Extreme Demon

Chapter 319 Undercurrent 2

Human race? A slightly angry expression appeared on the giant human face, Damn it! To open the seal, all altar seals must be broken. Are you sure all altars have been broken?

Sure, absolutely sure. Kafei nodded quickly.

Damn humans!!! The huge human face roared suddenly.

The huge roar even stirred up the clouds in the sky and rolled violently, forming large areas of dense dark clouds. For a moment there was lightning and thunder, and the sky and earth became dark.

Your Majesty, calm down! Fortunately, the Demonic Abyss has not been broken.

Bang! !

Kafei's body was suddenly hit hard by an invisible force. The center of his chest suddenly sunk, and his sternum was shattered countless times in an instant.

His whole body seemed to have been hit from top to bottom by a huge war hammer, creating a huge bowl-shaped deep pit in the surrounding sand.

What do you know!? Trash!! They're all trash!! Human Face roared, She must have come out! She must! That monster, that despicable damn monster!!

Kafei raised his head and spat out purple blood. His head was hit so hard that he felt dizzy. He had no idea what the face was saying.

His Majesty.

Godly Bell. Human Face ignored him and turned to call another person's name.

Countless yellow sand rose up and quickly condensed into a human figure. After the gravel dispersed, a slender and beautiful figure was revealed.

Your Majesty, I am at your command. The figure knelt on one knee, his towering chest gently touching the ground. The jet black skirt spreads out behind her, revealing her straight buttocks, which are only wrapped in a layer of black gauze, which is filled with alluring curvature and matte light in the sun.

You are the most familiar with the human race. Go ahead and catch the person who destroyed the seal of the Demonic Abyss and bring him back. Huangsha said in a deep voice.

I follow your instructions. The figure slowly stood up and raised his head, revealing a pitiful, weak and pure white face.

If anyone from the Shangyang family is present, they will be shocked to recognize that the owner of this face is none other than the former number one genius of the Shangyang family, Shang Yangfei!

Shang Yangfei was wearing tight-fitting black leather armor, and his lower body was covered with a metal sword-shaped skirt. From his legs to his hips, he was wearing black gauze similar to stockings, which was looming in the skirt.

It's just that her feet are no longer normal human feet. Her feet seem to be wearing black leather boots, covered with ferocious black barbs, and there are blood-red cross symbols on the insteps, which are bright and dark. flashes a faint red light.

The giant human faces slowly dispersed, leaving only the ancient demon Kafei and Shang Yangfei, who stood up on the spot.

Give me the information you have. Shang Yangfei straightened his smooth black hair and said calmly to Kafei.

Just a demon general. Kafei felt aggrieved. The opponent was just a demon general, not even a demon king, but he was the top demon king! It's an ancient demon! Kafei, the powerful ancient demon king who has guarded the Demon Abyss for thousands of years!

If under ordinary circumstances, a mere demon general dared to talk to him like this, he would have swallowed him whole.

But at this moment, Shang Yangfei's body was filled with a dangerous aura, coming from His Majesty's dangerous aura, which made him dare not make any move at all.

His Majesty has left a trace of his clone in me. As long as the right time comes, he will appear and explode. Master Kafei doesn't have to worry about whether I can complete the task. Shang Yangfei said with a smile.

Really? Then I'll be relieved. Kafei looked gloomy, raised his hand slightly, and a black leather scroll that had been prepared spinning and flying towards the sun.


Shangyang Fei caught it and slowly unfolded it.

Huh? She immediately recognized the person painted on the scroll.

Isn't this the northern barbarian who was under Shangyang Jiuli's command before?

She stretched out her delicate index finger and lightly touched the portrait. There was a hint of interest in the corner of his mouth.

That's this guy. He's hidden very deep! I don't know what magic weapon he has fused with, but his strength is definitely no less than mine. Kafei thought that if he hadn't been careless at the beginning, he would never have fallen so quickly. defeat.

Interesting. Shang Yangfei rolled up the scroll. Lord Kafei, such a top-level strongman would actually lower his status and hide among a group of weaklings. What secret is hidden in this? I really look forward to it.

Kafei didn't bother to pay attention to what secrets this divine bell hid, he simply told his methods directly.

I left a trace of my demonic energy on him. That person can absorb the demonic energy and turn it into his own strength, but he definitely doesn't know that my demonic energy is born with a special wave that even His Majesty cannot remove. The Demonic Abyss is filled with a lot of the demonic energy I emitted, and he has absorbed all of it. Therefore, as long as you are close to him within a hundred miles, you can sense his approximate location.

He peeled off a small piece of purple-black scales from his body under the black robe and tossed it gently. The scales flew in front of Shangyang Fei and fell gently into her palm.

With it, you can sense and track that person. Kafei said coldly.

Understood, just wait for my good news, Master Kafei. Shang Yangfei smiled.

Kafei's face twitched and he didn't reply. He ruined His Majesty's major event. If he hadn't still had the merit of guarding him for thousands of years, it would have been a good thing if he hadn't been killed on the spot this time.

