Extreme Demon

Chapter 324 Leak 1

From time to time, traces of yellow arcs flashed across the dusky sky, silently, thickly and depressingly.

Lu Sheng walked along the dilapidated square step by step with the knife in hand.

The square is circular, with a white statue in the center. The carving is of an old woman with broken arms. She has a cane under her arm, her head is slightly raised, and she is wearing a wrinkled leather cloak.

Everything else in the entire square was gray except for the statue's chest, which was inlaid with a sapphire the size of a fingernail, which was emitting a faint blue light.

Lu Sheng broke through the wall and walked all the way here, but he never saw any living things. The only strange thing he saw was this statue.


The wind was getting colder and colder, stirring continuously in the empty square, causing the corners of his clothes to fly back. Pale white frost also appeared faintly in some corners of the ground.

Lu Sheng didn't realize anything and looked around. There were endless abandoned houses on all sides, with broken walls in some places. Everything he saw was gray.

Only the statue has a slight blue light.

It seems like this is really the outside world? This is the first time he has come to the outside world. In the Song Dynasty, he had no access to this level. That is to say, the Three Saint Sect has the technical ability in this area, and other forces have no way to reach it. this stage.

The outside world, the outside world. There are many names such as Outer World, Outer Space World, etc., but all of them refer to one thing, which is the outer space leaving this world.

Lu Sheng didn't know what type of world this Black Seal Temple was, but looking at the style and environment of the surrounding buildings, he could probably guess that this was a dangerous environment of ruins and desolation.

He walked slowly towards the sapphire on the statue.

Then reach out and touch it.

Chi! !

In an instant, the gem bloomed with bright, dazzling blue light, and the ground shook.

Countless thick black smoke came out of the statue's mouth and nose, and a large amount of black smoke quickly fell to the ground, condensing into a dark monster with a wolf head and a human body.

Ouch! !

The shortest monsters are three meters tall, and the tallest ones are even more than four meters tall. Standing in the square, it looks like hills.

Their whole bodies are covered with long black hair, and they hold long knives and black shields in their hands. There is a blue complex twisted symbol in the middle of the shield.

Oclilla! A wolf-headed man shouted, suddenly rushed towards Lu Sheng, and slashed with his sword.


His speed is not fast, but the sound of breaking through the air caused by his power is very strong, and it is obviously very heavy. With one slash, the machete, which was more than three meters long, could even cut Lu Sheng into two pieces at once.

The power is good, but the speed is too slow. Lu Sheng turned sideways and stabbed forward lightly with his palm.

With a chirp, his palm knife accurately penetrated the wolf-headed man's forehead.

Bang. The wolf-headed man suddenly exploded and disappeared into black smoke.

The other wolf-headed men also rushed towards this side crazily. But he was soon stabbed in the forehead by Lu Sheng easily, killing him on the spot and dissipating.

The strength of a human being, the speed of a mortal, and his physique are only a little stronger than the average person. Lu Sheng gave a general evaluation of this kind of wolf-headed man.

After killing the wolf-headed man, he looked at the sapphire again. There was a crack on the sapphire, but it was still emitting blue light, but the halo was much darker than before.

Lu Sheng felt this thing carefully again. He could sense an energy that was different from demonic energy, inner energy, and true energy. However, this energy was incompatible with him and was extremely repulsive to true energy.

Taking his hand back from the gem, Lu Sheng gave up the plan of digging out the gem and taking it away. He had a vague feeling that if the gem was dug out, it might cause troublesome effects such as explosions.

This place is interesting. Lu Sheng was very curious about this energy, but unfortunately his time was limited, otherwise he would have really planned to study it carefully here.


Suddenly, there was a sound of branches snapping from the edge of the square in the distance.

Lu Sheng turned his head suddenly and looked into the distance. A thin figure hurriedly ran behind a building on the edge.

The houses and buildings around the square are arranged in circles, and the gray roofs are full of holes of various sizes. There are also weird baby sculptures with wings fluttering on the eaves of some roofs.

The figure rushed from the street into a house in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng stepped on his foot and the ground shook slightly. He jumped forward like an arrow and reached the position of the man a hundred meters away in a few blinks of an eye.

Bang, he smashed the wooden door of the building on the left with one punch, revealing a thin man holding a sharp knife inside.

Ko!! The man yelled and rushed towards Lu Sheng. There were two other people in the room. One was holding a machete and the other was holding a steel fork, and they were attacking Lu Sheng at the same time.

This aura. In the flash of lightning, Lu Sheng quickly sensed the repulsive aura of these three people that was incompatible with him.

Outsiders? He had heard the elders mention it before in Lu Sheng that it was possible to meet outsiders in the secret realm.

Many outsiders have a very unfriendly attitude towards them, and most of them regard them as devils from another world.

But this is natural. According to what the elders said, even if a formal sect like Qianyang Sect sends people to the outside world, it is mostly to collect and plunder resources. As for those who meet outsiders, most of them are massacres or research experiments. Don't really think of them as human beings.

