Extreme Demon

Chapter 334 Forgetting 3

Early the next morning, Lu Sheng got up, took the long sword issued by the sect, went out and walked around behind.

I also bought a minced pork sesame cake on the way, and while eating it, I slowly walked through the neighborhood and came to the house at the back of the yard.

Standing in front of the gate of the house, Lu Sheng looked at the closed wooden door, then raised his head and glanced at the plaque hanging above.

Fei Mansion? He read out the handwriting on it.

Two ferocious wolf heads are painted on the gray wooden door. The wolf has a third eye between its eyebrows, with a solemn and solemn expression.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound continued to echo and echo behind them.

Boom, boom, boom.

Who is it? A gentle old man's voice came from the side.

Lu Sheng was stunned and looked along the sound, only to see an old man in white clothes with a wrinkled face walking out of the alley on the right side of Fei Mansion.

My father-in-law, are you from Fei Mansion? he asked immediately.

Haha, little brother, I'm joking. The Fei family had a big business in the early years, and the old man was just a doorkeeper for them. The old man smiled. He looked at Lu Sheng's attire and felt that he was either rich or noble, so he changed his tone of voice to honorific.

Don't waste your time. No one has left the Fei family many days ago. I don't know what happened a while ago. Many people left the house and never came back. Now there is not even a guard or maid in this house.

Really? Lu Sheng frowned and looked around carefully, especially under his feet. There were really only a few footprints on the steps on the ground. After careful identification, there was only one line of footprints left besides him. The rest was covered in thick dust.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be so much dust accumulated in such a short period of time. Doubts flashed in Lu Sheng's mind, and he looked at the old man waving a cattail leaf fan at the side.

Don't look at me, I don't know anything. As soon as the previous group of people left, even the janitors in this huge Fei family disappeared. I was still wondering, this Fei family is a big family with so many people. Even if people move, it still takes time, right? the old man asked doubtfully.

Okay, thank you for reminding me. Lu Sheng nodded and watched the old man slowly walk out of the alley, waving his fan, and quickly entered a bun shop on the roadside.

Lu Sheng came to his senses and continued to look at the door in front of him.

No one opened the door for so long, it seemed like there was really no one inside. He stretched out his hand and pressed it against the door lock, feeling angry.


The door lock suddenly made a breaking sound.

The door slowly and silently opened inward, and a cold breath rushed out from inside.

Behind the door is a small pool. On both sides of the pool are two small buildings that are much higher than the door. In the early morning, the shadows cast by the small buildings on both sides cover the entire pool. Only a little light leaks out and falls into the pool. pond.

The entire courtyard was cold and gray.

This place. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, feeling vaguely interested. He stepped into the door, slowly closed the door from behind, and lowered the latch.


The wooden-iron door latch hit the wood, making a slightly crisp sound that echoed in the courtyard.

The entire courtyard was covered with thick dust.

The floor, walls, window sills, and corridors looked as if no one had lived there for many years. Several windows in the rooms along the corridor were also open, swaying slightly in the wind.

Lu Sheng walked slowly in the yard, walked around the pond, and glanced at the koi that had been dead for a long time. He looked away and listened carefully to the movements around him.


Suddenly, at the end of the corridor, in a dark corner, a figure flashed away, followed by subtle hurried footsteps, quickly disappearing.

Without saying a word, Lu Sheng suddenly ran into the corridor and looked to the left. Just in time to see a sliver of white clothes quickly disappear around the corner.

He was about to catch up, but suddenly stopped. He lowered his head and looked at the ground.

The entire corridor was covered with thick white dust, and not a single footprint was left.

There are no footprints. Even if you are a master of the Fei family, you don't use Qinggong to walk all the time, right? Even he himself doesn't use Qinggong all the time at home.

It's interesting. Lu Sheng grinned. He had clearly heard footsteps and seen the corners of clothes, but he didn't sense anything at this moment. There was nothing in his perception at the corner of the corridor.

No one, no thing, nothing alive.

There is no Yin Qi or demonic Qi. Something is obviously wrong with the Fei family, but the huge county has not discovered it yet. This is a bit fun.

He stood in front of the corridor, thought for a while, then raised his legs and walked deeper.


Fei Bailing opened her eyes, and a ray of white light from the window fell on her face, which was a bit dazzling.

She slowly propped up her body, and the place where her palms touched was a piece of cold ground.

Me me...? Only then did she realize that she was lying on the ground and fell asleep.

Fei Bailing tried to stand up, but sleeping on the cold ground all night made her feel sore all over, and her waist was even more sore from the cold.

I remember, someone knocked on the door at the end, and after that. Fei Bailing covered her head, and she couldn't remember what happened after that.

She lowered her face and rubbed her eyes vigorously. Suddenly, he saw that the ground around him was covered with thick dust.

It's that grayish white color, like accumulated dust that hasn't been cleaned for a long, long time.

What's going on? She reached out and touched the dust gently, and her finger slowly made an indentation on it, which was extremely clear.

