Extreme Demon

Chapter 332 Forgetting 1


The tea cup was hit hard on the wooden table, in the yamen of Qiuyue County.

A strong man with a cross-shaped scar on his face stared at the swaying treetops outside the window with a cold expression.

What do these people from the sect want to do? Blatantly assassinate and cause destruction on the street! Before, they have rashly mobilized elites at every turn. Do they really have no respect for kings?? The man's voice suppressed anger, but this anger was slightly unpleasant. Naturally, it is more like a pretentious appearance.

There was another person sitting in the living room, an elderly man with a gray beard. He was holding a steaming cup of tea and took a sip slowly.

Brother Wang, why should you be angry? I have already sent a letter to Qianyang Sect as appropriate. This matter was just a misunderstanding. An assassination is an unreasonable disaster. No one wants to cause trouble for no reason. He took another leisurely sip. Tea.

It's not that I'm making a fuss. There are tens of millions of people in the county. Once something goes wrong, it's not a trivial matter. The most important thing is that the place where it happened is still in the downtown area. Although it is a remote corner of the downtown area, the impact is extremely bad. The strong man said dissatisfied. In fact, he also knew that the old man was inextricably linked to the three major sects, but he represented the government and the three major families. If something happened in the downtown area, it would harm the interests of the family, not just the people. So taking a stand is necessary.

The old man smiled.

Of course Zhao understands, I will explain it to the three sects, and similar phenomena will never happen again in the future, don't worry.

Since Mr. Zhao has promised this, I don't want to pursue this matter. The strong man nodded. Then let's get back to the topic.

Yes. The source of the strange aura that has appeared in the city recently must be found as soon as possible. Speaking of this, the old man's face, which had been smiling soothingly before, became slightly solemn.

I have checked 70% of the blocks and sewers, but found nothing. The remaining parts are more difficult to deal with, and most of them belong to the family properties of officials and wealthy families. The strong man frowned. In this regard, it is impossible for me to mobilize the Yangming Army. I can only let the Yinfu Army monitor it. Qingluo Division did not give me a detailed reply.

Qingluo Division is a completely independent department. Only they know whether there is any news. Mr. Zhao shook his head. The three sects are more convenient than the government in this regard. I will invite a few colleagues to discuss the results when I get back and give you an answer as soon as possible.

That's good! The man nodded.


Lu Sheng was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard. The moonlight shone on him and on the blue-black stone slabs and walls, making him look even colder and quieter.

From the well in the middle of the courtyard, subtle rippling sounds could be heard from time to time.

Suddenly, a faint whisper came from Lu Sheng. He was sitting cross-legged, and two lines of white air were slowly drifting out of his nostrils. The white air was like a rope, flying lightly behind him and disappearing.

The white energy was continuously born and flew away. Repeating such a simple process was boring and boring, but Lu Sheng didn't feel bored at all.

Time passed slowly, and more than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.


Finally, the white air in Lu Sheng's nostrils gradually faded and disappeared, and a golden light suddenly flashed behind him.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Great Sun Light Kung Fu is really unusual. I have been practicing hard for so long and finally managed to get started. For Lu Sheng, a real Kung Fu similar to internal Kung Fu, requires at least a sense of Qi to quickly use the modifier to improve modifications.

Deep Blue. Lu Sheng called out the modifier.

Following Lu Sheng for so many years, the modifier has unknowingly undergone slight changes. The original color on the box has completely faded and been replaced by a more formal and regular translucent gray-white.

Lu Sheng's eyes slid down the boxes one by one, and he soon found the Great Sun Light Technique that had just appeared in the box.

‘Great Sun Light Technique: Introduction, (five levels in total), special effects: Introduction to the red gold Qi. The mind is stable. ’

Red gold true energy. Lu Sheng clearly felt that after he mastered the Great Sun Bright Light Skill, all the true energy in his body turned into pale gold, as if mixed with gold sand.

He stretched out his hand, and a thin layer of light golden sand slowly seeped out from his palm.

Is this the so-called red gold qi? The foundation of the Sun Ming Light Kung Fu? Lu Sheng frowned slightly, because this was the first time he didn't understand how the Sun Ming Light Kung qi was transformed into this.

According to the classics, people with blood have three more acupuncture points than ordinary people. These three points are not in the human body, but outside the body.

One of the acupuncture points needed for the Great Sun Light Technique is an inch outside the navel. The absorbed essence or other intrinsic qi, after flowing through specific blood vessels in the body, will be transferred out of the body with the liver as the core, and then injected into this acupoint, and finally converted into red gold qi with the help of mantras. Lu Sheng recalled the entire practice process repeatedly.

This Qi practice is much more complicated than internal energy and demonic energy. It involves blood vessels, organs, external acupuncture points, and even curses.

Every step is extremely strict and careful. According to the records in the classics, if you make one wrong step, you will be a thousand miles away.

Lu Sheng kneaded the pale golden energy in his hand and scattered it on the ground.

The little bit of Qi he had gained through hard training immediately fell to the ground like gravel.

