Extreme Demon

Chapter 320 Doubts 1

The afternoon time came quickly.

A young disciple wearing apricot-yellow clothes came and knocked on the doors of three people, and also knocked on the doors of many people.

When Lu Sheng was packing his things, he realized that there were many recommenders around the house where he lived.

He tidied up a little and left the room.

Relax, just treat it as an ordinary test. Yun Xiufei smiled, but his own fists were clenched.

Wang Yunlong smiled faintly and changed into a blue close-fitting outfit, revealing his strong and well-proportioned muscle lines.

The three of them followed a dozen other people out of the room and came to the rear yard, which was the open space between the towers.

Next batch. Several tables were lined up in the open space. Several disciples in yellow clothes with impatient expressions were sitting behind the tables, tapping the armrests of the chairs unconsciously with their hands.

No wonder they are impatient. The recommenders here are all singled out and come from backward counties that have not produced results for many years.

Counties with good potential were transferred to the other side for testing. There are either losers who have tried many times without success, or ordinary recommenders with horribly low potential.

Several disciples who were selected as examiners all looked impatient, but they had to brace themselves and continue the test.

Together with Yun Xiu, Fei Lusheng and the other three, a total of eighteen people stood in the open space. All of them were asked to change into the gray sect clothes that had been prepared in advance in a room on the first floor of the tower nearby. All their belongings were removed and temporarily kept by a dedicated person.

Lu Sheng ranked ninth, followed by recommenders from other places, and Wang Yunlong, who was also one ahead of him.

Don't be nervous, play hard, you will definitely be able to do it. Yun Xiufei comforted and encouraged behind him.

Chi. A fat young man beside him couldn't help laughing. Okay, buddy, stop bragging, Yun Xiufei, right? I've seen you here many times. If you really had the ability, you would have been assigned to the potential group long ago, and you wouldn't be in our turn.

That's different. We will definitely make it this time. I have confidence in them. Yun Xiufei said seriously.

That's what you said last time. The fat man shook his head and smiled. But speaking of it, you are quite as unyielding and unyielding as that mushroom head from the third group. That guy comes every year, and gets kicked out in the first round every time, but he still persists.

Mushroom head? That Zhao Cheng you are talking about? Yun Xiufei hesitated for a moment and quickly remembered the person he was talking about.

That's right. The fat man nodded, His entire branch was wiped out, and only he and his sister were left to depend on each other. If his sister hadn't been brave enough to rush into the position of the sect's true successor, where would he be now? What qualifications do you have to undergo the sect entrance test year after year? The branch line quota has been canceled a long time ago.

I heard that his sister is the Zhao Ting? The spirit sword Zhao Ting? Yun Xiufei asked.

It's her. A very desperate senior sister, probably for her younger brother and revenge. She reluctantly entered the inner gate, and then tried her best to enter the true inheritance. She almost died several times. Anyway, many people admire her. Although her strength is not as good as the true inheritance. He is at the bottom, but to be able to break into the real world with that kind of qualification is already extraordinary. The fat man muttered casually.

Lu Sheng and Wang Yunlong both heard their chat.

Wang Yunlong's expression remained unchanged, as if he was not interested at all. Lu Sheng was vaguely touched. This Zhao Cheng's life experience sounded more and more like the life experience of the protagonists of various novels on the earth.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be anything special about this Zhao Cheng. The protagonist looks like a loser on the surface, but actually has great potential, but this Zhao Cheng probably doesn't have that kind of luck.

Next, Cheng Ling. The team soon reached the point where there were only four or five people left.

A girl with short hair and a dull face, wearing a white jade pearl earring in one ear, walked into the open space holding a long sword.

Although this girl has short hair, she has a delicate face. Her bangs are slanted down, almost covering her left eye. Her almond eyes are larger than the average person's and are watery, revealing a hint of seriousness and tenacity.

The girl walked onto the stage. Her graceful but slender figure immediately attracted the attention of many members of the opposite sex around her.

Cheng Ling, it's her. She has been participating in the test for four consecutive years. She is really persistent. The fat man behind Yun Xiufei shook his head.

What's wrong with her? Yun Xiufei himself is also a 'veteran' who has participated many times. Although he has seen this girl before, he doesn't understand the whole story.

She's just a little bit behind every time. Unlike you and me, it's really just a little bit behind. At first, everyone thought that she would be able to make up for this small gap quickly after she went back. But they didn't expect that after four years, she's still just a little bit behind. Just a little bit worse. Fatty said speechlessly.

What does she do at home? Wang Yunlong asked unexpectedly.

Her father is the leader of a branch sect. The family is rich and powerful. He also has an older brother, a biological brother. However, he was accidentally disabled and disabled. Now the only hope for the family's heir is her, so she is under a lot of pressure. Fatty. Seems to know everything.

