Extreme Demon

Chapter 330 Eternal Sleep 3

Zongzhu Chen paused for a moment, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief after the chain released by the old man beside him completely surrounded the surrounding area.

We call her the Holy Lord of Eternal Sleep, but many people outside call her the Lord of Eternal Sleep.

Eternal Sleeping Demon Lord. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, having never heard of this name. Isn't Demon Lord a common name for the Demon Army?

Zhang Shilong beside him saw this and said with a wry smile: There is another name, maybe you have heard of it.


Migrating beetles.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately remembered the name that had been recorded many times in the Great Yin history book he had read.

Qianming (du). You are not talking about the one who built thirty-seven cities in history. He did not finish the next words. Because Zhang Shilong nodded helplessly, his guess had been confirmed.

In the history of Da Yin, there once appeared an extremely terrifying disease and plague.

In the past few years, tens of millions of people fell ill and died. This was undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to the Great Yin, which had a total population of only more than 3 billion.

It was originally recorded in history that beetles were a special disease that spread through the air, but now it seems.

What on earth is going on? Lu Sheng's heart tightened slightly. He is indeed very strong, but he is far from the level that can kill tens of millions of people in one breath. It is estimated that if he lets go and kills hundreds of thousands of people at most, countless top powerhouses will immediately swarm over. , directly kill him. After all, in Dayin, population is a key factor.

Zhang Shilong pulled out a chair and sat down. They were already isolated anyway, so he simply broke the jar. I don't know the whole story very well. I only know that the person suddenly appeared and entered my Great Yin. No one knows where she came from. They only know that she first came into contact with a small city named Zizui City.

That small town was completely wiped out overnight, no matter humans or animals, not even poisonous insects, rats, and the like were spared.

Later, wherever this person went, large-scale plagues spread. She called herself a beetle and had extremely terrifying regeneration abilities. Many forces at that time, including the Holy Lord, were unable to defeat her.

Sect Master Chen also sighed and took over the conversation. Let me tell you the rest. Shilong, you don't know very well. At that time, I was only the twenty-fourth disciple under the master. My teacher Xuan Qingzi was the master who participated in that big search operation. one.

He stretched out his hand to signal Lu Sheng to sit down, and he slowly pulled out his chair and sat down.

That time, until the military leaders of several major families took action in person, they only caught her. Finally, they finally found a way to kill her, which was to use the boundary-breaking stone to continuously wear away and divide her body, and then kill the divided parts. In this way It’s the same as grinding it with water, slowly grinding it to death.”

Later, it happened that the Demon Emperor invaded, and many forces formed a coalition to resist the gate of the Demon Realm. The Boundary Breaking Stone was not enough, so we could only temporarily seal Qian Xie. In the blink of an eye, thousands of years later, the war leaders were all restrained by the Demon Emperor, and Qian Xie The power of the virus is getting stronger and stronger, and it is impossible to control it. If you are not careful, a little leakage can cause tens of thousands of infections and deaths.

So I, the Qianyang Sect's sect leader, Kong Hengbing's leader personally went out and had a secret talk with Master Qianxing for a year, and reached an agreement, and Master Qianxing also joined our Qianyang Sect.

Many of the older generation don't know much about this matter, and they thought that person was an ordinary veteran of our Qianyang Sect. If you hadn't been chosen as that person's disciple this time, I wouldn't have said anything.

Originally, I just thought it was a legend. After all, no one could remember it so clearly about what happened thousands of years ago. There were a lot of ambiguities in the classics. I didn’t expect that.” Sect Master Chen said helplessly.

Lu Sheng probably understood the status of that strange woman. She was at the top level of a demon lord, and even the war lord couldn't kill her in a short time. She was like a moving natural disaster. It is probably because of this that she can only hide in the secret realm to avoid hurting too many innocent people.

But what he couldn't figure out was how much the other party valued him, and why he suddenly appeared to accept him as his disciple and teach him true skills.

Sect Master Chen's full name is Chen Jingzhi. He is not only the strongest person in Qiuyue County, he is also known for his careful thinking. At this time, he also saw Lu Sheng's doubts.

In any case, it is your blessing that you were favored by that adult. The seniors who were mentored by that person, no matter men, women, old or young, were all mediocre in the end. One of the current deputy sect leaders of Zongmai was once The disciples she mentored.”

What about this isolation? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Chen Jingzhi did not answer, but gently pulled out a long sword glowing with blue light from behind. The sword's light flashed like a trace of blue thread embroidered on the snow-white leather.


Suddenly, many things seemed to burn and fall around Lu Sheng.

Some things were finely broken and dark, like sesame dots. As soon as they landed on the ground and came into contact with the stone bricks, they immediately made a hissing sound of violent corrosion.

A large amount of black smoke came out, and the high-grade material floor tiles, which had been strengthened by the formation, were rapidly corroded into holes of varying sizes right in front of everyone's eyes.

Lu Sheng was even more shocked to notice that there were countless small insects with translucent bodies hidden in the black smoke. These bugs have small scarlet eyes, more than a dozen pairs of legs, and four transparent wings on their backs that flap rapidly, making a subtle buzzing sound, and they are dying rapidly as the black smoke fades.

