Extreme Demon

Chapter 327 Leak 4 (Thanks to the big blue bun leader)

It's really troublesome. Lu Sheng stood up, wiped the water off his body with a towel, and put on the clothes he had prepared in advance.

He reached out and touched the faint red marks on his chest.

Now he has another form, the true form.

The true power form is a special form formed by further compressing and hiding the original strength on the basis of the cathode state. The strength is only between the first and second lines.

Then comes the cathode state, then the true form, then the anode state, and finally the destroyer form that burns everything.

Lu Sheng named the true energy form as the first form, the cathode as the second form, and the body as the third form. The Anode is the fourth form, and the Last Destroyer is the fifth.

There are five forms in total, one is more powerful than the other, and the final destroyer is the terrifying strength of the top demon king level.

Nowadays, true energy is used as an introduction, and there is a faint tendency to combine inner energy and demonic energy. Lu Sheng discovered that if his Qi cultivation could reach the same level as Demonic Yuan, then there would definitely be an earth-shaking qualitative breakthrough.

After taking a shower, he went back to his room to rest. Early the next morning, Elder Zhang Shilong came to find Lu Sheng and told him the test results.

Except for him who passed, Song Du and Ma Sangjiu of the Song family both passed the test successfully, while the other two failed and could only become ordinary inner disciples first.

Those who pass will directly become true successors and go to the Secret Realm of Legends for the final test.

This time Zhang Shilong came to pick up Lu Sheng with another beautiful woman with long purple hair. The beautiful woman had a plain complexion and seemed to have a peaceful temperament. Along the way in the carriage, she kept explaining to Lu Sheng what to do after entering the secret realm. Do.

Lu Sheng also roughly understood what this secret realm was.

The carriage soon arrived in front of a purple-black five-story wooden building that looked nothing like a restaurant or an inn.

The three of them got out of the car and walked into the circular purple hall on the first floor of the wooden building. Song Du and Masangjiu were already occupied in the hall. Both of them were talking quietly to the elders beside them.

Seeing Lu Sheng enter, several people nodded to him calmly as a greeting.

Zhang Shilong smiled back and pulled Lu Sheng to stand in the middle of the hall.

There is a huge circular copper array inlaid on the ground, with countless horses of various sizes tattooed on it. Countless horses are densely packed and distributed in various postures on the bronze array, which is breathtaking.

Don't delay, let's start when everyone is here. The female elder behind Masangjiu said solemnly.



Zhang Shilong and the other two nodded. Start by arranging Lu Sheng and three people to form a triangle and stand in the center of the bronze formation.

Now, please close your eyes, count three times and jump up at the same time. Zhang Shilong arranged.

Lu Sheng and the others closed their eyes as instructed.

'one. ’

'two. ’

'three! ’

The three of them suddenly jumped up slightly. The breeze blew across my face, as if a thin layer of bubbles had passed through my body.


The three of them landed on the ground and opened their eyes again. Everything around them had changed.

The three of them were standing in a dark cave, with the same bronze formation of ten thousand horses at their feet. The faint smell of green grass floats from outside the cave, mixed with the subtle fragrance of flowers and fresh air, making people feel relaxed and happy.

You two, I'll take the first step. Song Du laughed dryly, not daring to look at Lu Sheng. In a hurry, he was thrown out of the cave and disappeared into the grass and woods.

Masangjiu looked at Lu Sheng gently.

Mr. Lu, you only need to stay in the Secret Realm for the full time. This place is full of seniors who live in seclusion. This is the best opportunity for us. Don't miss it.

Thanks for the reminder. Lu Sheng nodded, responding to the other party's kindness.

Masangjiu nodded and quickly left the cave.

Only Lu Sheng was left.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the roof of the cave, as if he could see through the stone walls and see the endless sky above.

This concentration of essence is simply...

He never thought that his energy would reach such a terrifying concentration.

With just one breath, you can absorb a total amount equivalent to what you have absorbed for a month. After only being here for so long, he felt that his body was a little swollen.

A large amount of energy crazily poured into his body, filling his body that had always been in a state of hunger and thirst.

If I could practice here all the time, I don't know how much time it would take to reach the Demon King level. Lu Sheng sighed and slowly walked out of the cave.

The energy outside is stronger.

Strips of white clouds slowly drifted past his eyes.


Lu Sheng suddenly took action and grabbed a white cloud.

What are you doing? Bai Yun suddenly turned around, revealing a poker face like a paralyzed face.

A white cloud with a paralyzed poker face floated slowly in mid-air.

Lu Sheng's face stiffened and he unconsciously let go of Bai Yun's tail.

Excuse me.

It doesn't matter, just don't be so stunned next time. Bai Yun turned his head, returned to his tadpole shape, and slowly floated away into the distance.

Lu Sheng was a little stunned and took a few steps forward. He found that as long as he didn't deliberately grab these clouds, they would ignore him and would be knocked away just like real clouds.

