Extreme Demon

Chapter 326 Leak 3

When we walked out of the temple, the sky was dark, thunder was rolling, and purple arcs appeared among the clouds in the distance.

Lu Sheng walked down the steps of the temple and walked towards the carriage parked at the door.

After getting into the carriage, Elder Zhang Shilong's smiling face suddenly appeared. He was sitting cross-legged in the carriage with a cup of hot tea in his hands.

How's it going? Did it go well?

It went well. Lu Sheng got into the car, I just met an inspector who was a little weird. He seemed to have some shady preparations.

Oh? Zhang Shilong was stunned, Inspector? Is he a member of the Song family? It's normal to be shady. This is their usual method. If you encounter them, ignore them.

What? Are they very powerful? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

The Song family is one of the two most powerful families in my branch in Qiuyue County. You are a genius rated at the red jade level. If you can, provoke as little trouble as possible. There is no need to fight against them. Sooner or later, you will have to go to the sect. Zhang Shilong shook his head and said, The children of the Song family account for almost one-fifth of our branch. Many times, the people above are unable to help themselves.

Understood. Lu Sheng nodded.

It's good that you understand. They are just local emperors who stick to this place, but you can soar into the sky. Your potential is in the future. There is no need to fight with them now. Zhang Shilong advised again.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.


Cough cough cough! !

In the temple, an inspector in white clothes staggered out, fell forward, and lay on the ground exhausted, with blood seeping out from behind.

He was coughing violently and was clearly seriously injured.

What's going on? On the side of the hall, a man in silver robe who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed and meditating opened his eyes and looked at the inspector strangely.

Miscalculation. The inspector coughed and managed to hold himself up.

Where is the young master? Did it succeed? The man in silver robe felt something was wrong.

Young Master should be fine, but he was almost robbed. The inspector replied solemnly.

. The man in silver robe stood up slowly, his brows furrowed. We invested so much manpower in the past, but we were almost robbed??

I can't help it. The tester this time, the guy named Lu Sheng, is very perverted! The examiner recalled the previous confrontation, his eyes darkened, His physical body is extremely strong, his strength is good, and his speed is even faster than mine. It can't be compared. I almost snatched the young master's gem away. His speed was too fast, and the maze didn't stop him at all.

Lu Sheng. The red jade-level genius evaluation this time? I know him. The silver-robed man frowned deeper, Zhang Shilong has already noticed him. The red jade-level genius, the sect leader has also noticed him. Now. , at least for now, don’t mess with him again. Anyway, the young master passed the test successfully.

But... A trace of unwillingness and resentment flashed in the inspector's eyes.

No but, you have to understand your identity. You should also understand what the red jade evaluation means. The sect will not fall out with you, an ordinary master whose potential is about to be exhausted, for the sake of a future Earth Yuan strongman. The man in the robe said calmly. I know you are unwilling, but there is nothing you can do about it. From now on, you can choose something from the family's second-class treasure house. In life, sometimes you have to be patient.

The inspector held on to the wall and straightened up, his chest rising and falling. He was almost killed, but what did the family he had always been loyal to do? Losing an inconspicuous treasure, I want to suppress everything.

He has served the family diligently for so many years, but just for a red jade genius, he has to swallow his anger? ?

It was as if a fire was burning in the examiner's chest, a fire that could not be released.

Go down and recuperate. Neither the family nor the sect will support you in this matter. The silver-robed man said in a low voice.

I understand. The inspector was silent for a moment, turned around and slowly walked towards the exit of the hall. He quickly disappeared out the door.

The man in silver robe stood alone in the empty hall, sat down again, and sat quietly for a while.

Ling Bo. He suddenly whispered.

Here. A long-haired woman also wearing a silver robe appeared beside the man in silver robe, bowing her head respectfully.

You go to Master Lu Shenglu and express our Song family's apology to him. In addition, test his attitude towards the previous Master's test. If possible, try to have a good relationship with him.

Yes. The silver-robed woman nodded, backed away slowly, and disappeared in mid-air in a blink of an eye.


In the center of the county town, in an exquisite small courtyard.

Lu Sheng held a newly borrowed volume of Great Yin History and sat in his study reading at night with the lamp in hand. The moonlight was like gauze outside the yard. Someone quickly trotted to the door and knocked gently.

Mr. Lu, there are guests from the Song family visiting outside.

Song family? Lu Sheng immediately thought of the Song capital and the inspectors that Elder Zhang Shilong said today. He pondered for a moment, Let him come in.

Yes. These servants were arranged for him by Elder Zhang Shilong. The residence here is also the elder's private courtyard. Even people from the Song family would not break into the elder's residence at will without knowing etiquette.

After the servant went down, he soon led a masked woman in black gauze to the door of the room.

Lu Sheng stood up, opened the door, and welcomed the woman in.

It's our first time meeting you, Song Lingbo. I hope Mr. Lu won't take it to heart about today's test. This is an apology and apology for this incident. Please accept it. The woman got straight to the point and presented a small black round box with both hands.

Lu Sheng was also a little surprised. The Song family was so powerful that they could react so quickly and send an apology quickly. This shows that a family can achieve this level and scale. It's no accident.

Miss Lingbo, you're welcome. What happened today was indeed a misunderstanding. I will accept the apology. He was not polite and reached out to take the thing.

