Extreme Demon

Chapter 333 Forgetting 2

A few days later.

Fei family.

The crescent moon was covered by black clouds from time to time, and there were faint rumbling sounds in the sky.


A dark blue lightning flashed through the dark room, and the blue-white light dyed everything in the room a pale white.

Fei Bailing huddled on the bed hugging the quilt, her whole body trembling.

Since her sister Qingqing disappeared last time, she chased her father and told her about it. Soon, Fei Qingqing appeared again the next day, as if nothing had happened, and continued to play with her.

Fei Bailing asked her what happened before, and Qingqing looked like she didn't know anything, which made her feel chilled.

And I don’t know when my father started to always have a smiling expression, as if his whole face had stiffened and solidified into a smiling face.

Not only him, but also the rest of the Fei family are like this, always with a faint and chilling smile.

Fei Bailing once tried to leave the family house, but was immediately stopped by her sister who didn't know when she would appear.

Qingqing would always suddenly appear behind her, calling her with a coquettish smile and asking her to play with her.

Fei Bailing unknowingly fell into a trance, then gave up the idea of ​​leaving and returned to the house. After playing with her sister in a daze for a while, Qingqing disappeared again, and she didn't know where she went.

What frightened her the most was that every night, the Fei family mansion would fall into inexplicable silence. Everyone gathered in the banquet hall and had a banquet, which was very lively.

But when Fei Bailing sneaked closer and took a peek, she discovered that everyone at the banquet was wearing stiff smiles and muttering something unknown.

The voice seemed to be coming from a very far away place. Even though it was not far away, she couldn't hear it clearly or understand it.

Qingqing. Qingqing Fei Bailing hugged her knees and cried, calling her sister's name in a low voice.

Sister, are you calling me again? A petite blue-white figure slowly walked out of the darkness behind Fei Bailing.

Do you want to play together? Qingqing's voice came from behind Fei Bailing.

Fei Bailing suddenly stiffened and turned her head slowly and stiffly.


There was nothing behind him, nothing. After she breathed a long sigh of relief, she couldn't help but buried her face in the quilt and cried loudly. But she didn't dare cry or call anyone's name.

During this period of time, she was experiencing auditory and visual hallucinations, which had left her mentally and physically exhausted and unable to cope with them.

She just wanted to rest and have a good sleep, hoping that when she woke up, everything would be completely back to normal in the morning.

After crying for a while, Fei Bailing slowly lay down, covered her head with the quilt, and huddled up. She didn't dare to get close to the wall, nor to the end of the bed, for fear that something would suddenly reach out from all around.

Soon, she changed her position again and lay her body as flat as possible in the middle, making the quilt bulge up. In this way, from the outside, it looked like there was only a pile of unfolded clothes on the bed. A good quilt, but no one could be seen sleeping on it.

She didn't want anyone to know that she slept here, in this room. It feels much safer this way.

Just lying like this, time passed slowly. Unknowingly, Fei Bailing finally felt a little sleepy, her consciousness gradually became blurred, and she was about to fall asleep.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Fei Bailing trembled all over, and most of her sleepiness disappeared instantly, and she did not dare to move.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door again. The voice was urgent and loud, as if something was really urgent.

Fei Bailing closed her eyes and trembled all over, trying to pretend that no one was in the house.

But the knocking on the door kept repeating and seemed to have no intention of stopping.

'Maybe it's my mother and the others who came to save me.' An inexplicable thought came to her mind.

Finally, Fei Bailing became a little bolder and slowly opened the quilt.

She took a deep breath, quietly got out of bed, walked behind the door, and peeked out through the keyhole.

Next to the keyhole, which is the size of a grain of rice, there is a secret hole specially used to peek outside. Fei Bailing looked out through the dark hole with extra caution.

There were people outside the door, and there was more than one, at least five or six of them densely packed together. They are all wearing clothes of different colors and styles. The only thing they have in common is that the clothes are a bit old.

Fei Bailing breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, this encounter became normal. It was better to meet people than the strange things before. She had received several knocks on the door before, but no one was outside.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door again.

Fei Bailing raised her head and took a deep breath, and was about to ask about the identity of the person outside.

Suddenly she felt something was wrong.

Not to mention these people knocking on the door so late at night, but why don’t they communicate with each other at all? They didn't speak to each other, just looked neatly towards the door.

And the most important thing is that their stance is very stiff.

She lowered her head and peeked out through the dark hole again.

Uh-huh! !

Outside the dark hole, five people bent down, looking in through the dark hole, staring closely at Fei Bailing's eyes.

ah! !

She was so frightened that she suddenly screamed back and fell to the ground, covered in cold sweat.

The room was empty, and there was no more sound.

Fei Bailing calmed down for a long while, then propped up her body again, carefully approached and looked out through the dark hole.

No one could be seen outside.

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

Boom, boom, boom! !

Suddenly there was a violent and rapid knocking sound from the window on the right.

The hair on her body stood up, and she almost screamed, and turned her head to look.

Outside the window, the five figures from before stood neatly. Their shadows were projected by the moonlight and fell on the window paper, clearly visible.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The knocking grew louder and denser.

ah! !

Fei Bailing yelled suddenly, straightened up, and jumped up from the bed.

She was covered in sweat, and her underwear was soaked through.

I, I...!!? Fei Bailing breathed rapidly, feeling like she was almost out of breath. She looked inside the bedroom, but there was no one except her.

Is this a dream again? She could no longer tell which ones were dreams and which ones were reality.

