Extreme Demon

Chapter 323 Black Seal Temple 2

Oh? Shouldn't the government be responsible for safety issues? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Of course, with the Yangming Army Yin Fu Army and the Yin Yang Division, of course it's not our turn, but when they encounter major troubles, they are qualified to call us together to help defend. Elder Zhang Shilong explained. His attitude towards Lu Sheng was extremely gentle. After all, he was the top genius from his county. To have a genius of this level in a county, and to recommend him would bring glory even to the clan.

And no matter how successful Lu Sheng is in the future, he now comes from Qiuyue County and is from his hometown. This is a natural and natural sense of belonging.

Yangming Army Lu Sheng murmured. Just as the two mentioned this, a group of armored sergeants riding tall horses slowly walked up from the side of the intersection in front of them.

The leader was a strong man. He was dressed in pitch black armor and had horn-like decorations on both sides of his helmet. Carrying two giant scimitars on his back, the shape of the scimitars was a bit strange, just like willow leaves, glowing silvery in the sunlight.

Hello. The big man raised his hand, looked at the Qianyang Sect convoy in front of him, and asked his men to stop. Then he watched quietly as the motorcade passed in front of him.

Elder Zhang Shilong, who was beside Lu Sheng, stuck his head out of the car and smiled at the big man, Thank you for your hard work, Captain Li, for still leading the patrol on such a hot day.

That's where the responsibility lies. The big man said calmly.

Zhang Shilong nodded.

The convoy quickly passed the patrol and continued driving deeper into the city.

Lu Sheng looked at the big man carefully. My heart trembled slightly.

This man was breathing heavily, his heartbeat was low and slow, and his body surface was exuding a strong sense of heat all the time.

More than ten meters away, he could hear the sound of blood flowing on this man's body.

What a strong body! He was slightly stunned. Although it is not as good as him, it can reach the same level of strength with its physical body alone. This big yin is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

Did you see it? Zhang Shilong smiled and stood next to Lu Sheng. This person is Captain Li Jinglong, who is responsible for the security of Qiuyue County today. He is also the real rising star and the star of tomorrow in the Yangming Army of Qiuyue County.

His military strength is outstanding, and he is the strongest in the entire Yangming Army except for the guard general Situ. You may not have many opportunities to deal with him in the future. Because this person likes to do everything by himself and hates the demon clan extremely deeply, even though he himself is of half-demon blood.

Lu Sheng didn't know why and just nodded.

Zhang Shilong smiled and continued: You will at least stay in Qiuyue County for many years. It is also beneficial to establish a good relationship first.

Lu Sheng was noncommittal. His plan was not to stay here for a long time. But looking at Zhang Shilong's mysterious smile, he probably guessed that the other party might have methods and arrangements that he had never been exposed to.

The convoy moved forward and soon arrived in front of a temple with thick gray smoke pillars coming out from both sides.

There are already heavily guarded guards at the entrance of the temple, standing in two rows, forming a human-shaped passage.

Lu Sheng was the first to get out of the car, and Elder Zhang Shilong took the lead and walked inside.

Entering the temple, the monks inside all came out one after another and bowed to Lu Sheng and Zhang Shilong. Zhang Shilong ignored him and quickly pulled Lu Sheng across the road and into the temple.

Behind them were several other people who came together to enter the secret realm.

Entering the temple hall, a group of five testers, three men and two women, stood side by side in the middle of the temple hall.

What this temple enshrines is not Buddha or Bodhisattva, but a black lotus with one eye.

The huge black lotus is like a big bowl, with a vertical pupil split in the middle. The black and white pupils inside look at everything in front of it with a strange look.

Woo, choke, ha, ha, ha, ha, la. The door of the hall slowly closed, and bursts of weird shouts came from unknown places. There seemed to be many monks shouting together.

After Zhang Shilong gave Lu Sheng instructions on the next steps of action, he took the people out in advance while the bronze door was still open, leaving only the five geniuses who had entered the secret realm in the hall.


The hall door slowly closed and closed.


The last crack in the door was completely closed. Everything goes quiet. The entire hall fell into darkness.

Lu Sheng stood calmly, facing the one-eyed black lotus and waiting quietly.

More than ten breaths passed.


The door of the hall slowly opened again, and the light from outside shone in, turning it completely into a dim yellow.

It was still early morning, but the bronze door of the main hall was closed and opened, and it turned into the light of dusk.

Lu Sheng looked at the other four people beside him. Their eyes flickered and they all looked back at the open copper door.

Outside the door is a dilapidated old courtyard, which is still the square of the temple. But unlike the new and clean one before, the courtyard now is full of black dead leaves, cobwebs, cracked floor tiles, cracked wood, and is about to turn yellow. Falling red paint.


A biting cold wind blew in, making it dark and dark.

Lu Sheng looked back at the tall one-eyed black lotus statue. The single eye in the middle of the lotus seemed to be filled with a faint red light.

This is the secret realm. We need to pass the second test and test. Do you have any good suggestions? A woman with braided braids asked softly. Her accent did not sound like a native of Qiuyue County. The pronunciation of Yin Mandarin is too standard and has no local tone. Most of the people who are like this are too standard and come from other places.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Masangjiu. I have a white jade rating. The woman doesn't look pretty, but she gives off a very gentle temperament at a glance. It is easy to gain the trust of ordinary people.

