Extreme Demon

Chapter 322 Black Seal Temple 1

Qingqing? Fei Bailing stood up and looked around, but didn't see her sister.

Running so fast? she asked doubtfully.

After moving her body, she slowly walked towards the place where her sister usually hid.

Recently, she always felt something weird at home. The clan members began to become less talkative, and they were all taciturn when they went out to work. They just completed their affairs step by step. The atmosphere in the big house was also a bit dull, and there was an indescribable sense of lethargy.

Just like today, the sun is shining brightly outside, but a layer of hazy fog seems to be covering the house, making people feel unclear.

Qingqing? Fei Bailing walked to a corner and poked her head behind the large water tank.

There was no one behind the water tank.

Not here? She walked slowly again and quickly came to a white stone statue.

Qingqing!? Fei Bailing suddenly looked behind the statue.

Still no one.

It's not here either. She raised her eyebrows. My sister was hiding pretty well today.

squeak squeak squeak

Suddenly, a harsh sound of metal friction came from deep in the garden.

Fei Bailing narrowed her eyes and slowly followed the sound. After making a few turns in the garden, a black swing with some rust appeared in front of her.

Fei Qingqing was sitting on it, swaying on the swing with her little feet.

Sister, you found me! Fei Qingqing smiled sweetly. Her long, silky hair was blown by the breeze, swaying gently, and she exuded a faint fragrance like flowers.

Fei Bailing walked over with a smile.

Qingqing, did you secretly buy some perfume or something? You smell so good.

Really? Fei Qingqing said with a smile, Qingqing didn't buy anything, and she didn't smell anything.

Really? Fei Bailing reached out and Qingqing wanted to touch her sister's long hair.

Unexpectedly, my sister jumped off the swing and got into the flowers in a few clicks.

Sister, come to me! Her voice quickly followed the footsteps of little leather boots and disappeared.

Fei Bailing shook her head helplessly and could only follow.

Passing through the flowers, she heard hurried footsteps running out of the garden door, and hurriedly followed them out of the garden.

Sister, I'm going to the kitchen for a drink. Come find me. Fei Qingqing's white skirt flashed in the far corner.

Fei Bailing quickly followed.

Stop running around, Qingqing. She always felt something was wrong. There seemed to be very few people at home today. Although my cousin mentioned that everyone is responsible for the screening and testing of new disciples of each sect.

But it seems that there are even a few servants and maids, which is a bit abnormal.

She felt vaguely uneasy. Following the direction of the sound, she walked all the way out of the yard where the owner lived and came to the kitchen area.

Qingqing? she called.

The kitchen area within the wall was empty, and the air was still filled with a faint smell of firewood.

Fei Bailing walked slowly on the smoky grass, looking around, trying to find her sister. But no one responded, and Fei Qingqing ran to nowhere.

Suddenly she heard a small, noisy voice of children. Following the sound, she slowly walked through a courtyard wall and walked into another very strange courtyard.

She has never been to this villa, it seems to be an area where other branches of the family live. In a large family like the Fei family, among the thousands of clan members, there are many clan members who have never met each other. Fei Bailing has been living in one of the nine districts. She can't even recognize her relatives in her own district, let alone the districts outside.

The house became more and more deserted and empty. As I walked closer, not to mention the servants, I couldn't even hear the chirping of insects or birds. This made Fei Bailing feel a little worried.

She walked a few steps along the courtyard wall, and soon saw a few children squatting in the corner of the courtyard from a distance, gathering together and whispering happily.

She breathed a sigh of relief and involuntarily moved closer to the children. There were more people there, and she always felt more energetic and safer.

Hello, what are you playing? Have you ever seen such a big little girl passing by here? Fei Bailing came closer and asked loudly to several children, while gesturing to her sister with her hands. height.

little girl?

little girl?

little girl?

little girl?

Several children came together, looking at Fei Bailing neatly with happy smiles on their faces. The cry kept repeating.

little girl?

little girl?

little girl?

Time and time again, the smiles on their faces remained unchanged, and their voices remained the same, like a recording that was constantly being replayed.

The children are getting closer and closer, and the smiles on their faces seem to be fixed. At first glance, they look bright and natural, but as time goes by, you will find that their expressions have not changed at all, and their eyes are bent. Curved, the corners of the mouth are curved, motionless, as if completely stiff.

Fei Bailing was a little scared and stepped back. His face turned a little pale.


Suddenly she heard a subtle sound of leather boots hitting the ground not far away.

Immediately, the voices of the children in front of me began to change.

little girl

Little girl.


Their voices became increasingly chaotic, distorted, and hazy. Many times they sounded more like some kind of weird noise, or like a tape recorder with a cassette that began to distort and become disturbed.