Just when he was wondering, Lu Sheng felt keenly that the three weapons attacking him had patterns composed of pale white shimmer.

Bang! !

After three consecutive muffled sounds, Lu Sheng struck out with his sword with one hand like lightning, and slashed horizontally with the sword. The three of them flew backwards, hit the wall, and slowly slid down.

Compared with the strength of the three of them, the bodies of these three guys were extremely fragile. Lu Sheng was about to go over to check on them, see their injuries, and interrogate them. Unexpectedly, the three of them were already vomiting blood, their eyes were blurred, and they looked like they were about to die.

The power of contradiction. The power just now is almost as strong as a mortal's general consciousness, but the strength of the physical body is not as strong as that of an ordinary adult among mortals. It is about the same as a tender child. This outside world is really contradictory.

Lu Sheng stepped forward to inspect the body and came to a conclusion.

Forget it, let's complete the mission first. There will be plenty of time for the outside world to come back later. He checked the body, found a few small milky white stones, and then turned around and exited the house.

According to the record on the note, the location of the Hades Clock is in the front right.

He took out the note again, read it, checked the direction, and continued on his way.

There was more content on the note than originally.

‘To ring the Hades Bell, you need the Necromancer Hammer. To ring it three times, you need three Necromancer Hammers. In its normal state, the Necromancer Hammer appears as a light blue gem. ’

Light blue gem? Lu Sheng immediately remembered the statue in the square before. He went back and dug out the gem from the statue's chest.

This time there was no premonition of explosion like before. The white light on the note suppressed the explosion of gems.

Putting the gems away, he quickly moved forward across the square according to the direction marked on the note.

Soon, at the corner of a block, he saw another statue of a man wearing a hat. The statue's forehead was inlaid with a blue gemstone, glowing with blue light.

Lu Sheng was about to step forward and dig it out.

Please wait. Suddenly a voice came from behind him.

Lu Sheng turned around and saw a man wrapped in a white coat walking towards him. This man only exposed a pair of eyes, and even his nostrils were wrapped and tightened.

Who are you? Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

I am the inspector. I am responsible for the verification and testing of this test. I am also a security guard to prevent you from being in danger. The masked man in white said calmly.

Then inspector, did you find any problem when you suddenly stopped me? Lu Sheng asked a little confused.

I personally suggest you not to choose this gem. I know a way. Although it is a little more difficult, it may be more beneficial to you. The inspector said calmly.

Thank you very much for your recommendation, but I personally prefer to grab the immediate benefits first. Lu Sheng replied calmly.

Choose this gem. Although it may seem easy for the moment, you will feel troublesome later. It will be too late to regret it by then. You have to think carefully. The inspector whispered.

Lu Sheng smiled. I have thought carefully about it. The location of this gem is very good, and there are no troublesome alien powers on it.

The inspector frowned.

This gem was basically prepared for Song Du, and it was also placed here for Song Du to use as a prop to pass the level. The messy monsters above have been mostly washed away.

But what the inspector didn't expect was that Lu Sheng had already arrived before Song Du, who was familiar with the road, arrived so far in advance. In desperation, he could only show up to stop him.

The Song family had given enough benefits in this test, so he naturally couldn't ignore it.

Is this prepared for someone in the test? Lu Sheng suddenly guessed.

The examiner's heart skipped a beat.

This is the outside world, you think too much. He said calmly.

Really? It's just because it's the outside world that you can manipulate me. Lu Sheng smiled.

You the examiner don't know what to say.

Suddenly, bursts of rustling noises came from behind, and groups of black-robed monks with bleeding eyes and clasped hands soon appeared behind Lu Sheng.

The monk in front of him released his arms, made a sudden dash, jumped in front of Lu Sheng, and struck his neck with a sweep of his leg.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to grab it, but there was no sound. The monk's legs suddenly exploded and turned into countless black liquids, which passed through his palms, re-condensed into legs, and then kicked Lu Sheng hard on the side of his neck.


Lu Sheng reached out and held down the monk's leg. There was a look of surprise on his face.

When the inspector saw this, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his cold eyes.

This kind of offensive is the unique skill of Black Seal Temple and cannot be stopped. Any part of their body can be turned into black liquid at will. Generally, testers can support the siege of three black monks at most, but here there are fully two More than ten, I suggest you.

Bang! !

Before the examiner finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Just at that moment, Lu Sheng stretched out one hand like lightning and crushed the head of the black monk in front of him.

A large group of black monks suddenly rushed up and beat and kicked him fiercely. Many black monks began to spin and form a formation, quickly rotating and shifting around Lu Sheng.

With a few swishes, more than a dozen black monks exploded into black water, and then gathered together and jumped down from behind Lu Sheng, looking behind him with all their strength with the swords in their hands.

The other black monks rushed forward crazily, hugged Lu Sheng fiercely, and wrapped him into a big meat ball.

At this moment, the examiner's chin slightly gestured in the direction of the gem. Suddenly, Song Du rushed out from a corner, quickly dug out the sapphire on the forehead of the sculpture, nodded to the inspector, and ran away. Soon he disappeared into the alley.

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