Walked some distance in the woods. Lu Sheng followed Elder Zhang Shilong's instructions when he arrived and quickly found a small blue round lake.

The water of the lake rippled in the wind, and a few deer and calves bowed their heads to drink water. Dragonflies and birds kept pecking on the lake.

Lu Sheng was not in a hurry. He sat cross-legged by the lake, closed his eyes and concentrated, and began to practice the Chunyang Concentration Technique. This true skill only has six levels, and he has already reached the third level, and his true energy cultivation has reached the first level.

Originally, the bottleneck of Chunyang's Concentration Technique, for Lu Sheng, was that the total amount of energy was not enough.

But things are different now. The concentration of essence in this secret realm is simply shocking. Even the white clouds and mist were turned into essence by the rich essence.

Show your qualifications, and as long as they are good enough, you can naturally attract the attention of the seniors who live in seclusion in the secret realm. Lu Sheng recalled what the beautiful purple-haired woman said.

Closing his eyes, he slowly gathered his mind and sank into his body.

His purpose in coming to Dayin was not to improve his cultivation in a step-by-step manner, but to quickly obtain a large amount of resources and use modifiers to reach the top.

Dark blue.


The modifier box appeared before his eyes.

Lu Sheng's tightly closed eyes quickly fell on the Chunyang Concentration Technique box.

Promote the Chunyang Concentration Technique to the fourth level. He slowly focused on the entire box and paused for a while.


The box blurred, then quickly became clear, and the content inside was directly upgraded from the third layer to the fourth layer.

‘Chunyang Concentration Technique: The fourth level, special effects: absorb energy level four, enhance spirit level four, and the total amount of true energy is permanently increased by four levels. ’

This thing is actually a basic skill. The only most useful one is the special effect of permanently increasing the total amount of infuriating energy. The other two increase effects are minimal.

As soon as the outline of the box became clear, Lu Sheng immediately felt that the surrounding essence continued to become thicker.

A golden line above his head slowly condensed and emerged, rapidly absorbing the white essence used around him.

The essence is so strong that the golden thread does not need to be absorbed at all. Countless essences simply hit the golden thread on their own.

Chunyang Concentration Technique has been upgraded to the fifth level. Now that he has enough energy, Lu Sheng is naturally not stingy and can improve as much as he can.

For a moment, the box blurred again, then became clear.

‘Chunyang Concentration Technique: fifth level, special effects: five levels of energy absorption, five levels of mental enhancement, and a permanent increase in the total amount of true energy by five levels. ’

The golden thread on Lu Sheng's head was obviously thickening and brightening rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A large amount of energy crazily poured into the golden thread and into this special object like a bottomless pit. The golden thread slowly turned into dark gold, and its length also grew by one section.

Promoted to the sixth level. Lu Sheng was not satisfied yet. With the strength of his physical body, the energy absorbed by the Chunyang Concentration Technique was washed away without any burden at all.

Chi! !

A tiny pillar of essence appeared above his head, spinning. A large amount of energy crazily poured into the golden thread.

Su Yufei was sitting cross-legged in a secret cave at the bottom of the lake.

A gray-white essence air column slowly circled above her head, and a large amount of essence energy was continuously absorbed by the dark golden crescent moon above her head.

Suddenly, the essence column shook slightly.

Is someone making a breakthrough? Su Fengfei slowly opened his eyes, his gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the cave wall and see Lu Sheng absorbing the essence on the surface.

A little guy has good qualifications. It's a pity. It's a pity that it caught up with her daily homework time to absorb the essence, otherwise the concentration of the essence around her would be even higher.

Let's give him some compensation and guidance later. Su Fei thought to himself.

She has been practicing hard here for nearly three hundred years. After three hundred years of sitting cross-legged, even maintaining the same posture, even in the secret realm, few people can achieve this.


Suddenly, the essence column above Su Fei's head shook.

Such a strong force? Interesting. She was slightly surprised, This should attract the attention of the juniors, right? Maybe some juniors will come out soon and come to give him guidance.

She has watched this kind of drama countless times.

The strength is good, but unfortunately it's not enough. Su Fangfei watched the fluctuating energy column return to its straight position, and slowly closed his eyes again. What state is she in? What state is that little guy in? The gap in the middle is so huge that it is completely incomparable.

You are already proud enough to be able to do this. Su Fei smiled with a hint of appreciation.


Suddenly another wave of fluctuation came from afar. The essence column began to tremble again.

Are you coming? Su Fangfei shook his head slightly, What a stubborn little guy. I don't think I was like this when my teacher robbed me of my energy.


The essence pillar instantly bent and broke, as if an invisible hand had grasped the waist and pulled it away.

The entire essence column went from bending to flying away in an instant. It only took less than a breath of time to disappear without a trace.



The rocks on the ground exploded and cracked.

Su Fei stood up slowly, his face expressionless.

It seems that I haven't walked in the world for a long time, which made many people forget the pain of the past. She took a step forward, and her lower body protruded from the black skirt, but it was not legs at all, but countless grey-black and hideous tree roots.

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