These bugs are so small that they cannot be seen clearly with ordinary eyesight, and only Lu Sheng's extremely sharp senses can detect them.

Everyone who has come into contact with that adult must be placed in absolute isolation. Chen Jingzhi explained, Because that adult is of a very high rank, you are now equivalent to my junior brother, and your position is tentatively designated as the true successor of the branch of Qiuyue County. In addition... This The kind-hearted sect leader couldn't help but remind him. be careful.

I understand. Lu Sheng understood when he saw those bugs. It is estimated that this lady is not interested in killing people, but that she simply cannot control the threats to herself.

Next, some people with special equipment came in. They were wearing white isolation suits that covered their whole bodies. They used the exquisite compass-like disks in their hands to continuously shoot blue and green rune lights at Lu Sheng.

Beams of light entwined with runes fell on Lu Sheng, and they immediately formed special marks representing seals, purification, and isolation.

Chen Jingzhi and another sect leader worked for a long time before finally checking out the problem with Lu Sheng.

The conclusion is - there is no danger.

Compared to the disciple of the Lord who was pointed out earlier, Lu Sheng carried too few poisonous insects. A little sealing would solve the problem.

Chen Jingzhi and the two of them were also greatly relieved. After all, they were just ordinary Earth Yuan level powerhouses. Even if they were at the top of the Earth Yuan realm, they were still trembling with fear when facing that person, for fear of a slight accident and danger.

This kind of thing has no precedent before. The second disciple who was pointed out once came out of the secret realm and did not seal it cleanly. On the third day after leaving, more than 3,000 people were infected and died. All branches of that sect at that time were extinct.

This is the most terrifying thing. No one is immune to this infection except for those at the level of soldiers. Even the Earth Yuan realm is the same.

Lu Sheng understood their caution and fully cooperated with their quarantine inspection.

After working for a long time and repeatedly confirming that Lu Sheng was no longer in danger, Chen Jingzhi and the other sect masters breathed a sigh of relief and said goodbye.

Zhang Shilong and others were also implicated and had their whole bodies inspected and purified. At this time, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people walked out of the hall and left the wooden building with weak legs. On the contrary, the culprit, Lu Sheng, looked energetic and in good spirits.

Want to have a drink together? Zhang Shilong patted Lu Sheng on the shoulder. This elder didn't dare to put on airs in front of Lu Sheng. He was really scared just now.

At that moment when he remembered who Teacher Lu Sheng was, a lot flashed through his mind. In this life, he still had many regrets that he had not completed, and many goals that he had not accomplished. But between life and death, nothing mattered. , the only thing that appeared in his mind was that exquisite face that haunted him.

Lu Sheng looked at the sky. In the evening, the dim sunlight was slowly turning bright red.

It's getting dark soon. I encountered a lot of things today, so I'd better go back and have a good rest. He had just acquired the real skill taught by Su Fengfei, the black man, and was about to go back and give it a try. He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something unusual about this true skill.

It's okay, you've worked hard, dealing with such an old man. Zhang Shilong patted Lu Sheng's shoulder sympathetically, If you need anything, you can come to me at Jinhua Villa, or you can go to Baiye Valley to find Mrs. Ziye. The sect will make placement arrangements for you soon, so just go back and have a good rest and wait.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

Zhang Shilong left with a few people, and Song Du was also left with him. This guy was taken away by the Song family. When he left, he didn't dare to look at Lu Sheng. He looked haggard mentally and physically. When he was just isolated and purified, , he also heard the sect leader’s explanation, and he was just avoiding snakes and scorpions towards the current Lu Sheng.

After a few people left, Lu Sheng looked around and realized that there were still secret eyes staring at him. He also smiled speechlessly.

The cheap teacher I met unexpectedly this time was really intimidating.

He looked back at the wooden building, then turned and walked along the side sidewalk. He declined the pick-up carriage and escort sent by the sect and insisted on relaxing by himself.

In Qiuyue County, Qianyang Sect is only one of the forces. Although it is the largest and most powerful force, there is only a thin line between it and the other two sects. In fact, they are almost the same.

The Qian Yang Sect, the You Indium Sect, and the Ling Bin Sect, the three major sects dominate half of the entire Great Yin, while the other half is made up of the three major families.

This is the pattern of the entire Great Yin, and Qiuyue County is subordinate to the three major sects. Naturally, outside the government, the three major sects have the final say. Within the government, it is actually the will of the three major families.

The Great Yin court was controlled by three major families.

In fact, these are the two major parts of the imperial court and the sect's world.

The commotion Lu Sheng made just now was not small. He had just walked a few steps on the roadside when he felt a large number of bright or dark eyes coming from all directions.

Fortunately, Sect Leader Chen didn't seem to make any announcement, and soon the number of spies attracted by the big movement gradually decreased and disappeared. More of it was transferred to other people for investigation.

Lu Sheng walked around the city a few more times, and soon took advantage of his hidden aura to easily get rid of all the followers.

After that, he first went to the medicine store to buy some necessary medicines, and then went to the talisman-making shop to buy some simple talisman-making books.

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