Then her father will die again. Yun Xiufei said speechlessly.

It's good to be born. The fat man curled his lips.

Lu Sheng noticed that Wang Yunlong looked at Cheng Ling a little strangely. It's not the kind of look that looks at a beautiful girl, and there's no emotion like pity or regret. But something else, a kind of sight mixed with plainness, scrutiny, and size-up.

This kind of sight was fleeting, and if his five senses weren't extremely sharp, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Cheng Ling was the first to test her strength.

She held the sword in both hands and slashed hard at a stone covered with light yellow amber colloid.


A slight mark slowly appeared on the surface of the colloid. The mark remained for a few breaths and then returned to its original shape.

Three breaths. The recorder casually said a number.

Then there's speed.

It is required to carry a weight of 300 kilograms and sprint as fast as possible across the distance between the two towers. The whole process should not take more than ten breaths.

Cheng Ling put on the special weight-bearing suit, bit her lip, and moved her legs. Bend over and stand ready to run at any time at the starting line.

Get ready, run! A senior sister from the test stood beside her and shouted loudly.

Cheng Ling got up and ran away, but her speed was really hard to compliment. Just like normal people. This is considered fast in the eyes of mortals, but for recommenders, it is still a bit worse.

No speed. Cheng Ling's face turned a little pale. The last step was the aptitude test. She found out that her aptitude was not very good, and there were not many bonus points, which could not offset the loss of points for speed at all.

So the final result still didn't work.

After the test, she stood there blankly, her eyes blank, not knowing what she was thinking.

Soon it was Wang Yunlong's turn. He walked forward and whispered something as he passed by Cheng Ling. Cheng Ling was suddenly shaken and looked up at him in shock.

After Wang Yunlong said something, he stopped talking nonsense and stepped forward to start the test.

The first one is strength. He came to the amber gel stone and took a long sword made of tough material.

A tester brother walked up to him. It's time to start.

Wang Yunlong smiled, pulled out his sword, and looked at the blade. Then stroke forward casually.


The sword blade suddenly drew a white light.

A clear sword mark instantly appeared on the amber stone, which was as deep as a finger.

The tester brother was stunned for a moment, looked at the stone carefully, and then at Wang Yunlong.

Not bad, not bad. First-class strength! His expression became much softer. First-class is the best result after the third-level jade level. Except for those geniuses, Grade A is the level with the best grades among ordinary recommenders.

Wang Yunlong bowed slightly, smiled, and walked to the speed test venue again. Take the weight-bearing suit, put it on carefully, and then prepare according to the standard posture.

His first-class strength results have attracted the attention of many people. This speed test also attracted the attention of others.

I just said he can do it. Yun Xiufei said with a little pride, as if he had passed the test.

Let's see how fast we go. The fat man shook his head. It's a pity that I haven't reached the Jade level, otherwise I can ignore other achievements and be directly allowed to join the sect.

Lu Sheng did not speak, but glanced at Cheng Ling. The girl's eyes were straight, staring at Wang Yunlong, as if with a trace of expectation and hope.


With an order, Wang Yunlong rushed towards the other tower like a runaway horse. His speed exceeded the tester's expectations almost immediately. In just five breaths, he reached the foot of another tower. And he looked relaxed and at ease.

Class A! the tester shouted loudly. Speed ​​Class A!! He was also a little excited. After testing the waste material for so long, he finally met an elite who was somewhat hopeful.

It's like looking at a lot of ugly women, and suddenly a 70-80% beautiful woman pops up. It's a shocking feeling.

Unfortunately, the final third qualification test is only Grade B, otherwise all Grade A would be equivalent to the lowest level of Jade Grade. The jade-level genius can directly enter the inner gate.

After Wang Yunlong came down and passed by Cheng Ling, he whispered something. Cheng Ling was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

Next it was Lu Sheng's turn.

When Lu Sheng stepped forward, he glanced at Wang Yunlong. He always felt that something was wrong with this guy, and that he felt familiar to him inexplicably. But he obviously didn't recognize that face, and it was the first time he saw that special aura.

Standing in front of the amber stone, Lu Sheng was too lazy to think about anything. His purpose for this trip was to make a splash, show off his unique qualifications, gain the attention of higher-ups, and obtain enough resources. In order to quickly reach a high point on the road of infuriating energy.

Strength test, begin. The tester said loudly.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment and took the test sword.

The power he had shown before was just above the level. This was already the limit of what his qualifications could show. Any higher would be abnormal. As for speed, just use Jing level, one line or so is enough.

What? Are you having trouble? Seeing that he didn't move, the tester asked confusedly.

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