Soon, Lu Sheng saw the ground that had been contaminated by the true energy. The floor tiles were slightly red, heated, and emitted bursts of heat. The moss on the surface was dry, curled, black, and scorched. Some of the dew that covered it at night also quickly evaporated and disappeared.

Is high temperature also the main means of killing? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

Many of the internal skills he had practiced, as well as the eight-headed demonic path he had practiced in Yuanmo Sect, were actually related to high temperatures.

Unexpectedly, Dayin disguised his identity and turned out to be a high-heat type of Qi cultivation.

You've just started, should you improve in one go, or... Lu Sheng had to consider the possible reactions and impacts caused by abnormal progress in cultivation.

He hesitated and took out a brand new red-yellow booklet from his arms. There were some random keywords written down in the booklet that most people couldn't understand at all.

These are the main exercises that Lu Sheng learned from his teacher Hei Fang. This main method is different from the Great Sun Bright Light Technique. It focuses on another acupuncture point entirely. It is a compatible exercise that can be practiced together.

The booklet was some keywords that Lu Sheng deliberately recorded to prevent him from forgetting, and only he could understand them.

The name of Lingkong Dao is quite impressive, but I don't know the specific effect. Lu Sheng knew the practice model in Qianyang Sect, which is to major in one subject and minor in any subject. As long as you have enough talent, you can minor in any number of subjects.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly there was a slight knock on the door from outside the courtyard.

Who is it? Lu Sheng came back to his senses and came over to look at the courtyard door. It's not yet late at night, it's only eight or nine o'clock in the evening. For Qiuyue County, it's just the beginning of nightlife.

Even in the courtyard here, Lu Sheng could vaguely hear the sound of singing, dancing and drinking floating in the night sky outside.

Junior Brother Lu, I'm Yang Xu, I wonder if Elder Zhang Shilong is here with you? A gentle and rich man's voice came from outside the courtyard door.

Yang Xu? Lu Sheng stood up quickly, raised his hand from a distance, and made a move towards the courtyard door.


The courtyard door opened, and a slender and well-proportioned man with a Chinese character face walked slowly into the door with his fists in his hands.

If this man wasn't filled with a strong aura of red gold energy, he would easily be mistaken for an ordinary storyteller.

Regardless of his appearance and temperament, he does not have the demeanor of a true disciple of Qianyang Sect.

But Lu Sheng knew that this Yang Xu was the number one true disciple of the Qianyang Sect in Qiuyue County. He is also the future branch sect leader who has already been appointed.

It turns out it's Senior Brother Yang Xu. I've admired his name for a long time, but I'm disrespectful. Lu Sheng went up to greet him and said with a smile.

No, it's Xu who has admired his junior brother for so long. Yang Xu said with a bitter smile. I came here specifically to convey to my junior brother the pursuit and suppression mission issued by Shang Zong. Originally, Elder Chen Yanchen should be here to do this, but I happened to be drinking nearby and wanted to come to Elder Zhang for a drink, so I took over the task. Come and deliver it.”

Senior brother, it's all casual. Lu Sheng said with a smile, Why don't you come in and have a few drinks?

Well, let's just drink a few drinks. To be honest, junior brother, the teacher is standing there, talking at a close distance, and I am already a little nervous. Let's drink together again. Yang Xu waved his hands and smiled bitterly. You don't know that the number of your predecessors who were accidentally killed by accident while drinking together in the records is double digits.

Well speaking of this, Lu Sheng probably understood where his reputation as a cheap teacher and a black man came from.

This is the mission manual. Be sure to burn it after reading it. Yang Xu handed Lu Sheng a small baggage on his back. After letting him take over, he rubbed his hands. Okay, now that the matter is settled, I will go back first. Junior brother is still practicing so late at night, so he is really working hard.

Lu Sheng said a few words of modesty, and the two of them had nothing to say, so they parted ways.

Yang Xu turned around and left the yard, and soon got into an ordinary carriage on the roadside. There were several figures in the carriage talking and laughing loudly.

Brother Yang, are you okay? Come on, come on! You are the only one missing. Where were you talking about just now? someone shouted.

Lu Sheng glanced at the people in the carriage. They were all just ordinary people. There is no special aura about him.

However, Yang Xu waved his hand and got into the carriage, and he and a few others made a drink order and slowly left the street.

Lu Sheng closed the door. Originally he was hesitant about whether to advance quickly, but after seeing Yang Xu, his previous wavering became inexplicably calmer. As the number one true successor, Yang Xu actually kept such a low profile.

Since we have endured it for so long, we cannot fail at this step.

He returned to his original position, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged again, and began to continue practicing the Great Sun Light Kung Fu. A large amount of essence was continuously inhaled by it, poured down from the top of the head, and a golden thread in the essence flowed and swam slowly.

Geniuses in Dayin are not as rare as in Song Dynasty. As long as the progress is a little more stable and concealed, and not too exaggerated, it should be fine.

His attention quickly focused on the Great Sun Light Kung Fu.

Promote to the first level. Lu Sheng began to stare at the box.

After a while.


The square frame of the Great Sun Bright Light Skill slowly blurred. After a few breaths, the square frame returned to clarity, and the golden color on Lu Sheng's face flashed away.

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