That man should be in the Great Yin Dynasty now, which is the territory of His Majesty Vera. Are you sure you don't need my help? He also wanted to make meritorious deeds.

Of course. No need. A blue-black vertical mark flashed between Shang Yangfei's brows, like a bolt of lightning or a twig.

With His Majesty's clone here, even the Demon Lord cannot escape. As long as I hide it with my human identity, what else do I have to worry about?


The carriage slowly stopped in front of a gray stone building. This building looks like a flat-roofed cathedral, with many gray, long glazed windows installed on the surface. There are also two statues of human-faced snakes placed on both sides of the door.

Lu Sheng and the others slowly got out of the car and walked towards the two men in gray clothes guarding the door.

We are recommenders from Suyue County. Yun Xiufei took out a document from his sleeve and handed it to the guard for review.

Lu Sheng and Wang Yunlong each took out a document and handed it over.

The guard checked, took out a seal-like thing from his waist, and lightly printed on the three documents.

You three, please come in. There will be someone there to receive you.

Yun Xiufei nodded, took the lead into the building, and crossed the gate. Inside was an oval brass pool, gushing light green liquid and exuding a faint fragrance.

Some men and women in black were leaning on the edge of the pool, discussing something in a low voice.

Lu Sheng noticed that the clothes on these men and women were similar to tight-fitting military uniforms, and there were silver and white chains hanging on their shoulders, which seemed to be some kind of mark of identity.

One of the women in black took a step forward and nodded to the three of them.

Recommenders from Suyue County, come with me and arrange your accommodation first. Sorry, recommenders from each county have used the maximum number of places recently, so the accommodation is a little crowded. Please don't mind.

No, we are not here for fun. Passing the test is the first priority. Wang Yunlong replied calmly.

The woman smiled and said nothing more.

The three of them were quickly placed in an ordinary small bungalow at the back on the right side.

Five rows of small bungalows are neatly placed together, forming a perfect square, which is in sharp contrast to the buildings on the side.

The three of them each had a separate room. Lu Sheng placed his luggage and went out to wander around.

The top of his head was still covered with a steady stream of energy-absorbing shield. In order not to attract attention, he also deliberately released traces of energy to float up, so that no one would notice anything unusual.

Go through the building and go to the back. Behind it are three towers with more than ten floors. The three towers are surrounded by an open space in the middle.

Lu Sheng walked around the edge of the open space and roughly recognized some of the test devices placed there.

At this time, someone was already testing in the open space. They were some similarly young teenagers, who seemed to be recommended by other counties.

But unfortunately, several times in a row, few recommenders from other counties met the minimum passing standards.

The man in black in charge of the test had a slightly impatient expression on his face. He crossed his arms and stared at the few country boys who were queuing up for the test.

For people in the county town, although there are excellent people from other counties, they are very few and most of them are crooked and bad. Even if they come to the county town, they cannot keep up with the completely different teaching methods here.

Lu Sheng stood and watched for a while, and then he got some understanding, then returned to the room to rest and practice Qi at the same time.

Because there is no node authority for the essence barrier here, the progress is much slower. But even so, the energy infusion here is between 40% and 60% higher than the average level in Suyue County.

Just by staying here, he could feel a steady stream of energy pouring into his body.

The second recommender is to test speed, strength, and the speed of absorbing essence? Lu Sheng clarified the test items.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room, he was practicing his true skills and thinking.

To attract attention as quickly as possible without being too shocking, he knew he had to demonstrate astonishing qualifications within a reasonable range.

Lu Sheng had read in the book that many people in the speed force had different bloodlines, so people like him were not uncommon, and they only stood out in small places in the county. In fact, in other places, there are many people of special blood who also have powerful talents. Weirdness is just one of them. This level of power is not uncommon in county towns. There are quite a few who have reached the Jing level in terms of pure strength, and many of them have demon blood, or have high bloodline concentration.

According to the records in the book, those who can practice true skills and reach the human realm are people of different bloodlines. As for ordinary people, when they approach the human realm, their bodies cannot improve and they fall into a physiological bottleneck.

The so-called human realm is actually the level.

Ordinary mortals, without bloodline, can only approach the Ju level infinitely, and cannot absorb essence beyond the limit. But only those with bloodline, after reaching the limit, can use essence as fuel to catalyze powerful blood vessels in the body. Thus, they can enter the human realm. .

Lu Sheng recalled this passage in the book and compared it, he understood that this was the absolute gap between the mortals of the Great Yin Dynasty and the bloodline families.

On the surface, we nodes are all promoted from ordinary people, but in fact, we all have the blood of divine weapons in our bodies more or less. Lu Sheng had vaguely figured out the key.

Ordinary people can only become fodder, and only those with blood can become masters. Dayin is more like an enhanced version of Baimai School. In other words, the Baimai School most likely learned the system of the Great Yin Dynasty, but unfortunately they did not learn the most essential technique of spirit barrier.

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The meandering water flows to the moon

Radish Geng 01



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