced meat, which slowly flowed down.

Qingqing!! Fei Bailing was frightened immediately, and then panicked and showed fear. Qingqing! Don't die! She rushed forward, but before taking a few steps, Lu Sheng slapped her on the back of the neck, knocking her unconscious on the spot.

Holding Fei Bailing in hand, Lu Sheng shook his neck and felt two more subtle spiritual powers slowly pouring into his body, and his mood suddenly felt much better.

Fei Bailing couldn't see through it, but he couldn't see through it? They were just two dummies, talking nonsense and talking a lot of nonsense just to confuse Fei Bailing. Let them not be able to distinguish between true and false.

It's a pity that you met me. Lu Sheng became more and more interested in the Fei family.

He raised his sword, and the sword body that had just been slapped by Fei Qingqing was slowly fading, twisting and disappearing. Something had obviously changed.

In fact, Zhen might not be among the two people just now. Of course, even if Zhen was killed by mistake, Lu Sheng would definitely not admit it.

As long as he killed it, it must be fake.

Lu Sheng always thought so.

He dragged Fei Bailing with one hand, glanced in the direction, kicked off the remaining broken wall, and strode into the room.


There was another loud noise, and the wall in the room was kicked down. Lu Sheng walked into the big hole in the wall. On the other side of the hole was another bedroom.

boom! !

He repeated his old trick, slashing open the stone wall blocking the road in front of him with one sword, and the violent hot Qi was responsible for blowing away the rubble. The real power was his terrifying physical strength.

Following the weird smell in the air, Lu Sheng walked closer and closer, and the smell became stronger as he walked.

After passing through three rows of bedrooms, he came to a small garden with a pond. There is a man sitting by the pond. Her back was turned to him and her face could not be seen clearly.

Lu Sheng looked from a distance and recognized that it was a man. He placed his hands on the edge of the pond, motionless.


Lightning flashed, illuminating everything instantly.

Only then did Lu Sheng see clearly that the man was wearing Qiuyue County's Yin and Yang Division inspector uniform. And his hands were nailed to the stone edge of the pond with long nails. A trickle of blood flowed down the side into the pond.

Inspector Sima!!? Suddenly another voice came from behind Lu Sheng.

He turned around and saw a beautiful girl in white emerging from the hole in the wall behind him.

This girl is surprisingly Fei Bailing, whom he just knocked unconscious! ! ?

Lu Sheng was stunned and looked at Fei Bailing, who was dragging his hand, and then at the one who came out from behind.

Then that one is...!!? Fei Bailing, who was behind, also saw the person in Lu Sheng's hand, and a look of horror appeared on her pretty face.

What's going on!!? How can there be someone exactly like me!!?

I also want to know what's going on. Lu Sheng picked up Fei Bailing and shook it, but he was surprised to see that the palm of his hand had turned translucent.

Which one is true and which one is false? Lu Sheng was a little confused. But soon he didn't bother to think about it anymore, whether she was true or false. Whenever you go somewhere, you will always be exposed.

He simply ignored the people by the pond, walked around from the right, and went straight to the collection room on the far left side of a row of rooms.


The door lock shattered, and Lu Sheng pushed the door open. The moment he saw the storage room, he couldn't help but froze.

The room was densely packed with collections, but in the middle, there was a round mirror, a glass round mirror the size of a human head.

The strange thing is that what is reflected in the mirror is not the contents of the room at all, but a gray, empty, sealed large cave. There is a pond in the center of the cave, and what is shown in the mirror is this pond as the core.

A large amount of light gray mist kept pouring out of the pond, and then spread along the mirror.

As soon as the gray mist came out, it immediately dissipated into the air. Nothing is left. But Lu Sheng immediately realized that the gray mist was the source of the stench he felt.

This is the Gate of Pain Lu Sheng suddenly remembered and took a breath of air.

He had seen that door in the Golden Square, and had also snatched a similar door himself, but it was not a truly opened door.

According to the records in the classics and the narrative of the Ancient Demon Shadow King, it was just a buffer zone leading to the world of pain.

And this one in front of me seems to be the real channel that connects the world of pain.

At this time, Fei Bailing, who came later, also followed, standing behind Lu Sheng with an expressionless face, and Sima Xiu also followed behind with an equally indifferent expression. Each held a short dagger in their hands, only a small section of the top of the dagger was completely transparent.


Suddenly Lu Sheng felt a pain in his right hand. Fei Bailing, who was still unconscious before, got a similar dagger from somewhere and stabbed it into Lu Sheng's right palm with a fierce and gloomy expression on his face.

This is pain pollution. It's really powerful. Lu Sheng raised his hand and was able to break through his physical body's defense.

Even if the other party has a special mysterious weapon.


He stepped on Fei Bailing's waist next to him and pressed hard.

Amidst countless cracking sounds of bones breaking, Fei Bailing vomited blood and her eyes became darker and darker. It was obvious that he was dying.

He let go of his right hand and looked at his right palm, which was rapidly becoming transparent and fading. Obviously, even his powerful body cannot resist the pollution of pain.

Lu Sheng took out the nails of his other hand and lightly scratched the wrist of his right palm. The whole palm fell down easily like a ripe peach.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood of Lu Sheng's right palm began to grow rapidly, and in less than five breaths, a brand new palm appeared on Lu Sheng's body.

It can actually stab my body. It's really incredible. Lu Sheng stared at the daggers in the hands of the three of them with great interest.

As for the severed palm, if he wanted to, he could grow a hundred palms in an hour.

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