Extreme Demon

Chapter 318 Undercurrent 1

The apricot-yellow windmill continued to rotate, and the wind blew in from the dark room entrance on the side, causing a windmill inserted in the pen holder to rotate slowly.

This is an empty study room, with no lights and only curtains that are constantly blown up.

There was a pen holder, an inkstone, and white paper on the desk. There was a line of small words written on the lower right corner of the paper.

‘Pain is despair, hope and the final salvation. ’




From the open entrance to the room, there were constant sounds of crisp and subtle footsteps, like the knocking sound of hard leather boots on the wooden floor.

Where is this?

Fei Tianci murmured in a low voice. He couldn't restrain himself and looked up at the door of the dark room.



The footsteps are still getting closer step by step.

Fei Tianci turned his head and looked out the window. The window was dark, there was nothing, and he couldn't see anything.


Suddenly the footsteps stopped, and it seemed that the man was standing at the door of the room, standing quietly at an angle that he couldn't see.

The door creaked open.

Fei Tianci opened his eyes suddenly and stared at the white gauze mosquito net hanging above the bed. He was breathing heavily, his chest was rising and falling, and his forehead and temples were covered with sweat.

It's a dream again. He was exhausted, half propped up his body and looked around. There was a light yellow oil lamp in the room, and the desk, chair, bookshelf, corner cabinet, and large vase all quietly reflected the faint yellow light.

Fei Tianci breathed heavily, and after a long pause, he felt very thirsty, so he straightened up and prepared to get out of bed to drink some water.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. A very rhythmic percussion sound.

Fei Tianci frowned. It's so late, it's already midnight, why is there still someone knocking on the door? At this time, except for urgent matters, the servants at home would not take the initiative to knock on the door to wake him up.

Who is it? He got off the bed and walked towards the door. Young year? What else can you do at this late hour?

He walked to the door, reached out and held the door latch and was about to lift it when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

If it were his personal maid Xiaonian, she would never come so late to disturb his rest. Xiaonian is a person who knows how to measure things. No matter what he does, he can give people the right level.

This is also the reason why she can become the maid of the Fei family.

But if it is someone else, according to the rules, they must notify Xiaonian before they can come to find him. Otherwise, this would not be in line with the Fei family's family rules.

Fei Tianci's head, which was a little groggy from sleep, suddenly thought of this, his heart tightened, and the movements of his hands stopped.

Xiao Nian, if you have anything to do, just say it. If nothing happens, we'll solve it tomorrow. He was a little wary after all.

There was no sound outside the door.

Fei Tianci frowned and hesitated. Thinking of the recent trouble at home, he took two steps back.

Xiao Nian? He called again.

Boom, boom, boom.

The knock on the door sounded again.

Fei Tianci's heart was slightly raised. He hesitated again and slowly walked to the door.

Xiao Nian? If you are really Xiao Nian, do you still remember the password we agreed on before? He asked in a low voice.


There was no sound outside the door.

Fei Tianci listened carefully. Suddenly, he seemed to hear something. His originally tense facial expression relaxed and his face gradually softened.

Oh, it scared me to death. You should have told me earlier. Okay, okay, I'll go right away.

He quickly raised the latch and opened the door with a click. There was nothing outside the door, it was empty and dark.

Fei Tianci, however, had a smile on his face. He looked around to make sure there was no one there, then slowly walked out of the room and disappeared into the dark and gloomy courtyard in the blink of an eye.


Sand and dust were constantly being kicked up by the horses' hooves. On the official road to Qiuyue County, a green carriage pulled by three horses side by side was driving on the road neither fast nor slow.

Lu Sheng, Wang Yunlong, and the great elder's grandson Yun Xiufei were sitting in the carriage.

Yun Xiufei looked calm and was carefully wiping the white sword in his hand.

Lu Sheng flipped through the book in his hand and was reading the modern history of Dayin carefully.

Wang Yunlong sat by the window, pouring himself a glass of wine.

The three of them each have their own things to do, and no one interferes with the other.

Lu Sheng read the book for a while, then glanced at Yun Xiufei beside him. This guy finally took good care of his long sword. The handsome boy hugged the sword as if he were his own son. After giving it a firm kiss, Then he slowly put it down.

We're arriving soon. The people in Qianyang Sect are different from us in Suyue. Everyone, keep a low profile. If we can pass the screening test this time, the three of us will be completely prosperous.

Wang Yunlong smiled, with a trace of disdain flashing deep in his eyes.

Senior Brother Yun is right, but with so many lower-level sects recommending places, there are only three of us, so we may not be able to succeed, right?

Whether you can succeed or not depends on the person. Yun Xiufei said with a smile, Junior brother, you have a body that connects the meridians, and this junior brother Lu is born with divine power. In addition, he has broken through the basic skills in such a short time, and his talent is even higher than in previous years. Among the recommended places, it should be good.