Fei Bailing's eyes widened and she could no longer hear what they were saying. She only felt as if her ears were covered with a thick membrane, and she could not hear anything clearly. The children's voices were distorted, sometimes sharp, sometimes deep.

Suddenly, she saw a little black-haired girl in a white dress standing quietly behind one of the children.

The girl stood there quietly, her face covered by her long black hair. Fei Bailing could only vaguely feel that she was looking at her.

Qingqing! She recognized that it was the skirt worn by her younger sister Qingqing. He rushed forward and tried to catch her.

But Qingqing turned around faster than she did, walked towards the exit from the yard, and disappeared into the hazy darkness outside in a few seconds.

It was too late for Fei Bailing to catch up. She was blocked by the bodies of several children.

Give me a moment! She became anxious and reached out to push the child in front of her.

But strangely, her hand passed through the child's shoulder, and all the children's voices quickly faded and then disappeared quickly.

Fei Bailing looked around her again, and there was nothing there, no children, just fallen leaves covering the floor.

She was startled and took a few steps back, only to realize that the sky had dimmed at some point. The cold moonlight was mostly covered by the clouds, leaving only a little bit scattered.

The whole yard was empty except for herself.

Qingqing!! She was anxious. Something was obviously wrong in the house, but Qingqing was still playing hide and seek with her. What if she encountered any danger?

She became more and more anxious and chased after Qingqing in the direction where he had run away just now.

After walking through several yards, passing several gardens and ponds, there was no one in the entire house. Sometimes she could hear voices coming from the other side of the wall, the sound of someone talking, but when she walked past, it was empty. It seemed like everyone had just left.

This feeling made her more and more frightened. After searching for a long time, Fei Bailing finally looked around and ran towards her residence along the original road.

She wanted to find her father and ask him to mobilize manpower to find her sister. She also wanted to find out what happened at home and why there were so few manpower suddenly.


There is an unusual smell steaming.

At the edge of the well, Lu Sheng poured the cold bucket of water directly over his head.


The icy-cold well water rushed through his body, revealing his muscles as strong and twisted as tree roots in the moonlight.

The outline of the muscles is like steel, and the surface is covered with countless fine red lines like mesh patterns, which makes people intimidated at first sight.

Lu Sheng touched his upper body shoulders in the negative state and looked towards the direction of the county.

With his extremely keen senses, he could vaguely feel something spinning and twisting above the city. That thing is not demonic energy, nor is it yin energy. In other words, it is not caused by ghosts or monsters.

After the test was completed during the day, the elder of Qianyang Sect arranged for him to enter this independent courtyard.

On the second day, they will enter the secret realm of the sect for the second round of testing.

Lu Sheng put down the bucket. The role he was playing now was that of an ordinary bloodline disciple who came out of the mountains and roughly learned some basic skills. Perhaps he was a descendant of a reclusive family, perhaps a descendant of a family's bloodline, or perhaps someone who was accidentally captured. Ordinary people who are radiated by the magic weapon without knowing it.

No matter what the situation, he shouldn't know too much. His overall strength is at the level of Jie Level One, which is obtained by his talent at Jie Level.

So when he started, he tried to use the most basic moves. Because he shouldn't be proficient in other moves.

But the aura just now really made Lu Sheng look at him a little.

The aura somehow reminded him of the tree root gate he had seen in Golden Square.

After taking a shower, Lu Sheng got dressed and entered the quiet room to rest. But in my heart, I remembered the position where the breath was steaming just now.

After a night of silence, he was woken up early in the morning the next day.

A maid specially prepared a brand new Qianyang Sect white gold-threaded outfit for him and put it on carefully. Then someone prepared a special bathtub with some medicinal soup for Lu Sheng to take a bath.

Later, the elder of the Qianyang Sect, an old man named Zhang Shilong, came to the door in person and led him into a carriage to the Fenxiang Temple deep in the county.

There were five carriages going together, and Lu Sheng's was the first in line. Through the translucent curtains, he saw many people waiting on the street outside on the roadside.

Most of the people were watching the excitement, and a few were whispering. They seemed to know something about the situation and stared at the team with awe.

Our convoy is actually like the officials of the current dynasty, requiring ordinary people to stay away when traveling. This is a pretty good scene.

Lu Sheng carefully sensed the cars behind him. They were all the same as him. There was an elder and a young man with him.

Elder Zhang Shilong smiled.

This is a privilege, but it is also our responsibility. Our branch of Qiuyue County, in addition to being responsible for selecting elites and sending them into the clan, is also responsible for the security of the county.

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