Extreme Demon

Chapter 317 Smooth 2

Seven or eight days passed in the blink of an eye. After the incident with the Lin family in Suyue County, Lu Sheng's single-handed defeat of the fourth elder of the Moon Shadow Sect did not spread, but his reputation for defeating the Lin family spread.

And he finally understood what the so-called node meant.


Lu Sheng held the knife in one hand, turned around and slashed in a series, and the blade turned into a round moon, constantly shining with clear light in mid-air.

Compared with before moving to this yard, the strength and speed he deliberately showed have improved by at least 10%.

The white full moon kept flashing and disappearing, one after another, and finally dissipated suddenly, the blade returned to its sheath, Lu Sheng stood on the spot, his body slightly arched, and the exercise was completely ended.

Node. It turns out that this is the true class expression of Da Yin. Lu Sheng raised his head and looked up at a golden thread hanging above his head.

Most people can't see this golden thread at all. Only a monster like him, whose eyes can see void energy, can clearly see the problem.

The so-called node turns out to be the node where the essence condenses in the entire Chunyang Sect's essence formation.

These are the places in the formation where the essence converges and crosses with the highest concentration. Lu Sheng sighed in his heart, This is equivalent to using the energy of the entire Chunyang Sect disciples to support the disciples who are at the node in the sect.

The gap between the top management who controls such nodes and the lower levels is almost as big as a chasm.

Even though he was no longer practicing his sword skills at this time, he still felt a steady stream of energy pouring down from his head.

This is what Fei Kongzi calls the spiritual formation.

What also made Lu Sheng very concerned was that the essence transmitted by this golden thread was extremely pure. It was purer than the essence he had absorbed through visualization before. It could be absorbed directly without filtering.


Suddenly, a ball of white light exploded in the sky over a side yard, which seemed to be some kind of fireworks.

Lu Sheng, who was thinking about something, saw this and quickly pushed the door open and looked at the yard next to the side.

The courtyard door on the left slowly opened, and many leaders from the school had arrived, as well as stewards.

Everyone was whispering and blocking the door, waiting for the owner of the courtyard to come out.

Soon, the owner slowly walked out, a young and gloomy man. Looking at his face, it turned out to be Wang Yunlong who had been with Lu Sheng before?

Lu Sheng vaguely heard people around him saying that he had achieved a breakthrough. At this stage, they were all practicing Sifang Yuan Gong. Since it was said that he had achieved a breakthrough, it meant that Wang Yunlong had achieved such a breakthrough.

The body that connects meridians? Interesting. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. After a few glances, he returned to the yard.

Deep Blue. He called the modifier in a low voice.

His qualifications should not be as good as Wang Yunlong's meridians, but who allowed him to have modifiers.

Lu Sheng followed the borders on the modifier and rummaged down one by one, and soon found the box for Sifang Yuan Gong. This technique has three levels in total and is specially used to refine the essence, integrate it into oneself, and improve oneself. Used by life force.

Here in Da Yin, life force is the standard for measuring physical fitness, recovery, physical strength, spirit, strength and so on.

Life force and true energy refer to the physical body and inner energy respectively.

In terms of pure Qi cultivation, I can almost advance to the level of Sifang Yuanyuan Gong, but it only advances to the second level, and I can't compare with Wang Yunlong, who has Tongmai, to reach the third level. Lu Sheng did some calculations, Use It’s time to improve your Bao Ping Qi.”

He concentrated on the modification button and pressed it lightly.


The modifier vibrated and blurred for a moment, then became clear again.

Sifang Lian Yuan Gong has been promoted to the third level. Lu Sheng concentrated on the button behind the box and clicked lightly.

Practicing Yuan Gong in Sifang is the standard basic skill of Chunyang Sect. After perfecting this skill, he can truly get in touch with the core system here.

The box blurred again. Lu Sheng closed his eyes and felt the energy coming from the golden thread above his head becoming more surging. A large amount of energy poured into his body continuously, forming an invisible vortex in his lower abdomen.

The vortex rotated faster and faster, and became more and more urgent. Finally, with a pop, a group of gray-white air flow faintly condensed in the center.

Lu Sheng felt that his physical body was obviously nourished and strengthened. This enhancement seems to be more at the cellular level.

It is very slow and gentle. It does not directly strengthen the physical structure like demonic energy and gas liquid, but is similar to demonic energy, which directly starts the transformation from the essential level of life.

Unexpectedly. Lu Sheng was a little surprised. His current physical strength was already at the standard level of a demon lord. This was already evident from the volley he made with the giant white-bone hand. Light is stronger than the physical body, and he is no worse than the Demon Lord. What he lacks is spiritual will and the gap between him and other energy levels.

Originally, he only planned to explore the Great Yin system, and then left.

But the Sifang Lian Yuan Gong that he practices casually now can actually have an effect on his current physical body. This made Lu Sheng couldn't help but be shocked.

His physical body has been strengthened to an extremely terrifying level. If the Eight-Headed Demonic Path hadn't lacked pure demonic energy, he would have even been able to become stronger.

But a physical body of this level can actually be strengthened by an ordinary foundation-building technique that is not above the level of Jing.

Although the amplitude is very weak, it has an effect after all.

This means that Sifang's practice of Yuan Gong is a completely different system. Lu Sheng was a little surprised.

He carefully controlled the energy in his body.

The qi liquid and the demonic essence slowly separated, and now there was an extra stream of true qi in the body. The demonic essence was condensed by Lu Sheng into the center of the chest, while the qi liquid was condensed inside the heart.

In this way, his physical body is completely freed up and can be completely controlled by his true energy.

The physical body that has been strengthened to the extreme by the Eight Demonic Paths is like a kettle that has been emptied of water and refilled with true energy.