Suddenly, she also noticed that there was a pair of clear footprints around where she was lying.

The footprints were facing her and were small. It was as if a small person had stood in front of her, looking down at her as she fell asleep.

This!! Fei Bailing's hand shook, and her fingertips involuntarily touched the edge of the footprints.

She became more and more panicked.

My sister disappeared, and then my father and others began to behave abnormally. Then, the entire Fei family experienced strange changes.

Even I am sometimes unconscious and sometimes awake.

She could imagine that after she fell asleep for no reason last night, a small man stood next to her, looking down at her quietly. And judging from the thickness of the dust in the footprints, this person most likely looked at her. One night!

Fei Bailing's whole body was covered with chills. She swallowed and her scalp was numb. Goosebumps appeared all over her body.

She slowly got up, leaning her back against the door.

Suddenly, Fei Bailing turned around, quickly opened the door and rushed out.


She accidentally moved too quickly and fell down at the front steps. Her knees were bruised and bleeding, but she didn't dare to stop at all. She got up and ran towards the courtyard door.

The empty and silent courtyard was also full of dust. Fei Bailing hurriedly walked through the courtyard arch, left the courtyard, and came to the deserted corridor between the houses.

The Fei family is very large, and the large courtyard contains many small courtyards. Between these small courtyards are corridors formed by gray-white walls.

The aisle is wide enough for three healthy horses to walk abreast.

After Fei Bailing rushed out of the courtyard, she looked around and saw that at the end of the aisles on both sides were dark and quiet building entrances. Waves of cold breath kept coming from both sides, so cold that she couldn't help but hug her arms.

The way out. The way out. She recalled carefully and suddenly rushed to the right.

She needs to leave here! Get out of this weird and increasingly dangerous place! !


By accident, she bumped into a strong and tall body.

Eh? There is actually someone else? Inspector Sima Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and looked at Fei Bailing, who bumped into him and sat on the ground with a pale face.



Lu Sheng smashed the wooden door in front of him with a slap, and Dathorn walked in.

The bedroom was filled with accumulated dust, which was blown up by the air flow stirred up by his entry, making it suddenly gray and choking.

Lu Sheng released a little bit of his energy, isolated his body, and looked at the room carefully.

The wooden bed, wooden cabinets, dressing table, and wooden windows are all light yellow. There is a half-written copybook on the desk. The ground ink was put aside and had long since dried.

Lu Sheng approached the desk and glanced at the words written on it.

‘The sea, the sky, the vastness, the meaning. 'The four big characters were placed quietly on the white paper. The last meaning word was not finished, only half of it was written.

There is also a white booklet on the side, only the size of a palm, with delicate wheat ears and light red flowers embroidered on the cover.

Lu Sheng picked it up and flipped through it. There were some ordinary records of daily life in front of it. It could be seen that the owner of this book was a woman, and her handwriting was delicate and slender.

Lu Sheng read a few pages and felt impatient, so he turned to the end.

'.I don't want this anymore. There have been more and more meetings among the patriarchs recently. Everyone is panicking and hopes to find a cure for this disease. But doctors are invited one after another, and no one sees any hope. Do we really want to Take the last step? ? ’

The scrawled note above shows that the owner who wrote this must have been in an extremely panic mood at the time.

Disease? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, Each major sect has skilled pharmacists and doctors, and the level of pharmacists hired from outside is generally not as good as the sect's own pharmacists. The Fei family does not seek connections to go to the sect for medical treatment, but instead keeps asking Is there a wild pharmacist outside? He had a faint suspicion in his mind.

Lu Sheng walked around the house a few more times and retreated without finding any other clues.

Slowly walking along the corridor, the dark corridor was just a little darker for Lu Sheng, who had lived in the environment of Yuan Mo Sect for a long time, and had no other impact.

After reading the diary, he became more and more interested in Fei Mansion. Unfortunately, he went into the other rooms in the corridor and checked, but he couldn't find a similar diary-like book.

He simply walked out of the corridor and came to a small garden with a swing swaying in the wind. There are also red rope knots hung on the walls to ward off evil spirits and pray for blessings.

According to the custom of Qiuyue County, ninety-nine knots are tied with red rope, and then every nine knots are braided into a bunch and hung at home. It has the effect of warding off evil spirits and praying for blessings. If you hang a wishing note, your wish may come true in the coming year. .

Lu Sheng walked forward and saw a lot of small notes hanging under the knot.

He picked up one at random and looked at it.

‘I wish dad good health and success in business. ’

I grabbed a few more and looked at them.

'I love you mom. ’

‘I want a wooden horse as tall as a person. ’

There are children's crooked handwriting all over it.

Hehehe Suddenly, bursts of laughter came from behind Lu Sheng, as if there were many children laughing.

He turned around suddenly and saw a child standing behind him.

It's a little boy.

His face was livid, with a bright smile on his face, and his eyes were staring straight at Lu Sheng.

You Lu Sheng was about to ask a question when he was suddenly startled. The little boy in front of him faded and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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