Extreme Demon

Chapter 325 Leak 2 (Thanks to Storm Warrior’s leader for the reward)

The inspector turned back to look at the human ball and shook his head slightly. With the black monk hugging the package like this, even he would have a hard time getting away.

He turned around and walked slowly away. As for whether Lu Sheng would die, he didn't care. That was not his responsibility. What I said before was just a lie to the other party.


Suddenly a muffled sound came from behind him.

The inspector turned around and looked behind him.

I don’t know when the surface of the human ball slowly cracked a little white crack.

Is this...!? He narrowed his eyes.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise and the human ball exploded. Dozens of black monks turned into afterimages and flew out, crashing into the surrounding ground walls. The surroundings were filled with dust, with debris and fallen wall paint everywhere.

The white smoke formed by a large amount of zhenqi slowly dispersed. Lu Sheng held the knife in both hands and stood up slowly at the original position of the human ball. He has an ape-like back and a wasp-like waist, and his upper body clothes are torn open, revealing the ferocious bulging muscle lines inside. There are also a large number of blood-red mesh lines on the surface of the muscles, making him look weird and fierce.

Lu Sheng was originally the size of a normal human being, but now he had faintly expanded to about two meters. His messy black hair was like a lion's mane, scattered behind him and blowing in the wind.

After cutting away the human ball, Lu Sheng looked at Sapphire's location again. Only then did I realize that the gem was missing.

The outside air was filled with weird and different energies, so that his perception of energy was far less keen than before, so he didn't notice that the gems had been taken away at all.

The gem was taken away just now. The inspector said calmly.

I discovered that first. Lu Sheng said calmly.

I'm just an inspector. No matter who discovers it first, it has nothing to do with me. The inspector still looked calm. I advise you to leave quickly. No matter how strong you are personally, the bell-ringer is coming in the dark.

Lu Sheng stared at this man quietly and was silent for a while.

If I find out that what you said is false, I will tear you apart. Deep in his calm eyes, a deep and terrifying whirlpool was faintly flowing.

The inspector was silent.

Lu Sheng turned around and walked in the direction of another Necronomicon Hammer. He also needs to collect three necromancy hammers to ring the Hades Bell as soon as possible and leave here.

If you have the ability, try it. Suddenly, the inspector's deep voice came from behind him.


Lu Sheng's feet suddenly stopped.

He turned around in an instant, drew his sword, jumped, and slashed vertically.

Chi! ! !

Several movements were completed in one go, and a silver full moon exploded in mid-air. die!!!!

The examiner quickly raised his arms in front of him.

clang! ! !

A circle of gray ripples exploded between the two of them, and several white armor fragments exploded and shot out, embedding themselves in the side wall.

With a click, all the ground within a few meters of the examiner's feet cracked, like a spider web.

Lu Sheng's sword flashed in succession, bringing out several silver threads between the two people. The pure power of Jie level was mixed with the infuriating energy, and the power produced was such that even the inspector could not ignore it.

His absolute strength has reached the third level, but facing Lu Sheng's tricky attack angle and extremely fast continuous slashing speed, he can only dodge continuously.

Is this your strength? Lu Sheng suddenly slapped his palm on his sword.

There was a crisp click, the blade exploded, and countless fragments shot out, all of which hit the examiner.

You dare to be crazy in front of me??


He kicked to the side, and his right leg hit the examiner's waist like a whip.

A black film appeared on the examiner's body. The black film rippled violently a few times, and then exploded. His whole body flew sideways, his head hit the side wall, and his body was dripping with blood.

Die! Lu Sheng chased after him and hit the opponent on the head with his palm.

Jade Peak Thorn! The inspector finally recovered from the combo of attacks. He was shocked and angry, and with his right hand, three light green spikes flew towards Lu Sheng.

At the same time, he twisted his waist, and his belt automatically pulled out, straightened up and turned into a long sword, which was directed at Lu Sheng with ten swords.

The sword light combined with the three green spikes is like a slowly blooming green flower, pure and magnificent.

boom! !

A boulder as tall as a person smashed the green flowers apart, the spikes shattered, and the sword light dissipated. The inspector spurted out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and was hit in the face by the high-speed rotating boulder.

The bridge of his masked nose and mouth were all smashed to pieces. Most of his face was completely sunken and mixed with the rags of the mask.

The boulder pressed down on the examiner and slammed him against the wall. After two walls collapsed, he relaxed a little.

Lu Sheng casually threw away the handle of the knife in his hand, glanced at the examiner from a distance, and was about to step forward to give him the final blow.

Suddenly the note in his hand lit up with white light. He hesitated for a moment, then quickly turned around and walked away.

The examiner barely supported his head, looked in the direction he was walking, and finally passed out with a breath, and didn't know anything after that.

Damn, this trip is a big loss! This was his last thought before he fell into coma. He took money from the Song family, but failed to take care of him. Instead, he almost made himself worse.




At this moment, a burst of heavy footsteps came from far behind.

A green light appeared on the examiner's forehead, and he suddenly opened his eyes, as if he was a different person. He looked at the direction where the sound came from with an expressionless face, tried hard to break away from the stone, turned around, dragged his broken body, and fled quickly into the distance.

