Extreme Demon

Chapter 331 Eternal Sleep 4

Rune literature has developed well in Dayin, mainly expanding on formations and rune papers. This kind of semiotics, which originated from the magic weapon and magic blade, was originally an imitative discipline that was developed as an extension. The main research is to depict the runes of the magic weapon and the magic blade, so as to simulate and achieve similar effects.

Although its power is extremely weak due to imitation, for the upper class society of Da Yin, rune literature also has many popular inventions that change the quality of social life.

Lu Sheng was very interested in this. Ordinary people were not allowed to enter or exit the Talisman Making Shop. The products inside were only a small amount of goods from the three major sects and the government. Not to mention the Talisman Making Classics, which were only the most basic and basic parts. .

After Lu Sheng bought something, he returned to the house, refused outsiders, and continued to practice meditation every day. I only occasionally go shopping at night to see what is worth buying.

After Chen Jingzhi promoted him to a true disciple, his salary was immediately improved. He received fifty taels of magic gold and one hundred taels of gold per month, and three free elixirs were supplied according to quantity.

Little red pills for healing, little green pills for fullness, and little detox pills for detoxification. The three elixirs all have no names, and everyone calls them Little Red or Green casually. Xiao Jiedu Dan is too lazy to give it a name because its effect is very weak and can only delay toxicity.

In addition, he also received a set of exquisite clothing with a dust-proofing array and an extended array, exclusive to true disciples. An exquisite long sword that is richly decorated and can only be used to look good.

In addition, in the sect, you can choose a set of earth-level true skills and secret books for minor training. The Qianyang Sect’s main skill is called Great Sun Mingguang Kung Fu.

This true skill can be cultivated from the lowest level of Ju level to the top of Earth Yuan.

Lu Sheng has always been interested in this set of true skills, but he has no way to acquire this true skill until the chief priest's basic skills are perfected.

However, after entering the Secret Realm this time, he had perfected the basic technique Chunyang Concentration Technique ahead of schedule. His true energy cultivation successfully broke through to the second pattern level, and he was qualified to practice formal martial arts.

Before he could go to the sect to get the skills, the elder Zhang Shilong took the initiative to send him the scriptures of the Great Sun Bright Light Kung Fu, and even moved to live in his side house. They were neighbors and specially gave him guidance on the progress of practicing the real skills.

Soon Lu Sheng also learned that his information had been urgently sent to Fucheng Shangzong and was being reported at all levels. It was probably already at the Fucheng headquarters.

After all, that adult is involved, and the stakes are huge. Lu Sheng was also worshiped by them like a god of plague.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed.

After Lu Sheng finished practicing the Great Sun Light Kung Fu as usual, he got up and changed his clothes and went out, preparing to go shopping around. He had recently become fascinated by the huge copper wire formations placed on the ground throughout the county.

There are hundreds of main runes, variant runes, and rune formulas used in this huge formation that envelopes the entire county. Many of them are simple formations suitable for beginners like him to observe and learn.

Lu Sheng's favorite thing is to go back and forth to the formation in the evening and observe the alternating changes in the formation between day and night.

The black carriage followed the bustling traffic, followed the formation lines on the ground, and gradually turned to an increasingly remote corner of the wall.

Lu Sheng sat back comfortably on his seat and stared carefully at the copper wires buried in the ground by the roadside. Those copper wires that seemed to be just decorative patterns, in his eyes, were unique and completely different mysterious symbols.


Suddenly, the carriage slowly stopped. In front of the carriage, a dirty man fell to the ground, blocking the way of the carriage.

The man seemed to have passed out and lay motionless on the ground.

What's going on? Lu Sheng asked with a frown. The car stopped suddenly, interrupting his train of thought. This felt very bad.

Back to the young master, someone fell to the ground in front of him, blocking the way. The driver was also a veteran assigned by the sect to take charge of Lu Sheng's travel. Hearing this, he quickly said contemptuously, Don't worry, it will be taken care of right away.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded. If he had to personally deal with such a small matter, then he would not be bothered by any small matters in the future.

Lu Sheng lowered his head and continued to check the simple formation disk in his hand. However, after the driver got off, there was no sound after a while. He then raised his head and recovered from the formation talisman.

Lao An?

There was no response from outside the car.

He frowned slightly, already roughly knowing what happened.

Get out of the car. A low voice came from outside, which sounded familiar.

Lu Sheng closed the book, opened the carriage, and walked out slowly.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the surrounding area a bright red. In the corner, several strange-looking young men and women were surrounding the carriage, forming a siege.

The man standing at the front was putting down An Lao, who was driving the car, with one hand and letting him fall on his side to the ground.

It looks like you're doing well. The man's tone was filled with strong sarcasm.

Lu Sheng looked at his face carefully and felt that he didn't recognize him.

Do you know me?

You!!? The man's eyes suddenly turned red. You almost killed me before!! You actually forgot now!?

Hurry up while no one is watching, we don't have much time. A long-haired woman with sharp eyes said coldly.

I know, I just feel unwilling! The man suppressed his anger and said in a low voice. It's because of this person that I had to leave my hometown and leave my home of decades.