Speaking of which, there has been news recently that someone from the Fei family has disappeared in Qiuyue County. I don’t know if it is true or not. If it happens very close, we will probably be assigned this as an assessment task. Be mentally prepared.

Fei family? Lu Sheng asked confusedly as the two of them were not as well informed.

It is responsible for the liaison between lower-level sects and upper-level sects and entertaining families. This Fei family is not a small family. The children of the family are all over the nearby sects. There are children in the upper-level sects and many lower-level sects. True disciples are also members of their family. Wang Yunlong said calmly. I heard that there have been strange incidents of missing people recently, and they are all targeting ordinary tribesmen who have no cultivation.

We happen to be the ones being received, and the Fei family's affairs are likely to be used as assessment tests to set questions for us. This has been the case in previous years. Use the latest cases nearby to assess us. Yun Xiufei said with a smile.

Do you have any clues? Wang Yunlong looked at him and Lu Sheng.

No, I heard that many people have disappeared. Later, even the few experts they invited disappeared without a trace. This matter is a bit tricky. Yun Xiufei said lightly, but there was some confusion in his expression. I heard my grandpa mention this. Let's not get ahead of him. If a disciple of Wan Qian's sect comes out this year and a super strong guy comes out, let him block the front first.

Lu Sheng and Wang Yunlong both nodded to express their understanding.

The carriage kept going and soon left the wilderness. There were gradually people on both sides. There were also many side roads on the official road. Some carriages and oxen carts were overtaken from time to time. When the donkeys carrying goods saw the carriage, they all took the initiative. Give Way.

After less than a cup of tea, the huge city wall of Qiuyue County could already be seen from a distance.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at the huge city from a distance. Just looking at the city wall, it was obviously more than twice as thick as the city wall of the Song Dynasty.

From time to time, a subtle pale golden halo can be seen flashing above the heads of the patrolling guards on the wall. It was a huge energy shield spread throughout the county.

Lu Sheng's heart trembled slightly.

'Sure enough, even ordinary people are not spared, and they absorb the essence to feed the top masters.' He could feel that countless essences in a steady stream turned into threads and gathered somewhere deep in the county.

This world...is really real. Lu Sheng's eyes turned cold as he sat in the carriage and slowly drove into the unsuspecting city gate.

The three people, together with the carriage, immediately and naturally blended into it as soon as they came into contact with the pale golden shield. A trace of extremely fine essence emanated from the other three people, and like the others, slowly drifted towards the depths of the county. go.

Lu Sheng also sat by the car window and looked out.

Crowded people on the street are constantly passing through the sidewalks on both sides. In the middle is a spacious carriageway with carriages, ox carts, donkey carts, and even masters riding lions, leopards and other beasts walking leisurely on the street.

Lu Sheng observed the people passing by one by one. In the huge flow of people, according to his sensing power, he could carefully detect everyone within a radius of tens of meters without being detected by the shield.

There are indeed many people who possess true energy. One in ten possesses true energy. However, there are very few people who have reached the Jing-level level. You can only meet one occasionally.

His purpose is to come here to find a stronger way to break through the bottleneck. And find a place for his family and Yuan Mo Sect to live.

But now it seems that the overall atmosphere here in Dayin makes him feel a little depressed. Perfectly blending into it, this is not necessarily a good thing for Yuan Mo Sect and the Lu family.


During the Song Dynasty, there was a plain called Sand Waterfall.


On the golden sand dunes, a tall black figure stepped heavily on the sand, looking up into the distance.

The figure looks extremely weird. He is covered in a wide black robe. He is lean on the mountain and has a bloated lower body. Even with the scorching sun above his head, he didn't feel human at all, covering his whole body tightly.

What's weird is that behind him, on the sand he walked on, there were no human footprints at all, but the residual traces of countless snake-like tentacles stirring.

Click click click click

The man walked forward along the sand dunes step by step, with a faint gray glimmer in his eyes under his black robe.

Kaffy? What are you doing here?

Suddenly, the yellow sand beneath the man's feet flowed, and a huge human face, dozens of meters wide, slowly emerged and stood out beneath his feet.

The man's position is exactly on the chin of the human face.

Your Majesty, the seal of the Demonic Abyss has been destroyed. I am homeless and can only come to seek refuge with you. The ancient demon Kafei opened his black robe, revealing his bare scalp covered with scars.

His eyes were filled with gray light, and he looked respectfully and with a hint of fear at the huge human face below.

The seal of the Demonic Abyss was destroyed? The huge human face was stunned, and then frowned. That seal has been in place for five thousand years. We have made an agreement with the human race and no one will touch it. What happened? How was it destroyed? Do you know where it is connected to? It's not just demons. The seal of the abyss!

Kafei showed a helpless and depressed expression.

I'm very sorry, Your Majesty. The person who broke the seal was a human who looked like a demon. I think he was a human who had practiced the secrets of demons and incorporated the demon blade into his body.

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