Just when he turned into an alley, a loud and heavy breathing sound came from the direction of the square.

Lu Sheng moved forward quickly, and when he encountered a wall, he immediately tore it apart. When he encountered a house, he walked on the roof, and when he encountered a tall building, he walked on the side.

After passing through a large area of ​​bungalows, he suddenly looked back.


A strong monster carrying a huge stone pillar was sweeping around step by step. He caught all the living people hiding in the house, crushed them into balls and stuffed them into his mouth to chew.

This monster is human-shaped, five meters tall, and its body is covered with dense dark red marks in the shape of horseshoes. Wearing a huge black cloth on his head, the black cloth was like a big bag and tied around his neck.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and felt the huge alien energy overwhelming the monster. The energy was definitely above the Jing level. On the surface, he should not be able to defeat it now.

Slowly forcing it? He noticed that the monster was not very fast and always moved forward slowly.

Realizing this, Lu Sheng turned around, accelerated his speed, and rushed towards the next Necronomicon Hammer.

After sprinting forward for about a few minutes, Lu Sheng saw another sculpture of a horse riding a horse, with a shimmering blue light shining from the horse's mouth.

He stepped forward, grabbed the blue gem from the horse's mouth with a quick touch, and then didn't even look at the equestrian sculpture with a lot of black smoke coming out. He was extremely fast and jumped onto the roof in a few clicks, rushing towards the third undead hammer.

This is the correct way to deal with it, get the gems and run away, instead of staying and killing slowly. After understanding this, Lu Sheng's speed increased a bit, and soon, the third Necronomicon Hammer appeared again.

A humanoid monster with three wolf heads, wearing brown leather armor and holding a hammer, was guarding the side.

Lu Sheng was extremely fast. He used his true energy to accelerate a little bit on the soles of his feet, then threw three rocks and hit the three werewolves in three parts.


The three werewolves got up angrily and looked around for suspicious people.

When he wasn't paying attention, Lu Sheng swooped out from the side, easily dug out the sapphire on the wall, and ran away.

The three werewolves reacted very quickly and hit him with a hammer right on the spot, hitting the target right in the middle.

It's a pity that although its power is strong, Lu Sheng's physical body is so terrifying. The red jade-level qualification he pretended to be was hit from the front. He was first protected by the true energy, and then after the true energy collapsed, his physical body resisted without using any magic energy. Internal energy, but the skin turned a little red, and returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

The red jade level means that one can have a terrifying physique of a Jing level without using pure Qi. Once the Qi is used and a little mobilization of flesh and blood power is achieved, the effect will not be able to be smashed by a hammer in such a hurry.

Lu Sheng used his strength to rush forward a certain distance, stepped on the top of the wall, and flew dozens of meters like a rocket before looking up at a huge clock as black as ink in front of him.

The clock is more than ten meters high and eight meters wide. It hangs quietly in an open space in the middle of the temple. The surrounding stone pillars are covered with densely packed dark yellow charms.

At this time, none of the other four people were here. Lu Sheng was the first to rush towards the Underworld Bell and threw the three sapphires in his hand forward.


Three blue lightnings suddenly exploded.

Boom! Boom! Boom.!

Three bells rang, and the sound instantly spread throughout the Black Seal Temple in all directions.


A circle of light enveloped Lu Sheng in mid-air, making him disappear instantly.

Everything suddenly became quiet.

After a while.

This test is not difficult for you. A voice said slowly.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes, surrounded by dazzling white light. He couldn't open his eyes for the time being, so he could only wait quietly, listen and observe the surroundings.

It's really not that difficult, he replied.

The surrounding white light gradually faded, and Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He is still in the temple, but has returned to the temple in Qiuyue County. In the main hall that I entered before, I was surrounded by monks sitting cross-legged and chanting scriptures.

Standing in front of him was a tall man covered in white armor.

Your test results still need a second review. You should go back and wait for the news. After passing, you will be notified. The armored man warned.


Also, you will go into Black Seal Temple in the future. If you find any unusual things or phenomena inside, remember to find the elders and record them after you come out. This will be very helpful to us. The armored man reminded us.

What? Isn't Black Seal Temple an outside world we captured? Lu Sheng was stunned.

No, to be precise, it is advancing. The world was very dark and hopeless, and it was in an almost doomsday state. Black Seal Temple was just a corner.

Our investigation is progressing extremely slowly. Originally this was a frontline exploration mission, but due to the strange movement of the demon army, the frontline army had to temporarily suspend the exploration mission and concentrate on dealing with the demon emperor. The armored man explained patiently.

I understand, thank you dear friend. Lu Sheng clasped his fists.

You're welcome. As long as you have a chance in the future, just save a few more of our comrades. The armored man's words were full of exhaustion and helplessness.

Definitely. Lu Sheng nodded.

Go on, go out and relax. Wine, beauties, gambling, fighting, whatever you want, don't restrain yourself. Otherwise, as time goes by, you will become more and more distorted. The armored man reminded.

I understand Lu Sheng nodded. He suddenly understood where the focus of Dayin lies. The exploration and exploration from the outside world can't be completed, let alone the containment of the Demon Emperor. The entire Great Yin's military strength has always been in a state of insufficient. Naturally, we don’t have the strength to invade neighboring big countries.

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