Extreme Demon

Chapter 329 Eternal Sleep 2

You're not bad. Su Fengfei didn't say much. She just tapped her right hand lightly, and a large amount of purple mist spread out from her palm, condensing into a small purple pebble.

Take this. In the future, you can enter the Secret Realm at any time. If you have any doubts, you can come to me here. Su Fei finally gave the token and went out. It's not her descendants', but her own.

Living in seclusion in the secret realm, while enjoying the countless essences of Da Yin, he also naturally has to pay enough obligations.

Give necessary guidance to the disciples of the sect who choose to enter. This is what they, the hermits who are practicing latent cultivation, must do.

At least one person is chosen to mentor every hundred years.

Su Fei had not chosen anyone in the past hundred years, and Lu Sheng happened to appear in front of her. Although she could not abide by this rule, Lu Sheng did arouse her interest.

Lu Sheng naturally understood this rule, and he felt happy and quickly stepped forward to take the purple stone.

Thank you teacher for your guidance!

I'm not your teacher. You can call me Hei Feng. Su Fengfei said calmly.

Yes, Teacher Heihuang. Lu Sheng said respectfully.

In terms of true skills, I will teach you a set of skills. Stop practicing the basic set of true skills on your body. All the true energy will be converted into the set I gave you. Su Fei said simply, following the instructions of the few people he had accepted before. Likewise, pass on your unique foundation-building method.

The only difference from the previous ones was that she hesitated slightly and added an extra small step at the end when describing the skills orally.

This small step was something she had never done when recruiting people before.

According to the normal procedure, these hermits accepted people to teach and inherit, and they completed the tasks step by step. But this time, for some reason, Su Yunfei accidentally added such a small step. He also repeatedly asked Lu Sheng to memorize it firmly.

Time passed slowly, and three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

It was time for Lu Sheng to leave. There is a time limit for these disciples to enter the Secret Realm. With their current level of cultivation, there is no benefit to staying here for a long time.

Thank you, teacher, for teaching me the skills. Disciple, take my leave. Lu Sheng bowed to Su Fei seriously.

Regardless of his cultivation or attitude, the other party deserves this gift from him.

Just from the previous cutting-edge explanation of true skills, he could vaguely find out a little bit about Su Fei.

She is well aware of the countless true skills of today's Great Yin, and her knowledge is far beyond Lu Sheng's imagination. The understanding and research of true skills, physical body, and spiritual consciousness have even reached extremely subtle microscopic levels.

It can be said that the academic height of this Heihuang teacher has definitely reached a level that is considered top-notch in the entire Great Yin.

Go. Don't forget to practice your true skills every day and come to the secret realm at least once a month. I will check your progress and cultivation. Su Feifei warned.

Disciple understands. Lu Sheng lowered his head and took a few steps back. The body slowly began to become transparent and fade, and after a few breaths, it completely disappeared by the small lake.

Su Fangfei stood there, squinting at the place where Lu Sheng disappeared, and did not move for a long time.

Originally she just planned to complete the task by giving random instructions to a disciple, but this time, when facing this young man named Lu Sheng, she actually added a little more to the standard textbook.

If it really is the same evil moon body as mine, Su Fei murmured. There was a faint ripple in the inner lake that had not fluctuated for too long.

Let's take a closer look when the real body comes. If it's really true, she closed her eyes, turned around and walked towards where she came from.

Chi! A ray of purple light flew away.

The breeze blew, and the fallen leaves were flying. In a blink of an eye, the sky above the small lake was empty, and there was no one left.


The white light beam suddenly fell from the sky and landed silently on the ten thousand horse bronze formation in the center of the hall.

Lu Sheng's figure slowly appeared in the light pillar. At the same time, there was a purple command talisman falling next to him.


The command talisman was half a man tall, and it penetrated the copper array fiercely, making a sharp cutting sound like a sharp blade.

Zhang Shilong and several defenders standing by the bronze formation had been waiting for a long time. When they saw the light beam falling, they hurried forward to greet it.

All eyes were focused on the purple talisman beside Lu Sheng.

Is this purple? There are a total of twenty-three purple talismans in the Secret Realm, and near the small lake where Lu Sheng went, there are four people holding purple talismans. Who are they? Zhang Shilong led With strong anticipation, he looked carefully at the pattern on the talisman.

No, it's not the Talisman of Master Ziyang. The one who likes to recruit and teach disciples most by the lakeside is the rumored Master Ziyang.

This person has a high level of cultivation and is known for his kind temper. He has a high chance of being given guidance and accepted as a disciple. That's why Zhang Shilong directed Lu Sheng to try his luck there.

You must know that not all testers can get guidance from hermits and recruit disciples after entering the secret realm. They also have their own rules and standards. If their qualifications and personality are too poor, they will not even bother to show up. Not to mention giving advice.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng's qualifications were pretty good, with an Akadema-level rating, and most hermits wouldn't be stingy with their advice. What Zhang Shilong has some hope for is that the teacher who teaches Lu Sheng has a higher level of cultivation, preferably above the third level of the Earth Element Realm, so that his status and voice in the sect will be greater. Even having him as a recommender will be an advantage.