This place should be somewhere in the outside world, either the demon world or other worlds. The power of the sect is truly extraordinary! It was just a county test, and such a large amount of money was used. Another young man with long yellow hair admired . You can just call me Song Du. Bai Yu commented that it seems that we have been temporarily released to other outside world. The only criterion for passing the test seems to be to overcome many obstacles and find a way to leave the temple.

Young Master Song Du is quite knowledgeable. Another girl with a cold temperament said calmly.

It's okay, okay, my brother passed the test like this last time. He warned me about many possible scenarios before coming here. If there is a knowledgeable person to lead the way in this secret realm, we can naturally get twice the result with half the effort and encounter fewer dangers. Song They all smiled.

However, it was just a test and then we were released to the outside world. Isn't it a bit too much? The last man was a muscular man who looked honest and loyal. He asked his doubts in a loud voice.

This is actually Lu Sheng's doubt.

Danger? Song Du burst into laughter. What do you think is a genius? The genius of my Dayin is not a genius in terms of qualifications, but a genius in aptitude, potential, strength, character, and all-around genius! A real genius is one who can turn around miraculously even in the face of a desperate situation. What ordinary people cannot do. This is genius! If a genius can be killed easily, that is not called a genius, that is called a waste.

No genius can be killed easily. Don't forget that we are still at war with the demon world. If we can't bear the danger, it's better to go home and be a breeder. Don't come out and embarrass yourself. Song Du said. The man's face turned red, but he couldn't say anything.

Although Mr. Song's words are a bit vulgar, the truth is this. Brother Wang, don't blame me. The cold girl defended Song Du in a low voice.

It's okay. I'm just a little confused, not afraid. The man said clearly.

So, what should we do now? Masangjiu asked Song Du in a low voice.

This is the Black Seal Temple. I don't know if it is the real thing. The temple we entered is just an imitation of the projection. But I remember that the Black Seal Temple has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, every other hour, there will be bell ringers in the night. , clear out all living things in the temple.

After the first time is up, the clock-ringer appears at an average speed. We just need to be careful and not meet him head-on. You have to be very careful the second time. The bell ringer's speed increases greatly. This kind of monster is immortal, no matter how many times you kill it, it will be useless. Song Du explained in detail, Our ultimate goal is to go to the core of the temple and ring the bell. Then you can open the temple door and leave. So we need to lure the monster away.

So it's best for us to act together? Masangjiu asked softly.

That's right. Song Du nodded.

Just leave this temple? Right? Lu Sheng finally spoke. I'm Lu Sheng, Chiyu commented.

Akadama. As soon as the word Red Jade. came out, the other four people's eyes immediately focused on Lu Sheng involuntarily.

They are all at the White Jade level, and they all know how powerful the red jade evaluation is. It can be said that in the previous tests in the county, apart from the top black jade evaluation, the red jade evaluation is the strongest. Such a genius, as long as he does not perish in the future, will definitely enter the higher Fucheng branch, or even the Zhoucheng branch. He is almost certain to be a Earth-level powerhouse (Snake-level) in the future.

Since it's the senior brother who was evaluated by Chi Yu, then he has the right to command this time. Song Du's voice was slightly astringent.

Everyone, please help yourself. Lu Sheng said calmly, raising the note in his hand. First, ring the Hades Bell, and then successfully escape the threat and leave the Black Seal Temple. All the above has emerged. The time limit is six hours.

Only then did the four of them realize that a piece of paper had appeared in their palms, with the goal of the mission clearly written on it.

And there is another sentence at the end: it must be done independently, not in a team.

There was silence in the hall for a while.

After a moment of silence, Lu Sheng was the first to walk out of the palace, too lazy to pay attention to the others.

After that came Song Du, Masangjiu, and the other two.

The five of them all consciously kept their distance. Since they were acting alone, they had to comply with the regulations. Otherwise, they would not be able to pass the test, and no matter how good they performed, it would be useless.

Outside the main hall, the sky was dim and covered with thick dark yellow clouds. The rolling clouds seemed to be within reach and might press down at any time.

The wall in the courtyard was covered with dark blood stains everywhere, and there were some broken bones piled in the corner. It was unclear whether they were human bones or not. Several large, dead black trees grew crookedly in the middle of the courtyard. At the foot of the trees were scattered some clothes and other fabrics worn by people.

Lu Sheng stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked around.

This is a maze, go this way! Song Du quickly passed behind him and rushed out from the arch on the right, Quick, quick, quick! Danger will appear here soon. You can't fight with them. Try to avoid fighting. , save energy!”

The other people followed quickly, rushed out of the door, and quickly disappeared from sight.

Lu Sheng stood alone in the middle of the courtyard and glanced around. Slowly pulled out the long knife from behind.

boom! !

The sword flashed, causing a cracking sound like a hurricane, and a gray-white sword energy that looked like a tornado surged out.

The wall directly in front of the courtyard suddenly shattered, leaving a large gap.

Lu Sheng walked out of the gap with his knife in hand and quickly walked towards the direction marked on the paper, disappearing into the rising dust.

Not long after a few people left, the monks in black, who were blind and bleeding from the corners of their eyes, quickly walked out of the hall with their heads lowered and hands clasped together.

The monks divided into two teams and chased them from the gap in the wall and from the direction of the arch.

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