This is the horror of the cathode state. After extreme restraint, even at the level of the Demon King or the Master of Arms, they may not be able to tell the true story of Lu Sheng.

Essence continuously pours in from the top of Lu Sheng's head, and is then transformed into true energy by the body at the demon lord level. It continues to nourish the body and circulates in the blood vessels according to the route of practicing Yuan Gong from all directions.

Chi! !

Sifang Lian Yuan Gong made a complete breakthrough, reaching the third level, and then completed a large cycle in the body.

In an instant, a large amount of white gas evaporated from Lu Sheng's head. The white gas quickly combined with the essence in the air and turned into a white smoke column rising into the sky.

Bang! !

Pillars of smoke exploded like fireworks.

Here. There's a breakthrough here too!!?

There was silence outside the courtyard for a moment, and then there were bursts of exclamations in an instant. A large number of piercing sounds kept coming toward the courtyard where Lu Sheng was.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the courtyard gate and looked towards the side courtyard from a distance. I happened to see Wang Yunlong walking out of the courtyard gate with a stunned look on his face.

The two looked at each other, neither of them intending to communicate with the other.

Wang Yunlong took the initiative to look away, but a trace of doubt and deep thought flashed in his eyes.

Lu Sheng's lips curled up slightly and he smiled, then turned to look at the stewards and instructors who were already flying towards him.

The news of the emergence of two geniuses in the Chunyang Sect quickly spread throughout Suyue County overnight.

The two of them were able to complete the basic Four Directions Yuan Gong practice in just one month, which was rare in the entire Chunyang Sect in ten years.

What's even more gratifying is that two of them appeared at once.

Although one of them is qualified to open the meridians, it should be normal to have such a situation. But even with a Tongmai physique, it’s amazing to be able to reach this point so quickly.

After discussion in the Elder Hall above, it was decided to send a true disciple to each of Wang Yunlong and Lu Sheng for one-on-one tutoring.

True disciples are the core members of the Chunyang Sect. They are the future palace masters, future general stewards, and even future elders.

These people also have completely different qualifications from ordinary people. Enjoying the nourishment of nodes all day long, his strength has reached an indescribable level.

Lu Sheng was tutored by Liu Zhicheng, a fat man who was blind in one eye.

Considering that Lu Sheng even unexpectedly injured the fourth elder of the Moon Shadow Sect before. This strange power can already threaten the masters at the Jing level without the use of infuriating energy.

Therefore, the higher-ups attached great importance to Lu Sheng and believed that he had a bloodline with extremely high strength. Only then did Liu Zhicheng, a senior official, be sent for individual tutoring.

Lu Sheng controlled his physical strength to a simple level and stopped improving it. But even so, the terrifying power of his body also amazed Liu Zhicheng.

During the guidance process, he designed many tactics for Lu Sheng to target various types of opponents based on Lu Sheng's strange power.

Later, he taught Lu Sheng the real Chunyang Concentration Technique, which was the main skill of Chunyang Sect.

Time passed quickly, and Lu Sheng settled down and practiced diligently. As he expected, the Qi condensed by the new technique became stronger, and the effect on his physical body became more obvious.

He vaguely saw a way to make his physical body stronger without using more demonic energy. Therefore, he practiced hard even more seriously.

If he had a playful attitude at the beginning, now he truly practices Qi as his own major skill.

He is trying to integrate the three energies of inner energy, true energy, and demonic energy into one.

Lu Sheng had a vague feeling that something like true qi might be the key factor in the fusion of inner qi and demonic qi.

More than three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Chunyang Concentration Technique was also practiced by Lu Sheng to the third level in one breath. It was considered a minor stage. This skill only had six levels in total.

Just when he thought it was possible for him to continue practicing hard like this, waiting for the arrival of the Yuan Mo Sect and other large forces. Liu Zhicheng brought a piece of news from the Elder Hall.

Lu Sheng, the Great Elder wants to see you. When Liu Zhicheng talked about the Great Elder, his face clearly showed reverence and awe.

Lu Sheng was sitting cross-legged in the yard to absorb the essence. When he heard these words, he immediately opened his eyes.



Now? Lu Sheng was silent for a moment and slowly stopped. During this period of time, he studied the true qi skills, and also sorted out and studied the secret magic skills and inner qi skills he had mastered before. The whole person was in a mysterious and mysterious state, with countless inspirations and countless thoughts, like silk threads, the three systems were stitched together. The needle sews slowly.

I understand. Lu Sheng stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the courtyard. Fei Kongzi was waiting outside.

Long time no see. When Feikongzi saw Lu Sheng, his pupils shrank obviously, as if he was shocked.

Skin is like jade. You have actually reached this level! His tone contained complex emotions such as envy, bitterness, disbelief, etc.

It's better than you, senior brother. Lu Sheng said calmly.

I have been practicing hard for eighteen years, and you have caught up with most of them in just a few months, but I am far inferior to you. Feikongzi said in a harsh voice. Let's go. You have to be prepared for this trip. You may have to go to the county.

Is it Qiuyue County? Lu Sheng knew that Suyue County belonged to Qiuyue County, and the County City was the most prosperous main city in the county. Going to Qiuyue County must be for something extremely important.

Yes, you are participating in the Shangzong selection. There are three of you in total. This place is still too small for you after all. Let's go see the great elder first. Feikongzi shook his head and said with a complicated expression.

Lu Sheng nodded. There was a glimmer in his eyes, and this was exactly his original purpose. The scale of Chunyang Sect is obviously not enough to allow a peerless genius like him to let go and grow as quickly as possible.

So it is natural for the above to make this decision.

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