You must know that many times, the disciples who are accepted as disciples are almost the spokespersons of the hermits of Qianyang Sect outside the realm of legend, and they have an extraordinary status.

But this new dark purple command talisman made Zhang Shilong a little dazed.

He had never seen the pattern of this talisman before, and the delicate patterns and symbols on it just made him feel familiar. But I can't remember where I saw it.

Not only him, but also the several defenders guarding the copper formation on the side did not recognize this new purple talisman.

The white light on Lu Sheng's body dissipated, and he stretched out his hand to press the purple command talisman on the side.


The command talisman instantly turned into a stream of light and sank into his eyebrows, forming a V-shaped purple symbol.

Lu Sheng. Zhang Shilong hurried over to greet him. Have you not met Master Ziyang? he asked slightly nervously.

Lu Sheng nodded.

I really haven't met her. The hermit I met is a female. She has many tree roots on her body, her skin is very white, and her lips are purple.

Are the lips purple? Zhang Shilong frowned. There are a lot of tree roots on the body? He seemed to have never heard of this hermit appearing before.

Could it be a new sect master who joined the secret realm? He was a little unsure.

Wait a minute!! Suddenly a trembling voice came from the side.

Lu Sheng turned around and saw that it was Song Du.

This guy had been out a long time ago. When he saw Lu Sheng coming out, he quickly came over to see if Lu Sheng had become a Taoist teacher. I also happened to hear the conversation between the two people.

Purple lips. There are many tree roots on the body. Is there... is there a dark golden crescent moon above the head??!! Song Du's expression was very strange. It was no longer surprised, but to the point of panic.

He seemed to be afraid!

I didn't pay attention to this, but when the teacher takes action, black clouds will fall to the ground. Lu Sheng said hesitantly.

Bang! !

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Du stepped back more than ten meters as if he had seen a ghost.

Not only him, but Zhang Shilong and several other defenders also hurried away from Lu Sheng as if they had seen a ghost.

For a moment, the entire hall was silent, except for a copper stove that had been knocked over on the ground and kept spinning.

You elders?? Lu Sheng looked stunned, not knowing what these people meant.

Zhang Shilong's mouth was trembling and he kept rubbing his hands, especially the one that Lu Sheng had just patted. He even turned a little blue, and his body was shaking as he thought of something terrifying.

Purple. It's actually that one!! Oh my god!!

Quick! Go and inform the sect leader!!

A defender suddenly shouted and rushed out of the hall.

Sound the warning bell! Hurry, hurry, hurry!! Emergency alert! Everyone is quarantined!! Everyone is quarantined!!

“Everyone within two miles of the hall is quarantined!!”

Several defenders rushed out of the hall like crazy, shouting and handing out talismans as if they wanted no money.

The golden symbols soaring into the sky are all the highest-level symbols representing a hundred thousand urgent matters.




Soon, before Lu Sheng could react, he heard a huge, long and heavy sound of bells coming from outside.

Outside there were the sounds of large groups of people surrounding the place.


A layer of golden light mask blocked the entrance door, and a large number of golden symbols were constantly rotating on the light mask.


Two figures, all wrapped in silver armor, fell from the sky and strode through the golden light barrier. Their eyes swept around the hall and quickly focused on Lu Sheng. To be precise, it landed on the purple symbol on his forehead.

Sect Master Wan, please do everything. One of the armored men whispered to the other.

Zongzhu Chen, you're welcome. We are facing a great crisis. We should all work together. Another armored man said seriously, and the long white beard on his chin could be seen through the helmet. Apparently an old man.

Lu Sheng was a little confused. He just entered the secret realm. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?


A huge double-horned python as thick as a bucket swam slowly outside the door. The white python was covered in black and silver armor. The Qianyang Sect actually sent even the giant war beast, the double-horned dragon, to seal the place.

It's over. It's over

Zhang Shilong had a bitter look on his face. After checking for a long time, he found nothing and could only smile bitterly at Lu Sheng from a distance.

Elder Zhang, I will have to rely on you and Junior Brother Lu to communicate more from now on. One of the armored men cupped his fist at Zhang Shilong.

Sect Master, old man Zhang Shilong was about to cry, but he didn't expect to escape in the end.

What on earth is going on!!? If he hadn't heard the conversation between these people clearly, Lu Sheng would have thought that his true identity had been exposed.

This matter is a long story. Zhang Shilong said helplessly.

I'll say it myself. Sect Leader Chen stepped forward and said loudly. The Sect Master Wan next to him has begun to pull out green light chains with both hands, sealing the entire place with chains.

If I guess correctly, the teacher that Junior Brother Lu worships should be the one who joined our Qianyang Sect because of an accident.

Which one? Lu Sheng was speechless, could you please stop being so pretentious.

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