Turning over and sitting up from the bed, she raised her head and subconsciously looked at the window, where the moonlight reflected the branches outside, and the shadows of the branches on the window paper swayed gently, making it extremely quiet.

I can't go on like this anymore. Fei Bailing knew that something was definitely going on with the Fei family. She can no longer deceive herself like this. She must ask for help!

After waiting for a long time, she got up and walked to the door. Just as she was about to open the door, she happened to hear subtle footsteps coming from outside the door.

Is there anyone?? Fei Bailing was stunned. It was so late. She looked at the clock on the table and saw that it was already early in the morning. It was a time when everyone was asleep. Even the maids and guards were at this time. It's time to go to sleep, why are there still footsteps outside?

She thought for a while, held her breath, quietly leaned down, and looked out through the dark hole next to the keyhole.

Five figures in old clothes suddenly came into view. Fei Bailing's breathing almost stopped. Her expression was horrified and twisted, and she immediately remembered the scene she had just dreamed about.

'What to do? What to do? What to do! ! ? ’ She was anxious and panicked, but she didn’t know what to do.


The courtyard door was suddenly pushed open.

Sima Xiu looked solemn, holding a short knife in one hand and looking around at the situation in the house.

He discovered the anomaly of the Fei family after receiving a strange blood letter asking for help. But what surprised him was that after he read the blood letter and was about to record it into the secret files of the Yin and Yang Division, it mysteriously disappeared.

The person asking for help was a woman named Fei Bailing. According to the information obtained from the investigation, Fei Bailing was the third daughter of the Fei family. She had no bloodline qualifications since she was a child. She was just an ordinary person and was inconspicuous in the family. There is nothing extraordinary about it.

But it happened that the blood letter written by the third lady disappeared under the eyes of him, the inspector of the Department of Yin and Yang.

As a huge security agency in the county and city that oversees tens of millions of people, the Yin and Yang Division has hundreds of inspectors, and they are classified as ninth-grade officials. Logically speaking, Sima Xiu was just an ordinary inspector in a nearby area. That blood letter should not have fallen into his hands, but into the hands of the inspector responsible for this area of ​​the Fei family.

But what surprised Sima Xiu was that the blood letter did indeed fall into his hands, but the strange thing was that he reported it to the director-general immediately. The director-general also attached great importance to it and prepared to mobilize people to investigate the Fei family, but In the blink of an eye, only half an hour had passed since he left.

When he went to see the director again, he seemed to have lost his memory and could not remember anything clearly.

Every time Sima Xiu thought of this, his heart trembled. What kind of person is that, Director-General? A Earth-level powerhouse, a top powerhouse who stands at the top of countless people.

Such a master is actually affected by such strange effects, which shows how strange the blood book is.

Thinking of this, he looked back behind him.

Sure enough, no one came.

He was the only lone figure outside the door of Fei's side courtyard. None of Sizhong's men who had originally arranged to come together to find out the truth arrived.

Even among the most loyal to him, none of them came. Like the general director, he probably forgot about it in the blink of an eye.

The weirdness of this matter has exceeded Sima Xiu's expectation. On the one hand, he tried to convey messages and warnings to the higher-ups he could contact, hoping to attract the attention of the big shots. On the other hand, he could often hear Fei Bailing's pitiful cries in his sleep.

After several days of this, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and came to Fei's house alone.

Standing at the entrance of Fei's courtyard, the courtyard was filled with gray mist, the outline of the building was looming in the darkness, and there was silence. It's so quiet that it makes one's heart go crazy.

Sima Xiu took a deep breath and no longer thought about the support of others. Didn't he join the Yin Yang Division just to prevent the tragedy of that year from happening again?

So, why am I still hesitating? He thought of his sister. If he had arrived at the accident that year and rushed in without hesitation, he might have been able to prevent the tragedy from happening.

It's a pity that he hesitated, he was afraid

I have already hesitated once. Sima Xiu recalled the oath he made when he joined the Yin Yang Division. A hint of perseverance suddenly appeared on the handsome and feminine face.

He raised his feet, holding the knife and suddenly stepped across the threshold.

Snapped. The black leather boots stepped on the ground, splashing fine white ash and swaying to both sides.

His slender figure slowly disappeared into the Fei family's house.


A gust of wind blew by, and the courtyard door slowly closed, as if it had been blown shut by the wind.



In the middle of the courtyard, Lu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and a trace of gold flashed in his pupils.

There are impurities in the essence. He frowned.

An ordinary expert might not be able to detect the changes in the city's energy, but he was different. Although on the surface he is just a low-level true disciple, he is actually a peak demon king who has achieved great magic skills, and is extremely sensitive to changes in energy and essence.

The impurities floated out from a large house behind. He quickly located the source.

The big house in the back seems to be owned by a wealthy family named Fei.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes again, Forget it, I don't care much about the environment anyway.

Taking another deep breath, a breath of essence continued to pour down. With stench and gritty impurities.

Lu Sheng paused momentarily.

Opening his eyes again, he stood up.

Tomorrow we will clear out all the surrounding residents. I will kill anyone who dares to live within a radius of two hundred meters!


He turned and entered the bedroom and went to sleep.

Thank you again for the list of 10,000 points rewarded last week,

Super far away fantasyland

Summer is not ripe


Big blue bun


The meandering water flows to the moon

When the legend rises

Thank you for your strong support. Lao Gun will not let everyone’s expectations turn into disappointment. Thanks!

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