Don't worry, Young Master, if there is a chance, our Song family also hopes to have the opportunity to cooperate with Young Master. Black Seal Temple will have many opportunities in the future. This incident is just an accident. As time goes by, there will always be problems in a big family. A mixed bunch of dragons and snakes. Song Lingbo took off his veil and smiled.

Her face is not very beautiful, but it is very soft, her eyes are curved, and her smile is beautiful. She does not have the domineering look of a big family at all, but more of an affinity that makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Her voice was gentle and gentle, not aggressive at all. Such natural conditions are almost always unfavorable when used in social relations in public relations.

Lu Sheng also had a good impression of this person. If your family is as friendly as Miss Lingbo, then I would be very willing to cooperate with the Song family.

Young master, you're rewarded. Song Lingbo smiled, making sure that Lu Sheng's attitude was not too extreme, and that was enough. As long as it is not too extreme, there will always be ways and interests to win them over. Even if they cannot be won over, they will not become enemies.

Then I'll take my leave.

Miss Lingbo, walk slowly.

Lu Sheng walked her to the entrance of the courtyard and watched her leave. Then he went back to the room and took out the small box.

He did not shy away from the servants around him and opened the box directly.


A biting cold air slowly gushes out from the box. In the middle of the box, lies a dark purple orb like a pearl.

The orb was only the size of the thumbnail, but it was extremely cold all over. As soon as it was taken out, the lid of the box and the back of Lu Sheng's hand were immediately covered with a thin layer of frost.

Zi Yingzhu??! the servant guarding the study door exclaimed in low voice.

Purple Ying Pearl? Lu Sheng has seen records of this kind of beads from classics. This thing is not a panacea, nor is it a special treasure. It is a very popular hard currency in Da Yin, a monetary resource that can be directly used for trading. kind of.

One purple pearl can be exchanged for ten red pearls, and it can be exchanged for nearly a hundred taels of magic gold at any bank.

Magic gold is exclusive to the Great Yin. It is a special currency communicated in the upper circles. It is completely different from the gold and silver of mortals and does not circulate with each other.

The most straightforward manifestation of the purchasing power of magic gold is the purchase of secret techniques, treasures, and even fragments of magical weapons.

Lu Sheng had read from the classics that fragments of divine weapons were divided into many grades. The best ones were the original fragments with very little power loss. The larger the area of ​​these fragments, the more expensive they were.

The worst thing is the small fragments that have almost lost their power. They cannot be made into holy weapons, nor can they be embedded with weapons. They can only be implanted into the human body, and they can barely use trace amounts of radiation to strengthen their own blood.

And magic gold, a thousand magic gold, can buy the worst small fragments of divine weapons.

This apology is really rich. For people with blood, the more fragments and other things around them, the better. No one would have too much.

Lu Sheng also understood the generous apology sent by the Song family. He almost stole the gems they had prepared, and almost killed their masters, but in the end he got an apology.

Putting away Ziyingzhu, he asked his servants to boil hot water, prepare a change of clothes, and went into the shower room to take a good hot bath.

While taking a bath, he also began to sort out his current situation.

He didn't intend to use the demonic essence, gas liquid, or the powerful physical body of the Eight Demonic Paths, so he hid them all. These things can easily reveal your true identity.

The only thing he uses now is his body with a level of strength of one line and the little infuriating energy he has just cultivated.

When the zhenqi is fully mobilized, blood-colored lines will naturally appear on the surface of the skin all over the body. Strength and speed are increased at the same time. The circulation speed of Qi and blood is accelerated several times, and the reaction speed is also improved.

Actually, from an overall point of view, Da Yin is mainly based on real skills. Different real skills have different effects on the body. At the same time, different real skills also have various special kills. It is hard to guard against. But these real skills, After passing the Jing level, everyone starts to focus on developing bloodlines and amplifying bloodline abilities. This is basically an upgraded version of the Song Dynasty Baimai School.

He leaned on the edge of the barrel with his hands and squinted his eyes to think carefully.

Now that I have reached this point, I have reached a bottleneck. If I go up, I must focus on developing my own bloodline. The bloodline in my body is the burning blood of the Yuanguang clan, and it is extremely thin and has extremely low development value. If I want to truly strengthen it, , the amount of energy that needs to be consumed is probably unimaginable.

So. He thought of the Ziying Pearl he received today, A better way may be to earn more magic gold, buy fragments of the magic weapon that suit you, implant them into your body, and acquire new bloodlines.

There is also a lot of market for implanting new bloodline in Da Yin. Most of the people who implement this kind of implantation are the marginal children of the rich clans with extremely low bloodline. They have enough money and resources to exchange and buy fragments of divine weapons. After that, Cultivating bloodline is far more convenient than ordinary people.

Just buying fragments and cultivating bloodlines are bottomless pits, and the resources and money required are almost unimaginable to ordinary people. The physical strength and recovery speed of ordinary people cannot reach the level of implanting divine weapon fragments. First, they must reach a certain height of cultivation, and they must also have the physique of a bloodline person, and then use a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to strengthen and nourish them to a certain height. .

After the fragment is implanted, significant special resources are required every few months to counteract rejection. The consumption is so terrifying that a small family can only support one or two people at most, and it may be dragged down and bankrupt.

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