Extreme Demon

Chapter 328 Eternal Sleep 1

Lu Sheng looked at the sudden increase in energy in front of him in surprise. Large clouds of energy were flying and circling around him.

What's going on? There weren't so many just now.

come out!

Suddenly a loud shout spread from the ground.


At the edge of the small lake, a hole suddenly opened in the ground, and a gray light shot up from it into the sky, crashing onto the beach on the side and transforming into a woman in black robe wearing silver-blue light spots.

The woman's skin was pale, her lips were purple, and her black hair was tied up high. The lower body exposed under the black robe was not legs and feet, but numerous densely packed tree roots.

You have the ability to use this junior to interfere with my absorption of essence, but you don't have the guts to come out, right? The woman's face had a hint of shame and anger.

Once the essence and energy column begins to form and be absorbed, if it is snatched away and absorbed by someone, it is equivalent to being raped by someone among mortals. I stuck my tongue in and stirred it a few times. The feeling was extremely sensitive.

Su Fengfei has lived for thousands of years, and this is the first time she has encountered anyone who dares to humiliate her like this!

Get out! She looked around and suddenly waved her sleeves.

In an instant, a black cloud fell from the sky and hit a lawn hard.

Bang! !

The lawn exploded, and all the soil and grass clippings were corrupted into black juice at any time, exuding a faint sweet fragrance. A little black light from the black juice flew into the woman's back and disappeared.

Her pretty face was frosty and she waved her cuffs continuously.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The surrounding woods and small lakes suddenly became desolate. Explosions everywhere were corroded and turned into black water. Countless black lights flew into the air and disappeared behind her.

After venting for a while, she noticed Lu Sheng standing not far away.

Junior, do you know who amplified your energy column just now? Su Fei walked over slowly and asked in a low voice.

Lu Sheng put away his essence and energy pillar long before she came out and stood up.

After hearing this, he shook his head in astonishment.

No one is increasing? There is only one junior here. Did the senior see it wrong? He waited obediently and carefully looked at the woman in black robe who appeared in front of him.

This woman's appearance and figure are all top-notch beautiful. Her black hair hangs down and is scattered around her body. Her chest is high and plump but not exaggerated. Her waist is even slimmer, except for her legs.

Under the tight black robe, what extends is not the legs, but a large number of black tree roots.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng had seen all kinds of abnormalities in this world, and this abnormality did not make him lose his mind. When Su Fei asked him, he had already reacted and answered seriously.

Really? Su Fei frowned, and the numerous tree roots on his lower body slowly parted. A pair of slender, round, and well-proportioned white legs slowly stretched out from the middle of the tree roots, and stepped on the ground with bare feet.

She was just standing on the dirty lawn with her bare feet, and the black juice splashing around her seemed to be insulating, not touching her at all.

Lu Sheng's eyelids twitched and he glanced at the woman's legs in front of him. Those legs gave him a strange feeling. He just glanced at them and quickly looked away.

The woman's black robe was not long, and the hem only reached the middle of her thighs. If it were not blocked by a large number of tree roots, the entire black robe would have turned into a black miniskirt.

Junior, are you from the original world? Teleported or brought in by someone? Su Fei continued to ask, as if she didn't care at all whether she would be exposed. The black robe on her lower body became a black skirt, and a lot of tree roots Spread out from the bottom of the skirt to help the legs support the body.

But her legs were crossed and hanging in the air as if she were sitting on a stool, with her little feet raised easily.

Back to senior, I came from the original world and came in through the teleportation formation. Lu Sheng replied respectfully.

He could feel that there was some kind of terrifying and huge undercurrent hidden in the body of the woman in front of him.

This undercurrent was so strong that it was even more terrifying than the giant white bone hand of the Demon Lord he had seen. So with just a quick thought, he guessed that the woman in front of him must be a top expert who had been living in seclusion in this secret realm for a long time. He should be a very senior senior member of the Qianyang Sect.

He was indeed a little nervous, not because he was afraid of anything else, but because he was afraid that his true identity would be seen through. But it seemed that the woman didn't realize what she was hiding.

Su Fei snorted coldly, a little disbelieving, and closed her eyes.


A huge icy cold wind suddenly blew in all directions with her as the center.

Large dark clouds rolled up in the sky, and the surrounding white essence clouds seemed to be blackened by ink, rapidly turning gray and black.

The sky turned dark in an instant.

Lu Sheng felt a biting chill rising from his feet and climbing toward his upper body. After just a few breaths, his lower body was completely frozen.

His body instinctively wanted to use his inner energy to escape the cold, but was suppressed by it and allowed the cold to spread.

Su Fengfei! A huge voice in the sky roared in the distance, Are you crazy??!

Who do you think you are? Dare you call me by my name? Su Fei said coldly.

You!! What are you looking for? Shut down your senses. The juniors here are almost frozen to death by you! The voice came from far away, and at the same time it also emitted bursts of light yellow light, which was faintly warm. The heat wave is spreading, but compared with this chill, it is only a drop in the bucket, and we can only manage to maintain a small area. And the protected area is still shrinking rapidly.