We didn't take your business just to listen to your nonsense. The woman said impatiently.

At this time, Lu Sheng finally recognized the man's identity.

Is it you, the poor guy back then? The inspector? He suddenly realized, with a hint of surprise clearly showing on his face. He's not dead yet?

You!!! The examiner's eyes became more and more bloodshot. Recalling the fear of approaching death at that time, the anger in his heart became more and more intense.

Kill!! Kill him!!! He roared suddenly.

A strong man with six lines took action personally, and he didn't believe that Lu Sheng was still alive this time! ?

The inspector, who is familiar with formations and surveillance methods, has been waiting for this day for a long time. He has been tracking and investigating Lu Sheng's daily life, and finally waited for this moment.

Ten forms of the Sheng Yao Sword, Chen Guang! The woman gently pulled out the long sword from her waist, as if what she pulled out was not a sword, but light, a bright green and crystal light beam.

Chichichichichi! !

Streams of green light flew out, rushing towards Lu Sheng from four directions at extremely fast speeds.

At the same time, another man jumped into the air, and a huge sword appeared in front of him. He held the handle of the sword and slashed it in the air.


The huge sword energy brought out a white light and slashed down along the top of the carriage.

That's not how you use the knife. Lu Sheng gently raised his right palm.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed between his eyebrows and he grasped with his five fingers.

boom! !

Countless white gas spurted out and exploded.

Chichichichichi! !

In an instant, five giant black knives appeared on the side of the carriage, like closed petals, and fell towards the center instantly.

Lu Sheng's hands turned into five swords in an instant, slashing in all directions and grabbing Guandao.

Clang, clang, clang! !

Five sword sounds struck at the same point where the man closed his sword. The sword was instantly blown to pieces, and the man's strong body was like a rag doll in mid-air, being slashed by the sword energy one after another.

The sword energy flew down and collided with the surrounding green sword energy. Because its power was weakened, they were finally defeated one after another.

The carriage was turned into a hornet's nest by the sword energy that followed.

But Lu Sheng, who was sitting in the car, had disappeared.

Bang! ! !

The woman with the green sword suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, and her whole body seemed to have been hit by a herd of giant elephants and was smashed to the ground.

Lu Sheng didn't know when he appeared in front of her, grabbed her long hair with one hand, and suddenly threw it to the side.

After a loud noise, a large hole was smashed into the stone wall of a nearby residence. The woman looked up and spat out a mouthful of blood, with fear in her eyes, and was about to beg for mercy.


A white arm gently stabbed her forehead.

Even the black film actually has weaknesses. Lu Sheng took out his palm and shook off the brains and blood on it. The strongest is also the weakest. All the strong men who have been broken through the black membrane are only equivalent to mortals.

He strolled up to the examiner, whose legs were trembling, and looked at the man calmly and pityingly.


The two corpses behind him finally fell to the ground and quickly burned into black ash and dissipated.

Me, me. The examiner spoke incoherently, his face was distorted, and tears and runny nose overflowed uncontrollably.

Poor kid Lu Sheng reached out and stroked his hair gently. It's not you that's wrong, it's the world.

With a click, the neck bones were broken, and the examiner's entire head was completely torn off. He opened his eyes wide, with a face of complete ignorance and astonishment. There was no blood dripping, only corpses that quickly turned into black ash.

In just a moment, all that was left of the three corpses were the remains of their clothes.

Lu Sheng could actually guess that this inspector was simply a chess piece introduced by other forces in the county to test him.

What is the difference between the legendary disciple and ordinary people? This is what everyone wants to know.

Therefore, in this troubled world where human life is worthless, inspectors with ulterior motives have become tools to be exploited.

Lu Sheng had actually seen that the inspector had originally planned to settle the matter and no longer had any desire for revenge. But there was a faint twisted aura about him, which was constantly increasing the anger and hatred in his consciousness.

Obviously, the black film with only two patterns can actually kill the hired killer with six patterns. Tsk, tsk, tsk. He is worthy of being the second true successor of Qianyang Sect today.

Not far from the broken carriage, a coquettish girl in a black dress slowly appeared.

People from the Spirit Binding Sect? Lu Sheng was a little surprised. He had only been in Qiuyue County for such a short time that he only knew who the strongest among the three major sects was, but he didn't know the rest.

This young girl has a good appearance and a voluptuous figure, which is as convex as it should be. She has the special symbol of the Spirit Binding Sect tattooed on her left chest, a huge white word binding.

Remember my name, Bai Luying. The girl glanced at the remains of the corpse on the ground, tapped her toes, and jumped up, leaving a string of silver bell-like chuckles. We will meet again.

Lu Sheng was a little confused as to why this girl came here. If she urged the inspectors to attack her, that would not be the case. The three major sects competed with each other and supported each other, but they did not kill each other. Once discovered, this is a serious crime tantamount to treason.

Watching the girl leave, Lu Sheng stretched out his body and returned to the carriage to pick up his things. He had to go back early to practice the Great Sun Light Technique.

He didn't have time to play guessing games with the little girl in this small place.

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