Only then did Su Mengfei notice that half of Lu Sheng's body had been frozen into icicles. Only his upper body was still exposed, but the surface of his body was already covered with white frost.

She just snorted coldly, and the dark golden moon above her head flashed away.

The chill suddenly stopped, and everything returned to its original warm and bustling climate.

But things that have condensed and frozen cannot be restored in a short time. Lu Sheng was one of them. His whole body was frozen like a popsicle, and he stood stiffly and straight on the spot, motionless, still maintaining his original posture.

Su Fei stepped forward, stretched out his hand and gently touched Lu Sheng's forehead.

Fortunately, I'm still alive. Her face remained calm, but there was a hint of apology in her eyes.

I can't find the hidden old guy with all my spiritual consciousness. Is it really just an accident? Is there an accidental resonance of essence? Is it possible to steal the pillar of essence I condensed? She frowned slightly, a little confused.

What level is she? In terms of spiritual consciousness, there are only a handful of people in the entire Great Yin who can rival her. There are only a few people who can hide themselves under her spiritual consciousness, but with their identities, they are definitely not bored enough to come and play such a bad joke with her.

Maybe it's really a coincidence? Su Feifei was confused. A large number of tree roots twisted and twisted under her body, forming pillars to support her body. She leaned back slightly and sat gently on the chair where the roots were condensed.

Forget it, maybe it's really a coincidence. This person was implicated by me and has good qualifications. I can take him back and let him give me some advice to make up for the physical damage he suffered this time.

She struggled for a while, but finally gave up the pursuit and turned her eyes to Lu Sheng in front of her.

She stretched out her index finger, moved forward slightly, and placed it on Lu Sheng's forehead and between his eyebrows.


A thread of purple essence quickly penetrated from her fingertips into the center of Lu Sheng's eyebrows.

Okay, this Purple Moon Essence is enough to heal him from frostbite, and it can also improve his true skills to a certain extent.

This essence should be enough for him to absorb for several months.

Go back and take good care of yourself. If you can completely absorb and digest this trace of Ziyue essence, it will definitely be of great help to your future development.

Su Fei's face hardened again.

The trace of Ziyue Essence she had just transferred in only ran two circles in the opponent's bloodline before suddenly disappearing.

Her Ziyue essence, which was so condensed that it was almost liquid, mysteriously disappeared for no reason? ?


Senior. Thank you for saving me, senior. Lu Sheng finally came to his senses at this time, bowed his head to her with gratitude and thanked her.

Su Hongfei retracted his index finger, a little stunned. She took a step back and looked at Lu Sheng carefully. Only then could a faint hint of purple appear on the surface of his skin.

Actually... actually absorbed by him!!? Su Fei felt that his world view for many years was being shattered.

How could an ordinary Jing-level sect disciple take the initiative to absorb the Ziyue essence she released? ? ?

It was a strange essence that even ordinary soldiers would not dare to touch at will.

What's your name? Su Fei took a deep breath and asked calmly.

Junior Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng's whole body was melted and freed from the icicles at this time. He quickly knelt down on one knee respectfully and saluted her.

From the cold shock just now, he has clearly sensed that the woman in front of him is definitely a top-level powerhouse above the Demon Lord!

The terrifying aura on his body is definitely not as good as that of the Xuan Sheng Demon Lord who was behind the door.

Although he couldn't tell how much stronger the woman in front of him was than Demon Lord Xuan Sheng, his keen intuition told him that this woman was extremely dangerous.

Lu Sheng. Are you going all the way to victory? Su Fei nodded, able to absorb her body and bloodline of Ziyue Essence.

Is this the legendary fate?

She had spent two hundred years looking for descendants who could inherit her true method, but unfortunately she found nothing.

The Ziyue Essence is so aggressive that once she is not under her personal control, it only takes a few breaths to assimilate people alive, devour and digest them, and turn them into more Ziyue Essence.

And the only one that can withstand this kind of erosion is the legendary body of the evil moon. That is her own special physique.

Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Su Fei continued to ask.

No, I feel fine, junior. Everything is normal. Lu Sheng was a little confused, but still answered honestly.

Really? Su Fei reached out his hand again and gently touched Lu Sheng's arm.

Another trace of Ziyue's essence was sent out and penetrated into Lu Sheng's body.

Lu Sheng was unaware that the trace of essence was too weak. As soon as it entered his body, it was quickly eroded and absorbed by its terrifying physical activity and became a part of himself.

In terms of body activity and cell activity throughout the body, even the Demon Lord is no match for him.

Ever since he developed the internal and external skills to an unprecedented thousand-year level, his physical strength and activity have been elevated to a terrifying level.

It is no exaggeration to say that a drop of Lu Sheng's blood could crazily devour and corrode the black film of an ordinary Jing-level person.

The internal energy qi liquid and the hard external energy not only strengthened his physical body. Although other Jing-levels also have abilities such as super-speed regeneration, extreme poison, and absolute defense, the true essential activity of the body has not reached this level.

They just rely on the power of the black film. But Lu Sheng was different.

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